genius evil

Chapter 1436 The Man Who Chased the Princess

Chapter 1436 The Man Who Chased the Princess
"What's the situation? Am I so scary?" Jiang Chen was stunned.

He didn't even show up, but he just scared away a princess. This kind of situation made Jiang Chen confused, and immediately realized that something was wrong.

This place is very peaceful, without any abnormal phenomena. Undoubtedly, before he came, Princess Xingyue had gained something and planned to leave, so this happened.

"What will it be?" Jiang Chen was moved in his heart.

According to what the big tortoise said, even in the private lands of the great empires, the birth of rare treasures is only a high-probability event, and it does not necessarily result in something to be gained.

However, the phenomenon appeared in Liuyun Empire's private land, and Princess Xingyue in Haoyue Empire's private land also gained something. Even if there was a high probability, such a probability was too high, and it was undoubtedly unusual.

"This is a big world..." Jiang Chen thought of something, and remembered a widely circulated saying.

"Princess Xingyue, wait for me..." Immediately, Jiang Chen yelled loudly, and chased after Princess Xingyue in the direction where Princess Xingyue left.




Several coquettish shouts exploded in Jiang Chen's ears, and several delicate figures turned around, divided into several directions, shooting towards him, intending to intercept Jiang Chen.

"I'm very familiar with Princess Xingyue. I used to talk at night while holding a candle, and I once watched the sea of ​​stars together... What are you doing to stop me, and you still move away quickly." Jiang Chen said very displeased.

These people are all maids of Princess Xingyue, with clear eyes and good looks, and similarly, each of them has a high level of cultivation.

"Jiang Chen, stop talking nonsense."

Hearing the sound, one person yelled at her sharply, thinking that this was tarnishing Princess Xingyue's reputation, which was unbearable.

"You actually know me?" Jiang Chen said with a smile, "It's easy to handle this way, get out of the way quickly, or they will all be suppressed."

"Jiang Chen, I, Haoyue Empire, have always been with you, so don't make mistakes." Another maid said, not without threatening.

"I really know Princess Xingyue very well. Didn't she tell you guys? Isn't such a relationship shameful?" Jiang Chen said rather sadly.

The maids all had ugly faces, and they gritted their teeth tightly, and one of them said, "Jiang Chen, if you dare to talk nonsense again, don't blame me for being rude to you."

"This is definitely not nonsense, but something real. If you don't believe me, I will confront Princess Xingyue later." Jiang Chen said seriously.


The attack came immediately, and Jiang Chen repeatedly tarnished Princess Xingyue's reputation, making them angry, and wanted to teach Jiang Chen a lesson.

Otherwise, if such words are spread and someone takes them seriously, then what face will Princess Xingyue have?

"What are you doing so angry? I, Jiang Chen, seem easy to bully?" Jiang Chen was extremely angry, and quickly shot.

As a result, there was no suspense at all. The maids, without exception, were suppressed by Jiang Chen.

"I'll go too." Jiang Chen laughed loudly, turned into a rainbow, and galloped away.

Several maids were injured to varying degrees. They watched Jiang Chen leave helplessly, but their hearts were powerless and their hearts were awe-inspiring. Only through direct contact could they know how terrifying Jiang Chen was.

They teamed up, and they were completely vulnerable in front of Jiang Chen. It was because Jiang Chen was merciful, otherwise, they would not have been suppressed, but killed.

"Damn it, hate it!" One person said angrily, feeling desperate again, with a bad premonition that Jiang Chen would definitely stalk Princess Xingyue, and Princess Xingyue's reputation would soon be ruined.

Jiang Chen broke through and tore a shackle again. The speed was astonishing. He had a keen sense of spirit, and he couldn't escape the perception of any tiny details.

Princess Xingyue turned into a stream of light, and she didn't know where she went, but Jiang Chen chased after all the way based on various clues, and still stopped Princess Xingyue after an hour.

"Princess Xingyue, where are you going?" Jiang Chen said with a smile. At this time, he finally saw the appearance of Princess Xingyue.

She was born with extraordinary aura, with innate pride, her brows were cold, and there was a domineering cold light in her eyes, and her whole body exuded an aura of being unapproachable.

"Jiang Chen, you have already chased me all the way." Princess Xingyue said coldly.

"Princess Xingyue, since you know that I've chased you all the way, you didn't wait for me, it's too unkind." Jiang Chen complained.

While talking, Jiang Chen stared at Princess Xingyue and sized him up. For some reason, he had a vague sense of familiarity, as if he had met her once before.

This feeling confused Jiang Chen, because, for sure, this was the first time he had seen Princess Xingyue, otherwise, if he had ever met before, it would definitely not be as simple as a sense of familiarity.

This is a woman who is destined to be unforgettable at a glance, just one glance is enough to be unforgettable for a lifetime!

"What's the matter with you?" Princess Xingyue asked, ignoring Jiang Chen's teasing.

"Princess Xingyue, you are so beautiful, even if you are fine, it is worth pursuing." Jiang Chen laughed.

"Be direct, and tell me your purpose." Princess Xingyue didn't like Jiang Chen's playful smile, she was extremely serious, serious, with an irresistible arrogance on her beautiful face.

