genius evil

Chapter 1188

Chapter 1188
As time passed, the night darkened.

The devouring of Chunyang Cauldron is still going on, it is jumping with joy, the golden light is bright, the cracks in the body of the cauldron are gradually being repaired.

But what made Jiang Chen feel very regretful was that he found that the energy needed by the Pure Yang Cauldron was too amazing. Even if in the end, the energy of Yuanling in this Yuanling stone vein was completely absorbed, at most, it could be repaired. About thirty percent.

This situation made Jiang Chen surprised.

It was only [-]%, and in his expectation, not to mention complete restoration, it should be at least [-]% to [-]%.

"Well, although the primordial spirit energy here is pure, it is still unavoidable in the process of transforming into pure Yang spirit energy, and there will be an astonishing loss." Soon, Jiang Chen understood.

In the final analysis, this is actually a kind of energy conversion. During the conversion process, deviations occurred, resulting in a huge difference in the result from what he expected.

Afterwards, Jiang Chen smiled wryly, because even if this vein of Yuanling stone was dug and broken, it was still extremely huge, even if it was only a vein of low-grade Yuanling stone, the energy of Yuanling contained in it was hard to measure.

With so much primordial spirit energy, in the end, only [-]% of the pure Yang cauldron can be repaired. Then, if the pure Yang cauldron is to be completely restored, what amazing energy will be consumed?
"Could it be, go find another ore vein?" Jiang Chen thought in his heart.

Immediately, Jiang Chen shook his head helplessly, knowing that this was tantamount to a fairy tale.

The reason why he was able to discover this vein of Yuan Lingshi was largely due to coincidence. Not every time, he could have such good luck.

Furthermore, such veins are all guarded by powerful forces, and this is just a low-grade Yuanlingshi vein.

The higher the level of the vein, the stronger the power it guards will undoubtedly be.

In particular, Jiang Chen believed that if he wanted to completely restore the Chunyang Ding, the veins of middle-grade Yuanling stones would definitely not be enough. He had to find a vein of high-grade Yuanlingstones, or even the veins of top-grade Yuanlingstones.

Based on the current knowledge, it is not difficult for Jiang Chen to know a fact, that is, in the Zhenwu Continent where martial arts are respected, various resources are actually divided and occupied by various forces.

When it comes to the top-grade Yuan Lingshi veins, what they have to face, undoubtedly, will be a force that exists supremely on the Zhenwu Continent.

This is exactly why Jiang Chen thinks that his thoughts are too taken for granted, and it is because of the Arabian Nights.

"Forget it, every step counts." Jiang Chen said to himself, interrupting his thoughts.


Among the broken mountains, a row of tents were set up on a flat ground sheltered from the wind.

Inside the tent, the lights are bright.

This place is the camp of the guards of this Yuan Lingshi vein.

In the middle, outside a tall and spacious tent, footsteps sounded suddenly. Two figures lifted the curtain and bent down to get into the tent.

Inside the tent, an old man in black was sitting peacefully. His complexion was waxy, his cheeks were deeply sunken, and between the opening and closing of his eyes, there was the breath of a vulture.

"I met Elder Zuo."

"I met Elder Zuo."


The two men who entered the tent quickly bowed and saluted respectfully.

"Commander Qiao, Commander Hong, you two are here in the middle of the night, are you busy?" the old man in Xuanyi asked.

"Elder Zuo, He Tong went ahead to pick up the sent miners, but he hasn't returned yet. The two of us are worried that something happened." Said the red-faced Commander Qiao.

His name is Qiao Ming, and he is one of the three commanders stationed here. Commander Na Hong, whose full name is Hong Dalu, is a middle-aged man who looks a bit like a rat.

"Oh? Haven't returned yet?" The old man in Xuanyi snorted and asked, "Did you send a message back?"

"I haven't received it yet." Qiao Ming responded honestly.

"Elder Zuo, based on past calculations, Commander He should have returned to the camp an hour ago. Now, there is no news. Shall I send someone to meet him?" Hong Dalu said at this moment, he saw He looks like a mouse, but his eyes are full of light, unintentionally revealing his extraordinary cultivation.

The old man in Xuanyi pondered for a while, then spoke slowly, and said, "Commander Qiao, please bring someone over to have a look. If there is any problem, please report it to me as soon as possible."

"Yes." Qiao Ming replied, turned and left.

"Commander Hong, I will work harder tonight, strengthen your guard, and be extra vigilant if there is any disturbance." After Qiao Ming left, the old man in black said to Hong Dalu again.

"Elder Zuo, are you making a fuss too much? A group of pigs, even if you give them a hundred guts, they won't dare to make trouble." Hong Dalu smiled, dismissively.

"Shut up." The old man in Xuanyi was displeased, and scolded, "I don't want to see any accidents, but if it happens, I will be the first to question you."

"Yes." Hong Dalu's heart tightened, he kept silent, and hurriedly retreated.

"Could it be that some news has leaked?"

Watching Hong Dalu leave, the old man in black murmured softly, his expression uncertain.

