genius evil

Chapter 1025 Make a goal of living

Chapter 1025 Make a goal of living

"Miss Xueyou, I heard Xiyan beauty say that you don't want to live anymore?"

Nearly three hours later, Jiang Chen strode into the tent, glanced at Zhang Xueyou, and asked casually.

"I've lived this life only for revenge. Now that I've got my revenge, I don't know what's the point of living." Zhang Xueyou said softly, trying to open his eyes and looking at Jiang Chen.

"Meaning?" Jiang Chen smiled, and said slowly, "Such as getting married, such as having a child, is it considered a woman's proper meaning in her life?"

"I... never thought about getting married and having children." Zhang Xueyou sighed with a wry smile.

Perhaps, for the vast majority of women in this world, getting married and having children is what they should mean in their whole life, but Zhang Xueyou has never had such an awareness.

Her life has been deformed and distorted, and all the meaning in her life is gray and bloody.

Zhang Xueyou never thinks that she can live a normal life, even for a day, it is a luxury.

Furthermore, for a woman like her, which man would be willing to marry her and have children with her?

"Miss Xueyou, could it be that you feel that the scars on your face are unsightly, and you feel inferior because of this, it's okay, I can help you cure it." Jiang Chen said after seeing this.

"No..." Zhang Xueyou shook her head.

A long time ago, she once felt sad for her appearance.

But now, Zhang Xueyou doesn't care anymore.

The reason why she wrapped her face tightly was not because she was worried about being judged, it was more of a habit.

For many years, she has always shown people with this face, but now, she is also used to appearing in front of others with this appearance.

Seeing Zhang Xueyou's state, Jiang Chen suddenly felt helpless.

A woman is in her prime, but she has no longing for love, she can categorically abandon her family, and she doesn't care about her own appearance.

Then, even if it is barely kept alive, it is probably no different from a walking dead.

"Wuxinlou? You really chose a good name. Is this the so-called extinction of humanity?" Jiang Chen mocked in his heart.

However, Zhang Xueyou was not on the stage at the beginning and was killed by people from the Sky Star Sect, so even if Zhang Xueyou had the will to die and gave up on herself, Jiang Chen would never allow Zhang Xueyou to die.

Even if he was alive, Zhang Xueyou could only live like a walking dead.

"Miss Xueyou, you said just now that the vengeance will be avenged, but the members of the Sky Star Sect have not been killed, so how can this be called the vengeance has been avenged." Changing the subject, Jiang Chen changed the topic, Transferred to Tianxingzong.

In Zhang Xueyou's state, no amount of persuasion would be futile and useless. What Jiang Chen has to do is to set a goal for Zhang Xueyou to survive.

Let Zhang Xueyou fight towards that goal, only in this way can Zhang Xueyou have the faith to survive.

Jiang Chen didn't quite know whether Zhang Xueyou or Wuxinlou had other enemies, so he could only use the Tianxing sect to take the knife.

"But Jiang Chen, didn't you say that since then, the grievances between Wuxinlou and Tianxingzong have been settled, and the well water will not violate the river water?" Zhang Xueyou asked puzzled.

"I'm just talking casually, but you also believe it?" Jiang Chen snorted.

"But..." Zhang Xueyou hesitated.

"It's nothing." Jiang Chen waved his hand, interrupted Zhang Xueyou's words, and said, "Could it be that, Miss Xueyou, you want to talk about the so-called morals of the Jianghu with the Tianxingzong? When the Xingzong killed the people in Wuxinlou that day, did you talk about the Jianghu? Morality?"

Jiang Chen's words instantly hurt Zhang Xueyou's heart.

In the depths of Zhang Xueyou's pupils, a touch of blood red suddenly appeared. Scenes from the past flashed before her eyes. The voices and smiles of the brothers and sisters, and the iron-blood oath of the master made her shudder.

"The reason why I said that is because I don't want you to die for no reason. When you are not strong enough, provoking a powerful enemy is no different from seeking death. If you really want revenge, you have to live, or keep letting yourself Become stronger, and one day, when you rely on your own strength to trample the Heavenly Star School under your feet and drive the Heavenly Star School to extinction, that will be called revenge." Jiang Chen said immediately.

Zhang Xueyou was stunned, he didn't know if he was moved by Jiang Chen, or if he was caught in the thoughts of the past and couldn't extricate himself.

Speaking of which, Jiang Chen did not say any more.

What should be said, he has already said, and he has said it very clearly and straightforwardly.

If at this point, Zhang Xueyou still can't figure it out, then there is nothing he can do.

Leaving Zhang Xueyou alone, Jiang Chen quickly walked out of the tent.

"Jiang Chen, have you thought about a question, if one day, the members of the Tianxing Sect become extinct, where will Miss Xueyou go?" A voice came into Jiang Chen's ears.

"Be careful, it's you. I haven't seen you for three hours. Are you okay?" Jiang Chen walked over and said with a smile.

"Jiang Chen, you didn't answer my question." Wen Qingxin reminded.

"Be careful, we have three hours, we can talk in detail slowly, don't worry." Jiang Chen smiled playfully, and reached out to hug Wen Qingxin.

Wen Qingxin moved her feet to avoid Jiang Chen's salty hands. How could she not understand what Jiang Chen meant by the three hours.

She is not as shy as ordinary women, but she smiles lightly, gentle and elegant, with an air of independence from the world.

"Be careful, why are you so stingy? Look at Sleeping Beauty, she is very generous. On this issue, you have to learn a lot from Sleeping Beauty." Jiang Chen complained.

"Miss Xueyou seeks death with all her heart. It's never a good idea for you to divert her attention to the Heavenly Star Sect. However, this approach is, after all, just treating the symptoms, not the root cause." Wen Qingxin didn't seem to hear Jiang Chen's words. Generally speaking, he said to himself.

