genius evil

Chapter 1406 Congratulations, You Are Famous Again

Chapter 1406 Congratulations, You Are Famous Again

This time, the opening of the Garden of All Things was in the Tianfeng Empire, the internal communication between the major martial arts schools, and the Shenfeng martial arts school can be regarded as the host.

Following Qu Heng, leading the people from the Kamikaze Martial Academy to leave, the rest of the Martial Academy didn't stay long, and within a very short period of time, they dispersed one after another, announcing the end of this internal exchange.

It's just that when those people left, they all looked at Jiang Chen with more or less meaningful eyes.

"Jiang Chen, congratulations, you are famous again." Jian Xiuming stepped forward and said with a smile.

"Haven't I always been famous?" Jiang Chen asked.

"You seem very proud?" The smile on Jian Xiuming's face became more intense, and he said, "Could it be that you like this way of becoming famous? If so, then I really have nothing to say explain."

"Actually, no one asked you to speak." Jiang Chen reminded.

When Jiang Chen said this, Jian Xiuming's face froze slightly, and he said: "Jiang Chen, you only have a hard mouth now, think about it carefully, how to clean up the next mess, I am looking forward to it , you were attacked by the crowd."

First he offended Mori Martial Academy, and then he offended Kamikaze Martial Academy.

For Jiang Chen's ability to offend people, Jian Xiuming was completely in admiration. Jiang Chen was complacent, but he didn't know that he was digging his own grave, and there would always be times when he regretted it.

Jian Xiuming thinks that he doesn't need to do anything, he just needs to wait for that day to come.

"Will this kind of thing happen? I can only say that you are worrying unnecessarily." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

"Soon, very soon." Jian Xiuming said this, and immediately walked away. He had learned Jiang Chen's sharp tongue, but he didn't want to be humiliated by Jiang Chen in turn.

"Jiang Chen, be careful in everything." But Zhong Shenxiu said.

On Jiang Chen's issue, he has never intended to add insult to injury. In the final analysis, the dispute between the direct disciple and the strong man in the heaven list needs to be proved by relying on his own strength.

The Garden of Everything is about to start. When the time comes, enter it. There will be the battlefield where he and Jiang Chen will compete. Zhong Shenxiu has been looking forward to it for a long time.

"Huh?" Jiang Chen looked at Zhong Shenxiu in surprise.

Zhong Shenxiu didn't say any more, and walked away with Jian Xiuming and others.

After returning to the restaurant, not long after, there was a knock on the door. Jiang Chen went over and opened the door. Ji Mobai and Fang Qingxuan walked in.

"It's just in time. I just happened to go find you two and go drink." Seeing the two of them, Jiang Chen said with a smile on his face.

"Brother Jiang, you are really in a good mood." Ji Mobai said dumbfounded.

"Is there anything more important than drinking?" Jiang Chen asked.

"What happened today is a bit weird." Ji Mobai said.

What he was referring to was that on the martial arts arena, a group of talented experts challenged Jiang Chen. Everyone had a tacit understanding. Up to now, no one had suffered any injuries and had to admit defeat. .

"Strange?" Jiang Chen grinned.

"Brother Fang and I think it's more like a test for you, Brother Jiang." Ji Mobai said seriously.

It is normal for one person to admit defeat, but each of them surrendered directly and decisively, one by one more simply and neatly than the other. There is no doubt that no matter from which angle you look at it, it is very abnormal.

Both Ji Mobai and Fang Qingxuan felt something was wrong, so they came to remind Jiang Chen.

"I thought it was because of my domineering spirit that the four sides surrendered. It turns out that I overestimated myself." Jiang Chen muttered.

It was said that Ji Mobai and Fang Qingxuan couldn't laugh or cry. At this moment, Jiang Chen still had the heart to make a joke. This heart is too big.

"Thank you for reminding me." Jiang Chen then said.

On this issue, Jiang Chen has long noticed that it is not like a test, but a test at all. Except for that Yan Qiu, including Liu Ruoyu, all the people who will challenge the next one are from the very beginning, that is, to use big Killer, even though each of them concealed their murderous intent very well, how could they escape Jiang Chen's perception?

It's just that whether you see it or not, since Liu Ruoyu and the others deliberately pretended to be stupid, then he also pretended to be stupid.

The reason why this happens is obviously related to the reward order, which is an astonishing temptation, even for those who are strong in the Mortal Realm, it is estimated that it will be difficult to resist, let alone Liu Ruoyu and others?
However, even though he was pretending to be a fool, Jiang Chen naturally kept this matter in mind one by one, and when he entered the Garden of Everything, he would settle the matter slowly.

"Brother Jiang, did you know?" Fang Qingxuan asked in surprise.

"I don't look like a fool, do I?" Jiang Chen said helplessly.

Fang Qingxuan's heart moved slightly. He thought that Jiang Chen's authorities were deluded and blinded by the successive victories. How could he have expected that Jiang Chen was absolutely sober from beginning to end.

"Brother Ji and I are worrying too much." Fang Qingxuan said with a wry smile.

