genius evil

Chapter 1063 The Power of One Fist

Chapter 1063 The Power of One Punch

When Jiang Chen walked out of the room and appeared in the hotel restaurant the next morning, Jiang Chen found that he had attracted the attention of many people.

Among those people, when looking at him, many people looked at him carefully, but also contained deep awe.

"The news spread very quickly." Stretching his waist, Jiang Chen said lazily.

If it was yesterday, Jiang Chen might still be concerned about this situation, but now, he should thank those guys who made him famous.

Otherwise, after yesterday's low-key, how would the Yu family know today that Jiang Chen came to Qinghe City, and how could they be prepared to wait for Jiang Chen to come and ask for trouble?
Yesterday, at the gate of Ruyi Hotel, Jiang Chen punched Qi Xiao until he vomited blood, and even slapped Yu Xiaoxiao twice, and rumors spread throughout Qinghe City.

Afterwards, the Yu family got involved in the investigation of this matter, and finally determined that the so-called Chen Qiang was Jiang Chen.

Because the Yu family did not intentionally block the news, such news quickly spread from the Yu family, and everyone in Qinghe City, the upper-class circle and the Guwu circle knew that Jiang Chen was here!
When Jiang Chen appeared in Qinghe City, he was indistinguishable from Wolf Coming!

Many people were deeply interested in Jiang Chen, so they came to Ruyi Hotel specifically to see for themselves.

It directly led to the fact that during this time period, all the diners and diners in the hotel restaurant were ancient martial arts practitioners.

Compared with high-ranking officials and businessmen, it is obvious that ancient martial arts practitioners are more interested in Jiang Chen.

Not all ancient martial arts practitioners are qualified to participate in the ancient martial arts alliance conference... But this trip to the ancient martial arts alliance conference, Jiang Chen became famous in one fell swoop, and everyone in the ancient martial arts circle in the world knew it.

In addition, the ancient martial arts practitioners here in Qinghe City, more or less, have a certain relationship with the Yu family, so they are naturally familiar with Jiang Chen's name.

"That's Jiang Chen?"

"You are so young, are you 20 years old?"

"He, did he really kill a congenital strong man before, and even the super strong man who saw the extraordinary for the first time, did he die in his hands?"

Following Jiang Chen's appearance, soon, a burst of discussion arose.

Some were amazed, while others were puzzled.

There is no way, Jiang Chen is too young, it is hard for them to imagine that Jiang Chen has done those earth-shattering things.

After all, no matter how evil Jiang Chen is, even if he started cultivating from the womb, at this age, no matter how high his achievements are, how high can he go?
Jiang Chen turned a deaf ear to those comments, he called the waiter to bring some food over.

"What a big shelf." Someone snorted coldly.

Breakfast is self-service, everyone goes to get breakfast by themselves, Jiang Chen is good, he sat down carelessly, and ordered the waiters to get it, which made some people feel very displeased, thinking that Jiang Chen is too airy A little bit.

"Keep your voice down, don't let Jiang Chen overhear you." Immediately someone persuaded, worried about causing trouble.

"So what if I hear it?" The cold snort dismissed it.

This is a man in his thirties. His face is rough and he looks quite unruly. He sneered and said, "In this world, there are too many people who are trying to gain fame. How can I believe it? I don't believe it. Jiang Chen is serious. Killed the innate strong."

This person is called Chu Feng, and he has a certain reputation in the ancient martial arts circle centered on the Yu family, and also has a certain status within the Yu family.

He didn't go to the ancient martial arts alliance meeting, not because he didn't have the qualifications, but because he happened to have something important to do, so he didn't go with Yu Changhe.

"It's so powerful that it's rumored outside, it's impossible, it's groundless." Someone said.

"I don't know if it's groundless, but there must be something hidden." Chu Feng said firmly, no matter what, he didn't believe that Jiang Chen was that strong.

Those people were all hesitant and confused. One by one, they stared at Jiang Chen, looked and looked, wanting to see if Jiang Chen was different.

The food had already been brought over, Jiang Chen buried his head, feasting on it, ignoring all the probing eyes.

Many people didn't see that Jiang Chen was different. At best, he was young and handsome, or he had a good appetite and was too good to eat.

These, of course, are nothing but advantages that can make people shine.

"Could it be that it's really a rumor? Is there something hidden?" Someone was suspicious.

Ten minutes later, Jiang Chen finished his breakfast, wiped his mouth clean, got up, and walked outside.


But just as Jiang Chen was about to leave, a voice, abruptly, sounded behind Jiang Chen, drawing everyone's attention, it was Chu Feng.

Immediately, Chu Feng stood up, strode towards Jiang Chen.

He has a vigorous breath, a tall and strong figure, and when he walks, he looks like a walking bear, with a strong impact.

"That's Chu Feng, what is he going to do, to trouble Jiang Chen?" Someone said in surprise when they saw Chu Feng's actions.

"I heard that Chu Feng is not inferior to the strength of the Four Heavenly Kings. I don't know if it is true or not." Another person said, looking forward to Jiang Chen's reaction.

