genius evil

Chapter 1094

Chapter 1094
"Jiang Chen, did I speak ill of you?" Blinking, Shen Shijing asked with flickering eyes.

"Miss Shen, I heard it clearly just now. You said that I am the kind of person who doesn't pay back the money I owe." Jiang Chen said with a half-smile.

Jiang Chen got closer and closer, Shen Shijing breathed, all was Jiang Chen's strong masculine aura.

Under the invasion of that kind of breath, her heart couldn't help becoming more and more flustered.

"That's not saying bad things about you, I just said a fact." On the surface, Shen Shijing said with a forced calm.

"Miss Shen, I've heard of one thing. No matter how deep a person hides in ordinary times, once he is drunk, he will always tell the truth... So, to be sure, Miss Shen, did you tell me the truth? If I speak badly, I decide to get you drunk." Jiang Chen said with certainty.

"Get me drunk?"

Shen Shijing looked at Jiang Chen strangely, wanting to see if Jiang Chen was joking, or if he really had such a plan.

But he discovered that the way Jiang Chen looked at her was not meant to be a joke at all.

"It's late, I'm a little tired, I want to rest." Shen Shijing said.

In the evening, it is already ambiguous enough for lonely men and widows to drink.

If Jiang Chen gets drunk again, the ambiguous atmosphere will undoubtedly escalate.

Leaving aside, whether Jiang Chen has other ideas, but what if Jiang Chen can't control himself when she is drunk?
"Drinking a little wine just helps you sleep." Jiang Chen said, without any explanation, he took Shen Shijing's little hand and left.

Worried about being seen by others, Shen Shijing tried to break free, but found that he couldn't break free at all, so he could only let Jiang Chen lead him away. In the end, he was led by Jiang Chen and entered the room.

As soon as he entered the room, after the door was closed, Shen Shijing could smell the faint fragrance of orchids floating in the air in the room.

Shen Shijing was very familiar with that breath, it was exactly the smell of Wen Qingxin.

"This guy, brought me here in the middle of the night, don't you worry, is Wen Qing jealous?" Shen Shijing thought in his heart, and finally looked around.

"Miss Shen, are you looking for Xiaoxin?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

"I'll just take a look." Shen Shijing refused to admit it.

She was indeed looking for Wen Qingxin, and was worried that Wen Qingxin was in the room, and a bad one would cause unnecessary misunderstandings.

But such things will naturally not be admitted.

"Miss Shen, come over for a drink." Jiang Chen greeted.

See through but not tell through.

Since Shen Shijing didn't want to admit it, Jiang Chen naturally wouldn't ask the bottom line, as long as they knew each other well.

Shen Shijing saw that Jiang Chen had taken several bottles of red wine. Judging by his posture, it was clear that he would not let her get drunk and vowed not to give up. He couldn't help being a little reluctant.

After thinking about it, Shen Shijing also knew that since she came here, with Jiang Chen's lazy personality, it was impossible for her to leave easily.

Shen Shijing had no choice but to walk over and sit down opposite Jiang Chen, keeping a proper distance.

"Miss Shen seems to be very wary of me, do I look like a pervert?" Jiang Chen said unwillingly.

Shen Shijing looked at Jiang Chen innocently, and said in his heart that you don't look like a pervert, but you are a pervert from beginning to end.

"Have a drink." Shen Shijing said, lest Jiang Chen get entangled in this issue.

"Miss Shen, I like your initiative." Jiang Chen said with a smile, picked up the wine glass, and lightly touched the red wine glass in Shen Shijing's hand.

"I didn't take the initiative." Shen Shijing said silently in his heart.

She was just looking for something to say, so how could she take the initiative?
But Shen Shijing didn't explain it, she was a little worried, the more she explained, the more chaotic she became.

"Miss Shen, these bottles of red wine, but I specially asked Mr. Zhang to come here, specially prepared for you, you can ask, drink a few more glasses." Jiang Chen said after drinking all the red wine in the glass in one breath .

"Specially prepared for me?" Shen Shijing looked at Jiang Chen puzzled, wondering what Jiang Chen meant.

After thinking about it for a while, before Shen Shijing drank, his body became a little dry and hot.

Shen Shijing is not stupid.

Not only is she not stupid, but on the contrary, she is that kind of extremely intelligent and rational woman.

Although Jiang Chen said such a simple sentence, Shen Shijing understood it instantly, dare to say that Jiang Chen's so-called telling the truth after drinking is just a cover.

Even without Luo Song's incident, Jiang Chen would probably use other methods to call her over for a drink.

"Specially prepared red wine for me, and prepared so much, it should really make me drunk, Jiang Chen, what is he going to do?" Shen Shijing was thinking in his heart, his mind was in a state of confusion.

Shen Shijing was not so naive as to think that Jiang Chen did these things for no purpose.

After all, so far, Jiang Chen has shown quite a strong purpose.

The only thing is that Jiang Chen didn't say that purpose directly.

Shen Shijing faintly had the urge to ask the truth, but in the end he forcibly suppressed it and did not ask.

Shen Shijing had an idea, didn't Jiang Chen plan to get her drunk?
Then, simply follow Jiang Chen's wishes, and after a while, pretend to be drunk, and at that time, he will naturally know what Jiang Chen wants to do.

