genius evil

Chapter 1370 You Don't Force Me

Chapter 1370 You Don't Force Me
Jiang Chen was very depressed, so depressed that he almost vomited blood.

He felt that he was really stupid, if he hadn't asked Luo Xi such a question, from today on, he would be a veritable princess's man, the consort of the empire.

"Why would such a smart man like me be stupid at a critical moment?" Jiang Chen muttered to himself, wondering, after all, this was very inconsistent with his usual style of doing things.

And the question Jiang Chen asked was, "Lady Luo Xi, are you moved?"

From Jiang Chen's point of view, this was a flirtatious remark, but Luo Xi's answer was serious and earnest, telling him that there was no emotion at all.

Those calm and unwavering eyes, as well as the awe-inspiring and inviolable face, all told Jiang Chen that he was still too far away from moving her.

Then there is no more then.

It was the first time in history that he had failed to be a man to such an extent. How could Jiang Chen not be so depressed that he wanted to die.

"How did this happen, where is the problem?" Jiang Chen said to himself, sighing.

One step away from becoming the emperor's son-in-law, but now, he has no choice but to stay on the empty bed alone. This is too sad. We must deeply reflect on it, take it as a warning, and never do it again!

"Little guy, look at your worthless appearance, no wonder Luo Xi doesn't like you."

But just as Jiang Chen was alone, sighing, in his room, at some point, there was a figure, an old man with white beard and black hair, looking at him with a mocking expression, and said aloud.

"To shut up!"

Jiang Chen scolded in a cold voice, and said sharply, "What kind of thing are you? Do you think you are qualified to stand in front of me by relying on your age? I warn you, this medicine can be taken indiscriminately, but the words are Absolutely don't talk nonsense, beauty Luoxi, when did you despise me?"

The smell of gunpowder in these words was unusually strong, and the words uttered out of the head and brain, which directly confused the black-haired old man.

After a while, when he came back to his senses, the black-haired old man's old face turned blue, and he said angrily, "Little guy, I'm just telling the truth. What do you mean by such a big reaction? It angered the old man. Be careful to slap you to death!"

Jiang Chen sneered. Regarding the black-haired old man's words, he had an attitude that didn't even believe in punctuation marks. He said, "Old guy, look at your old arms and legs, how dare you slap me to death with a slap? To put it bluntly, for an old guy like you, I can hit ten with one punch."

"Ten hits?"

Blinking, the black-haired old man smiled, but that kind of smile was extremely contemptuous, he said, "Little guy, your tone is really big enough, you don't even know who I am, what kind of identity I have It’s too ignorant to dare to say that it will hit ten. Is this the level of the first place in today’s list? It’s too disappointing, it’s really not as good as one.”

The black-haired old man sighed and felt very emotional. The way he looked at Jiang Chen was clearly full of hatred for iron.

Jiang Chen also squinted at the black-haired old man, and said with great displeasure, "Old guy, you'd better explain to me clearly, isn't my level really bad? Isn't it the best in history? powerful?"

"The Xeon of the Heavenly List?"

The black-haired old man was stunned. Although Jiang Chen's name was widely spread in the inner sect, he had heard about it, but he really didn't know that Jiang Chen's face was so thick and shameless.

"You claim to be the most powerful in the history of history?"

The black-haired old man thought he heard it wrong, so he couldn't help asking.

"Is there a problem?" Jiang Chen was very proud, and said slowly, "I'm not bragging, but recognized. In fact, I've always been low-key and modest, and I don't want to show off."

The black-haired old man just looked at Jiang Chen like a ghost, he was extremely sure now, Jiang Chen was indeed, shameless.

"Throughout the past, the number one existence in the Heaven Rankings has always been amazing and talented. Looking at the Eastern Great Region, they are all famous and extraordinary figures, and you are just a villain." The black-haired old man said. .

"Old guy, if you dare to talk nonsense again, I will beat you up." Jiang Chen stared.

It has to be said that the words of the black-haired old man were so ugly that Jiang Chen had the urge to run away every minute, thinking that he would be able to speak well after a beating.

"Don't you even have such a little self-knowledge? I am very worried. How far will your road ahead be? Will you stop at number one on the list?" said the black-haired old man.

The implication is nothing more than that Jiang Chen's highest achievement in this life is probably the number one in the heaven list, and after that, he will disappear from the public and become ordinary.

"Old guy, don't force me." Pointing a finger at the black-haired old man, Jiang Chen's eyes turned red with anger.

What do you mean by that, are you cursing him?

They were strangers to each other, and had never masked their faces. It was fine that this old guy appeared in his room out of nowhere, but he even cursed him. Was it too old and impatient to live?

"This is still the truth, little guy, I am very disappointed with your performance." Shaking his head, the black-haired old man said.