They thought that if Jiang Chen fought Chu Feng, it might be a battle between dragons and tigers.

"Chu Feng is so courageous. He is just a glimpse of innate talent, and Jiang Chen has killed even the innate powerhouse. He is alive, is he impatient?" There were also people who were puzzled.

Not everyone doubted Jiang Chen's strength.

While some people are skeptical, there are also people who are convinced.

They thought, if that wasn't the case, how dare Jiang Chen come to Qinghe City alone? He couldn't be looking for death, right?
"Hehe, Chu Feng is going to be unlucky, this guy is too crazy, I hope Jiang Chen can teach him a lesson." Some people gloated at other people's misfortune, expecting Chu Feng to be severely taught by Jiang Chen.

"It's you talking?" Frowning slightly, Jiang Chen turned his head, looked at Chu Feng, and said slowly.

"You can't even tell who is talking?" Chu Feng said mockingly, his eyes closed, and a bright light burst out, and he said, "Jiang Chen, I want to challenge you, do you dare to fight?"

"You know who I am, but you still want to challenge me?" Jiang Chen smiled.

"Jiang Chen, you are just a false name. You can scare others, but you can't scare me, Chu Feng. Today, I want everyone to take a good look at your real face...Of course, if you are not willing to accept To challenge, you just need to give in to me and make an apology, I won’t, it’s difficult for others.” Chu Feng said gloomyly, with a strong fighting spirit.

Obviously, he didn't want Jiang Chen to be subdued, but was extremely eager to fight Jiang Chen!
"Apologize, I'll just pretend that nothing happened." Jiang Chen said.

"Haha--" Chu Feng laughed loudly, looked at Jiang Chen as if he was watching a joke, and said teasingly, "Jiang Chen, do you know how ridiculous it is that you look so stern and mean-spirited?"


Before Chu Feng could finish speaking, Jiang Chen suddenly raised a fist and punched it.

Chu Feng was always on guard against Jiang Chen's attack. Seeing Jiang Chen's punch, his eyes lit up immediately, and he thought to himself that it was just what I wanted. You know, he was very worried that Jiang Chen would give up. If that was the case, it would be too boring.

"Good job." With a low drink, Chu Feng said, and quickly struck out, punching Jiang Chen head-on.

Chu Feng thought that he was superior in terms of reaction speed and vigilance, but when Jiang Chen punched him directly, Chu Feng realized that in front of Jiang Chen, he might not be the same as him. A three-year-old kid makes no difference.

As if being hit hard by a high-speed tank, Jiang Chen punched Chu Feng and flew back. It was behind a glass in the dining room that it fell heavily to the ground, motionless.


"Chu Feng is dead."

"Jiang Chen punched Chu Feng!"

"Worthy of being the most powerful person who once beheaded the innately strong, Chu Feng is completely seeking his own death."


Jiang Chen's punch was not amazing, but the effect was immediate.

Chu Feng couldn't even catch a punch from him, and he was killed, which was horrifying. He finally realized that those rumors were extremely true.

Jiang Chen was so terrifying that he frightened everyone. While killing Chu Feng with one punch, he erased everyone's redundant illusions and made them realize that this is a young man who is invincible in the world.

Jiang Chen just punched without stopping, walked out of the restaurant, and took the elevator downstairs.

Chu Feng didn't know how to live or die, Jiang Chen naturally didn't mind helping him, but Jiang Chen's opponent would naturally not be Chu Feng, but the extremely mysterious old ancestor of the Yu family.

Right after Jiang Chen left the restaurant, a pot exploded in the entire restaurant, and various sounds could be heard endlessly.

"Where did Jiang Chen go? Is he going to Yu's house?" Someone speculated.

"There's nothing wrong with it. I must go to Yu's house, Qinghe City. It's going to be lively today." Someone said excitedly, ready to leave to watch the excitement.

Chu Feng's strength is certainly good, but he has never stepped into even a half-step talent.

And the old ancestor of the Yu family is a genuine innate powerhouse. Many years ago, he stepped into the innate realm. After so many years, no one knows how terrifying the old ancestor's methods are.

If Jiang Chen fought against that old ancestor of the Yu family, it would definitely shock the world and be pleasing to the eye.

Inside the restaurant, there were people from the Yu family hiding, and they ran over immediately to check Chu Feng's situation.

"The internal organs are all broken." After a brief inspection, the man's face turned pale.

With one punch, Jiang Chen directly blasted Chu Feng's internal organs into shards, which made Chu Feng die instantly before he could even scream.

This is an unimaginable means.

Besides, Jiang Chen attacked Chu Feng just now, but just casually, with such power beyond imagination.

"Quickly, inform the ancestors that Jiang Chen has already set off." Soon someone shouted and ordered the Yu family to make preparations for the battle in advance, so as not to be caught by surprise by Jiang Chen.

At the same time, many people left the restaurant. They headed to Yu's house one after another. Not surprisingly, there will be a big battle there today. They don't want to miss it. They want to go there as soon as possible and watch the battle live.

(End of this chapter)

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