genius evil

Chapter 1324

Chapter 1324 Fight to Fame

Jiang Chen was extremely powerful, like a luminous body, exuding a powerful aura, as if possessed by a god of war, it was incomparably dazzling.

In this battle, no matter how reluctant Jiang Chen was, he had to say that he had earned a great reputation. From now on, who would dare to underestimate Jiang Chen?

In the final analysis, Jiang Chen was underestimated or even ignored at the beginning. On the one hand, even though it was because he had just broken into the celestial list of the inner sect of the Seven Star Martial Academy, on the other hand, the more important thing was that in comparison, Jiang Chen's background is not worth mentioning.

Inheritance often means resources. Talents and strong people are naturally talented, and various training resources are also indispensable.

Looking at it from this angle, it is really difficult for Jiang Chen to be compared with Luo Qun and others.

After all, he does not have an extraordinary background, nor does he have a strong background.

However, who would have thought that Jiang Chen could not compete with these people in terms of background, but when it came to luck, he left them all far behind!
Whether it's a portrait of a goddess or a letter from a strong man who proved the Dao, these are undoubtedly the embodiment of great luck, which is extraordinary and unmatched by anyone!

The three of Luo Qun were suppressed by Jiang Chen and died instantly. Such a scene made many people feel uneasy.

Like Ji Mobai, it was inevitable, and he had a lot of daydreams, thinking about what kind of choice he should make if that happened to him.

That royal powerhouse couldn't calm down after all, his pupils shrank suddenly, he was horrified, and he clearly sensed that it was irresistible, even the powerhouses in the Mortal Transformation realm would probably be suppressed.

As for Wen Yanxi, she had always looked down on Jiang Chen, thinking that Jiang Chen was superior to Meng Lang, who was clever but not very wise, but at this moment, deep in her heart, a turbulent wave was set off.

Not to mention Ye Yufan, he was very close to Jiang Chen and thought he knew something about Jiang Chen, but at this moment he was almost frightened and his scalp was numb.

This is destined to be a battle of fame, no one will deny that after today, Jiang Chen will be famous throughout the Great Qin Empire.

Such a speed of rise is not surprising. Looking at the Great Qin Empire for hundreds of years, this speed can be said to be the first. It is destined to shock the world and soar into the sky!

Some people thought of Jiang Chen's ranking on the heaven list, and knew that after this incident, the day list would be turned upside down by Jiang Chen.

Someone recalled that Jiang Chen once said that he wanted to be number one on the list.

At that time, these words were regarded as a joke, and Jiang Chen was regarded as a naive and delusional lunatic. Who would have expected that Jiang Chen really had the potential to become the number one in the list?

"Ji Mobai is in trouble."

Someone said so, and looked at Ji Mobai with that gaze.

No. [-] in the Heaven Ranking, the height is unbearably cold, and no one can shake it. This day is coming soon after all, and it will come soon.

This is a world-shattering battle. The three strong men who were able to push back to the same level as the Yuan Realm were crushed and killed by Jiang Chen. Everyone's heart became difficult to calm down.

Until another change occurred in Qianbaohe, their attention was distracted and attracted to them.

It can be clearly seen that there is a flash of thunder and lightning above the sky.

It was too dazzling, the thunder and lightning were like snakes, and it seemed to be the dragon of the nine heavens. There was a big explosion, crazy annihilation and devouring, accompanied by birth.

It can be clearly felt that the sky above the head is rapidly shattering. As a result, the internal structure of the Qianbao River, which had already become unstable, oscillated rapidly and was about to collapse.


Many sudden changes occurred, and the supreme destructive aura rushed to the face, making people palpitating.

"What happened?"

Some people exclaimed, not knowing why, trembling with fear.


Thunder and lightning slashed down from the sky, and the power spread out, making everyone suppressed and it was difficult to breathe.

Afterwards, the Qianbao River was completely shattered, and countless magic weapons flew around in a mess, and all the warriors fell from the high sky.

This is too terrifying, because it is too high, once it falls, it will inevitably become a pile of broken flesh and blood, with no bones left.

"Gengjin Qi and Qianbao River are derived from each other?" Jiang Chen muttered to himself.

The Qianbao River itself is a magic weapon, but it is extremely miraculous and accompanied by the Gengjin Qi. Now, the Gengjin Qi has been shattered and taken away. Therefore, the internal structure of the Qianbao River is no longer difficult. maintain.

After the words fell, Jiang Chen unleashed the flying sword, and Yujian flew across the sky.

At the same time, Ji Mobai and the others sacrificed their magic weapons one by one. They all have good backgrounds, and they are not affected by the crisis.

A flying boat was sacrificed by Ji Mobai. He stood in the flying boat, grabbed the air with his big hand, and caught several people.

Those are the students of Seven Star Martial Arts Academy, Su Yueyun, Fu Qingfeng and that Chang Yulong.

Wen Yanxi's powerful members of the royal family and Ye Yufan are also saving people. They all have flying magic weapons.

"This realization..."

