genius evil

Chapter 1103 The Unobtainable Man

Chapter 1103 The Unobtainable Man

"Handsome guy, you don't need to be surprised, let alone put on an appearance that you would rather die than follow me in front of me." Miao Yun looked at Jiang Chen, that look seemed to be able to penetrate everything, making Jiang Chen invisible.

"The love between a man and a woman is a normal thing in this world. I, Miao Yun, can see you. To put it bluntly, it is your good fortune. You only need to stay with me for one night, and I can change you. In this world In this world, if you live a few decades longer, no matter how you calculate this account, you will make a lot of money." Immediately afterwards, Miao Yun said unhurriedly.

Miao Yun has a hobby, which is well-known throughout Xianghe City, that is, collecting stamps for men.

But for any man that Miao Yun likes, no matter what kind of identity or background the other party has, even if the other party is the life and death enemy of the Miao family, Miao Yun will still find ways to make the other party crawl obediently. to her bed.

This point is well known within the Miao family.

However, the reason why the members of the Miao family are not worried that Jiang Chen will accept Miao Yun's conditions, one by one, lest Jiang Chen refuse, is because Miao Yun has another well-known point, that is, she likes the new and dislikes the old. .

Any man, no matter how much Miao Yun likes him, after one night, Miao Yun will abandon him like a pair of shoes and spare no effort to torture and humiliate the other party. Such torture and humiliation are worse than life and death.

Miao Jian and the others were looking forward to the scene where Jiang Chen was humiliated by Miao Yun. That would definitely be more exciting and fun than killing Jiang Chen directly.

"Boy, what Sister Yun said is reasonable and sincere. Why are you still hesitating? Don't let the dog bite Lu Dongbin because you don't know good people." Miao Jian persuaded.

Miao Yun smiled, and said: "Miao Jian, you don't need to force others to make things difficult for you. In this kind of thing, what matters is your love and my willingness. Otherwise, you will, and it will lose a lot of fun."

Miao Yun has incomparably rich experience in how to persuade a man to take the initiative to climb into her bed.

She heard what Jiang Chen said, and she knew that Jiang Chen must be a proud person.

For someone like Jiang Chen, if he was blindly aggressive, it would be counterproductive.

"Boy, listen, Sister Yun has said good things for you. If you didn't have a pretty face, you would have died a long time ago, you know. How could you be treated like this?" Miao Jian said angrily.

"Have you finished?" Jiang Chen said, looking at these guys like idiots.

"Oh, is it possible that you are still going to refuse?" Miao Yun said slightly surprised, she thought that Jiang Chen accepted after wavering.

After all, Jiang Chen is a man, and she is a woman. Under the general environment, many people will take it for granted when it comes to the relationship between men and women, thinking that men take advantage.

That is to say, even if Jiang Chen stayed with her for one night, Jiang Chen would not suffer the slightest loss.

In such a situation, Jiang Chen actually refused, which more or less made Miao Yun a little puzzled.

"Has anyone ever told you that you are ugly and have a terrible figure? It doesn't matter if no one has said it. Anyway, I can tell you now that with your beauty, even if you take off your clothes in front of me, I would rather It is absolutely impossible to poke your eyes blind, just take a look at you." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"To shut up!"

Following Jiang Chen's words, Miao Yun was furious.

She has always been proud of her figure and appearance, which is also the capital of her ability to play with all kinds of male sex, but Jiang Chen said it was so unbearable, which made Miao Yun furious.

"It's you who should shut up. A clown-like existence dares to show off in front of me." Jiang Chen said coldly.

Not to mention Jiang Chen, he is really not a casual man.

Even if he, Jiang Chen, is very casual, but among so many women around him, which one is better than Miao Yun by a hundred times or a thousand times?
Miao Yun thought she could seduce him, but she didn't know that she was just asking for humiliation.

"kill him!"

Pointing at Jiang Chen with a finger, Miao Yun said in a stern voice.

She knew that Jiang Chen was a man she couldn't get, so she didn't mind at all, just destroy him directly, as long as Jiang Chen didn't regret it.

As Miao Yun's voice fell, behind Jiang Chen, two figures quietly appeared, it was Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing.

"Jiang Chen, do you want us to take action?" Shen Shijing asked.

Both she and Wen Qing understood that Jiang Chen's purpose in coming to Xianghe City this time would naturally not disappoint Jiang Chen's intentions.

"No need for now, these people are not qualified yet, I'll take care of your hands dirty," Jiang Chen said.

His goal is not such a small character, but a big fish like the head of the Miao family.

"Have you lost your hearing? Kill him!" Jiang Chen and Shen Shijing were talking, when suddenly, Miao Yun screamed, it seemed that it was hysterical.

At this moment, Miao Yun wished she could tear Jiang Chen's corpse into thousands of pieces.

Because she finally understood why Jiang Chen looked down on her, and even said that she was a clown.