"Okay, then be straightforward and give me what you got." Jiang Chen said kindly.

"Impossible!" Princess Xingyue flatly refused as her face changed slightly.

As the princess of the empire, she was so honorable. Jiang Chen didn't show any respect in front of her, but he blatantly asked for benefits, which made her angry.

"Princess Xingyue, you know that I've always been very talkative, so the two of us can have a good chat, maybe you will give it to me after chatting." Jiang Chen said slowly.

"Jiang Chen, you should die!" Princess Xingyue said without doubt.

Her figure rushed forward, shining brightly, and the colorful dress she was wearing was undoubtedly a powerful magic weapon. At this time, the magic weapon was activated, and the rings jingled.

Such a sound was so heart-wrenching that an ordinary strong man might lose his mind immediately after hearing it, but Jiang Chen was not affected at all, he stretched out his big hand and grabbed it forward.

"Princess Xingyue, why be shy." Jiang Chen said with a smile, bold and presumptuous.

How could Princess Xingyue tolerate Jiang Chen's close approach? Suddenly, she saw that the soles of her feet were shining brightly. Those were a pair of white boots, shining brightly. trace.

"A magic weapon." Jiang Chen sighed.

He looked at Princess Xingyue now, and felt more and more familiar, because, thinking of the girl named Wei Xingchen he had dealt with before, the two were so similar.

Of course, it is temporarily impossible to confirm that the two are related. If there is a chance, it is better to ask.

In other words, when Wei Xingchen sacrificed the Zhenshi Jade Ruler back then, the power was astounding, and this matter has always been kept in Jiang Chen's heart. If Princess Xingyue has a connection with Wei Xingchen, then it would be good to get some interest back first.

Princess Xingyue has extreme speed, and those boots make her feel like lightning and wind, leaving no trace. This is the heritage of the empire. It has been accumulated over the years and perfectly interprets the wise saying that leaning against a big tree can enjoy the shade, which makes ordinary warriors feel envious and jealous. Feel powerless.

This is an innate gap, like the difference between cloud and mud, 90.00% of warriors, throughout their lives, it is difficult to catch up, they can only be crushed.

Jiang Chen's existence was an anomaly. He was born to break all kinds of rules, without any restrictions, and took a completely different path, so he was naturally not included.

Jiang Chen chased after him again, it was impossible to let Princess Xingyue escape from under his nose.

It is impossible for Princess Xingyue not to know what he has done, and judging from Princess Xingyue's reaction and attitude, her harvest must be extraordinary, and this is why she is unwilling to hand it over.

This made Jiang Chen even more tempted. No matter what, he wanted to get it. As for pity and pity, Jiang Chen temporarily put it to the back of his mind. His only thought was to destroy flowers with his hands.

With such an idea in mind, Jiang Chen also used extreme speed, no matter how fast Princess Xingyue was, she would always be at a disadvantage in front of Jiang Chen. Unfortunately, Jiang Chen caught up with him for the second time.

"Princess Xingyue, are you really not going to talk to me? I am completely sincere, please believe this." Jiang Chen said with incomparable sincerity.

Princess Xingyue didn't say a word, she let out a coquettish snort, and launched an attack, her long sleeves were windy, and a silver thread that was invisible to the naked eye swept towards Jiang Chen like a ponytail.

"What's your relationship with that woman Wei Xingchen?" Jiang Chen asked in a bluff.

This method is exactly the same, Wei Xingchen's identity is ready to be revealed.

"So, it's you!" Princess Xingyue raised her brows upside down, but she felt a little more hatred. She swung her long sleeves again, and another silver thread shot out.

Two silver threads tore through the void, seemingly inconspicuous, but they are definitely enough to tear apart a strong man in the late stage of Yigui Yuan Realm. Although it is the same method, but it is performed by Princess Xingyue, compared to Wei Xingchen, it is much stronger. Too powerful.

"Could it be that that woman Wei Xingchen is also a princess?" Jiang Chen murmured, and while speaking, he shot quickly and directly used the Chunyang Cauldron to attack.

This is an extremely domineering and direct method, which isolates all attacks from the outside.

A big battle broke out, and Princess Xingyue was extremely tyrannical. She attacked with anger, and Jiang Chen took it easy and used the Chunyang Cauldron to deal with it.

"That is, Princess Xingyue?"

A talented and strong man was attracted to him, and after witnessing the battle between Jiang Chen and Princess Xingyue, he recognized the identity of Princess Xingyue, and was secretly speechless.

"What's going on, why did Jiang Chen conflict with Princess Xingyue?"

Some people also said that they were puzzled, but it could be seen that Princess Xingyue's killing intent was overwhelming, and she vowed not to give up until Jiang Chen was killed. There was undoubtedly a deep contradiction, otherwise it wouldn't have happened.

"What is Jiang Chen going to do? Is it possible that he really intends to offend the imperial family?"

Someone said this, thinking of Shen Anhe's death. In addition, the big tortoise spread rumors everywhere, saying that Lin Kang was suppressed by it forcefully, and the rumors were abuzz. Now, Princess Xingyue and Jiang Chen had a fierce battle, arrogant Incomparable, lawless...

(End of this chapter)

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