Jiang Chen felt ashamed because he was a little bit ashamed, because he never thought of saving people. In fact, when he saw Ji Mobai and others saving people, he didn't even think about saving people.

"My consciousness is really a little low." Jiang Chen murmured.

After the words fell, Jiang Chen suddenly felt an invisible attack, like a needle prick, piercing straight into the depths of his spiritual consciousness.

"Psychic attack?" Jiang Chen awe-inspiringly released his consciousness in an instant, sweeping around.

This is astonishing, formless, clearly intended to erase memory and lose one's sanity.

"The Qianbao River really has an owner." Jiang Chen said to himself.

How can I still not understand why the secrets about Qianbao River have not been spread all these years, and they either fell or lost their minds.

The powerful genius was spared, but he stuck to the rules and kept the secret of Qianbao River. All of this must be due to the owner of Qianbao River.

"Who could it be?" Jiang Chen frowned, feeling a little uneasy.

That kind of mental attack is everywhere, everyone has been tricked, and the minds of many warriors have become muddled. Ji Mobai and others have obviously noticed something strange, but they are powerful and have not been tricked .

In the end, Jiang Chen landed successfully, and afterward, Ji Mobai and others also landed safely.

On the ground, countless onlookers witnessed the turmoil of the Qianbao River, although they didn't understand why.At this time, it was all throbbing.

Many warriors who lost their minds were in abnormal mental states, and they left soon, and the onlookers also gradually left.

"Jiang Chen, what's the matter with you?" Lu Xun leaned over, stretched out his right hand, and made a motion of rubbing his fingers.

Previously, Lu Xun had an agreement with Jiang Chen that he would help Jiang Chen to spread hatred, and Jiang Chen would give him some magic weapons.

"Lu Xun, what happened to your hand? Was it injured? Who did it?" Jiang Chen said angrily.

"Jiang Chen, what do you mean by that? Could it be that you want to renege on your debt?" Seeing this, Lu Xun almost jumped. He was too clear about Jiang Chen's little tricks. Something is wrong, get anxious.

"How could it be? I was worried about you. Tell me who bullied you. I'll screw his head off." Jiang Chen said displeased.

Hearing this, Lu Xun immediately tightened his neck, wondering what Jiang Chen meant by saying this, was he threatening himself to unscrew his neck?
This is crossing the river and tearing down the bridge, but, should it be so direct and obvious?
"Jiang Chen, you can do whatever you want, just reward me with one or two magical artifacts. Really, I'm not greedy, not at all." Lu Xun said with a mournful face.

Jiang Chen laughed, but he was not stingy, and handed Lu Xun a few magic weapons. These were all looted from Tang Gan before, and to him, they were all garbage.

Lu Xun was satisfied, and quickly put it away, as if he was afraid that someone would snatch it away, and walked aside, worried that Jiang Chen would go back on his word.

"Brother Jiang, let's talk." Ye Yufan walked over and looked at Jiang Chen with complicated eyes.

"Brother Ye, you came just in time." Jiang Chen said with a smile, hooked Ye Yufan's shoulders, and said, "Brother Ye, the flying magic weapon I saw you just now is quite amazing, don't you think?"

"No." Without thinking about it, Ye Yufan just said, it was dumbfounding, Jiang Chen actually coveted his things.

And you know, he is very interested in Jiang Chen's flying sword, if Jiang Chen is willing to exchange it, it would be good.

"I'm not asking you to ask for it, but asking you to borrow it. If you borrow it for a while, I will return it to you." Jiang Chen said very sincerely.

"Do I look like a fool?" Ye Yufan said angrily.

If it was lent to Jiang Chen, it would definitely be a meat bun beating a dog, and there would be no return. Ye Yufan thought that even if he was a fool, he would not be able to borrow it.

"Not to mention, it's a bit similar." Jiang Chen laughed loudly.

"Brother Jiang, I fell in love with you the moment I saw you." Ye Yufan changed the topic, not wanting to get entangled in this topic, lest Jiang Chen accidentally get involved in it.

"And then?" Jiang Chen asked with a half-smile.

This guy, after holding back for so long, is he finally going to reveal the reason to him?
"No after, it's just a match." Ye Yufan said seriously. In the end, he seemed to realize that this kind of statement was too general. Ye Yufan tried to explain, and he said, "Brother Jiang, I feel the same origin in you." The breath, maybe, there is a relationship between you and me, and it may not be certain."


Jiang Chen was surprised. He originally thought that Ye Yufan approached him with malicious intentions and intentions, but he did not expect that it was because of this situation.

"Aura from the same source?" Jiang Chen pondered, thinking.

He is a cultivator, and he is taking a completely different path from martial arts cultivation. Logically speaking, it is impossible for him to have the same aura as Ye Yufan.

The same origin of martial arts is not as simple as having practiced the same martial arts, but involves a deeper level.

"Could it be because of her?" Jiang Chen whispered to himself, thinking about it, but it was only for a while, and he couldn't confirm it...

(End of this chapter)

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