genius evil

Chapter 1293

Chapter 1293 Vulnerable


The air around Jiang Chen suddenly moved with no wind, and streaks of golden light gushed out from his body, making him look like he was wearing a golden battle armor.

The golden light shone brightly.

Jiang Chen was impacting, and his whole body was glowing, like a golden sun shining brightly.


The next second, the collision happened.

Yang Wenxin retreated quickly. Under such an impact, the wind of his fist was shattered, and the air wave was annihilated, so he couldn't resist at all.Jiang Chen was too violent, the boxing and martial arts he was so proud of fell apart in an instant.

This was astonishing, and made Yang Wenxin shudder. The feeling was indescribable, like facing an ancient beast that had been unleashed.

Jiang Chen attacked all the way, just like Yang Wenxin wanted to crush him, his current method is very simple, that is, crush Yang Wenxin.

Therefore, it seems that Jiang Chen's attack method is extremely simple and completely, it is to launch an attack with physical strength, without any rules or aesthetics at all.

But even so, it made Yang Wenxin feel very uncomfortable. He retreated again and again, and he was stretched everywhere. He was almost about to be beaten, and he had no strength to parry.

"How could this be?"

Yang Wenxin couldn't believe it. He had never put Jiang Chen in his heart. That's why he would jump out and be the first to express his intention to challenge Jiang Chen. He originally thought that it would be very easy, that he could crush Jiang Chen and make him Jiang Chen had no place to stand up.

The final situation was quite different from what he had imagined. Instead of being able to suppress Jiang Chen, he was suppressed by Jiang Chen, with his hands and feet tied like walking on ice.

"I don't believe in evil."

Yang Wenxin gritted his teeth and launched a resistance. He knew very well that if this suppression continued, he would suffer a disastrous defeat today and lose all face.

It was agreed that Jiang Chen should be used as a stepping stone to rise upwards, but Yang Wenxin didn't want to become Jiang Chen's stepping stone and fulfill Jiang Chen's reputation.

Yang Wenxin became angry, and he also became crazy, punching like the wind, a set of powerful boxing and martial arts, he used them all, like flowing clouds and flowing water.

But it was doomed to be useless, Jiang Chen was too powerful, he tore two shackles, and his physical strength was so tyrannical that it was unimaginable.

Jiang Chen was impacting, and there was a peculiar aura circulating on his body, which made Jiang Chen not need to use any moves at all. Every part of his body was comparable to a top-notch magic weapon, said to be a human-shaped magic weapon, No exaggeration.

In the end, Yang Wenxin was suppressed and flew backwards, spurting blood.

Even, at the critical moment, Yang Wenxin sacrificed a portable magic weapon to turn the tide, but that magic weapon was blown up by Jiang Chen, which made Yang Wenxin feel so heartbroken that he was about to bleed.


Jiang Chen stepped forward and attacked again. He agreed to beat Yang Wenxin violently, but Jiang Chen naturally didn't have the slightest sense of mercy.

In the end, Yang Wenxin rushed out of the life and death ring like a broken sack, and fell heavily on the ground, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

"Vulnerable to a single blow." Jiang Chen grinned, and said so, with arrogance beyond words.

But this time, instead of the endless ridicule, many people were silent, deeply touched, and the way they looked at Jiang Chen quietly became very different.

If we say that before the battle started, many people looked at Jiang Chen with undisguised contempt and disdain, as if they were watching a joke.

Then, when this battle ended in a way without suspense, many of them looked at Jiang Chen with a little more serious eyes.

Jiang Chen was still the same Jiang Chen, as frivolous as ever, but he had already proved that he was qualified to have that frivolity, and Yang Wenxin's fate was the best lesson from the past.

"He didn't use any kind of martial arts, just relying on his strong physical body, he suppressed Yang Wenxin to death." Some people were amazed.

Yang Wenxin is not popular among the inner sect, and many strong people can crush him, but if one wants to suppress Yang Wenxin without powerful martial arts and magical weapons, it will undoubtedly be very difficult. Difficult, except for those evildoers on the Tianbang, it can be said that basically no one can do it.

But Jiang Chen did it, so easily.

"How is Jiang Chen's physical body so powerful?" Some people were puzzled and asked.

"Yeah, it's too powerful, it's an invincible existence." Someone exclaimed.


"He has become stronger again." Situ Aofeng said silently, these words were for Luo Xi.

"I know." Luo Xi nodded slightly.

That Yang Wenxin was almost the same as Situ Aofeng. In the previous battle between Jiang Chen and Situ Aofeng, he used a lot of means to win, and he paid a price.

Now, when Jiang Chen fought Yang Wenxin, Yang Wenxin was so easily suppressed. This undoubtedly meant that Jiang Chen had gone one step further and become stronger.

"It's really disappointing." Situ Aofeng smiled wryly.

The time left for him was too short. Even though he had been working hard, it was still inevitable. The gap opened up by Jiang Chen would become even more difficult to make up for in the future.

