genius evil

Chapter 1368 You Are Very Nice

Chapter 1368 You Are Very Nice
Zhong Shenxiu was laughing, and those on the side of direct disciples were also laughing.

Zhong Shenxiu's smile was very reserved and gentle, and Fu Qingfeng didn't take the initiative to admit defeat because of forcing Fu Qingfeng. There was a hint of arrogance and domineering in that smile.

This is because it was the expected result.

As long as Fu Qingfeng has self-knowledge and weighs the pros and cons, he will know what kind of decision to make is the most beneficial to him.

Obviously, taking the initiative to admit defeat may seem like a shame, but in fact, it is the best choice.

Fu Qingfeng himself thought so, and so did Zhong Shenxiu, so Zhong Shenxiu's smile had no specific meaning.

But the people on the side of direct disciples were very different. They laughed happily and loudly, without any concealment, and looked at Fu Qingfeng like that, as if they were watching a joke.

"Is this the strength of the third strongest person in the Tianbang? Oh, no, now, it should be the fourth."

Someone said with a smile, that is called gloating.

Before, Fu Qingfeng stood up very strongly, almost going to fight Luo Ding, which inevitably deepened everyone's impression of Fu Qingfeng, so at this time, they laughed, especially happily.

"Top four in the Tianbang, but that's it, it's really curious, what kind of qualifications do you have to make such a noise?"

Someone said again, as if he was afraid that others would not know that he was laughing at Fu Qingfeng. When he said this, it was almost as if he reached out his hand directly to slap Fu Qingfeng on the face.

"It's such a pity, a lot of excitement is missing, why should you admit defeat? Don't you even have the courage to fight? It's really disappointing."

Furthermore, someone said, "It's very leisurely, and you don't worry about big things when you watch the excitement. If you ridicule him, that's a person who has no scruples and doesn't give Fu Qingfeng any face at all."

Those voices came to my ears one by one.

Fu Qingfeng's face was flushed red at first, and then turned purple. He was ashamed and angry.

Because, it is true that he does not have the courage to fight, a battle that is destined to be a disastrous defeat, and a battle that is destined to be meaningless. If he does not admit defeat, he will attract more ridicule, thinking that he is overestimated.

But Fu Qingfeng was even more annoyed. He was right to be afraid of Zhong Shenxiu, but these people were not qualified to make him afraid.

It's just that the current situation is too embarrassing, and there is no way to vent the anger even if it is empty.

Fu Qingfeng gritted his teeth, glanced at each face one by one, and deeply imprinted each face in his heart.

"Fu Qingfeng, are you holding a grudge? Did we say something wrong?"

When someone saw this, they immediately sneered and said, very jokingly, without any pressure.

"The strength is not as good as others, and the face is disgraced. Don't people tell the truth? This is the mind of the fourth strongest person in the list? It's really doubtful, the gold content in the list."

Someone said so, and satirized Fu Qingfeng not to mention it, but even gave all the strong people in the Tianbang, and satirized it again.

"Tianbang, there is really no gold content."

But at this time, a lazy voice sounded.

Listening to that voice, everyone followed the voice to look, and then, they were stunned, it was Jiang Chen.

As the most powerful existence in the Tianbang, Jiang Chen actually said that the Tianbang has no gold content. Are you sure he is not joking?
After all, this is denying the authority of the Tianbang, and denying the Tianbang is denying himself. How dizzy Jiang Chen must be to say such a thing?
Some people even wondered if Jiang Chen was drunk, otherwise, what was he thinking?
Even after Jiang Chen said this, Ji Mobai and Fang Qingxuan subconsciously looked at Jiang Chen, and their expressions changed slightly, obviously, they couldn't understand it.

As for Fu Qingfeng, he even wanted to die.

He and Jiang Chen didn't deal with each other, it was just that they had no direct contact, so they could live in peace on the surface.

But in Fu Qingfeng's view, Jiang Chen was stepping on him, and he was going to make trouble!

In normal times, Fu Qingfeng would not think that Jiang Chen's actions were excessive, but now, the powerhouse on the list and his direct disciples are competing for strengths, and Jiang Chen is really helping his direct disciples to speak. okay?
You know, he is the strongest in the Heavenly List, and to a certain extent, he represents the authority of the Heavenly List, which means that Jiang Chen is completely slapping himself in the face.

"Are you so thick-skinned? You don't even want face?" Fu Qingfeng thought, sighing to himself, he was angry but powerless.

"Haha, did you hear that? We didn't say this, but Jiang Chen said it. Now, Jiang Chen has admitted it himself. There is no gold in the list."

On the side of direct disciples, some people laughed out loud, and they were on the verge of tears.

In this case, many people can say it, and the direct disciples can naturally say it too, but only the strong ones in the heaven list can never say it, let alone, with Jiang Chen's identity and status?
They think this is too funny, is it an infighting?It seems that the strong men on the top of the list are not so united.

"Jiang Chen, being the number one in the list, has said convincingly that the list has no gold content. Does this mean that the existence of the list has already existed in name only and is meaningless?"