The value of a vein of Yuan Lingshi is astonishing, the old man in Xuanyi knows better than anyone else.

Ever since this vein was discovered, they have been searching for miners throughout the entire Yan Dynasty, and have been digging day and night, in order to try to hollow out this vein of Yuan Lingshi before the rest of the forces wake up. .

Now, even a tenth of it has not been dug out, but a small accident happened, which made the old man in black look a little ugly.

He does not allow any accidents to happen, never allows them, but if there are any, he will spare no effort to obliterate them!


"Commander Hong, what kind of wind is it that brought you here tonight?"

Commander Hong rode on his horse and conducted inspections. Even if he complained about the arrangement of the old man in Xuanyi, he didn't dare to show any disobedience.

In the past, there was a lesson learned from the past. A leader took Elder Zuo's words as a deaf ear. In the end, he was beheaded by Elder Zuo mercilessly, and his body was smashed to pieces.

Thinking about this matter for a while, it made Commander Hong's scalp tingle, and he didn't dare to slack off in the slightest.

"Is nothing wrong?" Hong Dalu asked slowly.

"Commander Hong, you can put your heart in your stomach. With me, Du Laosan, guarding here, nothing will happen." The man named Du Laosan laughed and said with a smile, "Commander Hong, Just two days ago, I got two bottles of good wine, why don't I ask someone to prepare two dishes and drink two glasses?"

Hong Dalu was moved immediately, he had no other hobbies except alcohol, but when he remembered Elder Zuo's warning, Hong Dalu could only smile wryly, waved his hand, and said, "Don't try to bribe me, get out of here quickly, Stop dangling in front of Lao Tzu."

This mountain range is very large. At first glance, it is densely packed with miners. They are like hardworking bees, digging rocks and working hard.

Hong Dalu inspected the past all the way, very satisfied, then he muttered to himself, Elder Zuo is too unreasonable, otherwise how pleasant would it be to drink wine and eat vegetables at this time?
After a lap, it took nearly an hour before Hong Dalu saw Du Laosan again.

"What the hell." Du Laosan was losing his temper. He had a long whip in his hand. It was free of money. It was crazily whipped on a miner, and it beat the miner to pieces. It seemed that he was going to die.

"What happened?" Frowning, Hong Dalu asked.

"Commander Hong, I don't know what's wrong with these idiots. Let them dig the spirit stones, but they are all digging stones for me. I'm almost mad at me." Du Laosan said angrily.

While talking, Du Laosan said angrily: " you, you idiots, please be more honest, and if someone digs a stone to fool me, don't blame me for being ruthless."


Afterwards, Du Laosan grabbed a handful of Yuan Lingshi that had been dug up and showed it to Hong Dalu, and said, "Commander Hong, look at this, such a pig doesn't know how to grow his brain, bullying me, Du Laosan's eyes are not right." It works."


Seeing the Yuan Lingshi that Du Laosan had grabbed, Hong Dalu suddenly stretched out his big hand and grabbed it. After he felt it for a while, his expression quietly became ugly.

The stone Du Laosan was talking about was actually not a stone, but a Yuanling stone, but the Yuanling stone couldn't feel any Qi of Yuanling inside.


Hong Dalu exerted a little force, and he crushed that handful of Yuan Lingshi like powder.

Such a situation made Hong Dalu's face even more ugly.

Because the Yuanling stone is hard, even if it is cut with a knife and an axe, it is difficult to leave traces. This is the reason why so many warriors are used as miners. Ordinary people cannot even knock down a piece of Yuanling stone. do it.

"Where are these things dug out from? Take me there to have a look." Hong Dalu ordered.

Du Laosan was stunned for a moment, but seeing Hong Dalu's serious face, he didn't dare to say more, so he quickly led Hong Dalu over.

"Is it here?"

After a while, Hong Dalu appeared at the bottom of a mountain wall. He had been here two days ago, because the Yuan Lingshi here is of high quality, crystal clear and round.

Even in the daytime, there is a green light emitting from here, and at night, it is even more dazzling and incomparably dazzling.

Now, it is dark and gray, which undoubtedly means that something has changed, because this place has become very different from what I saw two days ago.

"Damn it." Hong Dalu cursed viciously, and told Du Laosan to watch here. He has to go back and report to Elder Zuo. What happened will be left to Elder Zuo to decide.

Hong Dalu rode his horse to the camp. He saw Qiao Ming who also rode his horse back. Qiao Ming didn't come back alone. He was holding a corpse in his hand, which was the corpse of Commander Na He.

Seeing the corpse, Hong Dalu's eyelids twitched.


A figure was like the wind, and at this moment, it floated out from the tent, it was the old man in black.

"I met Elder Zuo."

Hong Dalu and Qiao Ming hurriedly greeted each other.

The old man in xuanyi was expressionless. With a big hand, he grabbed Commander He's body in his hands. He stared at it twice, and in an instant, a gleam of light burst out in his eyes.


But all of a sudden, the ground trembled and the mountains shook, as if a strong earthquake was coming. This broken mountain range was shaking...

(End of this chapter)

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