genius evil

Chapter 1394 Become the Sleeping Target of Tens of Thousands of Girls

Chapter 1394 The Sleeping Target of Thousands of Girls

Shen Anhe had indeed changed his mind, and had a strong urge to kill Jiang Chen!
As the prince of the Tianfeng Empire, although his status is not supremely noble, don't forget that the opening of the Garden of Everything is in the Tianfeng Empire, in Tianhai City.

This is his territory, even if Jiang Chen is a dragon crossing the river, in front of him, he has to behave honestly.Every move depends on his face!

This time, in the Qunying Building, a banquet of geniuses from all over the world was invited. Just ask, how many people are there who are not polite to him?

Shen Anhe knew well that it was not entirely because of him, but to a large extent, it was because of the royal family of the Tianfeng Empire, but so what?He himself represents the imperial family!

When he was in the group of heroes, Jiang Chen was flamboyant and showed off, and it was so impressive that he was the master of the crowd, but could he take him as the master in his heart?Have you ever thought about where that kind of behavior will put him, the master?
Not making a fuss doesn't mean that you don't mind, let alone that you don't care.

It's just that he can't, because it's a trivial matter, and he just fell out with Jiang Chen on the spot.

But in Qunying Building, Jiang Chen was arrogant, that's all, now, he doesn't give him face, ignores what he said, and even kills the people he brought here in front of him, just like that, just want to leave After all, is there such a cheap thing?
However, thinking so in his heart, Shen Anhe didn't admit it directly.

Because, he knew that Jiang Chen wanted him to admit it more than himself. In that case, the two sides would directly tear each other apart and put everything on the table for discussion.

However, what qualifications did Jiang Chen have to let him do that?
Too much to feel good about, isn't it?Blindly domineering, thinking how great he is, but he doesn't know that it is pushing himself step by step to a dead end.

After all, even if Jiang Chen really existed at the same level as that Mu Sirius, so what?
It's just pushing a big realm horizontally, it's far from being so remarkable, at least, in Shen Anhe's eyes, it's far from enough.

"Jiang Chen, Miss Shang is my distinguished guest. It is impossible for me to just watch you take her away, unless..." On the surface, Shen Anhe said so.

At the end, he paused in his words and did not continue to speak, but the meaning was obvious.

"Unless I step on your corpse, I can take away Miss Sister, is that so?" Jiang Chen took the words and said with a smile, but he looked at Shen Anhe with admiration.

He pressed against each other again and again, just to make Shen Anhe tear up his face, because, how could he fail to see that the reason why Shen Anhe led people to catch up was not just because of Shang Heng's simplicity.To some extent, it was aimed at him, even if there was no Shang Heng, it would be to make things difficult for him.

However, Shen An and Incomparable Forbearance were both forced to this level by him, and they still forbeared.

"The art of the emperor?" Jiang Chen thought to himself.

Just thinking of Qin Shiji, the prince of the Great Qin Empire who had dealt with him before, it is not difficult to see that Shen Anhe's behavior style is quite different from Qin Shiji's.

In other words, the two of them are, in fact, the same kind of people.

As the future heir of the two most powerful empires, he practiced the king's mind technique, showing his emotions and anger.

"Jiang Chen, it's best for you to understand this." Shen Anhe said without denying it.

Likewise, he knew very well that if Jiang Chen could understand, this was a threat.

If Jiang Chen wanted to take Shang Heng away, he would have to turn against him. For this, Shen Anhe was extremely happy to see it happen.

On the surface, there is no difference between him turning his face or Jiang Chen turning his face, but one before the other is the question of initiative and passivity. In terms of her pride, how could it be possible for her to be led by the nose by Jiang Chen?

Absolutely cannot allow such a situation to happen.

"Miss Sister, is Brother Shen your suitor?" Jiang Chen was, and asked Shang Heng with a smile.

"Sister, I am unparalleled in charm, and there are so many people who pursue me." Shang Heng said with a charming smile, her eyes flashed, charming Tiancheng.

"Miss sister, you are really narcissistic. Have I ever told you that, looking at the entire continent, thousands of girls all aim to sleep with me?" Jiang Chen boasted.

"No, not at all, I am such a low-key person, how can I tell others about this kind of thing, so, young lady, you must learn from me and strive to be a low-key person." Then, Jiang Chen said , said solemnly.

"Little man, you make my sister feel ashamed." Shang Heng said quietly.

"This is for sure." Jiang Chen said, very proud, as if, it really happened.

The corner of Shang Heng's mouth twitched slightly. Once again, he deeply learned how thick Jiang Chen's skin is. It is estimated that even with the sharpest weapon in the world, it cannot be torn apart.

"Brother Shen, I think you understand. Although you are Miss Sister's suitor, Miss Sister doesn't take you seriously at all. Please, don't feel good about yourself, okay? Even if you cut your neck with a knife and kill yourself, little sister Elder sister won't even take a look." Jiang Chen said to Shen Anhe.

"Jiang Chen, let me say it again, Miss Shang is my guest." Shen Anhe said, his tone was a little more severe.