"How did he do it? Is cultivation so easy for him?" Situ Aofeng said again.

He thinks that his talent is extraordinary, one in a million, but he has to say that he was hit hard, and his confidence is about to be shattered.

Luo Xi was silent. In fact, feeling great pressure, the reason why she decided to enter the inner door ahead of time was that she didn't want to be thrown too far away by Jiang Chen, and she wanted to follow Jiang Chen's footsteps, and then leave Jiang Chen behind.

But after all, he was still thrown away, and it was difficult to catch up, or in other words, it was impossible to catch up at all.


"Yang Wenxin actually lost."

A little far away, Lai Chao, who was hiding among the crowd, was extremely unacceptable.

He was slapped several times by Jiang Chen, and he was counting on Yang Wenxin to be avenged by him. How could he know that Yang Wenxin was defeated and seriously injured, which made him very uncomfortable.

On the side, Yuan Na's face turned blue and pale, she snorted coldly, and said, "It's okay, this is just the beginning, Jiang Chen won't be able to play for a long time."


"Among you, is there anyone else who wants to challenge me?" On the stage of life and death, Jiang Chen said carelessly.

"Jiang Chen, in the arena of life and death, you can only challenge once a day." Someone reminded.

"It's okay, you can make a reservation first, I don't mind at all." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"I, Yu Hai, want to challenge you."

When Jiang Chen said this, someone immediately stood up, that person was Yu Hai, who looked a bit old-fashioned, he was full of fighting spirit, and wanted to let go, attracting Jiang Chen's attention.

"Very good, I accept your challenge, is there anyone else?" Jiang Chen said, sweeping around.

"Jiang Chen, what do you mean? Could it be that it is impossible to challenge the entire inner sect?" Someone asked.

"Why, do you have an opinion? If you have an opinion, you can definitely challenge me. If you don't even dare to challenge me, just shut up!" Jiang Chen said noncommittally.

"I, Bloomberg, want to challenge you."

The man gritted his teeth and said, he was pissed off by Jiang Chen.

Of course, it wasn't just Bloomberg who was pissed off. Hearing Jiang Chen's admission that he wanted to challenge the entire inner sect, many people were enraged.

"I, Zhou Zhiming, challenge you."

"I, Wang Xiaofeng, challenge you."

"I, Li Yun, challenge you."


One after another, the challengers stood up. They were filled with righteous indignation, and they expressed that they wanted to challenge Jiang Chen.

"Where is Deng Chunhua? Are you afraid? Why don't you speak?" Jiang Chen was very leisurely and relaxed.

Ordinary people would have been scared to death if they committed public anger, but the smile on Jiang Chen's face grew stronger and stronger.

"Jiang Chen, you really don't know how to live or die, do you want to die so much?" Deng Chunhua walked out slowly, and said in an extremely sinister manner.

He just came to see the fun, and had no intention of joining in the fun, thinking that it was a self-defeating status, who would have thought that Jiang Chen would actually refer to him by name.

At this time, even if Deng Chunhua didn't want to stand up, it was too bad, otherwise, some people would definitely think that he was afraid and shrinking.

"Have you forgotten? As I said, you will find your teeth everywhere if you want to be beaten." Jiang Chen pointed at Deng Chunhua and said sternly.

Deng Chunhua laughed back angrily. He said in a sinister voice, "Jiang Chen, if it wasn't for the rules, I would screw your head off right now."

"Anyway, I don't care, you can make a reservation." Jiang Chen reminded.

"I, Deng Chunhua, challenge you." Deng Chunhua was furious.

As far as he was concerned, planning to challenge Jiang Chen was undoubtedly flattering Jiang Chen, but Deng Chunhua was too angry. At this moment, he no longer cared about these details, and was already impatient to fight Jiang Chen.

"One... two... three... 27... 28... Now, there are a total of 28 people who are going to challenge me, is there no one else?" Jiang Chen shouted as he counted them one by one.

Many people are in a mess. What does Jiang Chen mean by this? Could it be that he despises such a large number of people, is it too small?
You must know that after he defeated Yang Wenxin, these challengers all believed that they had absolute certainty, so they launched the challenge.

Any one of them is enough to make Jiang Chen drink a pot, not to mention, there are so many challengers, they will exhaust Jiang Chen to death.

Even if Jiang Chen is only looking for death, then there is no need to do this, right?This is simply despising oneself, not dying fast enough.

"I heard that you can use your contribution points as a bet to challenge me in the life-and-death arena. Since you are scheduled to challenge me, and I agree, then each of you will pay [-] contribution points as a deposit... Hurry up! Come on, I don't have time to waste with you." Jiang Chen said again, yelling.

Someone's face changed, and they finally understood what Jiang Chen's intention was for doing this, to earn a lot of contribution points.

"This guy is really crazy." Someone said.

Undoubtedly, this is the most direct and fastest way to earn contribution points, but the premise is that Jiang Chen must have that kind of strength.
(End of this chapter)

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