genius evil

Chapter 1101 Looking for a Big Fun

Chapter 1101 Find a Big Fun
Just like what Jiang Chen said, there is no need to deliberately find fun, fun, just take the initiative and come to the door.

Not long after the three of Jiang Chen entered the room, there was a knock on the door.

Hearing that sound, it was extremely urgent, as if it was not knocking on the door, but trying to knock it down.

"Here we come." Jiang Chen said loudly, he rushed away, and quickly opened the door.

"Are there only so few people here?" Jiang Chen glanced and saw that there were only a few people standing outside the door, and couldn't help feeling dissatisfied.

"Boy, what do you mean by that? Could it be that you dislike the fact that we have too few people here?" The person who knocked on the door was a middle-aged man with a swollen face.

Hearing Jiang Chen say such a sentence suddenly, the middle-aged man was stunned for a while before realizing what Jiang Chen meant.

"It's very rare, isn't it?" Jiang Chen said innocently.

"Take care of you, the few of us are more than enough." The middle-aged man said, he punched Jiang Chen in the face.

"Bang... bang... bang..."

Seeing the middle-aged man make a move, Jiang Chen naturally wouldn't be polite to him, and even a little bit impatiently, one after another, knocked several people including the middle-aged man to the ground.

"Boy, you are too arrogant." The middle-aged man lay on the ground and said with a grin.

"Is it possible that when you hit me, I stood still and let you hit me, so I didn't call myself arrogant?" Jiang Chen was even more innocent.

"Boy, do you know that we are members of the Miao family, how dare we do such a heavy hand, I think you are impatient." The middle-aged man said with the corners of his mouth twitching.

"Is it heavy handed? I'm obviously very restrained and very gentle, okay?" Jiang Chen said.

In the end, as if to prove that he was indeed very restrained and gentle, Jiang Chen grabbed the middle-aged man with one hand, and then, like punching a sandbag, he punched the middle-aged man and sent him flying.

"Did you see that, this is called heavy handing." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

The rest of the people looked at Jiang Chen as if they were crazy.

Even if Jiang Chen is indeed very restrained and gentle, is it necessary to prove it in this way?

What should I do if one of them is not good enough to kill people?

"What's going on, don't you guys still believe that I'm very gentle?" Jiang Chen stared at the other people lying on the ground.


Those few people shook their heads quickly, fearing that Jiang Chen would blow them away as if hitting a middle-aged man.

"Obviously it is." Jiang Chen yelled, doing the same thing, counting one of these people as one, and sending them all flying.

After clapping his hands, Jiang Chen said with a smile: "Now, you should believe it."

The middle-aged men all had a strong urge to vomit blood.

Now, they are finally sure, indeed, that they have encountered a mental illness.

Otherwise, who would be able to do such a thing as a normal person?

"Looking at how you all still don't believe it, could it be that the way I proved it was wrong, or else, I'll prove it again." Jiang Chen said.

Hearing the sound, the middle-aged men's scalps were numb, and they were about to explode. They used their hands and feet together, and ran away in a panic.

"Hey, don't run away. If you run away, how can I prove that I am a gentle man?" Jiang Chen chased after him and shouted.

The more Jiang Chen yelled, the faster the middle-aged men and the others ran, and after a while, even the shadows of those who were running were gone.

Jiang Chen suddenly felt bored.

Originally, he was still thinking that it was fun, but these guys are too good to be true, they are too fancy to be useful.

"Jiang Chen, what are you going to do?" Shen Shijing appeared behind Jiang Chen, and couldn't help asking.

Here in Xianghe City, the situation is unique.

Jiang Chen was once again acting like he was looking for trouble, which really made Shen Shijing doubt Jiang Chen's purpose.

"Have fun, I told you earlier." Spreading his hands, Jiang Chen said.

"Looking for fun in my Xianghe City, boy, your breath is really big enough." It was Jiang Chen's voice, just after falling, the elevator door opened, and several figures walked out from inside.

Walking in the front was a young man with long hair, who seemed to give off an aggressive and arrogant impression.

In fact, from head to toe, this person is full of an arrogance that I am very arrogant.

After he appeared, he looked at Jiang Chen like that, clearly looking at a dead person.

"Why are there only a few people here?" Frowning, Jiang Chen said.

While talking, Jiang Chen glanced at the young man and said, "I found something wrong with your eyes, what's the matter, are you here to see a doctor?"

"Your eyes are the only problem."

"To shut up!"



Following Jiang Chen's words, the young man hadn't spoken yet, and several people standing behind the young man shouted at Jiang Chen one after another.

One of them had a bruised nose and a swollen face. His face was swollen like a pig's head. It was the one just now, the taxi driver.

"Hey, it's you." Jiang Chen pointed at the driver with his hand, and said with a smile.

