genius evil

Chapter 1299 Empty Gloves White Wolf

Chapter 1299 Empty Gloves White Wolf

Because, today, Deng Chunhua will fight Jiang Chen to the death, which is attracting the attention of all. At this time, Deng Chunhua is so high-profile, throwing [-] contribution points to buy Jiang Chen to lose. There were voices of discussion.

"Deng Chunhua is too high-profile, does this mean he thinks he will win?"

Someone said that, being startled by Deng Chunhua's generosity, Deng Chunhua didn't even intend to hide it, and just bought Jiang Chen to lose in front of everyone.

Moreover, Deng Chunhua's bet was [-] contribution points.

This amount of contribution value may not be too much for the existence above the heaven list, but for other people, it can be regarded as a very large number.

In fact, so far, many people have not even earned [-] contribution points. How can it not be surprising?

"It's too domineering, it completely despises Jiang Chen's existence."

Some people said that before, Deng Chunhua was not a low-key type among the inner sect, but he was definitely not a high-profile type.

Now, it was rare to be high-profile once, and it was so high-profile, it was clear that Jiang Chen was not taken seriously.

"Deng Chunhua is strong, but Jiang Chen is not simple. Why, Deng Chunhua is so confident in himself, could it be that he has an unknown hole card?"

Some people said that they were very curious about this point.

Jiang Chen is currently in the limelight. No matter who the opponent is, he will push them horizontally. He has an invincible demeanor and has a remarkable record.

Such an existence, even if you look at the inner sect with a large number of geniuses, it can be regarded as the only one, which makes people feel disgusted with Jiang Chen, but at the same time, it is inevitable and heartbroken.

Deng Chunhua's ranking on the top of the celestial list is relatively low, currently it is that, No. 90 eighth, above the celestial list, there are like clouds of strong people, but many people have made guesses, thinking that at least the existence on the celestial list is the only one. It is possible to pose a threat to Jiang Chen.

That is to say, many people believed that Jiang Chen at least had the foundation to break into the Heaven List.

It can be said that Jiang Chen is highly regarded. After all, so far, Jiang Chen has not launched an attack on the Heavenly Ranking, that is, he has not fought against the existence on the Heavenly Ranking.

From another perspective, the battle between Jiang Chen and Deng Chunhua today is a battle of great significance since Jiang Chen entered the inner sect. The previous battles can only be regarded as petty fights at best. .

Deng Chunhua was full of confidence and conceit, which surprised countless people and secretly guessed, could it be that this Deng Chunhua has an unknown backhand, otherwise how could he be so confident?
"Brother Deng, a small gamble will make you happy, but a big gamble will hurt your health, why don't you think about it again?" Yuan Chi said with a bitter face.

"Don't think about it." Deng Chunhua said decisively.

"Brother Deng, I'm just playing for fun. You're betting too much." Yuan Chi's face became even more bitter, like an eggplant beaten by Shuang.

"Why, you don't want to pick it up?" Deng Chunhua was unhappy.

"It's not that I don't want to take it, it's that I can't afford it." Yuan Chi said honestly, according to the odds of one to five, if Jiang Chen really lost, he couldn't afford to lose his entire family.

"If you can't afford it, don't play it. Since you can play it, then play it for me." Deng Chunhua said coldly, not intending to give Yuan Chi a chance to refuse.

Therefore, Yuan Chi's face was tightly wrinkled into a ball. Looking at him like that, it seemed that he even wanted to die.

"What's going on, Yuan Chi also thinks that Jiang Chen will definitely lose?"

Such a scene fell into the eyes of some people, and they were all curious.

Yuan Chi sits in the manor, everyone bets, many people are just playing for fun as Yuan Chi said, so the bets are not very big, only 100 or [-] contribution points, it is best to win, and it will not hurt you if you lose .

It wasn't until Deng Chunhua appeared and threw away [-] points of contribution points that such a small fight turned into a big gamble in one fell swoop.

Looking at Deng Chunhua's attitude, he didn't intend to give Yuan Chi a chance to refuse.

There are countless people with imaginations. There are many people who are more optimistic about Deng Chunhua. Deng Chunhua bought Jiang Chen to lose in public, which means to build momentum for himself. In addition, Yuan Chi's attitude is ambiguous, which leads to people who are optimistic about Deng Chunhua. , is more and more.

"Three thousand contribution points, buy Jiang Chen and lose."

"Five thousand contribution points, buy Jiang Chen and lose."


Many people who held a wait-and-see attitude and didn't plan to participate were all mobilized and made moves one after another, buying Jiang Chen to lose with big money.

Yuan Chi kept complaining and didn't want to answer it, but he had to answer it. In the end, they all cried, which caused many people to be dumbfounded, but they made up their minds to knock Yuan Chi down. a sum.

"I'm going to die." Yuan Chi wailed, and within a short while, he had received more than 30 contribution points, of which more than 90.00% five were bought by Jiang Chen.

"Don't die, hold on." Someone laughed.

One after another, more and more people placed bets. By the time Jiang Chen arrived, Yuan Chi had already received nearly 100 million contribution points.

"Jiang Chen, help."

