genius evil

Chapter 129 A branch of red apricot climbs the wall

Chapter 129 A Red Apricot Climbs the Wall
"Big Feifei, it's wrong to murder your husband." Jiang Chen said with an innocent face, looking away.

"Who told you to look around with a pair of thief eyes." Liu Yufei was a little angry, and her tone was not very good.

Although she didn't become Jiang Chen's woman in the true sense, Liu Yufei didn't reject Jiang Chen at all, otherwise she wouldn't allow Jiang Chen to do those intimate actions that only couples would do to her, let alone make Jiang Chen spend money Buy her clothes.

From Liu Yufei's point of view, before handing herself over to Jiang Chen, she must know more about Jiang Chen. She is not a casual woman, otherwise, with her beauty, she wouldn't even have a boyfriend at this age. Handed over.

In fact, Liu Yufei seemed troubled by Jiang Chen's hooliganism on the surface, but deep down, she liked and enjoyed it a little bit.

Duplicity is undoubtedly a common problem among women all over the world, how can Liu Yufei be an exception, after all, Jiang Chen playing hooligans to her is a manifestation of liking her and valuing her.

However, Jiang Chen actually looked at other women in front of her, and looked like he had lost his soul. How could this make Liu Yufei not get angry, or rather, not jealous.

"Hey, did I look around?" Jiang Chen chuckled, denying it at all, and said, "I just think that woman looks familiar, do you think so?"

"Hmph, I think you feel familiar when you see beautiful women." Liu Yufei gave Jiang Chen an angry look, and finally felt that the woman looked familiar, and thought for a while and said, "It seems to be Mayor Lan Xiulan."

Jiang Chen naturally saw that the woman was Lan Xiu at first sight. Lan Xiu came to buy coffee, but after buying a cup of packaged coffee, Jiang Chen didn't know if Lan Xiu saw him.

"That's right, I'll say it looks familiar." Jiang Chen then said.

"Mayor Lan is very close to the people, don't look at him like that, so as not to cause misunderstandings." Liu Yufei warned Jiang Chen.

Liu Yufei met Lan Xiu. As the deputy mayor of Yilan City, Lan Xiu was mainly responsible for health, culture and education.

Lan Xiu once visited the No.1 Civilian Hospital in Yilan City. Liu Yufei had seen Lan Xiu's demeanor before, so she had a good impression of Lan Xiu at that time.He even faintly admires Lan Xiu. After all, Lan Xiu is already the mayor of a prefecture-level city at such a young age, which is very, very rare.

"Okay, then I'll see you, Da Feifei." Spreading his hands, Jiang Chen suppressed a smile and said, thinking that if Liu Yufei knew that he had seen Lan Xiu's whole body, he didn't know what would happen. a reaction.

But Jiang Chen claimed to be romantic, but he was never obscene. He knew how stupid it was to talk about another woman in front of one woman.

"Don't even look at me." Liu Yufei said angrily.

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "Then let's talk about starting a company. What do you think of my suggestion?"

"You said you will be responsible, what if you lose money?" Liu Yufei said worriedly.

"If you lose money, you can repay the debt with others." Jiang Chen joked, "Of course you won't lose money. You have to believe in your own ability, and even more so in mine."

"Then, what kind of company should I start?" Liu Yufei was faintly persuaded by Jiang Chen. After all, opportunities like this don't come along all the time.

"Well, what do you think about starting a company related to cosmetics and beauty?" Jiang Chen said after pondering for a while.

Liu Yufei's eyes brightened slightly. Cosmetics and the like are related to the hospital major she studied, and she will be able to operate them with ease, and there will be no such situation that the eyes are blinded.

"However, we are a traditional Chinese medicine beauty formula. As for the specific formula, I will hand it over to you after the company's framework is established... In addition, I will get some for you to try." Jiang Chen said simply.

Because Liu Yufei was looking for a job, and then came up with the idea of ​​starting a company, Jiang Chen had this idea purely on a whim, but after thinking about it, Jiang Chen found that it was very practical.

Firstly, based on his ability, if he had to come up with a few recipes, it would be a simple matter that couldn't be simpler; secondly, he solved Liu Yufei's problem of finding a job, and tied Liu Yufei by his side by the way; Yes, in the body quenching stage, Jiang Chen needs to invest a lot of money, and the accumulation of those money figures is definitely an astronomical figure.

Starting a company by himself, focusing on traditional Chinese medicine and beauty, and making money is a sure thing in Jiang Chen's view. If the operation is good, the listing in the future will be considerable. The most important thing is that Jiang Chen can use the company to buy what he needs. Medicinal materials, that way, he doesn't need to search for some rare and rare medicinal materials by himself.

Next, the two of them talked about the details of setting up the company. Liu Yufei didn't know how much Jiang Chen decided to start the company because of her own reasons, but she had to pull herself together. Absolutely not to lose money, otherwise it would be a waste of Jiang Chen's heart.

After drinking several cups of coffee, Liu Yufei anxiously said that she would go back to write a feasibility report and do relevant market research, all of which would take time and should not be delayed.

Seeing Liu Yufei being so active, even if Jiang Chen was a bit reluctant, he had no choice but to drive Liu Yufei back home.

