genius evil

Chapter 126 I Can't Treat You Too Kindly

Chapter 126 I Can't Treat You Too Kindly
As the early spring passed, the weather gradually became hotter and hotter. The grass by the Weiming Lake had already grown very tall. Lying on the soft grass and falling asleep with the wind blowing, it was a great enjoyment for Jiang Chen.

"Teacher Tang, you finally figured it out, do you want to sleep with me?" Smiling, Jiang Chen turned his head and said to Tangyue who was walking on the cobblestone path.

Tangyue walked straight over, gave Jiang Chen a blank look, took out some money from her pocket, handed it to Jiang Chen, and said, "Jiang Chen, I will return the money to you."

"Teacher Tang, is this considered alimony?" Jiang Chen didn't reach out to pick it up, but said with a smile.

"What's the maintenance fee?" The wind by the lake was a bit strong, and Tangyue couldn't hear Jiang Chen's words clearly for a while.

"As a man, it's really not a good thing to look like me and bring disaster to the country and the people... Some time ago, the little beauty of Squad Leader Xu took care of me, and now Mr. Tang's big beauty is taking care of me. Tsk tsk, Mr. Tang, you won't fight with Squad Leader Xu, right?" Jiang Chen looked very embarrassed and blamed himself.

Tangyue thought for a while, and then realized that the squad leader Xu in Jiang Chen's mouth was referring to Xu Anqi. She looked at Jiang Chen inexplicably, and thought that this title was unique, but because of the relationship between Jiang Chen and Xu Anqi, she was actually called Xu Anqi. Calling Squad Leader Xu, wouldn't it be a little too distant?
Some time ago, Jiang Chen was taken care of by Xu Anqi, and there was a campus forum riot. Tangyue knew about it, but for some reason, it didn't make a big splash in the end, but was suppressed. Therefore, many teachers and The students knew about it, but they didn't say much afterwards.

Then at this time, Tangyue finally understood what Jiang Chen meant by enclosing her, her pink face suddenly turned red, and Tangyue said angrily, "Jiang Chen, don't talk nonsense, this money..."

"Mr. Tang, in fact, your chest is already big enough. If it grows bigger, it will look a little deformed and not good-looking." Jiang Chen sighed.

Tangyue was dumbfounded, why did she turn to this topic, and suddenly remembered that Jiang Chen said that lying would make her breasts bigger, her pink face turned redder, and she stared at Jiang Chen desperately, wishing she could bite off Jiang Chen's body. Here comes a piece of meat.

"Although it's not my style to be taken care of by a woman, but the relationship between a teacher and a student makes one's blood boil when you think about it. Teacher Tang, I'm here to tell you solemnly that I have decided to accept your support." " Jiang Chen grabbed the money in Tangyue's hand with a big hand.

Seeing this, Tangyue took a step back in a hurry to avoid the money in her hand being snatched by Jiang Chen. Otherwise, she might not be able to clear up the issue of foster care even if she jumped into the Yellow River.

Secretly slandering Jiang Chen for thinking too much, she collected her emotions, and Tangyue said seriously: "Jiang Chen, this money is the money you bought me for snacks yesterday, don't mess around on purpose."

"Teacher Tang, did I buy you snacks? Why don't I remember anything?" Jiang Chen said with a smile after blinking.

Tangyue looked at Jiang Chen in astonishment, thinking that it is possible that those snacks were not bought by Jiang Chen, but then she suddenly felt that something was wrong. There is no doubt that the snacks must have been bought by Jiang Chen, but for some reason, Jiang Chen actually bought them. deny.

"Jiang Chen, I know you bought those snacks, you can't fool me." Xiumei frowned, Tangyue said.

"Teacher Tang, although it doesn't sound good to say something about nurturing, but you know it and I know it, so why be embarrassed, after all, you just want to give me money." Jiang Chen said lazily talking.

Tangyue froze for a moment, somewhat dumbfounded, how could she still not understand at this moment, Jiang Chen purposely said so many seemingly irrelevant words in order to let her take back the money she took out.

A little angry and a little funny, Tangyue could only stuff the money back into her pocket.

"Jiang Chen, have you read the Oxford dictionary I gave you yesterday?" Tangyue then asked.

"I read a little bit." Jiang Chen smiled. He read it last night when he was sleeping, and indeed he only watched a little bit. I have to say that those messy English words are the best weapon for hypnosis. .

"Since I've read it, I should remember some words. You should recite it." Tangyue looked a little happy.

You know, Tangyue originally thought that Jiang Chen would not read it, but she heard Jiang Chen said that she had read it, which meant that Jiang Chen didn't completely ignore what she said yesterday, which naturally made Tangyue feel relieved.

The reason why Tangyue came to look for Jiang Chen by Weiming Lake today was to return the money for buying snacks to Jiang Chen on the one hand, and to urge Jiang Chen to study on the other hand.

Tangyue thought about it carefully last night. It would be too embarrassing to ask her to apologize to Jiang Chen for some small misunderstandings in the past. Simply turning the apology into urging Jiang Chen to study is also a kind of compensation for Jiang Chen. .This was the biggest reason why Tangyue would be happy when Jiang Chen said that she had read the Oxford Dictionary.