As soon as he saw Jiang Chen appearing, Yuan Chi flew over as if seeing a life-saving straw, tearfully, and quickly told Jiang Chen what happened here.

"Almost always buy me and lose?"

Jiang Chen was stunned, his eyes swept across, and he said viciously, "A group of idiots, I am invincible all over the world, Deng Chunhua, who can suppress me with a palm lift, you actually buy me and lose, is there any reason?"

"Jiang Chen, you are destined to be suppressed by me today." Deng Chunhua said coldly, his face was expressionless and calm.

"Deng Chunhua, you speak so loudly, aren't you afraid that your tongue will be flashed by the wind?" Jiang Chen was very angry, with a feeling of desperation, and said bluffingly, "I will lose if I buy it? Then I will buy it myself." I won by myself, I have 37 contribution points here, and I gambled all of them."

Jiang Chen was very angry, shouting, and his voice was so severe that many people looked at each other in blank dismay.

Everyone knew exactly how much Jiang Chen had contributed, and it was almost such a number. Jiang Chen actually bought all of them to win, which is not a big deal.

How would they know that all the contribution points earned by Jiang Chen had been spent, and this was nothing but a white wolf.

Of course, in the eyes of some people, this is a suspicion of being forced to jump over the wall in a hurry.

"[-] points of contribution, I have all my belongings, buy Jiang Chen and lose."

Immediately, someone jumped out and bet following the trend, not buying Jiang Chen to win, but buying Jiang Chen to lose.

Because there were too many people who bought Jiang Chen to lose, and some people doubted whether Yuan Chi could pay the compensation. Since Jiang Chen paid a lot of money, in their view, it was completely giving away contribution value, so how could they be polite?

One person followed the trend, and in an instant, there were a large number of followers, making Jiang Chen jump, grin his teeth, and his face was so ugly.

"Is everyone blind? You will regret it." Jiang Chen said like this, threatening.

"Jiang Chen, don't you understand yet?" Deng Chunhua looked at Jiang Chen as if he was joking, and said, "In the eyes of many people, you are just a clown who thinks you are at the top, but in fact you are still at the bottom. Duan, it's ridiculous."

"Deng Chunhua, just wait, I will personally turn you into a joke." Jiang Chen said in a vicious voice.

"Yuan Chi, I'll add another [-] contribution points and buy Jiang Chen to lose." Deng Chunhua ignored Jiang Chen and said to Yuan Chi.

"Brother Deng, show mercy." Yuan Chi repeatedly begged for mercy.

"Someone wants to read my jokes, you should beg him for mercy." Deng Chunhua Shi Shiran said, listening to his tone of voice, anyone can hear it, this is sure to eat Jiang Chen .

"Deng Chunhua, I, Jiang Chen, swear, you will die in an ugly way." Jiang Chen was angry.

"Brother Jiang, don't get angry. I have [-] contribution points here. I can buy you and win." Situ Aofeng appeared at some time, and he came over and comforted him.

"What does it mean to buy me to win? Don't you look down on people? You'd better buy me to lose. You don't need to give me face." Jiang Chen said in an unusually unhappy manner.

Situ Aofeng smiled slightly and said: "Brother Jiang, I am optimistic about you, you will rise strongly and compete for the top spot in the heaven list."

Facing Jiang Chen's sarcasm, Situ Aofeng was not angry at all. He was too clear about Jiang Chen's nature, this was singing, so he just cooperated.

Situ Aofeng just regrets that he doesn't have enough contribution points, otherwise, he would be able to make a lot of money today.

"Ha ha"

Jiang Chen laughed triumphantly, very wildly, and said, "Deng Chunhua, did you hear that I am going to compete for the top spot in the heavenly rankings, an existence like yours is destined to be reduced to a stepping stone for me."

"One hundred thousand contribution points, buy Jiang Chen and lose."

Almost as soon as Jiang Chen finished speaking, a long voice sounded, a handsome young man walked over unhurriedly. Flow, very unusual, dazzling style.

"That's Duan Changfeng?"

"Top ten in the Tianbang, Duan Changfeng?"


Following the young man's appearance, countless onlookers below the arena of life and death were all erupting. They couldn't help but exclaimed and stared at the young man firmly.

"It's actually Duan Changfeng, no wonder he's so generous."

Someone exclaimed, unlike the contribution points earned by Jiang Chen, who were opportunistic, Duan Changfeng, as a top ten existence in the heaven list, earning such contribution points is upright, without any moisture.

"Brother Duan." Deng Chunhua greeted Duan Changfeng.

Duan Changfeng nodded, as a response, he looked at Jiang Chen with a half-smile, and said, "I buy and you lose, do you mind?"

"Never mind." Jiang Chen said with a smile, "I mind that you bought too little. In fact, you can buy a little more. Isn't it too stingy? Are the top ten powerhouses in the list so poor?"

Obviously not used to Jiang Chen's way of speaking, Duan Changfeng was slightly taken aback, and immediately said, "I'm quite poor, so come here to earn some hard work, and you don't want me to be disappointed."

"Are you crazy?"

Who would have known that before Duan Changfeng finished speaking, Jiang Chen was spitting and swearing...

(End of this chapter)

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