"Feifei, where did you get the money to buy so many clothes?" Lu Ying asked as soon as Liu Yufei entered.

"Mom, I've saved a lot of money after working these days." Liu Yufei said with a guilty conscience.

"I saved a lot of money, how much is that?" Lu Ying followed up and asked, "I know the brand of this clothes, and each piece costs tens of thousands. With the money you saved, how much money can you buy?" Buy so many clothes?"

Liu Yufei smiled wryly, and hurriedly asked her aunt Lu Ying for help. Lu Ying smiled and said to Lu Ying, "Sister, it's okay for girls to buy some clothes, not to mention that Feifei is so beautiful, of course she should dress better."

"It's because she is so beautiful that I don't worry about it." Lu Ying sighed.

"Sister, don't worry, Feifei is so sensible, so there is nothing to worry about." She said pushing Liu Yufei, telling Liu Yufei to go upstairs quickly.

When Liu Yufei went upstairs, Lu Ying said, "Little sister, you also saw that car just now? The boy in the car didn't get out of the car, so I recognized him too."

"He was able to send Feifei back and bought so many things for Feifei, which is considered a good intention." Nodding, Lu Ying said.

"I understand this point, but if you have the heart, how can you tell? That Jiang Chen, when he came here last time, drove a BMW, and now he has changed to a Porsche. He looks like a rich man. What I'm most afraid of is that he's just playing with Feifei, and Feifei's body..." Lu Ying sighed again.

"Sister, Feifei is no longer a child. There will be a day like this sooner or later. You can't control her all the time." Lu Ying persuaded softly.

"I'm afraid Feifei has lost her soul to that Jiang Chen, so she can't control it anymore." Lu Ying sighed helplessly, and turned around.

Jiang Chen naturally wouldn't know that he was defined as a rich man by Lu Ying.If he found out, Jiang Chen would definitely give a wry smile. After all, he had such a small amount of money on his body that he had to save some money even on taking drugs. He was far from being a rich person.

After parting from Liu Yufei, Jiang Chen went straight back to Sister Lan's Hotel. Seeing that it was still early, he just made a phone call and called Brother Dao over.

Brother Dao is a little bit burnt out these days, Jiang Chen didn't keep him much, he talked about starting a company, asked him to choose a better office location, and then quickly set up the framework of the company, just let Brother Dao go gone.

Then Jiang Chen ate dinner at Sister Lan's restaurant, and drank the medicine with Xiaodie. Seeing that it was about the same time, Jiang Chen drove away, but instead of going back to school, he drove in the direction of Jingyuan Villa.

Lan Xiu got off work a little late today, and it was already seven o'clock in the evening when she got home. The dinner prepared by the servant didn't feel like eating, so she put down her chopsticks after two bites.

Sitting on the sofa and watching TV for a while, Lan Xiu got up and went upstairs to take a shower. After taking a hot bath, she finally felt a little better. Lan Xiu took out a magazine and leaned on the bedside to read it. stand up.

Lan Xiu was reading a fashion magazine. She was usually very busy with work, and she didn't even have time to go shopping, and because of her special status, she was easily recognized by others. Even if she wanted to go shopping, she could only go to the provincial capital or In other cities, it is very troublesome.

The weather is getting hotter and hotter, and the clothes are about to change seasons. Although there are still a lot of clothes in the closet, and even some clothes are thrown there after buying them and never worn again, it is a woman's nature to love beauty, even in normal times , Lan Xiu, who is unsmiling in front of the camera, is no exception.

The fashion magazine is ordered by Lan Xiu, and I will read every issue. When I have time, I will read it in detail. If I don’t have time, I will take a rough look. Used to pass the time.

After watching for a while, Lan Xiu suddenly heard a crisp sound from the floor-to-ceiling window glass, which was the sound of being hit by a stone.

"Who is so boring?" Xiuli frowned, Lan Xiu was a little displeased, she got up and walked to the French windows, opened the curtains and looked outside.

The moonlight was bright tonight, and after opening the curtains, Lan Xiu saw a figure crouching on the courtyard wall not far away.

When Lan Xiu saw the figure, Lan Xiu's heart tightened slightly, subconsciously thinking it was a thief, she turned around and wanted to pick up her mobile phone to call the police.

Just as Lan Xiucai turned around, there was another crisp sound of a stone hitting the floor-to-ceiling window. Accompanied by the sound of the stone, the figure suddenly jumped off the courtyard wall and rushed towards him. In a few seconds, he lay on the floor of the floor-to-ceiling window. outside.

The running figure pressed its face against the glass, winking, half-smile, a little funny, but also a little hateful.

Lan Xiu looked at that strange but familiar face, she was slightly distracted, a strange emotion came to her heart in an instant.

Lan Xiu just stared at that face. After watching for a while, Lan Xiu suddenly made a move that even she thought was unbelievable. She stretched out her hand and pushed it to open the French window. Then, The figure rushed in, and before Lan Xiu had time to react, he suddenly stretched out his hands, wrapped Lan Xiu tightly into his arms, picked her up, and walked towards the big bed !

(End of this chapter)

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