genius evil

Chapter 1353 Conscience Is Too Bad

Chapter 1353 Conscience Is Too Bad
"Place your bets, place your bets quickly, peerless powerhouses, peak duels, whoever loses and who wins, is in your hands. Come on, follow me and participate."

Yuan Chi was shouting, this guy has become more and more courageous since he cooperated with Jiang Chen, he would dare to provoke anyone.

Of course, in front of Jiang Chen, he was always honest, and there was no way he could be dishonest, otherwise he would risk being slapped to death.

"Yuan Chi, what do you mean, there is something shady about this battle?"

Someone asked curiously, looked at Yuan Chi with a half-smile, and waited for Yuan Chi's response.

"Yeah, why do I have the feeling that the outcome could be reversed at any time? Is this really the case? Should it be so dark?"

Some people also said that with a dark face, they planned to do a big fight at any time and beat Yuan Chi violently.

There is no way, Yuan Chi looks like he really deserves a beating.

In particular, Jiang Chen's attack on the Tianbang before, united with Yuan Chi, and plundered a large amount of contribution points was exposed, and everyone knew about it, so it was really difficult to have a good impression of Yuan Chi.

Speaking of which, if it weren't for being afraid of Jiang Chen, Yuan Chi would have been beaten so hard that he couldn't tell north from south.

This is a real scam, even if one day, he died suddenly, it would not make people feel strange at all, it would only make people feel disgusted, Yuan Chi died not fast enough.

"Isn't it, Jiang Chen and Ji Mobai, whoever bets more will lose, so, is it already decided by default? Jiang Chen and Ji Mobai are joking with us all? "

Some people said that they were deeply skeptical about this point and couldn't believe Yuan Chi's character. Of course, they all agreed that Yuan Chi had been corrupted by Jiang Chen and had no character at all.

"how could be."

Yuan Chi was in a hurry, sweating profusely, explained, and said solemnly, "This battle is about the dignity of the strongest, how can it be insulting, you can insult me ​​one by one, but you must not insult Jiang Chen and Ji Mobai. "

Then, Yuan Chi said that he was optimistic about Jiang Chen and Ji Mobai, and believed that the final outcome would be a [-]-[-] split. It was actually very risky to set up a gamble this time. If you were not careful, you would lose your entire fortune. It is estimated that even the top of the pants will be lost.

Yuan Chi is hard-working, sensible, and gives full play to the advantages of a sharp tongue, trying to persuade everyone.

"Yuan Chi, haven't you cheated us less often? You want to lie to our contribution value again, you bastard."

Some people are furious, very angry, very suspected of being fooled as a fool, unnatural, have been fooled many times, and are deeply troubled.

"Yuan Chi, is it easy for us to work hard to earn some contribution points? If you cheat at once, is there a time when your conscience is uneasy?"

Some people jumped out to accuse Yuan Chi, thinking that Yuan Chi's conscience was too bad, secretly cursing Yuan Chi's best day to die tragically, otherwise it would be difficult to relieve the hatred in his heart.

"Yuan Chi, stop talking nonsense, this time, we will never believe you, die of this, get out, or I will beat you."

Someone said in an unusually firm tone, saying that he would never be fooled again, and he did not want to be fooled again, not to mention losing the contribution value, and it was too embarrassing.

It's a pity, it's a pity that these people, no matter how they criticize Yuan Chi, are all attracted by the upcoming battle between Jiang Chen and Ji Mobai.

As Yuan Chi said, this is the battle of the strongest, the peak duel, and it is no exaggeration to say that it has attracted much attention.

Two, one is the old Xeon, and the other is the new Invincible, how can we not make people look forward to it?
It can be said that this is a long-awaited battle, and it is coming soon after all. If it is said that this battle will be recorded in the history of the Seven Star Martial Academy, but there will be no one, and it feels a little inappropriate.

If you miss this wonderful event, how many years will you have to wait before seeing it again?
ten years?


Hundreds of years?
Ever since the Seven Star Martial Academy's inner sect established the Heaven List, has there ever been such a freak as Jiang Chen?
From the moment he entered the inner gate, he set the number one in the heaven list as his goal, and rushed to crush him. Before he challenged Ji Mobai, he was on par with Ji Mobai, with great prestige.

This is a monstrous existence, a rare genius who meets once in a hundred years, this battle between him and Ji Mobai, no matter what, must not be missed, otherwise it will be a lifetime of regret.

What Yuan Chi expected happened according to what he imagined.

Don't look at these guys, all of them are frowning, their noses are raised, and they start to bet, but they are all merciless, with amazing generosity.

The entire inner sect was shaking. The number of bettors reached an unprecedented number. Naturally, the amount of contribution value was also unprecedented.

Yuan Chi was registered one by one, and every face was full of smiles.

"It's really [-]-[-]."

As everyone placed their bets, it was clear at a glance who was more favored between Jiang Chen and Ji Mobai, and Yuan Chi was speechless inwardly.

He said [-]-[-] before, but he just said it casually. The purpose is to confuse and induce everyone to place bets. This is a tried-and-tested method.

But when this happened, Yuan Chi was a little bit hard to accept.

"No way, do you really want to lose everything?"

Yuan Chi hesitated, this was the first time he doubted Jiang Chen's strength.


