genius evil

Chapter 1439 I am the strongest

Chapter 1439 I am the strongest
"Brother Jiang, that person seems to be Zu Long." Zhang Yu said.

The people who fought against the powerful members of the Molong Empire's royal family, when they struck out, opened and closed, with an indescribable aura, strange and mysterious.

That is not easy, it is directly suppressing all the people with the power of one person, and the powerful strength is undoubtedly revealed.

It was an extremely unfamiliar face to Jiang Chen, and he had no impression of it before, but Zhang Yu had heard of it, so he spoke at this moment.

Afterwards, Zhang Yu said: "It is rumored that this person comes from a mysterious ancestral land. There are incredible legends in that place, and there are even more rumors that incredible miracles have occurred."

"Another freak." Jiang Chen said, summarizing Zhang Yu's words, and then came to such a conclusion.

This is an existence of the same level as Mu Sirius and the descendants of the tomb guard. Although he has not completely stepped out of the threshold of Huafan, he has already possessed the combat power of Huafan powerhouse.

Moreover, another point is that no matter whether Zu Long appeared here by accident, or he found out the location of the Molong Empire's private land early in the morning, it also means that this person is not simple.

After all, not everyone has the courage to offend a powerful empire.

This is a complete tear of face, ruthless shot, but whenever there is an opportunity, he will not hesitate to crush and kill. There is no doubt that this person has a fearless belief, and he acts ruthlessly and unscrupulously. I have to say that when we first met, it was It gave Jiang Chen a rather difficult feeling.

"Mysterious ancestral land?" Jiang Chen was thoughtful.

Zhang Yu's words were vague, so it's not difficult to know that not much is known about Zu Long's true origin, but this made Jiang Chen think further.

Love knows that even within the great empires, the imperial family covers the sky with one hand, but there are many forces that are not controlled by the imperial family.

That kind of power is often low-key, but it has an ancient and prominent inheritance. Compared with many imperial families, this kind of inheritance is even better.

The descendants of such strength, they are often not born, once they are born, they must be a blockbuster.

For example, Mu Sirius, and this Zulong, and the descendants of the tomb guard.

For Jiang Chen, Mu Tianlang's true strength is a bit unclear even for him. It is best to be a friend rather than an enemy. If it is an enemy, it must be extremely difficult.


Zu Long hit violently, with unruly intentions in his gestures, he directly pushed horizontally, and no one could stop him. Several of the powerful royals of the Molong Empire were beaten until they vomited blood, and they were powerless to fight any more.


In the end, some people said with hatred that if they continue to fight, they will only fall, and they can only flee in embarrassment, otherwise, they will all fall.

"A bunch of trash." Zu Long said dismissively, and suddenly, two eyes were like swords, staring directly at Jiang Chen and Zhang Yu.

"Jiang Chen, what are you doing here?" Zu Long asked in a questioning tone.

"Walk casually, stroll casually, by the way, have you seen my family Wangcai? I mean that old bastard." Walking out, Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Jiang Chen appeared, and the powerful royal family of the Black Dragon Empire accelerated their escape pace, and they all disappeared in an instant.

They were terrified, Zu Long couldn't fight back, if Jiang Chen was added to this, the consequences would be unpredictable.

"That old tortoise?" Frowning slightly, Zu Long then said in a very proud tone, "The thousand-year-old 8-year-old tortoise, that thing is said to be extremely nourishing and has the effect of strengthening the body. Given the chance, I'd slaughter it and make a stew."

"In front of me, if you want to eat my pet, do you have a big face or a big heart?" Jiang Chen said leisurely.

Zhang Yu's eyelids twitched. Jiang Chen and Zu Long's words were full of anger, which made him have a bad feeling and was ready to run away at any time. Otherwise, if he was affected, he would not even die. Know.

"If you don't believe it, you will know in the future." Zu Long said, after speaking, he turned around and wanted to leave.

"Wait..." Jiang Chen waved his hand, stopped Zu Long, and said displeasedly, "Just leave like this? In your eyes, do you still have me, Jiang Chen?"

"Jiang Chen, the battle between you and me is in the inheritance secret realm. Of course, if you want to fight with me, I don't mind. I will waste a little time and kill you." Zu Long said grimly.

He was so proud that even Jiang Chen never paid attention to him, it could be said that he was extremely arrogant.

"Kill me?" Hearing this, Jiang Chen laughed.

It has been several days since I heard someone dare to speak such nonsense. It seems that in this garden of all things, his deterrent power is still not enough.

"Really want to try?" Zu Long shouted in a low voice, he was full of fighting spirit, ready to strike at any time, with fearless belief.

"Don't be impulsive, don't be impulsive." Zhang Yu stood up and said in a hurry, "We are destined to meet each other. Fighting and killing will inevitably hurt your peace. Otherwise, everyone sit down and chat calmly. .”

"What are you, who told you to talk?" Zu Long glared at Zhang Yu, the way he looked at Zhang Yu, it was obvious that he was looking at a dead person.

