genius evil

Chapter 1045

Chapter 1045

On the surface of the sea, the cruise ship cut through the wind and waves, moved forward quickly, and sailed to the first sea area of ​​Penglai.

The five of them, Jiang Chen and Yan Feiyang, were talking and laughing happily. Countless people looked at them with envy, but they couldn't be jealous.

It is different from when it came.

Even if he entered the real Penglai Immortal Island, it was because of Jiang Chen's guidance that he was able to break through the mystical fog, but at that time, Jiang Chen could only be regarded as a budding figure among the younger generation at best.

Returning to the voyage right now, Jiang Chen has become one of the strongest in the world in one fell swoop, surpassing all the people in the world, oppressing all the sect masters and talented disciples until they are breathless.

But for such a scene, no matter how jealous people are, they can't give birth to a little bit of jealousy, because they are very clear that they may not be able to achieve Jiang Chen's current achievements in their entire lives.

In this way, even if it is jealousy, it is useless, and it will make a big joke instead.

If Jiang Chen cared about this, it would be even more likely to cause a fatal disaster.


Jiang Chen saw that envious look, but he didn't take it seriously.

To put it bluntly, with his current cultivation base, there are not many who can catch his eyes and heart.

Originally, for the five super sects, Jiang Chen also interacted with a peaceful mind, but Yan Feiyang and the other five, you talked to each other, but Jiang Chen suddenly discovered that, it turned out that inside the super sect, there was It has such an amazing background.

The Zhang family’s ancient books that have been passed down for thousands of years, the Qianlongmen’s sword box, the Heifengjian where the celestial masters and ghosts are unpredictable, the vajra body cultivation method in the ancestral land of the Xuanlingzong, and the Wangqing goddess statue of the Wangqingzong.

These must be important weapons within each sect, and should not be easily shown to others. Now, as long as he is willing, they will be displayed in front of him one by one, and he is allowed to extract them.

This made Jiang Chen realize that his knowledge of the world of ancient martial arts was still too little.

No, it should be said that not only him, but all ancient martial arts practitioners today have too little knowledge of ancient martial arts.

Without a complete inheritance, the innate realm is already a barrier that cannot be broken through. It has to be said that it is a great tragedy.

During the subsequent voyage, Jiang Chen and Yan Feiyang had an in-depth conversation.

The more we talked, the more we benefited and felt a lot.

Finally, the cruise ship arrived at the first Penglai island. The people here had already received orders and were ready to go. They boarded another cruise ship, two cruise ships, and sailed towards the coastline.

After the cruise ship entered the port, various forces bid farewell to Yan Feiyang and the others one after another, and then left.

"Yu Changhe, did I let you go?" Seeing that the members of the Yu family were about to leave under Yu Changhe's leadership, Jiang Chen said lazily.

As soon as the voice came out, it immediately attracted all the attention. Countless people who were about to leave stopped one after another. They knew that there was something exciting to watch.

The Yu family and Jiang Chen had disputes many times, and Jiang Chen would never let the Yu family leave easily.

"Jiang Chen, what are you going to do?" Before Yu Changhe could reply, Yu Zizai jumped out and said angrily.

Earlier, on the cruise ship, Jiang Chen, Yan Feiyang and the others were together, indescribably high-spirited, Yu Zizai saw it in his eyes and hated it in his heart.

Everything is so powerless.

Fortunately, during the two voyages, Jiang Chen never found fault, which made Yu feel at ease and feel at ease.

Yu Zizai never expected that Jiang Chen would be here, waiting for them.

For a moment, Yu Zizai was extremely angry, thinking that Jiang Chen was just deceiving others too much.

"I heard that your Yu family has a congenital strong man, is this true or not?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Of course it is true." Yu Zizai said proudly.

Even though, the old ancestor of the Yu family did not come this time, but because of that old ancestor, the Yu family was able to dominate the crowd.

"In this way, I can rest assured." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"What are you worried about?" Yu Zizai asked strangely, not understanding the meaning of Jiang Chen's words.