"Whether you are disappointed or not, does it have anything to do with me?" Jiang Chen looked at him like an idiot, and said, "Warning you, my patience has a limit, if you dare to offend me, I will really I'm going to beat you."

"Are you not curious at all, why did I appear?" The black-haired old man just had to ask this question.

Because, he was very skeptical that if he allowed the development to continue like this, he would never have a chance to get to the point. This could probably be regarded as Jiang Chen's unique ability.

"I'm not curious at all," Jiang Chen said.

"So, are you curious about my identity?" After a moment of silence, the black-haired old man said.

"Do I have to be curious?" Jiang Chen asked back.

So, the black-haired old man was silent again, and the silence lasted a bit longer. In the end, he sighed faintly, wondering if it was a big mistake for him to appear today to meet Jiang Chen.

"Crazy, domineering, plus a little bit of luck, you have become the number one in the heaven list. Is my Seven Star Martial Academy, now, already down to this point?"

The black-haired old man sighed, very sad.

This is an era in which the arrogance of heaven coexists, goddesses compete for glory, and geniuses from all walks of life emerge in endlessly, like crucian carp crossing the river, each of them is extremely brilliant and blooms with brilliance.

Originally, there were expectations for Jiang Chen, the black-haired old man, but the reality was extremely frustrating.

Jiang Chen had the urge to vomit blood again. This old guy really doesn't know how to speak human words. Could it be that he thought that he didn't suffer enough blows today, so he came here specially to hit him?
If this is the case, then I can only congratulate him, it was a success, and made his already depressed mood even more depressed.

But who did he provoke?
Is it necessary to come to him like this to beat him?Can you still make some sense?
"That little guy Ji Mobai, I was very optimistic about him before, but he was defeated by you and gave up the first place in the list. It's sad and lamentable."

The black-haired old man didn't notice Jiang Chen's reaction, he was talking, regretting it, and somewhat dissatisfied.

"Coinciding with the opening of the Garden of All Things, can our Seven Star Martial Academy still strive to be the best as before?"

"Are you finished?"

Jiang Chen was indifferent, as if he didn't hear what the black-haired old man was saying.

The black-haired old man couldn't help blowing his beard and staring. He said so many words from the bottom of his heart, which were so touching, did Jiang Chen not react at all?
Is this taking his words as a deaf ear?
Or did he not take it to heart at all, and treated it from the perspective of an outsider, and didn't think it had anything to do with him?
The above two points, no matter what they were, made the black-haired old man extremely unbearable.

After all, Jiang Chen being number one in the heaven list, to a certain extent, represents the face of the Seven Star Martial Academy. If he goes out, he will be slapped in the face every minute, and it will not only lose Jiang Chen's own face , and the face of the Seven Star Martial Academy.

This is also the purpose of his saying these words, to stimulate Jiang Chen, let Jiang Chen work hard, and strive for a little bit, otherwise let alone the number one in the history of the sky list, the biggest joke in history, it is still a joke. almost.

"you you……"

Pointing at Jiang Chen with a finger, the black-haired old man was so angry that he couldn't even speak.

"What are you doing so excitedly? I'm not excited at all." Jiang Chen said slowly, unusually calm. At the end, he smiled slightly and said, "Old guy, you're belittling me with all your heart, why are you so lazy? I understand, but since you are talking so much nonsense, you almost told me that you are here to give me benefits, then, just order it directly, and get it if you have any benefits, and then, you get out early."

Respecting the old and loving the young is a tradition that can be used in many places, but obviously, it is definitely not applicable now. Therefore, Jiang Chen is not polite at all in front of the black-haired old man.

"You're not completely stupid." The black-haired old man said.

"What's the benefit?"

Jiang Chen didn't argue with him, but asked very curiously, his eyes sparkled with anticipation.

Looking at Jiang Chen's appearance, the black-haired old man was speechless. He wished he could slap Jiang Chen's face with his hands.

"I've changed my mind." The black-haired old man said coldly.

Now he came here without getting angry, how could he be willing to give Jiang Chen the benefits that he wanted to give to Jiang Chen?
"Are you kidding me?"

Jiang Chen would grow old if he didn't get angry, and he almost wanted to fight.

"The mud can't support the wall." The black-haired old man's face turned black, and he wanted to leave with a flick of his sleeves.

"Wait." Jiang Chen quickly stopped him, with a look of panic, "If you don't take out the benefits, you won't even think about leaving."


In an instant, the breathing of the black-haired old man became a lot rougher. In recent years, he has been cultivating his mind and nature, and found that his energy-raising skills have been completely corrupted.

The black-haired old man was furious. This was Jiang Chen's good deed. How could he tolerate it if he ruined his practice? He raised his hand and slapped Jiang Chen to suppress it!

(End of this chapter)

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