"That's not the case. I, Jiang Chen, will always remember the kindness of the two of you." Jiang Chen said sincerely, with a rare earnestness.

There was no contradiction between the three before, and the final handshake was acceptable, but it was only on the surface. At this time, Jiang Chen recognized the two from the bottom of his heart.

He has never had many friends, whether on Earth or in Zhenwu Continent, they are very few. If Ji Mobai and Fang Qingxuan don't mind, Jiang Chen believes that the three of them will become friends in the true sense.

Fang Qingxuan and Ji Mobai looked at each other, but they could hear the hidden meaning of Jiang Chen's words, which was a real recognition of the two of them.

"Go, go drink." Jiang Chen greeted the two of them by patting their shoulders.

"Okay!" Ji Mobai and Fang Qingxuan both smiled, and the three of them laughed loudly and went out...


The closer it is to the opening of the Garden of Everything, more and more geniuses and powerhouses will descend one after another and appear on the streets of Tianhai City.

Among them, some were unknown and unknown before, and some had been famous for a long time and had a great reputation.

But no matter what kind, they all have lofty ambitions.

Jiang Chen, Ji Mobai, and Fang Qingxuan became frequent customers of a certain restaurant, and they could often be seen drinking there.

In the next few days, except for one or two occasional provocations, which were then violently suppressed by Jiang Chen, it can be considered that they lived in peace.

Since then, Jiang Chen seems to have destroyed all the turmoil caused by that reward order, but Jiang Chen knows that this matter is far from over.

Jiang Chen had always wanted to have a good talk with Shen Anhe, but Shen Anhe went to the Tianfeng Empire's palace and never showed up again, making some of Jiang Chen's calculations inevitably come to nothing.

"Is that Jiang Chen?"

The three of Jiang Chen were drinking wine when whispering voices came from their ears.

Most of the people who would ask such questions are newcomers who have just arrived in Tianhai City. From the moment they entered Tianhai City, it was inevitable that they would hear Jiang Chen's name. Afterwards, many people would think of ways, Come to the restaurant where the three of Jiang Chen drank, to find out, to see what is the difference between Jiang Chen, whether it is three-headed and six-armed.

As a result, many people were naturally disappointed.

Because Jiang Chen didn't look any different, except that he had a face that was enough to make many female warriors scream.

"It's just ordinary, how did you achieve such a great reputation?"

Another voice came, Jiang Chen heard it, smiled and ignored it.

This is because, listening to similar words too much has already made Jiang Chen numb.

"Zhu Zi became famous, I just came late."

A majestic voice, buzzing, was heard by many people in the restaurant.

"Brother Zhang, I have explained to you about the reward order, why don't you go and meet him?" Immediately, someone urged.

"Hmph, I'm Zhang Yu, I'm just here. I'm tired from traveling, and I feel a little unwell. When I have a rest, I will definitely meet him," said the man.

"Brother Zhang, your talent is extraordinary, and you have the reputation of being the enemy of thousands of people. Even if you are exhausted, it is within ten moves. There is no doubt that you can suppress Jiang Chen." The instigator said.

"Ten moves? You think highly of Jiang Chen too much. In my opinion, there are at most three moves to suppress him. There is no room for him to stand up." The man who called himself Zhang Yu said swearingly.

It gave people the impression that once he made a move to find Jiang Chen's trouble, he would be able to catch him without any further ado.

"Three tricks, suppress me? When did I, Jiang Chen, become so weak?" Jiang Chen's head was full of black lines.

Hearing this, Ji Mobai and Fang Qingxuan, more or less, felt speechless.

"Brother Zhang really lives up to his reputation, who can suppress Jiang Chen with three moves." The man said, amazed.

"Haha..." The man named Zhang Yu just laughed out loud, extremely proud.

Originally, Jiang Chen was not surprised by this situation, but he had to say that this Zhang Yu had aroused his interest. Now he turned around and looked over, but he wanted to see where this Zhang Yu was. With so much confidence and confidence, he attempted to suppress him, Jiang Chen.

Coincidentally, Zhang Yu also looked at Jiang Chen, Xu did not expect that Jiang Chen would suddenly turn his head, and was caught off guard for a moment, the eyes of the two met in mid-air.

In an instant, Zhang Yu's face changed suddenly, his eyeballs kept rolling, and he twitched the corners of his mouth, as if he wanted to laugh, but in the end, he showed an expression uglier than crying.

But he couldn't sit still anymore, Zhang Yu hurriedly got up and said, "I still have something to do when I think about it, I'll take a step first."

After finishing the sentence, he left in a hurry without waiting for a response. Looking at that appearance, he only hated his parents for losing two legs. How could there be any strong demeanor at all?


Seeing this, the people at the same table were all messed up.

They listened to Zhang Yu's nonsense, they were all serious, they believed it was true, and they waited for Zhang Yu to make a move to frustrate Jiang Chen's prestige. At that time, they would be too, wouldn't they be proud?
But, what about the agreed three moves to suppress Jiang Chen, one look, is to be startled away, sure it is to suppress Jiang Chen, not to be suppressed by Jiang Chen?

(End of this chapter)

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