"Boy, you are so brave. You dare to be so arrogant in Xianghe City. Now, you are dying. I can assure you that no one can save you." Shrinking his neck, the driver said.

"That's right, no one can save you." Jiang Chen said lazily.

Immediately afterwards, no one saw how Jiang Chen moved.

The next second, Jiang Chen appeared in front of the driver, stretched out his hand, grabbed the driver's neck, and lifted the driver off the ground.


There was the sound of bones breaking, Jiang Chen didn't intend to be polite to the driver at all, he just pinched his neck and threw it on the ground like a dead fish.


The sound of bones breaking fell into the ears of the young men. Their eyelids couldn't help but twitch. The eyes that looked at Jiang Chen like that, quietly, something happened. Variety.

"Although this guy is just an insignificant little person, you have always dared to kill people in front of me, Miao Tianxi. You are the first one to kill someone from me, Miao Tianxi." Pointing at Jiang Chen with a finger, then The young man said in an extremely gloomy tone.

"You said the wrong thing." Jiang Chen shook his head, and said solemnly, "I am proving one thing to him, that is, what is real, no one can save him, naturally, such a proof The price is his life."

"Before, what did you say, did you say that my tone was too loud? Then, next, I will also prove to you a little bit that my tone is not loud at all." Jiang Chen said leisurely.

"You want to kill me?" Miao Tianxi said.

"You said something wrong again, it's just a proof." Jiang Chen said, raised his hand, and slapped Miao Tianxi on the face, directly knocking Miao Tianxi to the ground.


Miao Tianxi was dumbfounded, looking at Jiang Chen like a ghost.

He reported his name in order to let Jiang Chen know his identity. He never thought that Jiang Chen would be so presumptuous, hitting him whenever he wanted to, and not paying attention to him at all.

"Boy, do you know that the entire Xianghe City belongs to my Miao family?" Miao Tianxi said through gritted teeth.

He believed that Jiang Chen must have not comprehended the purpose of reporting his name.

Then, he didn't mind at all, let Jiang Chen know more about the Miao family.

"Really? So what, it's none of my business." Jiang Chen said bluntly, raised his foot, and kicked Miao Tianxi like a ball.

"How dare you attack Young Master Tianxi and kill him."

The few people who appeared with Miao Tianxi finally came to their senses at this moment.

They protected Xinqie, and one by one, they rushed towards Jiang Chen with all their teeth and claws.

Jiang Chen didn't even look at them, he kicked them casually and knocked them to the ground.

Then, Jiang Chen walked towards Miao Tianxi step by step, and in Miao Tianxi's astonished eyes, he said, "Miao Tianxi, right? Do you know why I came to Xianghe City?"

"Why?" Miao Tianxi said in a murmur.

"I'm here to have fun, and I want to have a big fun. Obviously, you are not qualified, but since you are self-righteous and send it to your door, I don't mind at all, just have fun." Jiang Chen said, and then It was a kick that landed on Miao Tianxi's body.

Miao Tianxi was aggrieved.

Thinking of him, Miao Tianxi, as a direct descendant of the Miao family, can be regarded as a character when looking at Xianghe City. How has anyone ever looked down upon him so much?

But the strength is inferior to others, he has no way to refute.

This made Miao Tianxi realize, let alone whether Jiang Chen's tone was really loud.

At least, in front of him, Jiang Chen's tone was not loud at all.


When Jiang Chen kicked out for the third time, Miao Tianxi spat out blood and passed out. He didn't know how many ribs on his chest were broken.

"Miss Shen, no one will bother you now, let's go back to the room to rest." After finishing Miao Tianxi, Jiang Chen took Shen Shijing's tender little hand and returned to the room.

"The Miao family, did you offend me?" Shen Shijing asked.

"No." Jiang Chen said.

"Then why?" Shen Shijing said dumbfounded.

Something happened to Miao Tianxi. If there were no accidents, soon, important figures from the Miao family would show up. Jiang Chen was very successful and attracted the attention of the Miao family.

In such a situation, Shen Shijing didn't know whether to say that Jiang Chen was too bad, or that the Miao family was too unlucky.

Even if, in terms of the Miao family's various experiences over the years, such bad luck would not make her have any sympathy at all.

"Miss Shen, don't you think that the training of you and Xinxin is too boring?" Jiang Chen said.

"So you plan to have some fun and show us two?" Shen Shijing said depressingly.

After finishing speaking, Shen Shijing felt that something was not quite right.

No matter how boring Jiang Chen was, he wouldn't be so boring. He must have a deeper purpose.

"Miss Shen, do you understand?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Looking at Jiang Chen tenderly, Shen Shijing nodded, she really understood.

(End of this chapter)

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