"Teacher Tang, I suddenly feel a little regretful." Jiang Chen looked at Tangyue speechlessly.

"What's wrong?" Tangyue asked in surprise.

"It is said that a man must never be too nice to a woman, otherwise, women usually don't know how to cherish it. Now I really regret being too nice to you." Jiang Chen sighed.

Tangyue looked at Jiang Chen even more speechlessly, why didn't she know when Jiang Chen was nice to her?Don't play hooligans on her, she will be thankful.

"Jiang Chen, you are a student now, and studying is a matter of course, so don't blame me for taking care of you." Tangyue said helplessly.

"Fortunately, I didn't take your money. Otherwise, if I really accepted your support, wouldn't you be able to take care of me justifiably?" Jiang Chen said again.

Tangyue's heart moved slightly, and she suddenly felt that if she took care of Jiang Chen and could control Jiang Chen, it might not be a bad thing.

Naturally, the nurturing she thought of was just a verbal nurturing, as for actual actions, it was absolutely impossible.

It's just these things, I can only think about them in my heart, it is absolutely impossible for Tangyue to say it, otherwise, wouldn't it be easy to be misunderstood by Jiang Chen? Played a hooligan on her. "

"Jiang Chen, do you really hate English so much?" Tangyue said with a headache.

"It's not that I hate it, I can only say that I don't like it, so don't worry about it, Mr. Tang." Jiang Chen smiled wryly.

"No, how can you go back on what you agreed yesterday." Tangyue said firmly, how could she be persuaded by Jiang Chen so easily.

"Hey, I don't seem to regret it. I just didn't make it clear when I will learn English with Teacher Tang." Jiang Chen said with a smile in his mind.

"Otherwise, when I want to learn English, I will go to see you, Teacher Tang. At that time, Teacher Tang, you must never refuse." Jiang Chen said again.

"English is a language art, and it cannot be learned in three or two days. If you have such an idea, you will definitely suffer a big loss in English in the future college entrance examination. At that time, you will regret it." It's too late." Tangyue said earnestly, still not planning to give up.

Jiang Chen chuckled, of course he knew that Tangyue was doing it for his own good, but for him, it was absolutely impossible to be a good student, not to mention that in terms of his character, he was naturally rebellious Shun, if you let him sit in the classroom all day, it will be more uncomfortable than killing him. Besides, English and so on, Jiang Chen just doesn't plan to waste time at this stage, it doesn't mean that he wants to give up English .

As Jiang Chen himself said, for a person like him, if he wants to pick up a girl, he must pick up the most beautiful girl, and if he goes to college, he must go to the best university. It is impossible for him to slap himself in the face.

Jiang Chen knew he couldn't convince Tangyue, but Tangyue didn't want to persuade him either. She was thinking about finding a reason to run away, as if she was blessed, when the idea just popped up, the phone in her pocket rang.

"Big Feifei, ask me to open a room...Okay, I'll come right away...By the way, I don't have any money with me, you go and open the room first...But don't take a bath, let's wash a mandarin duck together Take a bath." While talking nonsense, Jiang Chen took the opportunity to quickly slip away.

"Big Feifei... open a room... mandarin duck bath..."

Listening to Jiang Chen's words, Tangyue was in a mess, watching Jiang Chen go away, but there was no way to stop Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Chen, you're right, I really can't treat you too well." Tangyue murmured to herself, then said firmly: "But don't think that I will give up if this is the case, I won't give up."

How could Jiang Chen know Tangyue's thoughts, a few minutes later, he appeared outside Yilan Middle School, where Liu Yufei was waiting for him.

Seeing Jiang Chen walking towards her step by step, Liu Yufei's heart trembled wildly. She just happened to pass by Yilan Middle School, so she called Jiang Chen, just wanting to meet Jiang Chen. Who would have thought that the call would be connected. After that, she said the last sentence, but Jiang Chen left her speechless.

"Big Feifei, let's go." Jiang Chen stepped forward and hugged Liu Yufei into his arms, wiped his oil, and urged him loudly.

"Where are you going?" Liu Yufei asked suspiciously.

"Big Feifei, how can you ask questions knowingly, go open a room." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

Liu Yufei blushed, looked at Jiang Chen with shame and annoyance, and said, "Jiang Chen, I just came to see you."

"I understand. Now that I've finished reading it, I'm just going to open a room. Then you can see me more clearly. By the way, I can see you Da Feifei more clearly. And, you have me in me and I have you in-depth understanding. .” Jiang Chen put on an air of thinking about Liu Yufei.

Liu Yufei almost cried angrily, and shook Jiang Chen's hand away vigorously, and said angrily, "Jiang Chen, if you do this again, I will leave."

Jiang Chen laughed loudly, and cheekily held Liu Yufei's soft little hand in his palm again, and said with a smile: "I deliberately teased you, do you think I am the kind of man whose lower body dominates the upper body? I'm very particular about connotations, I was just trying to test you out just now, but fortunately Da Feifei stood firm and was not tempted by my beauty."

"I believe you are a ghost." Red lips pursed, Liu Yufei rolled her eyes, but she didn't shake off Jiang Chen's hand, and said softly, "Let's go shopping with me..."

(End of this chapter)

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