genius evil

Chapter 1326

Chapter 1326
In the inner space of Qianbaohe, at the moment of collapse, that spiritual attack, erasing memory, losing mind, being as powerful as Fu Qingfeng, were all inevitable and deeply affected.

Of course, from this point, we can see the gap between Fu Qingfeng and Ji Mobai.

Fu Qingfeng is currently ranked third in the Heavenly Ranking, not necessarily because of his name, but because of his absolute strength.

It's just that such a ranking seems to be only one step away from Ji Mobai's No. [-] list, as if, if you can reach it, you may not have the potential to challenge Ji Mobai.

In fact, the gap with Ji Mobai is like a natural moat, absolutely insurmountable.

It is also from this point that it is enough to see how powerful Ji Mobai is. With the power of one person, he can oppress all the people in the inner sect until they are breathless!
"Jiang Chen, what are you laughing at? What's so funny about it? Brother Ji is just being humble. Could it be that you're serious? Be careful!" Chang Yulong said coldly.

He was very angry that Jiang Chen actually wanted him to hand over the storage bag, and said that it would be a great shame and humiliation if he wanted to let it be checked.

Therefore, no matter what angle you look at, Jiang Chen is not pleasing to the eye, and his words are thorny, so he has to show Jiang Chen a little color, let Jiang Chen understand how high the sky is and how thick the earth is!
"Chang Yulong, do you take my words as a deaf ear? Do you think I dare not kill you? Believe it or not if I slap you to death with one slap?" Jiang Chen said displeased.

Chang Yu was trembling with dragon spirit. He had heard that Jiang Chen was arrogant and domineering before. Now, he has experienced it personally. Such an impression is destined to be unforgettable!
"Brother Ji, this kid is too lawless." Chang Yulong said to Ji Mobai.

"Jiang Chen, you don't intend to give me face, do you?" Ji Mobai motioned Chang Yulong to calm down, and asked.

In Qianbao Hanoi, Jiang Chen instantly killed the three of Luo Qun, although it made Ji Mobai feel jealous, but that's all. If Jiang Chen thought he could force him, he would be too naive.

"Ji Mobai, I have to remind you, this has nothing to do with giving face or not, but as I said, I am very vengeful." Shrugging, Jiang Chen said casually.

"Very good, now, I will also remember your words." Ji Mobai's face was livid, he flicked his sleeves, and led the three of Chang Yulong away.

"Shang Yulong, next time you see me, you'd better stay away, or you will be killed without a doubt." Jiang Chen yelled at Chang Yulong's back.

"Brother Ji, why don't you let me do it? That Jiang Chen, who has made a fool of himself, probably forgot his last name." Chang Yulong grinned.

This time, Jiang Chen was blatantly provocative, without giving any face to him, he was unlucky, and because of Ji Mobai's persuasion, he couldn't make a move, which made Chang Yulong feel ashamed and very angrily.

"He, it's not as simple as you think." Frowning, Ji Mobai said.

"Brother Ji, don't you think you think highly of him?" Chang Yulong asked in surprise.

Jiang Chen just defeated that Deng Chunhua, and he was worthy of stepping into the celestial list. How could Ji Mobai be so highly regarded?To be equal is simply incomprehensible.

"You will understand later." Ji Mobai said without too much explanation.

In fact, Ji Mobai's current mood is extremely complicated.

That mental attack affected everyone. Except for a few people who were not affected, 90.00% of the people lost a piece of memory.

Jiang Chen was one of those few people.

Although, judging from Jiang Chen's performance, it was not enough to be surprising, but it still surprised Ji Mobai.

This is because Jiang Chen used a powerful magic weapon to kill Luo Qun and the others, not because Jiang Chen himself was so strong, but when that mental attack happened, there was no time to react, it was all based on instinct , Jiang Chen was actually able to not be affected, no matter what, he wanted Ji Mobai to take a high look.

"Jiang Chen, what kind of secrets do you have?" Ji Mobai said thoughtfully.

It can be said that Jiang Chen is a different kind, no matter whether he is in the outer sect or the inner sect, from the beginning to the end, he has always been arrogant. This kind of limelight is stronger than when he hit the top of the list before.

There can only be two reasons for this, first, Jiang Chen has an incomparable background, and second, Jiang Chen has long possessed the power to sweep away.

No matter which point is doomed, Ji Mobai's heart is very heavy, not a taste.

"Brother Ji, why do I have a feeling that that Jiang Chen has become a bit different from before." Fu Qingfeng said in a deep voice.

In the past, Jiang Chen just challenged Ji Mobai from the air, and was treated as a joke, but now it's different, he challenged Ji Mobai in front of Ji Mobai, and made Ji Mobai lose his temper at all.

Such a change may seem insignificant, but when you think about it carefully, it makes people feel terrified and deeply disturbed.

"You don't need to talk too much." Waving his hand, Ji Mobai said, he lacked interest and didn't want to talk about Jiang Chen.

Su Yueyun glanced at Ji Mobai, a strange light flashed in her beautiful eyes, her memory was missing for a while, but it didn't hinder her interest in Jiang Chen at all.