"Idiot." Huang Chan rolled her eyes and explained on behalf of Jiang Chen, "My brother Qing wants to kill the people from your Yu family. If you belong to the Yu family, they will be killed here. My brother Qing will think that Very boring."

"Jiang Chen, is this what you mean, or this woman?" Yu Changhe asked in a deep voice, his temples twitching non-stop.

Kill them all?
This sounds like talking, but it's not funny at all.

Even the peerless powerhouse like Pan Zijing, who saw the extraordinary for the first time, was beheaded by Jiang Chen with a single finger. In Jiang Chen's eyes, everyone in the Yu family was no different from ants.

"Jiang Chen wants to kill all the members of Yu's family? Want to kill Yu's family?"

"What's going on, is Jiang Chen crazy?"

"Jiang Chen is too courageous, and he doesn't know how to hide his strength and bide his time. How can the Yu family be easy to provoke?"

Those who had been to the second Penglai fairy island fell silent after Huang Chan's words.

The people who stayed in the first Penglai Immortal Island didn't know what happened. They thought that Jiang Chen was looking for death, and they got impatient.

"There is no difference." Facing Yu Changhe's questioning, Jiang Chen said calmly.

It has to be said that Huang Chan really understood him very well, she didn't need him to say much, she just understood his thoughts.

Jiang Chen was going to Yu's family, not only for cutting grass and roots, but also for Yu's family's martial arts. Comparatively speaking, Jiang Chen was more interested in the latter.

"Jiang Chen, if you kill us, the ancestors will not let you go." Yu Zizai gritted his teeth.

"I said the wrong thing, I won't, let him go." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

"Jiang Chen speaks so loudly." Some people were dumbfounded, thinking that Jiang Chen was really crazy, otherwise how could he say such a thing, and he would not even pay attention to the innately strong.

You know, no matter how strong Jiang Chen is, he is only half a step of innate cultivation.

"Jiang Chen, if you really plan to go to Yu's house, the grievances between us will be settled by then." Yu Changhe said.

The Yu family, with that old ancestor sitting in the town, and taking advantage of the geographical advantage, may not be without the power to fight Jiang Chen.

And here, if Jiang Chen insisted on doing it, they would definitely die.

"I don't like people who owe me." Jiang Chen refused. Then, he moved his feet and appeared in front of Yu Zizai. He raised his hand and cut Yu Zizai's neck.

Throwing Yu Zizai on the ground like trash, Jiang Chen charged at the three heavenly kings.

The three Crazy Sabers glared at each other and tried their best to strike, but the gap between them and Jiang Chen was too big.

Jiang Chen wasted his time lazily, and directly used the secret method of burning blood, combined with his true sense of swordsmanship, to transform the sword with one finger, and beheaded three people in a row.

Afterwards, Jiang Chen killed Yu Changhe, beheading him until his body and soul were scattered.

Jiang Chen went on a killing spree, killing five members of the Yu family including Yu Changhe in less than a minute.

As a half-step innate powerhouse, Yu Changhe died at the hands of Jiang Chen in less than a breath. Countless people watched him, and his eyeballs were about to pop out of their sockets.

They finally understood what it meant to kill all the members of the Yu family. This meant killing them all, leaving no one behind.

Jiang Chen was too strong, and the miraculous sword shadow was invincible, unstoppable, and shocked everyone.

"Jiang Chen, don't kill me." Shi Xi looked at Jiang Chen, begging for mercy.

"I didn't intend to kill you, but you and the Yu family are too close." Jiang Chen said, and killed them casually.

Jiang Chen was like a god, dazzled by countless people watching, making it hard to breathe.

This battle was not exciting, Jiang Chen crushed it with all his strength, leaving no room for it, but it left an unforgettable impression on people.

"Jiang Chen, it's too strong." Someone exclaimed, their hearts fluttered, and their hearts beat wildly as they felt the murderous aura remaining in the air.

"Happy kindness and hatred, fierce and decisive, a man should be like this." Some people looked at him with bright eyes, shortness of breath, and fascination.

