genius evil

Chapter 1166 Blood Curse Attack

Chapter 1166 Blood Curse Attack

"Duan Hong?"

Jiang Chen looked over, it was a middle-aged man, his facial features were [-]% similar to Duan Jiyu's, and soon Jiang Chen was reminded of his identity.

"You know me?" Eyes narrowed slightly, looking at Jiang Chen, Duan Hong's face showed a strange look.

"Oh, I have admired you, City Lord Duan, for a long time. This trip to Maple Leaf City was a special trip to visit you, City Lord Duan, but was delayed by some things." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Really?" Duan Hong sneered, noncommittal about Jiang Chen's approach.

"I really didn't expect that I would meet City Lord Duan here. It's a long-cherished wish of mine. City Lord Duan, you really deserve to be a dragon among men. You are majestic and majestic, and I look up to you." Jiang Chen Said seriously.

"By the way, something happened just now. Not far away, there was a big battle. I seem to have seen Mr. Duan. In order to avoid accidents, it's better for you to go and have a look, City Lord Duan." With those words, Jiang Chen seemed to think of something, and said again.

"Have you finished?" Duan Hong was indifferent, looking at Jiang Chen like a dead man.

"In addition, I still saw Miss Li Ji, could something have happened?" Jiang Chen continued as if he didn't understand the meaning in Duan Hong's gaze.

"Is the Qian donkey at the end of its game?" Duan Hong said in a slow voice with no expression on his face, "Hand over the blood jade beads, and leave your whole body."

"What?" Jiang Chen blinked.

"You are looking for your own death." Duan Hong yelled sharply, violently shot at Jiang Chen, stretched out his right hand, and slammed towards Jiang Chen's neck.

"Are you crazy?" Jiang Chen cursed, dodging and dodging.

"Boy, you are too young to play tricks in front of me, Duan Hong. I will give you another chance to hand over the blood jade beads, otherwise don't blame me, Duan Hong, for being ruthless." Duan Hong was indifferent, and his evil spirit rose sharply.

"You really are crazy." Jiang Chen murmured.

How could Jiang Chen not know that Duan Hong couldn't be sure that the Blood Jade Bead was on his body, otherwise, Duan Hong wouldn't allow him to talk so much nonsense.

Jiang Chen seemed to talk a lot of nonsense, so he was testing Duan Hong, and Duan Hong, who gave him the time to talk nonsense, was also testing him.

And once he admits that the blood jade beads are on his body, let alone leaving the whole body, it is possible for Duan Hong to tear his body into tens of thousands of pieces, how could Jiang Chen make such a low-level mistake.

"Shut up." Duan Hong was very impatient.

He was indeed not sure that the blood jade beads were on Jiang Chen's body, but within a radius of tens of kilometers, there were only three living people, Jiang Chen, so even if Jiang Chen was innocent, it was impossible for him to let Jiang Chen live leave.

When he came all the way before, he had already seen the bodies of Duan Jiyu and Duan Heng, which made Duan Hong furious, knowing that he was late.

If the blood jade bead is really not on Jiang Chen's body, then send Jiang Chen down, as if it were to be buried with Duan Jiyu.

As soon as a word came out, Duan Hong opened his five fingers violently, as sharp as an eagle's claw, and moved forward to kill.

The claw wind pierced through the air, and there was a bang, like an eagle hitting the sky. The huge claw prints enveloped Jiang Chen. In an instant, Jiang Chen was surrounded by the claw prints in all directions.

"Master Duan, even though you are crazy, it is not good to kill people." Jiang Chen yelled, quickly struck out, punched several times, and forcibly shattered the paw print.

With a movement of his feet, Jiang Chen stepped forward and fought fiercely with Duan Hong.

This area suddenly flew sand and rocks, and the grass was forcibly leveled.


The air was turbulent, Jiang Chen and Duan Hong slapped each other, their figures swayed, each took a step back.

"Duan Jiyu was killed by you?" Duan Hong asked gloomily.

He had seen the injury on Duan Jiyu's body before. He was hit by someone's palm and shattered the sky spirit cover. He had doubts about Jiang Chen at first, but now, that suspicion has become certainty.


Duan Hong roared loudly, that was his only son, but he was beheaded and killed on this wasteland, his emotions were agitated, and the evil spirit around him surged again.

"The blood jade bead is also on your body." Duan Hong said again.

Doubts turned into affirmations. Duan Hong's eyes flickered with coldness, and he wished he could smash Jiang Chen's corpse into thousands of pieces.

"I don't understand what you're talking about at all." Jiang Chen pretended to be crazy, and refused to admit it.

"Looking for death." Duan Hong was furious, he came across and launched the strongest offensive, intending to kill Jiang Chen and avenge Duan Jiyu.

"City Master Duan, it's wrong to spout blood for no reason, do you know that?" Jiang Chen said very seriously, but the attack was extremely ruthless.

Duan Hong's aura is powerful, much stronger than Guo Lun and the middle-aged man in the blue robe. He is a real strongman in the creation realm, and it is difficult to match.

If it wasn't for the coincidence and breakthrough in cultivation after coming to Zhenwu Continent, Jiang Chen knew that he couldn't be Duan Hong's opponent.

But even so, Jiang Chen still felt the great pressure. Duan Hong was overbearing. Every time he made a move, he had the strength of over a thousand catties, and he was determined to kill him.

The turbulent paw prints scratched the air into fine lines, like monstrous waves, constantly bombarding forward, setting off wind and waves, trying to blow Jiang Chen away.

