genius evil

Chapter 1176 Beauty, please stay

Chapter 1176 Beauty, please stay
"Level [-] monster, Juluo Fire Eagle?"

Looking up, Jiang Chen looked over his head, narrowing his eyes.

There, a huge black shadow covered the sky and spread its wings. It was more than [-] meters long and extremely huge.

In comparison, the figure standing on the back of the Curro Fire Eagle seemed extremely small.

"Who could it be?" Jiang Chen looked to see clearly the figure on the Jiuluo Fire Eagle.

But the figure was hazy, as if it was covered by something, but it couldn't be seen clearly.

"So strong!"

Jiang Chen was taken aback. The person's aura was restrained, and he didn't release it deliberately, but it was able to cover his eyes, so that he couldn't see clearly. He could only vaguely see that it was a woman.It is conceivable that he has cultivated himself.

From Jiang Chen's point of view, he was definitely a strong man above Guiyuan Realm, the most powerful.

"That's it, the Explosive Firehawk?"

At the same time, Ye Ning and the others also recognized it. Their hearts were shaken and their faces were pale.

No matter whether it is called Jiuluo Firehawk or Explosive Firehawk, the word "fire" in the name clearly shows how violent the temperament of this flying beast is.

In fact, although it is a flying beast, the Curro Firehawk is extremely difficult to domesticate, especially in the adult stage, there is no possibility of domestication.

Unless one obtains an egg of the Curro Fire Eagle and carefully cultivates it from the moment it hatches, then it is possible to domesticate it.

But Jiu Luo Huo Ying, as a seventh-level monster, is also a flying monster. Its own strength is strong, it can come and go without a trace, and it can fly tens of thousands of miles a day. Ordinary sects dare not even provoke it , let alone domesticated it.

The battle ends at this moment.

Because Lin Hongyu and Cao Mengxuan had lost their opponents, Bai Lingxi jumped up and rushed towards a nearby low mountain, roaring continuously at the Jiuluo Firehawk, looking extremely irritable.


Suddenly, the douluo fire eagle uttered a sharp cry, and at the same time, the supreme coercion came, and every warrior who was oppressed had to bow his head, as proud as Ye Ning, as Cao Mengxuan and his generation.

It was the breath of a powerful creature, and it was hard to resist.

"Soul coercion?" A faint sneer appeared on the corner of Jiang Chen's mouth.

It's just a beast, but it is also in front of him, releasing the pressure of the soul?

Jiang Chen didn't move at all. How powerful his soul was, the coercion released by the doula fire eagle was useless to him.

Under that coercion, Bai Lingxi became even more restless.

Originally, Bai Lingxi was able to evolve directly into a seventh-level monster after it had fully evolved, and its bloodline was extremely powerful, comparable to that of the Curro Fire Eagle.

Even though this is just a white spirit rhinoceros that has evolved twice, the power of the bloodline has already been partially awakened. It is invincible at the same level and extremely powerful. This is also the reason why Lin Hongyu and Cao Mengxuan are both late and helpless.

Bai Lingxi raised his head high, looked towards the sky, planed his hooves, and released a terrifying fighting spirit.


Affected by that fighting spirit, Jiuluo Huoying's nature was aroused, and he let out another sharp cry, bent down, and rushed down.

The wings vibrated, sand and rocks flew, and many warriors were directly blown backward by the strong wind. One after another, the big trees couldn't bear it, and their waists were broken.

The next moment, the Juluo Fire Eagle launched an attack on Bai Lingxi, and its long beak, which was as sharp as a sharp sword, pecked at Bai Lingxi.

The Juluo Fire Eagle was so fast, comparable to lightning, and supported by huge wings, it almost came and went without a trace. Before the Bai Lingxi had time to react, the skin on the top of its head was ripped apart, and some bones were exposed. It was completely white His hair was dyed red by the blood.


Bai Lingxi roared angrily, releasing the powerful blood power, many fighters couldn't bear it, as if their chest had been hit by a sledgehammer, they fell to the ground and vomited blood.

On the top of the head, the one-horned horn pierced the sky, and a white glow was like a knife, cutting across the sky towards Jiu Luo Huo Ying.

It's a pity, after all, it is Bai Lingxi who has not yet fully evolved, and the power of bloodline, the awakening is limited, and it cannot be compared with the seventh-level monster Jiuluo Firehawk.

That Juluo Fire Eagle, in the void, grasped with both claws, and that white glow was blown to pieces, and in an instant, the Juluo Fire Eagle flew in front of Bai Lingxi and launched a second attack.

"Xiao Hei, stop."

The elegant and melodious voice, like the ding-dong of a clear spring in a valley, rang in everyone's ears. The fire hawk suddenly flapped its wings and rushed to the sky, allowing the white spirit to escape the fatal blow.

"Xiao Hei, you've had enough fun, we're about to leave." The woman's voice sounded again on the back of the Curro Firehawk.

Immediately afterwards, the woman's right hand, which was as white as jade, lightly probed downwards, and a luminous crystal palm print rose against the wind, like a net from heaven and earth, enveloping Bai Lingxi.

Bai Lingxi didn't even have a chance to dodge, but was caught by that hand, and then saw that Bai Lingxi's huge body became smaller at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Until it became the size of a small white Jingba, the palm print was taken away, and Bai Lingxi was caught directly.


The douluo fire eagle screamed and carried the woman soaring into the sky.

