genius evil

Chapter 1043

Chapter 1043
Pan Zijing had a sudden change.

All the people, who had never heard of it or seen it, were completely stunned and speechless.

"Hey, what do you mean by that? You think you're an Ultraman. You don't have a transformation. This is very unfair to my elder brother. Hurry up and change back for me." Huang Chan shouted, for Jiang The dust fights against the injustice.

"Besides, it's fine for you to transform, but it's unbearable to become so ugly." Immediately afterwards, Huang Chan shouted in disdain again.

Pan Zijing was full of flesh and blood, and looked at least ten years younger. If it wasn't because of his aura, which was too gloomy, he would be a god in the eyes of ordinary people.

Naturally, such a change was not as unbearable as what Huang Chan said.

Huang Chan was just using the topic to play, and wanted to hit Pan Zijing a little bit.

Pan Zijing was unmoved, his aura locked on Jiang Chen, only Jiang Chen was in his eyes, and he ignored anyone else.

"I'm talking to you, how dare you ignore me?" Huang Chan was furious, pointed at Pan Zijing with her slender fingers, and said, "People are not ghosts or ghosts, who are you trying to scare in broad daylight?"

"Noisy." Pan Zijing couldn't bear it after all, and said angrily.

"Brother Qing, this guy is killing me, hurry up and beat him to death." Huang Chan said aggrievedly.

Jiang Chen smiled slightly, and said to Pan Zijing, "Lao Pan, I'm curious about the material of this suit on you."

Pan Zijing changed from 1.6 meters to [-] meters, his muscles swelled, but his clothes didn't burst at all, and they wrapped tightly around his body.

When Jiang Chen asked casually, many people's eyes dropped.

At this time, Jiang Chen was concerned about such an insignificant issue, and he was just looking for something to talk about, which made them feel incredible.

Although, they are actually very curious about this point.

After all, Pan Zijing had changed too much, and he was a different person from before. It was obvious that the material of his clothes was quite special to withstand such changes.

"When you die, I'll give it to you as a shroud." Pan Zijing couldn't answer Jiang Chen's question, it was too boring.

"No need, just use it as your own shroud." Jiang Chen smiled, looked Pan Zijing up and down, and told Pan Zijing that this suit was very suitable for him.

If a gentleman does not steal beauty from others, he will not ask Pan Zijing for it.

Pan Zijing's nose was about to crooked with anger, he stepped forward with one step, and the distance between him and Jiang Chen was several meters, and with one step he drew closer, clenched his fist, and smashed it down.

A vortex was created in the air, more than ten times larger than the vortex that Pan Zijing punched for the first time.

The vortex rotated crazily, obscuring sight, flying sand and rocks, many people were unable to open their eyes stimulated by the strong wind, and tears flowed horizontally.

"Ten times the strength?" Jiang Chen smiled lightly.

In some people's eyes, Pan Zijing's changes were exaggerated and unimaginable.

To him, it was very unusual.

It's just the most basic flesh-and-blood derivation technique.

Of course, Pan Zijing was able to do this, which could barely be called impressive.

Jiang Chen stood still and let the weird vortex engulf him. He saw Jiang Chen move his hands and embrace them in circles. The air vortex was like a disc, and was embraced by Jiang Chen. middle.

"Tai Chi?"

Someone exclaimed, the eyeballs are all round.

"No, it's not Tai Chi." Yan Feiyang murmured.

Jiang Chen's technique seems to be similar to Tai Chi, but it is definitely not Tai Chi.


Jiang Chen regarded the terrifying vortex as a disk, threw it towards Pan Zijing, and exploded on Pan Zijing's body like a small bomb.

The clothes on Pan Zijing's body were finally broken, revealing skin like old tree bark.

"Old Pan, your transformation is far from enough." Jiang Chen smiled, straddled out, kicked Pan Zijing, and sent Pan Zijing flying.

Every part of the body changes from flesh and blood to maturity.

Great powers in the cultivation world, some of them often live for thousands or tens of thousands of years, but they maintain a strong body in middle age, which is the reason.