"If you can live, you will have hope. Take a step and see." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

Maybe, after this period of time, Zhang Xueyou doesn't want to die anymore?

Maybe, in the process of Zhang Xueyou's revenge against Tianxingzong, Zhang Xueyou fell in love with a certain handsome guy at first sight, and planned to marry that handsome guy and have children?

"I can see that Miss Xueyou has a strong obsession deep in her heart." Wen Qing shook her head, but she did not agree with Jiang Chen's statement.

She said: "Up to two years, Miss Xueyou, can completely avenge Wuxinlou. In two years, it is almost impossible to make her change in other ways."

"If you can live for two years, count it as two years." Jiang Chen didn't take it seriously, and stretched out his hand to Wen Qingxin, "Be careful, this topic is too boring, let's talk about something interesting."

Wen Qing's heart moved again, she avoided Jiang Chen and walked away slowly.

"Be careful, you are not kind." Jiang Chen yelled.

"Jiang Chen, the one who is not kind is you." Just as Jiang Chen finished speaking, a scream rang in Jiang Chen's ear, it was a golden bell.

Jin Ling's eyes were like copper bells, she stared at Jiang Chen firmly, she was quite out of breath.

Being unable to move for a full three hours was more uncomfortable than killing her for the always active Jinling.

If it wasn't for knowing that he couldn't beat Jiang Chen, Jin Ling would have pounced on him a long time ago and beat Jiang Chen to pieces, looking for teeth all over the place.

"Little sister Jinling, this medicine can be taken indiscriminately, and the words must not be nonsense. I, Jiang Chen, are famously kind. How can you say that I am not kind...So, in order to prevent you from talking nonsense, I will I made a decision." Jiang Chen said lazily.

Jin Ling looked at Jiang Chen vigilantly, and asked, "What decision?"

Jiang Chen stretched out his big hand, and tapped on Jinling's body, and Jinling became exactly the same as before, turning into a wooden sculpture.

"This decision is for you to learn how to shut up." Jiang Chen said with a smile, and under Jin Ling's almost murderous gaze, he followed the direction where Wen Qingxin left, and swaggered away.

"Well, someone is here?" However, before Jiang Chen had time to catch up with Wen Qingxin, he saw someone from afar, setting foot on this small island.

It was a man wearing a Taoist robe, presumably a disciple of the Heavenly Master Taoism.

The person came at an extremely fast speed, and appeared in front of Jiang Chen in the blink of an eye.

"Jiang Shao." The Taoist robed man greeted Jiang Chen with a reserved expression.

"Is there something wrong?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Here are five invitations. The specific content is detailed on the invitation. Please take a look at it." The man in Taoist robe said, handed the five invitations to Jiang Chen, turned and left without further words.

Jiang Chen casually opened one of the invitations, which happened to be for him. The contents of the invitation were simple and clear at a glance.

Jiang Chen opened the other four invitations one by one. These four invitations were for Wen Qing's Sleeping Beauty, Huang Chan, and Elder Miaoyu.

"Five invitations, what's the situation?" Jiang Chen was thoughtful.

Almost at the same time, on many islands, there were also other ancient martial arts practitioners who received invitations, the contents of which were exactly the same as those sent to Jiang Chen.

The five super sects sent disciples to the various islands to distribute invitations.

However, like Jiang Chen, everyone who received the invitation was confused, because the invitation only marked the time and place, but did not explain what was going on.

The next morning, around noon, Jiang Chen led the three daughters Wen Qingxin and Elder Miaoyu to appear at the designated place according to the time on the invitation.

This is Penglai Xiandao, one of the small islands among the many islands. It is slightly different from other islands in that this island has a shallow bay and a cruise ship docked in the port.

One after another, other people arrived, and everyone moved extremely fast, inadvertently, showing extraordinary strength.

"Little brother, hello." Luo Song walked towards Jiang Chen and greeted him.

"Brother Luo looks very energetic...Oh, by the way, I heard you say you got rich yesterday, this is your fault, how can you not bring me with you when it comes to getting rich. "Jiang Chen pretended to be dissatisfied and said.

Luo Song smiled and said, "Little brother, I just want to drink some soup. You are the one who is really rich. Are you interested in buying this little Peiyuan pill in my hand? It doesn't need a hundred million, it doesn't matter." 8000 million, you just need to give me 90 million."

Having been tricked by Jiang Chen several times in a row, Luo Song had long wanted to trick Jiang Chen once, but he didn't believe it, he couldn't trick Jiang Chen.

"Xiao Pei Yuan Pill is so valuable? But why did Brother Xuan Ye sell it to me for 300 million?" Jiang Chen asked curiously.

"300 million?" The corners of Luo Song's mouth twitched wildly.

Is there any mistake, 300 million will be sold, how bad is Xuan Ye, if he knew this, he should have bought Xiao Pei Yuan Pill from Xuan Ye for 300 million, and then sold it to Jiang Chen.

"It's not 300 million. 300 million is just Brother Xuanye's quotation. In fact, I just bought it for a mere 30 yuan...Of course, Brother Luo and I have a close relationship. 30 yuan is really too much." Less, 50 yuan, do you want to sell it or not?" Jiang Chen asked.

Luo Song immediately ran fast, and wanted to buy the Xiaopeiyuan Pill in his hand for 50 yuan. What's the difference between this bright grab?
No, if he doesn't run away, Jiang Chen should snatch it from him!
"Jiang Chen, my master, when did you sell Xiao Pei Yuan Pill to you, how could you lie to me?" Luo Song had just run away when a very angry voice rang in Jiang Chen's ear.

(End of this chapter)

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