Be it Wen Qingxin or Shen Shijing, the appearance of the two of them made Miao Yun realize that compared with the second daughter, she was simply an ugly duckling.

Miao Yun felt that she had suffered great humiliation and injury, and such injury could only be made up for with Jiang Chen's blood.

"Sister Yun, I think these two women are quite pretty, but you want to be merciful." Miao Jian's eyeballs rolled around, staring at Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing.

"To shut up!"

Miao Yun was annoyed, and said sharply, "I'll kill them all, leaving no one behind."

Seeing that Miao Yun was so angry, Miao Jian stuck out his tongue secretly, but he also knew that since Miao Yun said such words, she must be extremely angry, so she couldn't help feeling a pity.

"Kill your sister."

Jiang Chen couldn't listen anymore, he stepped in front of Miao Yun, slapped Miao Yun's face with his backhand, and sent Miao Yun flying.

"Stop it, you are so brave." Seeing Miao Yun being sent flying, Miao Jian yelled.


Jiang Chen raised his hand and slapped Miao Jian's face again, making Miao Jian follow in Miao Yun's footsteps.

"Noisy." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

"Boy, it seems that you have no plan to leave Xianghe City alive." Two figures appeared from behind a group of boys and girls, stared at Jiang Chen, and said gloomyly.



Jiang Chen was just talking nonsense, he shot directly and sent the two of them flying.

"Is there anyone else who wants to talk nonsense?" Jiang Chen asked.

"This—" Miao Yun looked at Jiang Chen, and swallowed hard, with an unbelievable look.

You know, because Miao Tianxi was severely injured by Jiang Chen, Miao Yun had made thorough preparations when he came here this time.

That Miao Tianxi, despite being arrogant, has the sixth-level cultivation base of the ancient martial arts, which is considered good among the younger generations of the Miao family.

Therefore, Miao Yun brought two strong men from the eighth level of ancient martial arts to come together, just in case, to prevent accidents.

What Miao Yun never expected was that she and Miao Jian, one in front of the other, were slapped away by Jiang Chen. Not to mention, the two ancient martial arts eighth-level powerhouses she brought were also completely Unable to block Jiang Chen's blow, Jiang Chen casually sent him flying.

Such a scene made Miao Yun terrified.

She knew in her heart that her understanding of Jiang Chen was still too superficial.

Jiang Chen looked down on her, although it was related to Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing, on the other hand, it was Jiang Chen who was too strong.

With a slap, a strong man of the eighth level of the ancient martial arts was sent flying. Miao Yun knew that there was no one in the Miao family who could do this.

Jiang Chen was so easy and relaxed. How could such a strong person agree to be humiliated by her?
"Speak quickly if you have something to say, or I won't be able to bear it, and I'm going to kill you." Jiang Chen urged.

"Open the killing ring?"

A group of boys and girls from the Miao family all changed their complexions and were less courageous, almost crying in fright.

They came to see the fun and excitement, and no one expected that things would turn out like this.

It was Miao Yun, all because of it, her complexion changed drastically and she began to tremble.

"Handsome guy, if you have something to say, speak up. I was just joking with you just now, so don't take it seriously." Miao Yun said with a sad face.


Jiang Chen kicked Miao Yun down heavily on the wall of the corridor, and said with a smile: "If I said that I was joking with you, would you take it seriously?"

Miao Yun almost vomited blood. On the one hand, she was angry, and on the other hand, she was in pain. She wanted to cry but said without tears: "I was really joking."

"It seems that you like to joke very much." Jiang Chen said with a smile, kicked Miao Yun again, and sent her flying.

"Boy, Sister Yun is the eldest granddaughter of our Miao family. If you dare to treat Sister Yun like this, I swear, you will die." Miao Jian said through gritted teeth.

"What I hate the most is when others threaten me." Jiang Chen said Shi Ran, stepping on Miao Jian's body, breaking all the bones in Miao Jian's chest.




Miao Jian was trampled to death by Jiang Chen's foot. Those boys and girls thought that Jiang Chen was going to start a killing spree, and they all screamed and ran away in a panic. Parents, two legs are missing.

"Are you sure you want to make an enemy of my Miao family?" Miao Yun slumped on the ground, staring at Jiang Chen with resentment, and said sinisterly.

Although Jiang Chen was strong, the Miao family was not easy to bully. She would not believe that Jiang Chen was able to take advantage of it.

"Is there something wrong with your ears? What did I say just now, why don't you remember it well?" Jiang Chen said, walking towards Miao Yun slowly.

"you you……"

Miao Yun quickly recalled what Jiang Chen said. Jiang Chen said that he hated being threatened the most.

Miao Jian tried to threaten Jiang Chen, so Miao Jian was killed by Jiang Chen.

And now, she is also threatening Jiang Chen.

Thinking of this, Miao Yun shuddered, her face, with a brush, was pale and bloodless.

"It seems that you have recalled it, which is very good." Jiang Chen grinned, and stepped out without any politeness...

(End of this chapter)

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