Pan Zijing was too clumsy, like cutting corners, very lame.

Pan Zijing was kicked by Jiang Chen, and he vomited blood. His robust body was a little shriveled.

"How did you do it?" Pan Zijing couldn't believe it.

The air is formless and formless, and he punched a vortex visible to the naked eye, which is already extraordinary, but Jiang Chen used it for his own use. Such a method can be called a supernatural power.

"This question is a bit complicated. I will tell you slowly after you die," Jiang Chen said.

"You want to kill me? You're dreaming." Pan Zijing roared angrily.

The breath on his body became more and more gloomy, and the whole person seemed to have turned into a black hole.

"Die to me." With a movement, Pan Zijing appeared in front of Jiang Chen, punching one after another.

"It's time to send you to die." Jiang Chen said calmly.

After the words fell, Jiang Chen pierced out of the void with a finger, and immediately, a huge sword shadow appeared in front of Jiang Chen.

"Is this the way Jiang Chen killed Kong Fang?"

This time, everyone saw it with their own eyes and was dazzled.

They thought it was some unknown hidden weapon as Pan Zijing said, but in fact it was not, Jiang Chen turned his finger into a sword.


Jiang Chen gave a low drink, and a huge sword shadow came out of the void, which can't be done by Pei Mo!
In the air, those fist marks were cut into pieces invisible.

With Jiang Chen's sword, he slashed on Pan Zijing's body. Pan Zijing's right hand was broken at the shoulder level and fell to the ground.

"Old Pan, can you see clearly?" Jiang Chen asked.

Pan Zijing could not see it more clearly, he was terrified to death.

It is clearly not a real long sword, but it contains the supreme power of swordsmanship.

Jiang Chen's sword cut off not only his right hand, but also his lifelong faith.

"Jiang Chen, is it possible that you are already extraordinary?" Pan Zijing said hurriedly, like Yu Changgeng before, obviously overthinking.

Jiang Chen shook his head, that's all the secret method of burning blood.

"Aren't you? Why aren't you?" Pan Zijing asked aggressively.

If Jiang Chen was an extraordinary life and was defeated by Jiang Chen, he would have nothing to say.

Why did Jiang Chen say no? Then, what is going on with Jiang Chen's method?

"It's very simple, because I don't want to be." Jiang Chen said lightly, crushing away with one finger, there was another crackling sound, Pan Zijing's body shriveled rapidly, vomiting blood frantically, and was dying.

"Jiang Chen, don't kill me. I have a secret to exchange with you." Pan Zijing said angrily, he didn't want to die.

He has a secret that he has never told anyone. Originally, he wanted to keep it to himself, but in order to save his life, he could only take advantage of Jiang Chen.

"I'm not interested in your secrets." Jiang Chen said indifferently, and stomped to death.


Pan Zijing died, and everyone in the Immortal Association was ashamed.

Jiang Chen is too strong, his methods are supernatural, and he has incredible methods, so he cannot be defeated.

As for the Ancient Martial Arts Alliance, everyone was overjoyed.

Jiang Chen alone turned the tide and saved all their lives.

Otherwise, right now, it is not them who are cheering, but the Immortal Association.

"Immortals can calculate thousands of things, but they are the only ones who missed Jiang Chen." Jing Zhi said.

"Wait, why didn't you miss this point?" Zhang Yuanshang said with a long sigh.

No one thought that such a situation would arise today. A battle between the two camps would end prematurely before it officially started.

For the Ancient Martial Arts Alliance, this is a great joy, but for the Immortal Association, it is an indescribable sorrow.

"Jiang Chen, what should we do next?" Yan Feiyang walked over and asked Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen became famous in the first battle, and has become the absolute central figure in the ancient martial arts alliance.

His limelight overwhelms everyone.

Everyone knew that from today onwards, the rankings of all forces would be reshuffled, but they didn't know which sect Jiang Chen came from.

Or, Jiang Chen does not have a sect as shown in his information, but no one dares to underestimate his existence.

He will have a unique position, unshakable, and no one dares to challenge him.

"I don't care." Jiang Chen said.

