genius evil

Chapter 1209 The Lawless Little Devil

Chapter 1209 The Lawless Little Devil
When Jiang Chen walked out of the Moon God Palace, he suddenly found that there were three people waiting for him outside.

It was two men and one woman, both men in their early thirties.

And that girl, about fifteen or sixteen years old, wore a long pink dress that wrapped her tender body, but she was a little more conservative than the girl Jiang Chen had seen in Qingshui City before.

The young girl's face was immature, her facial features hadn't fully developed yet, but her eyes were clear and sharp. Seeing Jiang Chen walking out of the Moon God Temple, she stared at Jiang Chen non-stop, as if she was looking at a piece of goods that was up for sale.

"Is there something wrong?" Jiang Chen asked, frowning.

To be honest, he didn't like that look very much, it was too domineering and made him feel very uncomfortable.

"I've fallen in love with you, come with me." The girl said, slowly withdrawing that gaze from Jiang Chen.

Her voice is soft and thin, full of a big loli, which perfectly fits the characteristics of light voice and soft body, but she is bossy, and she looks very difficult to push down.

"Fancy me?"

Hearing this, Jiang Chen smiled, and said narrowly, "Little sister, puppy love is not a good thing. By the way, you plan to fall in love with me at a young age. Do your parents know? You are not afraid that your parents will interrupt you two legs?"

"What did you say?" The girl was stunned, not quite understanding what it meant to be in love.

However, even if she didn't understand, seeing Jiang Chen's frivolous demeanor, the girl also immediately had related associations, and she scolded softly, "Do you want to die?"

"It's just a relationship, why do you have to die? Speaking of which, I'm quite interested in Little Lolita. Since you took the initiative to throw yourself into your arms, then I will be disrespectful." Jiang Chen said lazily.

The girl naturally knew the meaning of throwing herself into her arms, her complexion darkened slightly, and she said sharply, "I think you are getting impatient."

"I'm not very young, but I have a big temper, but what I'm best at is training..." Jiang Chen said calmly.

"To shut up!"

Before Jiang Chen finished speaking, the girl just couldn't listen any longer, she waved her small hand and said, "You two, teach him a good lesson, let him know what the sky is high and the earth is thick, and see if you dare to talk nonsense !"


Those two men obeyed the girl's words, without saying a word, they just shot. The two of them, one on the left and one on the right, jumped out from behind the girl, rushed towards Jiang Chen, and launched an attack.

"Teach me?"

Jiang Chen shook his head. In fact, so far, he hasn't even figured out why the girl came to him. It's quite inexplicable.

But those two men were aggressive, Jiang Chen naturally wouldn't be polite at all, he clenched his fists and punched them out.

Those two people rushed forward faster, and retreated even faster. Jiang Chen's two punches fell, and they couldn't bear it at all, as if a mountain was pressing down on the top, and they were about to suffocate, and then, like a kite with a broken string, they fell back and flew away.

"Little girl, if you want to fall in love with me, just talk about it. It's obviously very boring to shout and kill, you know?" Jiang Chen stepped forward, appeared in front of the girl, and said slowly.

"Whoever wants to fall in love with you, I just want you to do things for me, but if you dare to offend me, I will not allow you to live in this world." The girl shouted coquettishly, and she made a move.

A golden dagger was taken out by the girl, and immediately, the girl flicked it lightly.

The dagger was shot out by the girl. It was exquisite and small, but it contained amazing power. A golden beam of light tore the air apart, and golden rays of light sprinkled down, making a sonic boom, and stabbed towards Jiang Chen.


Jiang Chen was surprised, this girl's cultivation was not high, he could tell at a glance, but Chu Chu, stepped into the good luck realm.

But this golden dagger is extremely mysterious. It looks like an accessory on a woman's body, but it is very extraordinary. It is clearly an extremely powerful offensive magic weapon.

That kind of attack is domineering and fierce. If an ordinary warrior encounters it, even if his martial arts cultivation level is much higher than that of a girl, he may fall.

"Little girl, is this the token of love you gave me?" Jiang Chen smiled.

He shot out unhurriedly, and stretched out his big hand slowly. Just when the dagger was about to pierce the skin, his big hand suddenly grabbed it down, and it was caught in the palm of his hand.


The girl watched the dagger fall into Jiang Chen's hands, her eyes widened, as if seeing a ghost in broad daylight, it was so unbelievable.

Because she knows very well how powerful this magic weapon is. Although, with her cultivation base, it is very difficult to activate it and cannot fully exert its power, it still has amazing lethality, even if it is Guiyuan. Those who are strong in the environment will be injured if they are accidentally stabbed.

"The item is good, I accept it." Jiang Chen said carelessly.

The dagger was held in Jiang Chen's palm, and it released strong traces of mana fluctuations, which could fly out of his hand at any time.