After this thought came up, Shen Shijing's tense mind quietly relaxed a lot, she shook the red wine glass in her hand, and sipped it out.

Shen Shijing drank very slowly, but Jiang Chen poured the wine very quickly.

It was almost the red wine in the glass in Shen Shijing's hand, just after drinking it, Jiang Chen filled it up immediately.

Besides, Jiang Chen drank very fast.

The first bottle of red wine was finished in a while, Jiang Chen opened it again, the second bottle of red wine...then the third bottle...

"Jiang Chen, drink slowly." Seeing Jiang Chen opened the fourth bottle of red wine, Shen Shijing had no choice but to remind him.

For the three bottles of red wine in front of her, she only drank about three glasses in total, and Jiang Chen drank the rest.

If Jiang Chen hadn't said that he was going to get her drunk, considering Jiang Chen's drinking speed, Shen Shijing was extremely suspicious that the one Jiang Chen was actually going to get drunk was himself.

Otherwise, why did Jiang Chen forget to drink her wine, but he drank it himself to such a great extent?

"No, could it be that Jiang Chen changed his mind, and he intends to get himself drunk?" Shen Shijing realized that Jiang Chen's actions were intentional and unusual.

Jiang Chen was not the kind of person who would change his mind easily.

Once he changed his mind, it would undoubtedly mean that Jiang Chen had other plans.

"Could it be that Jiang Chen saw through my intentions, and Qingzhi couldn't get me drunk, so he just wanted to get himself drunk?" Shen Shijing speculated.

Thinking about it this way, Shen Shijing thought it was very possible.

In the room, only he and Jiang Chen were drinking. As a result, Jiang Chen undoubtedly had only two choices, either get her drunk or get himself drunk.

And when it was almost impossible to get her drunk, Jiang Chen chose to get himself drunk, which was undoubtedly very logical.

"Jiang Chen drank so fast on purpose, and wanted to get himself drunk, if he used his drunkenness to do something to me, I..." Shen Shijing was embarrassed and worried.

"Miss Shen, it's not that I drank too fast, it's that you drank too slowly... Don't worry about me getting drunk, I can drink very well." Jiang Chen hiccupped and spoke in a somewhat vague tone. I don't know.

Shen Shijing suddenly couldn't laugh or cry, why can't he hold a lot of alcohol, it is obvious that he is about to get drunk.

"This red wine is very good. It seems to be a treasure that Mr. Zhang has treasured for many years. Don't finish drinking it alone, save some for me." Shen Shijing said.

Shen Shijing was very worried that Jiang Chen would get himself drunk, seeing that Jiang Chen couldn't speak clearly, he was even more worried.

She glanced at the three bottles of red wine left on the table, and decided to speed up the drinking so that Jiang Chen couldn't really get drunk.

Shen Shijing's alcohol capacity is not bad, the fourth bottle of wine, she speeded up the drinking speed, almost split with Jiang Chen, the fifth bottle of red wine, Shen Shijing drank more than half, the sixth bottle of red wine, basically, all of it was Shen Shijing. The Book of Songs was drunk.

"Miss Shen, are you alright?" Jiang Chen asked.

Counting it all together, Shen Shijing drank nearly three bottles of red wine.

I saw that Shen Shijing's cheeks were flushed, his breathing was slightly panting, his eyes were blurred, and he was in a half-drunk and half-awake state.

"I'm fine." Shen Shijing said, and then asked Jiang Chen, "Jiang Chen, are you not drunk?"

"I said that I drink very well, it's just red wine, how can I get drunk, even if it's white wine, if I drink ten catties by myself, it's no problem." Jiang Chen said boastfully.

"It's fine if you're not drunk." Shen Shijing was good at it, and patted her chest. It was finally her hard work and it was not in vain.

"But Miss Shen, you seem to be drunk." Jiang Chen said.

What Jiang Chen said was bragging, but it was also true.

He deliberately pretended to be about to get drunk just now, but it was just a cover-up. As expected, Shen Shijing was fooled, and if he was not careful, he was about to get drunk.

In this way, it is ten times and a hundred times better than him racking his brains and painstakingly pouring the wine of the Book of Songs.

Looking at Shen Shijing's cute and cute person, he was clearly drunk, but worried about his drunken appearance, just like Jiang Chen, so he couldn't help laughing.

"Yeah, I'm going to be drunk." Shen Shijing muttered, and while talking, the eyes that looked at Jiang Chen like that were quietly filled with a bit of coquettish resentment.

No matter how hard she tried to avoid being deceived, in the end, Shen Shijing found that she was still deceived after all.

At this moment, Shen Shijing suddenly realized, and suddenly realized that Jiang Chen did it on purpose, he didn't intend to get himself drunk, the ultimate goal was still to get her drunk.

However, she didn't let Jiang Chen get drunk, she just got herself drunk, it's not forbid, Shen Shijing couldn't laugh or cry.

"Since Miss Shen, you are drunk, then I can safely and boldly ask you a question... I told me carefully before that you like me, is it true?" Jiang Chen asked.

"So what if it's true?" Shen Shijing said angrily, as if angry, but also as if admitting it straightforwardly.

(End of this chapter)

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