"A toad is a toad after all. If you want to eat a bite of swan meat, you are doomed to wishful thinking." Jiang Chen sighed, and said earnestly, "Brother Shen, you must learn to recognize and accept the reality."

"Shut up!" Shen Anhe scolded.

"It's just telling the truth, why get angry, well, I'll take my young lady and leave first, so I won't provoke you." Jiang Chen said kindly.

After the words fell, Jiang Chen hugged Shang Heng and wanted to leave again.

"Jiang Chen, do you want to die?"

At this time, one person said, he strode forward, his eyes were sharp, and he glanced at Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Chen, you are too arrogant, you can't treat me as a display? Put down Miss Shang and apologize to Mr. Shen."

Another person said, also stepped forward.

Afterwards, several people stepped forward to form a siege to Jiang Chen. Seeing the situation, they were ready to attack Jiang Chen at any time.

"Is this necessary? It's not possible to rob civilian girls by force? Brother Chen, you wouldn't be so low-level, would you?" Jiang Chen asked.

"It's useless." Shen Anhe shook his head, and he said, "Jiang Chen, you've already talked a lot of nonsense and exhausted my patience. Put down Miss Shang, and I'll let you live."

"Miss and I live together, and we are very happy. Are you trying to force us to separate?" Jiang Chen asked, very dissatisfied.

"If Miss Shang is willing to go with you, I have nothing to say." Shen Anhe said indifferently.

"Miss sister, are you willing?" Jiang Chen asked Shang Heng with a playful smile.

"Yes." Shang Heng said without hesitation.


Shen Anhe's eyes widened and his pupils contracted. He never thought that Shang Heng would say such a thing.

He believed that it was impossible for Shang Heng to leave with Jiang Chen, and that was why he said such words. In fact, it was difficult for the strong.

But when Shang Heng said this, all his plans fell through, which gave Shen Anhe the feeling that he had eaten a dead fly... No, even if he ate a dead fly, it would definitely not be like this, This is a dead fly that ate a bite.

"The target that thousands of girls want to sleep with, brother Shen, do you think I'm just talking about it casually?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

How could Shen Anhe have guessed Shang Heng's thoughts?

Even she was very unpredictable to Shang Heng.

This is a goblin, a typical confidante.

Therefore, in order to prevent more people from being harmed, he reluctantly sacrificed his life for righteousness. After all, if he does not go to hell, who will go to hell?

"Miss Shang, are you sure?" Shen Anhe asked, aggrieved.

"I'm sure." Shang Heng smiled, and she was very charming. She stretched out a hand and stroked Jiang Chen's face. In her beautiful eyes, there was a light of affection.

"Damn it!"

Shen Anhe was furious and wanted to run away.

He saw Shang Heng's eyes, and he was about to explode.

what is this?Like Rakshasa that night, did Shang Heng sink?

You know, the reason why he took a high look at Shang Heng was to visit him personally and invite Shang Heng to the Qunying Tower to attend the meeting. Out of a man's frustration.

This stunning beauty, with every frown and smile, has an alluring demeanor. May I ask, which man wouldn't want to possess her?

Now, Shang Heng fell into Jiang Chen's embrace.

If it was forced by Jiang Chen, it would be fine, but at present, it is voluntary, out of willingness.

"Brother Chen, you must have heard everything clearly. So, can I take my little sister to have fun now?" Jiang Chen asked.


Shen Anhe said in a vicious voice, he used Shang Heng as a cover, but in the end, unexpectedly, how could it be better, forcing Jiang Chen to stay?

Jiang Chen quickly hugged Shang Heng and left.

"Brother Shen, are you going to let Jiang Chen go now? This kid is too flamboyant, and if he enters the Garden of Everything in the future, it will be a big disaster, so we must be on guard!"

Someone said, exhorting.

"Who said he would enter the Garden of Everything?" Shen Anhe said with a sneer.

In the past few days, the Garden of All Things will be opened. If Jiang Chen enters it, as people say, it will be a disaster. I don’t know how many people will be unlucky, but the premise is that Jiang Chen can enter it if he has the opportunity .

Offending him, Shen Anhe, and wanting to enter the Garden of Everything, is it naive and delusional?

The few people who followed Shen Anhe all understood, they smiled, they were in a good mood, and their thoughts were clear.

This is because, feeling the threat from Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen is just a stinky rock, which cannot be splashed with oil, dripped with water, hard or soft, and cannot be dealt with.

But to offend Shen Anhe, Jiang Chen's way forward will be broken at this step. For this, they will not have the slightest sympathy, but one by one, they are looking forward to it.

"Jiang Chen, congratulations, you have completely offended Shen Anhe." Shang Heng said with a coquettish smile, his smile was extraordinarily brilliant, with a eccentric charm that made people sink into it involuntarily.

"Miss sister, you made a mistake. I didn't offend Shen Anhe, but Shen Anhe offended me." Jiang Chen corrected and said in a serious manner.

Then, Jiang Chen added: "Once there is a chance, I will definitely kill him!"

(End of this chapter)

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