There is no doubt that this golden dagger has been refined and imprinted with a brand, but obviously, that is definitely not what this girl can do, and there are others.

Moreover, the owner of this golden dagger is obviously a woman, but I don't know what kind of relationship he has with this girl.

But since the dagger fell into his own hands, Jiang Chen had no intention of sending it back. He circulated the breath in his body, activated the Pure Yang Cauldron, shot out a golden light, forcibly refined it, and made it recognize its master again.


Such a scene once again made the girl dumbfounded, because Jiang Chen actually wanted the dagger for himself. She originally had a thread connection with the dagger, but now, that connection was forcibly severed.

Jiang Chen didn't care about the girl's reaction, he casually put the dagger into the storage bag, then looked at the girl with a smile, and said, "Excuse me, is there any gift for me?"

"Damn you!"

The girl went crazy, it wasn't a gift at all, but she wanted to kill Jiang Chen.

Then, the girl stretched out her little hand and said, "Hurry up and return the things to me, otherwise..."

"Wait, there's no reason to take back this gift that was sent out, it's too outrageous." Before the girl could finish speaking, Jiang Chen interrupted.


The girl went crazy, her delicate body trembled with anger, and she took out another thing from the storage bag.

It seemed to be a piece of clothing, showing a net shape, very strange, just like the fishnet stockings that Jiang Chen had seen on the earth, but it was glowing with silvery light.

But this is naturally not clothes, because after the girl took it out, it was sacrificed in an instant. I saw her little hand pat lightly, and the silver light flashed in an instant, turning into a net of heaven and earth, towards Jiang Chen, and snare it.

"Little girl, is this your clothes?" Jiang Chen said.

He said such words on purpose, before he finished speaking, he suddenly shot backwards, and appeared more than ten meters away. This silver net, almost transparent, rose against the wind in the void, covering the sky.

This silver net is very unusual, if it is accidentally restrained, even with his cultivation level, it will be difficult to break free.

It has to be said that Jiang Chen was surprised.

Forget about that golden dagger, there are other powerful magical weapons on the girl, what kind of identity is she and what is her origin?
Naturally, Jiang Chen was even more curious. The girl said she had a crush on him, but what was it about him?
"You can't escape." The girl snorted coldly.

She made seals with both hands, and each print was printed. The silver net was pulled and flew horizontally at an inconceivable speed. Jiang Chen felt an almost annihilated breath covering the top of his head.

This shocked Jiang Chen's heart, because this silver net, in addition to restraining him, could actually devour it.

Jiang Chen retreated violently again, avoiding it, and then, Jiang Chen suddenly stepped forward, using all his speed, and even using the phantom technique, one step was 30 meters, and he appeared in front of the girl again.

"You are too vicious." Jiang Chen said coldly.

He knew very well what the consequences would be if he was bound by the silver net. It was a big killer, but it was sacrificed so easily.

Jiang Chen punched out, and today, he had to teach this girl a lesson.

But at some point, the girl put on a pair of gloves on her right hand. The gloves were black, and because the girl was wearing a pink dress, they were extremely conspicuous.

"Who made you offend me? Let's see how I deal with you today." The girl said, she was very upset and thought she was offended, so she meant to do whatever it took.

When Jiang Chen punched, the girl also punched him.

In an instant, a black whirlwind emerged, with a monstrous destructive aura. The black whirlwind hit the air with strong waves, and the air was blown up.

"Another magic weapon?"

This is the third magical weapon sacrificed by the girl, and it is still powerful. The black whirlwind has a powerful spiral force and contains destructive power, and the air is directly blown to pieces.

If the golden dagger is a magic weapon for long-distance attack, and the silver net is a magic weapon for restraint, then the black gloves are a magic weapon for close-range attack.

Of these three artifacts, one is more precious than the other, even if the girl's identity is not known for the time being, it must have a great background.

Jiang Chen was a little depressed, what kind of little devil did he provoke?

No, it's not that he provoked the girl, but the girl provoked him!

That kind of air exploded into a large piece, crackling as if someone lit the firecrackers, tearing up Jiang Chen's fist wind, and defusing Jiang Chen's attack, but Jiang Chen naturally did not just use such means.

Powerful magic weapon support is important, but what is more important is one's own strength.

And that is, even if the magic weapon is powerful, it depends on who is using it.

The young girl's cultivation is only at the initial stage of the Creation Realm, and such a powerful magic weapon is completely overkill in her hands, and it is difficult to exert its true power at all.

Even so, warriors below the Guiyuan realm can all be suppressed. No wonder the girl is so arrogant and defiant.

Jiang Chen made a real fire, it was just to teach him a lesson, he clearly intended to kill him!

(End of this chapter)

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