"The Yu family is going to end." There were also people who felt sorry for the Yu family.

The innate powerhouse sits in the town, the super family, and countless followers under his command.

Just because of provoking Jiang Chen, it led to irreversible consequences.

"Jiang Chen crushed Yu Changhe with one finger, what cultivation level is he now?" A small number of people were puzzled and couldn't understand.

They saw Jiang Chen fight Qianlong and Luo Song respectively in the arena of life and death. Qianlong was seriously injured, and Luo Song was blown off the arena, winning the reputation of No.1 of the younger generation.

In a short period of time, Jiang Chen became stronger again, more than ten times stronger than before. It is hard to imagine where Jiang Chen's cultivation has reached.

Whether or not, Jiang Chen has stepped into the ranks of the strongest in the world.

Or, Jiang Chen has already trampled under his feet one by one the most powerful people in the world?

Jiang Chen didn't pay attention to that discussion, he raised his eyes and swept across, and said in a low voice: "Is there someone from the Sky Star Sect?"


"We're all there."


Jiang Chen was strong, and everyone was terrified. At such a time, when the Tianxing sect was named, all the people in the Tianxing sect were ashamed.

But he had no choice but to respond, lest Jiang Chen would be displeased and the whole family would be wiped out.

"I said before that between the Tianxingzong and Wuxinlou, well water does not interfere with river water, but remember what I said?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Remember." The people of Tianxingzong nodded repeatedly, like smashing garlic.

"Just remember, let's go." Jiang Chen waved his hand to drive away.

The Heavenly Star Sect was a life-saving straw for Zhang Xueyou to survive. Jiang Chen had to beat the Heavenly Star Sect. The implication was to make them stretch their necks, waiting for Zhang Xueyou to kill them.

But these words, of course, will not be too straightforward.

And he chose to settle the old accounts with the Yu family at this time. It was his intention to intimidate him, so that no one would rush to him without looking at him and show his teeth and claws.

The Heavenly Star Sect was overwhelmed with surprise as they were amnesty. They were prepared to die, but they didn't expect Jiang Chen to let them go so easily, and hurried away, not daring to stay for a while.

Seeing that there was no excitement to watch, the rest of the people accelerated their pace of departure one by one. Zhang Yuanshang and Yan Feiyang took a step ahead and invited Jiang Chen to Zhang Family and Qianlongmen again.

Rong He and Zhang Xuanjing's attitudes remained unchanged, Jiang Chen was always welcome to visit.

Before Jing Zhi left, she took Shen Shijing away, and said that Shen Shijing would go up the mountain for half a year, and after half a year, she would return to Beijing to take charge.

Jiang Chen was surprised that Shen Shijing was actually a member of the Wangqing Sect. No wonder, Shen Shijing had an unusual status in the Tiandao League. It was no wonder that Jingzhi would warn him not to harass the female disciples of the Wangqing Sect.

Jiang Chen couldn't help but laugh, unable to laugh or cry.

"Jiang Chen, I have to go back to Fanyin Mountain first." Wen Qingxin said to Jiang Chen.

Wen Qingxin took Meng Xiyan and others, and left quickly, one after another, only Sleeping Beauty and Huang Chan were left by Jiang Chen's side.

"Jiang Chen, are we going back to Beijing?" Sleeping Beauty asked.

Jiang Chen glanced at Huang Chan and said, "It depends on my sister Qing, when will she give the things to me."

"Soon, soon." Huang Chan said with a playful smile as her eyeballs twitched.

"Three days, is it enough?" Jiang Chen asked, referring to the matter of Da Pei Yuan Pill.

"Three days, of course not enough, at least three months." Huang Chan shouted.

"I'll give you three days at most." Jiang Chen wouldn't allow Huang Chan to bargain, this woman was very cunning, Jiang Chen didn't want to be fooled by her.

"Brother Qing, you might as well just kill me." Huang Chan raised her neck, filled with grief and indignation, knowing that Jiang Chen didn't absolutely trust herself, so she was a little sad.

"Don't worry, you still have three days. After three days, it won't be too late to kill." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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