Jiang Chen backed away to avoid a direct confrontation with Duan Hong, but he was still beaten and unable to cope.

"Die to me."

Lightning like lightning burst out of his eyes, Duan Hong flew up, violently clawed, and came down from top to bottom.

Jiang Chen moved three feet horizontally in an instant, and Duan Hong clawed at the place where he was, leaving a scorched black paw print.

"Boy, the reaction speed is not bad, but I want to see how you can hide." Duan Hong Jie sneered, his hands were like silk wrapped around his neck, and he quickly wrapped them around Jiang Chen's neck.

At this moment, Duan Hong's hands were as soft as silk, but soft yet firm, extremely mighty.

"Duan Hong, have you cultivated two martial skills?" Jiang Chen was slightly surprised, no longer hesitated, and urged the Heaven Cutting Finger to slash towards Duan Hong.


It was Jiang Chen's finger that was directly shattered by Duan Hong.

Duan Hong's offensive continued unabated, he swung his hands unsteadily, he came in an embrace, and went straight for Jiang Chen.

"It's really difficult." Jiang Chen smiled wryly.

Jiang Chen didn't hesitate any longer, and with his big hand poking out, a blood-like jade bead appeared in his palm, it was the blood jade curse bead.

With the left hand seal, Jiang Chen made a hand seal.

Impressively, he saw that the blood jade curse bead burst into red light, and a bloody light shot up into the sky. Under Jiang Chen's guidance, it rushed towards Duan Hong like an arrow leaving the string.

"what is this?"

Duan Hong's expression changed suddenly, and he retreated subconsciously.

The blood was invisible, instantly covering Duan Hong, Duan Hong only felt that his head had been hit hard with a hammer, and a strong sense of dizziness swept over his whole body.

"not good."

His complexion changed suddenly, Duan Hong retreated again and again until he retreated three to forty meters before stopping.

He was so dizzy that he almost fell down, his face was pale, cold sweat poured down like rain, his head swelled, as if he was hypnotized, an unbearable tearing sensation in his head made Duan Hong unable to restrain himself, and roared out.

He found that his blood energy was rapidly depleted, and his cultivation base dropped sharply.

"Is it a blood jade bead?"

Duan Hong was so shocked that his eyes were filled with blood mist. He took a deep look at Jiang Chen, but turned around and left without any hesitation.


Seeing Duan Hong fleeing, Jiang Chen shook his head regretfully.

Duan Hong was too careful, and ran away immediately when he realized something was wrong, not giving him a chance to kill him, which made Jiang Chen feel a pity, and he also thought about beheading Duan Hong.

"Is this the power of the Blood Jade Mantra?"

When Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing approached, they were both shocked.

In the eyes of the two of them, that ray of blood looked like a tarsal maggot, which was unavoidable. If it was as strong as Duan Hong, it was inevitable that they would be hit. They could only be defeated, or they would be killed.

"The attack of the Blood Jade Curse Bead is invisible." Jiang Chen explained, feeling a little lucky, if it wasn't for the Blood Jade Curse Bead that fell into his hands, it would have been extremely tragic to meet Duan Hong today.

In particular, it is very likely that it is impossible to protect the second daughter's safety, which is why Jiang Chen will not hesitate to expose the blood jade spell bead.

"There is no form?" The two girls muttered to themselves, recalling the bloody light that soared into the sky, thinking, does this mean that once an attack is launched, it is impossible to avoid it?

Jiang Chen saw what the two girls were thinking, and said with a smile, "The attack of the blood jade curse orb is defensive, not omnipotent. Facing a real strong man, it may be too late to sacrifice it. Moreover, the test of the soul attack is The opponent's will, if the opponent's will is strong enough, such an attack will weaken a lot invisibly."

The reason why Duan Hong was hit was largely because of Jiang Chen's surprise. In addition, Duan Hong didn't know the mystery of the Blood Jade Curse Bead at all. The attack range of the Jade Curse Orb.

Of course, the reason why Jiang Chen said it was a pity was that Duan Hong was too cautious on the one hand, and on the other hand, the Blood Jade Mantra Orb was a consumable magic weapon, and every time it was used, it was accompanied by huge wear and tear.

It is obvious that the light of the blood jade curse bead in his hand has dimmed a lot. If you look carefully, you can still see some fine marks. It can be seen that this blood jade curse bead is not an ownerless thing. It has been used by someone before. It fell into his hands and could only be used more or less once.

This is why Jiang Chen is so sorry. If it is not necessary, he does not want to waste the Blood Jade Curse Bead on Duan Hong. After all, he is going to the Red Forest, where there may be a chance, which is also accompanied by the inevitable predicted danger.

But if you use it, you can use it, Jiang Chen is also impossible, he is timid, and he regrets it.

Jiang Chen was worried about the rebirth, and soon he led the two daughters away.

After a while, a figure suddenly appeared, it was that Duan Hong.

Duan Hong's face was pale, and blood mist rose from his eyes. He stared at the direction where Jiang Chen and the three left, and said to himself, "Boy, are you going to the Red Forest?"

After saying a word, Duan Hong suddenly felt one head and two big, an indescribable feeling of palpitations, wrapped him tightly, as if his soul was trembling.

"This is a soul-like attack, which seems to be a curse. Could it be that the blood jade bead is a curse bead? That kind of attack is a blood curse attack?" Duan Hong muttered to himself. Following the direction where the three of Jiang Chen disappeared, they chased after them...

(End of this chapter)

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