"Yuan Chi again, set up a bet, and you instigated it?" Luo Xi asked, very speechless.

"If there is no accident, this will be my last battle in the Tianbang. Of course, Ji Mobai must play the most value." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

After claiming the first place in the Heaven Ranking, all Jiang Chen had to do was over. Thinking about it, at that time, there would be no one who would challenge him without looking too far.

"Invincible, the loneliest." Jiang Chen sighed with emotion.

"The battle hasn't started yet." Luo Xi had to remind.

Hearing Jiang Chen's tone of voice, he was telling that Ji Mobai would definitely lose, and Luo Xi would not doubt Jiang Chen's strength, but what about Ji Mobai?As a veteran Xeon, no one can shake him so far, so how could it be so easy to be pulled down from the altar?

"Ji Mobai is doomed." Jiang Chen said firmly.

"Brother Jiang, your tone is too loud, I am ashamed of myself."

Outside the door, a voice came from Situ Aofeng.

Just as Situ Aofeng came over, he just heard Jiang Chen's words. He was stunned, ashamed of himself, and ashamed to death.

Once upon a time, he was above Jiang Chen, and he was the target Jiang Chen was chasing. Now, the role was completely reversed, and Jiang Chen became the target he was chasing.

What made Situ Aofeng feel powerless was that Jiang Chen rushed all the way and walked too fast, leaving him far behind and unable to catch up.

"This is probably the biggest gap between me and Jiang Chen." Situ Aofeng thought bitterly.

He used to be No. [-] in the top [-] outer sect list, so majestic and magnificent, but after entering the inner sect, he was completely lost in the crowd. He was full of ambitions and did not forget his original intention, but he was so powerless.

"Brother Situ, you'd better make it clear. Is my tone really loud?" Jiang Chen said dissatisfied.

Situ Aofeng was taken aback again, clasped his fists in both hands, bowed and said, "Then advance, I wish Brother Jiang a successful start."

"This is necessary. I was born in the same age as me. It is destined to be Ji Mobai's sorrow. You all know me. What I hate the most is bullying others. However, Ji Mobai is obsessed with obsession, so I can only help you." He is sober." Jiang Chen said helplessly.

Hearing this, Luo Xi and Situ Aofeng looked at each other with black lines all over their heads. Why is Jiang Chen so short of smoking?

I really don't know how Ji Mobai would feel if he heard such words. Probably, he wants to fight Jiang Chen for his life!

"Brother Ji, that guy Yuan Chi is too happy to jump around, and he doesn't know how to live or die. Shall we teach him a lesson?"

Fu Qingfeng went to the door, and his words were not pleasant.

In his opinion, Yuan Chi's behavior was to blame Ji Mo, which was no different from courting death.

"No need."

Shaking his head, Ji Mobai said indifferently.

Jiang Chen had been looking forward to the battle with Jiang Chen for a long time, and he, too, had always been looking forward to it. At this moment, his state of mind was clear and determined.

"However, I suspect that it was Jiang Chen who instigated it. Otherwise, even if Yuan Chi had a hundred courage, he wouldn't dare." Fu Qingfeng said.

Smiling slightly, Ji Mobai said, "Since you know it's related to Jiang Chen, why get angry?"

"I'm worried that Jiang Chen is deliberately creating a public opinion offensive, and stabbing people in the back is impossible to guard against." Fu Qingfeng said.

"Don't think too much, he just thinks he will win." Ji Mobai said.

Fu Qingfeng was dumbfounded, is that so?


This battle is destined to be involved, and the minds of countless people, the top ten powerhouses in the heaven list, are all moved by the wind and show up one after another.

Fang Qingxuan needless to say, he is currently in a stage of trying to gain a sense of presence, and he often shows his face in public.

The rest of the people have always been elusive, but when they were alarmed, they all walked out, causing heated discussions.

"Jiang Chen and Ji Mobai cherish each other as promised. Who said that at the beginning? Stand up for me and promise not to kill you!"

Jiang Chen and Ji Mobai teamed up to clear up the atmosphere of the whole world, and the cooperation was extremely tacit, and it was said to be a good story.

A battle is about to happen so quickly, which caught many people off guard.

"Idiot, idiot, Jiang Chen and Ji Mobai teamed up, it's nothing more than standing up, don't you understand such a simple truth? Stop embarrassing yourself here."

Someone taunted and told that the reason for the war was to re-select Xeon, no matter how good the relationship between Jiang Chen and Ji Mobai was, it was inevitable.

Such a statement is reassuring, but it makes me look forward to it even more.

Finally, the day has come.

Jiang Chen led Situ Aofeng and Luo Xi to appear, followed by that bastard Yuan Chi.

Now, Yuan Chi is Jiang Chen's little follower, and the relationship between the two parties has become transparent, that is, they no longer hide anything.

"Come on, Jiang Chen is here, where is Ji Mobai, where is he?"

Below the arena of life and death, people's heads surged. Seeing Jiang Chen appearing, they all attracted their attention.

At about the same time, a figure in purple also appeared, it was Ji Mobai.

Ji Mobai didn't come alone, and there was a person behind him, which was Fu Qingfeng.

"Ji Mobai is here, the show is finally about to begin!"

Everyone's eyes lit up, and their mood became extremely hot!
(End of this chapter)

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