"Beauty, please stop!"

But at this moment, an abrupt voice sounded, it was Jiang Chen, and Jiang Chen shouted loudly, which spread into the sky.

"Jiang Chen, you..." Ye Ning looked at Jiang Chen like a ghost, his eyes burst open, and the eyeballs were about to fall out of their sockets.

That woman's cultivation is unfathomable, and she has a flying beast like the seventh-level Curro Fire Eagle, whose origin is astonishing, no one dares to provoke her, and everyone is silent, not even daring to raise her head.

Seeing that Jiu Luo Huo Ying was about to leave, everyone was greatly relieved, but at this critical moment, Jiang Chen said, is this courting death?
"Damn guy."

Lin Hongyu's teeth were itching with hatred, and she wished she could rush up the cliff and tear Jiang Chen to pieces. Jiang Chen was too aggressive, playing cards not according to common sense, playing with heartbeat, which seriously tested their psychological quality.

The seventh-level monster had already opened its spiritual wisdom, and following Jiang Chen's words, the Jiuluo Fire Eagle suddenly stopped in the sky.

On the back of Jiu Luo Huo Ying, the woman held Bai Lingxi in her hands. At this time, Bai Lingxi didn't have the slightest power before. He was as docile as a pet puppy, and was completely suppressed by the woman.

Wearing a black robe, blown by the wind, the woman's hair was flying, she lowered her head, slightly surprised, and looked down.

"It's him?"

The deep eyes shot at Jiang Chen, and the woman let out a cry of surprise.

Earlier, she had noticed Jiang Chen's existence. Under the pressure of Jiu Luo Huo Ying's soul, Jiang Chen was the only one who remained unmoved and stood out.

"Say." The woman spoke, her voice was soft, but it contained an inviolable force.

"Hello, beauty, do you eat meat? I just roasted it and it's still warming up." Jiang Chen grabbed a piece of grilled Gale Fenghu's meat with his big hand and asked.

All the warriors are in a mess. What does Jiang Chen mean by this? He is molesting that woman, is he impatient?

They all couldn't believe that Jiang Chen would say such naughty words. They knew Jiang Chen was very courageous earlier. After all, Lin Hongyu was molested miserably. for the sake.

"This guy……"

Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing looked at each other, both dumbfounded. Earlier, they felt that after coming to Zhenwu Continent, Jiang Chen's nature would be released, but this was inevitable, and the release was too thorough.

Xiumei frowned slightly, and the woman remained silent, she was also surprised that Jiang Chen would say such a thing, as if he had no fear of her.

"This meat is the essence of Liefeng tiger meat. For ordinary people, I, Jiang Chen, am reluctant to give it to her." Jiang Chen said solemnly, and sincerely invited the woman to come down and eat meat together.

"I don't eat meat." After another moment of silence, the woman said, quite strangely, it was the first time she had seen someone like Jiang Chen.

Even though his cultivation base is low, in front of her, he looks like an ant, but he is bold. Fortunately, there is nothing out of the ordinary, and he never got angry.

"Don't eat meat? Is it because you want to lose weight? Coincidentally, I know a recipe for losing weight, which guarantees you to eat meat every day and still maintain a perfect body." Jiang Chen said, inviting him strongly.

The group of warriors was even more chaotic. From their point of view, Jiang Chen was simply looking for death. Since the woman couldn't tell the truth, she clearly rejected Jiang Chen, but Jiang Chen didn't know what to do.

Shaking her head, the woman ignored Jiang Chen and summoned Jiu Luo Huo Ying to leave.

"Beauty, please wait a little longer." But it was Jiu Luo Huo Ying who moved its wings, and Jiang Chen yelled again, stopping it.

A hint of sullenness flashed between her brows. The woman thought that Jiang Chen was too rude, which made her impatient, and her patience was about to run out.

"Beauty, in fact, eating meat is just an excuse. A stunning beauty like you, who doesn't eat human fireworks, naturally doesn't eat meat... This is the first time I've seen a beautiful woman like you, and I want to take a closer look. I just found a lame excuse, please don't blame me." Jiang Chen said embarrassingly.

"Shut up." The woman couldn't listen anymore. This was obviously nonsense, because with Jiang Chen's cultivation, it was impossible to see her appearance clearly, or Jiang Chen didn't have such qualifications.

"Well, this is actually still an excuse. If you were not careful, you saw through it at a glance." Touching his nose, Jiang Chen let out a wry smile, and then said, "Beauty, what do you think of me?"

"What do you want to say?" the woman asked coldly.

"What I mean is, I'm talented, handsome, handsome, outstanding, beauty, have you ever considered that I want to take me as an apprentice? Of course, this will definitely not be a loss-making business , From now on, serving tea, pouring water, doing laundry and cooking, I will take care of everything for you." Patting his chest, Jiang Chen vowed.

A group of warriors were overwhelmed by it. If they were not afraid of that woman, they would have pointed at Jiang Chen's nose and yelled at him, scolding him for being shameless.

However, at this moment, Lin Hongyu's heart tightened. She suddenly realized that Jiang Chen was far from being as superficial as he had shown. Those words before were just to attract the woman's attention. This woman's acceptance of him as an apprentice is probably Jiang Chen's real purpose.

"She will, agree?" Lin Hongyu thought in her heart, raised her head, and looked up at the sky...

(End of this chapter)

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