He has never regarded himself as a member of the Ancient Martial Arts Alliance. Today's incident can be said to be at the right time. What he wants to kill is not the people of the Immortal Association, but those who provoke him and those who want him to die.

He first did what he was supposed to do, and then, he made a mistake and helped the Ancient Martial Arts Alliance a great favor.

Yan Feiyang didn't expect Jiang Chen to say such a thing. He seemed to be throwing his hands away as the shopkeeper. He was stunned for a while, and immediately said, "If that's the case, I'll discuss it later."

"Whatever." Jiang Chen didn't care.

Yan Feiyang walked towards Zhang Yuanshang, and the five of them got together and discussed for a while.

Afterwards, Zhang Yuanshang said loudly: "Everyone in the Fairy Club, just wait and listen, this conflict was caused by Pan Zijing. Pan Zijing is dead, but we are not killing innocent people indiscriminately. As long as you wait, you will abolish your cultivation base." , what happened today, I, the Ancient Martial Arts Alliance, will not blame the past."

The Immortal Society is the life-and-death enemy of the Ancient Martial Arts Alliance. Even if it is not killed, it is impossible to allow such a huge force to exist.

Otherwise, one day, the gods will make a comeback and the lives will be ruined.


"A idiot talks about a dream."


There was a clamor from the Immortal Society.

Zhang Yuanshang asked them to abolish their cultivation, if they really did that, wouldn't they cut off their hands and feet?
If the Ancient Martial Arts Alliance repents at that time, they will lose the power to protect themselves and can only be slaughtered, powerless.

"Don't agree? Could it be that you still want to fight my ancient martial arts alliance?" Zhang Yuanshang said coldly.

He thought it was kind of him to do so, leaving a way out for the Immortals Association.

Otherwise, in terms of grievances and grievances on both sides, it would not be an exaggeration to kill everyone.

"Zhang Yuanshang, stop talking nonsense and fight if you want. Even if we die in battle, it's impossible. I'm at your mercy. Don't treat our Immortal Association as idiots." Someone was angry and accused loudly.

They were not afraid of the Ancient Martial Arts Alliance, only Jiang Chen was the one they feared.

If the Ancient Martial Arts Alliance didn't have Jiang Chen, in their eyes, it would be nothing. The absolute superiority of innate powerhouses would crush the Ancient Martial Arts Alliance to death.

"Shut up, you will kill all of you if you say this," Zhang Yuanshang said.

"Zhang Yuanshang, you are here to pretend to be fake, what kind of calculations are you planning, I know it well, if you want me to abolish my cultivation and let you kill me, we would rather die in battle than do it. ” said the man, arguing with reason.

Zhang Yuanshang frowned fiercely, he didn't expect his kind suggestion to be misinterpreted so much, he wanted to explain, but he also understood that the gods would not believe his words at all.

"Brother Yuanshang, they don't know good and bad, we can help them." Jing Zhi said coldly, with a strong fighting spirit.

Zhang Yuanshang smiled wryly, he originally thought, once and for all.

If the Immortal Society accepts the suggestion, then there will be no more conflicts. In this way, the people of the Ancient Martial Arts Alliance will be able to preserve it to the maximum extent so that no further damage will occur.

During this trip to the ruins of the ancient battlefield, the elite forces in the Ancient Martial Arts Alliance have been damaged in sevens and eighty eights, but they can't afford to lose it anymore.

This is also the reason why he is willing to make an exception.


The shouting person flew out suddenly, Jiang Chen didn't know when to make a move, and raised his hand to kill him.

"You are too noisy." Jiang Chen said displeased.

Jiang Chen was too domineering, he would kill people at the slightest disagreement, the gods gathered everyone, and their thoughts flickered, finally someone was willing to accept Zhang Yuanshang's suggestion, the premise was that Zhang Yuanshang had to leave them a way out.

Things took a turn for the worse, and Zhang Yuanshang readily agreed.

In the fairy meeting, some people were sad and angry, some were crying bitterly, some were roaring, and some were going to fight a big battle. After all, the situation was over and they could only be at the mercy of others...

(End of this chapter)

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