"Little guy, sister, I appreciate you." With a smile, Su Yueyun said to herself.


The emergence of Qianbao River caused waves and turbulent waves throughout the territory of the Great Qin Empire. In the end, it came to an end in a very peaceful way.

Most people, reduced to cannon fodder, get nothing.

As for Jiang Chen, because he took advantage of the prophet in one fell swoop, he gained an astonishing harvest.

However, this is considered inside information, and only a few people know about it.

Out of consideration for certain factors, or out of fear of the owner of Qianbaohe, Ji Mobai and the others will have a tacit understanding not to let the internal news of Qianbaohe leak out.

Of course, it was impossible for Jiang Chen to let the news out. In the final analysis, making a fortune silently is the kingly way.

Some of Jiang Chen's actions seemed very inconspicuous and unreliable.

But every step has a deep meaning, and what seems to be an act of death often contains a certain degree of purpose.

Jiang Chen returned to the Seven Star Martial Arts Academy, just when he and Luo Xi lived together, Luo Xi walked out of the room.

Today, Luoxi did not go out, but the situation on the other side of the Qianbao River was rumored, and Luoxi stayed behind closed doors, but it was also clear.

"I'm back." Looking at Jiang Chen, Luo Xi said.

The short three words somehow softened Jiang Chen's heart. Even if Luo Xi said this, it was hard, not soft at all, let alone gentle, but it gave Jiang Chen a feeling, as if he was going out. The husband returns home, and the virtuous little wife is looking forward to it.

"I'm back." Jiang Chen nodded, with a rare seriousness in front of Luo Xi.


Luo Xi's face was a little weird.

Getting used to Jiang Chen's teasing, suddenly, seeing Jiang Chen's proven side made it extremely difficult for Luo Xi to adapt, and she was distracted by it.

"I know all the news about Qianbao River. Offending Luo Qun is not a wise thing." After a while, Luo Xi said, turned and walked inside.

"You know Luo Qun?" Jiang Chen asked with a half-smile.

"I've heard of it." Luo Xi was very indifferent.

"But I have already offended him, what should I do?" Jiang Chen asked again.

"Are you regretting it? That's not the case, is it?" Luo Xi said.

"A real man, don't regret it." Patting his chest, Jiang Chen said majesticly.

Luo Xi was made speechless by Jiang Chen, she said, "With your temper, you were able to come back safe and sound, which surprised me, can you tell me something about Qianbaohe?"

"Of course." Jiang Chen said. He said that it was a pity that Luo Xi didn't go to join in the fun, because he failed to witness his peerless demeanor with his own eyes.

It's too scary, it's a killing god at all, even Ji Mobai can only back away and dare not confront him head-on.

"Finished?" The corners of her mouth twitched, Luo Xi said angrily.

This guy really does not change his nature. No matter what kind of words he opens his mouth, he doesn't think about the authenticity of the words and whether the other party will believe them.

Can you believe this?

Luo Xi thought to herself, even a three-year-old child, would it be impossible to believe Jiang Chen's wild bragging?
To be so unbearable as Ji Mobai said, wouldn't it be to underestimate the entire inner sect.

You know, Ji Mobai is an unshakable existence in the inner sect. Jiang Chen said that Ji Mobai is worthless. If this is spread, I don’t know how many people will be offended and even punished Jiang Chen.

"Miss Luoxi, what do you mean by this reaction? I'm talking very seriously. Don't tell me, you don't believe me." Jiang Chen said heartbroken.

"I'm a little tired." Luo Xi said, too lazy to pay attention to Jiang Chen.

"Miss Luo Xi, you are too chilling for me." Jiang Chen yelled.

Why, he clearly said the truth, every sentence, even the punctuation mark, is full of sincerity, unnatural, Luo Xi just doesn't believe it?
"I'm really tired." Luo Xi said, not wanting to argue, and returned to the room.

"There is a problem with my character." Jiang Chen said, the first time he did self-reflection, is it because the image he established in front of Luo Xi before was not bright enough or majestic enough, in short, just not tall enough? superior.

"No, I have to revisit the three views of Luo Xi's beauties." Jiang Chen said, otherwise, if Luo Xi wants to take the initiative to throw himself into his arms, God knows, he will have to wait until the year of the monkey. After all, who told Luo Xi to Are you not moved by his beauty at all?

After a while, Jiang Chen did the same and returned to his room.

Today, the harvest is quite fruitful, and it is time to enjoy the fruits of such victory.

Sitting cross-legged, Jiang Chen released his spiritual consciousness and performed an inner inspection. He could suddenly see the golden light of the Pure Yang Cauldron gushing out from within his dantian, extremely resplendent.

Inside the small cauldron, wisps of Seventh Gold Qi were circulating, gorgeous and splendid, and the majestic coercion manifested, which was quite astonishing.

"It's a good harvest, we can start now." After a few visits, Jiang Chen had a decision in his heart. As soon as he thought about it, he saw that the pure Yang cauldron was shining brightly in his dantian, and the ancient and vicissitudes of life filled the air. Coercion between heaven and earth...

(End of this chapter)

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