Zhang Yu choked on his words, and immediately yelled, saying: "Bullying honest people, isn't it, what kind of skill is this? If you have the skills, you can kill that Sirius Mu and the descendants of the tomb guard... In my Zhang Yu Shouting in front of you, are you capable? After you kill them, you will be considered qualified to do so."

"Are you stronger than the two of them?" Zu Long chattered.

"It's natural, but Brother Jiang is stronger than me." After pretending to be forceful, Zhang Yu shrank his neck and slipped behind Jiang Chen, using Jiang Chen as a shield, lest Zu Long would make a thunderous attack, otherwise with his strength , I'm afraid even Zulong couldn't bear a blow.

"I'm not stronger than them, but I'm the strongest." Jiang Chen was dissatisfied and corrected.

"Brother Jiang, in fact, we can be a little more modest, otherwise, wouldn't it be fun to scare this idiot away." Zhang Yu said teasingly.

He was stimulated, so he decided to double the repayment. Anyway, even if the sky falls, Jiang Chen will stand in front of him. The big deal is to turn his face. Zhang Yu doesn't believe that Zu Long can be stronger than Jiang Chen.

"The three words are very good." Jiang Chen said with a smile. He didn't know what Zhang Yu's plan was. He said with a smile: "Brother Zu, did you hear that this guy called you big?" You idiot, don't hurry up and beat him to death."

"Brother Jiang, is it really okay for you to trick me like this?" Zhang Yu was startled.

"You lie to me and I lie to you. This is called reciprocity." Jiang Chen said slowly.

"Both of you, shut up!" Zu Long shouted loudly, his tiger's eyes swept across, and he said, "Jiang Chen, as I said, the battlefield between you and me is in the Inheritance Secret Realm. , you don't want to disappoint me."

After the words fell, Zu Long left without hesitation, not wanting to waste time.

It wasn't until Zu Long disappeared that Zhang Yu yelled, "Don't run away if you have the ability, you and I will fight for [-] rounds, let's see how grandpa and I teach you a lesson."


Jiang Chen raised his hand and just slapped Zhang Yu's forehead. How could this guy be as virtuous as a big tortoise?

"Brother Jiang, I suspect that what Zu Long took away was a fragment of a key." Rubbing his forehead, Zhang Yu said awkwardly.

"There is no need to doubt, that's exactly the case." Jiang Chen said firmly.

If it wasn't the case, how could Zu Long go to war in such a way that he would not hesitate to offend all the members of the royal family of the Molong Empire.

However, the Molong Empire is indeed quite unlucky. The people of Senluo Martial Academy are all dead, and the things in their own land are also blatantly robbed.

If there could be an unlucky ranking list, Molong Empire's No. 1 would definitely have to run away.

He already has a fragment of a key, although it is not too much, but right now, it is undoubtedly not in his own interest to tear face with the strongest such as Zu Long.

It was nothing more than talking about it, but Jiang Chen had no intention of doing it. Obviously, Zu Long also had the same idea, and this was the reason why he would be very straightforward when he left.

"Brother Jiang, there are still ten or so private plots like this. Unfortunately, the map is damaged and not marked." Zhang Yu said regretfully.

He knows that following Jiang Chen, these benefits have nothing to do with him, but it is good to gain insight, not to mention, at critical moments, when a fox pretends to be a tiger, that is also very majestic.

"Look for Wangcai." Jiang Chen said.

In the Garden of Everything, the giant tortoise has already become a legendary scourge. Seeing his precious eyes open, this guy openly flirted with a beautiful strong woman, bluntly saying that he was picking a wife for Jiang Chen, and he took the blame for Jiang Chen It doesn't matter whether Jiang Chen is willing or not.

The big tortoise is unusually high-profile, and wherever it goes, it is full of chickens and dogs, making countless geniuses and powerhouses itchy with hatred, and countless people wish they could catch it and stomp it into stew.

That style of acting is no different from Jiang Chen, it is simply a copy of Jiang Chen, after all, who would have thought that a big turtle would be so angry and resentful to such an extent.

Jiang Chen and Zhang Yu walked all the way, and heard countless rumors about the giant tortoise. In the end, there was news that the giant tortoise was plundering geniuses and powerhouses, using them as its own mounts and servants.

"The tortoise is crazy?" Zhang Yu said nana.

He admitted that this was an eye-opener. A big turtle forcibly took a genius and strong man as a servant and a mount. Zhang Yu didn't dare to imagine such a scene.

"It's not crazy, it's due to twitching." The corner of Jiang Chen's mouth twitched, and he realized that another scapegoat had fallen from the sky, and he couldn't help but pin it on him.

Because, there is no doubt that what the big tortoise did will all be counted on him. Jiang Chen knew that this was the reason why the big tortoise was so unscrupulous.

No wonder, before the big tortoise said that he would split up and act separately, he dared to think that he had already planned this and was taking revenge on him.

"Wangcai, you are forcing me." Jiang Chen said, beckoning to Zhang Yu, and speeding up the road, he must find the big turtle before it causes a bigger disaster, and then beat it to the bone It's hard to tell the difference between the north and the south...

(End of this chapter)

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