Someone said, with a serious look, throwing such a question, let everyone discuss it together, of course, the intention is extremely sinister, in short, it must be single-minded, push Jiang Chen to the cusp of the storm, so that Jiang Chen can't get down.

"There is no doubt that the existence of the Tianbang has long existed in name only. Otherwise, as the number one in the Tianbang, how could Jiang Chen say such a thing?"

Someone responded, with a firm tone and seriousness, still putting a hat on Jiang Chen's head.

"What did I say just now? Did I say that all of your direct disciples are idiots? You still don't believe it. Now, is there anyone who has doubts about this?"

After letting these good guys finish talking, Jiang Chen spoke in a leisurely manner.

If you want to pour dirty water on him and put a hat on him, what are you kidding about? In this respect, Jiang Chen is the ancestor.

"Jiang Chen, no one has ever forced you to say what you said just now." Luo Ding said coldly, he really couldn't stand Jiang Chen's tone of voice, which gave the impression that he was the only normal person in the world.

"I'm right, and it's true that no one has ever forced me. In fact, who can force me? You want to tell me, can you?" Jiang Chen said calmly, pissed off.

Luo Ding almost went mad with anger, thinking that Jiang Chen was deliberately disgusting him.

Of course he wouldn't think he could, no matter how much he looked down on the Heaven Rankings, but Jiang Chen fought against Jian Xiuming earlier, and Luo Ding was not so naive as to think that he was stronger than Jian Xiuming.

"Look, I knew I was right." Jiang Chen said with a smile, but Luo Ding was almost so angry that he ran away.

"The Tianbang really doesn't have any gold content. Therefore, my gold content as the number one in the Tianbang is also very suspicious. Therefore, you can challenge me one by one, suppress me, and fulfill your reputation." At that time, Jiang Chen said slowly.

"If you can't even suppress me, what qualifications do you have to talk about the gold content of the Tianbang in front of me? Doesn't that mean that the top ten personal disciples are a bunch of parallel imports?"

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Chen said again.

This is his usual style. The three of Ji Mobai are all familiar and cannot be more familiar. Hearing this, the three of Ji Mobai are all relieved, and then, a little bit, dumbfounded.

With Jiang Chen's action, he played with everyone, all of them.

It can be said that it is actually a very simple proof question. As long as someone can suppress Jiang Chen, it means that the Tianbang has no gold content.

But here comes the biggest question, who can suppress Jiang Chen?

Even if Zhong Shenxiu took action himself, how dare he say that he can suppress Jiang Chen?

A group of direct disciples were all stunned, jumping their feet one after another. This is because they had slipped into Jiang Chen's trap, and they had no choice but to be led by the nose by Jiang Chen.

They were all embarrassed, scolding Jiang Chen in their hearts for being too treacherous, and deliberately half-spoken to make people fall for the bait.

"No one thinks they can suppress me, right? The conclusion is obvious, you bunch of shameless parallel importers." Jiang Chen mercilessly cursed.

"In three days, I will set off and leave the Martial Academy." Zhong Shenxiu said.

He was unmoved, from the beginning to the end, there was no reaction, after saying this, he turned and walked away, blinking away.

As soon as Zhong Shenxiu left, the rest of the direct disciples, who had the nerve to stay longer, hurriedly followed and left one after another. After a while, they left cleanly.

"Jiang Chen, thank you for standing up for me." Fu Qingfeng walked towards Jiang Chen, filled with emotion.

At one time, he thought that Jiang Chen was making trouble and had resentment in his heart, but it was reversed, which made his mood very complicated.

"Did I stand up for you? Don't forget who I am." Waving his hand, Jiang Chen said indifferently.

"I will definitely keep this love in my heart." Fu Qingfeng said.

Taking the initiative to admit defeat to Zhong Shenxiu is not enough to destroy all his pride. No matter whether Jiang Chen intervenes intentionally or unintentionally, this friendship must be remembered.


Jiang Chen was slightly stunned, but looked at Fu Qingfeng differently. He chuckled, patted Fu Qingfeng on the shoulder with his hand, and said seriously, "Actually, you are very good."

Fu Qingfeng's whole body stiffened suddenly. He opened his mouth wide and looked at Jiang Chen absent-mindedly. He felt an unprecedented shock. In the end, he mechanically nodded and turned to leave.

After a while, the people on the Tianbang left one after another, Ji Mobai and Fang Qingxuan walked over hand in hand, and said a few words to Jiang Chen.

This time, in the competition for places, the top ten places in the celestial list only accounted for the third place. In the past, the celestial list was often stronger, and at worst it had to reach a [-]-[-] split.

This made both of them feel a little heavy, thinking to themselves, could it be that the Tianbang is really down and out?He was bullied to such an extent by his direct disciple!
"There is no doubt that there is no downfall in the Tianbang. After all, I am the strongest existence in the history, the number one in the Tianbang. There is no one before, and there will be no one in the future." Jiang Chen vowed, bragging for himself... …

(End of this chapter)

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