genius evil

Chapter 1486 You Are Looking For Death

Chapter 1486 You Are Looking For Death

It looked like a dead man's face, covered with white spots, which looked quite pervasive, and the man's body also had an extremely strong yin energy, giving people the feeling that this man came from that Shura As hell.

"Hello." Smiling lightly, Jiang Chen waved his right hand to greet that person.

Finally, looking at the flying beast, Jiang Chen subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and at the same time, his eyes lit up, as if seeing a pile of barbecued meat.

"Little guy, come with me." Faced with Jiang Chen's initiative, the man was indifferent, and he spoke with a dark air.

"Where are you going?" Jiang Chen pretended to be surprised and asked.

"Sanfeng Mountain!" The man said very straightforwardly, having no intention of making any noise with Jiang Chenxu.

"Sanfeng Mountain... I've heard that the scenery there is beautiful. I've always been yearning for it, but it's getting late now, so should we go on the road tomorrow?" Jiang Chen said in a deliberative tone.

"If you don't go on the road, then I will send you on the road!" With a cold snort, the man said unquestionably.

"Oh, what I actually mean is that I'm a little hungry right now, so it's not convenient for me to go on my way...but if I'm full, it's fine even if I set off in the middle of the night." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Playing word games in front of me, Shi Yun? Kid, you are too immature, why don't you not know what is good and what is bad, and bring yourself to perish!" said the man Yinjiu, listening to his tone of voice, it was obvious that his patience was on the verge of exhaustion edge.

This is a manifestation of extreme conceit, seeing Jiang Chen as that ant, so any disobedience will be extremely displeased.

"Alright then, stop playing with words." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Accompanied by such words, Jiang Chen kicked his right foot hard on the ground, and under the force, it turned into a long rainbow and soared into the sky.

Jiang Chen used the void shuttle technique, which was extremely fast, and appeared in front of Shi Yun in the blink of an eye, and the two looked at each other. Then, Jiang Chen suddenly clenched his fist and smashed it on the flying beast's head. superior.


The flying beast roared, and under Jiang Chen's punch, the skull shattered and fell down instantly.

"You are courting death!"

It never occurred to him that Jiang Chen would take the lead before he could make a move. As soon as he made a move, he killed his mount.

What is this, are you trying to force him to stay?

Shi Yun was furious, and he would let Jiang Chen deeply understand the truth, that is, what consequences would there be if he left Shi Yun behind, and such consequences would be Jiang Chen's life.

Shi Yun's figure soared into the air, and he stepped in the air, quickly approaching Jiang Chen, using his vertical palm as a knife, and slashing at Jiang Chen horizontally.

Jiang Chen had no intention of fighting, and followed the falling direction of the flying beast. His speed was astonishing, he stretched out his hand to grab a leg of the flying beast, and appeared on the edge of a pool while his figure was ups and downs.

After landing, Jiang Chen immediately began to pluck the hairs, the speed was unbelievably fast, and he was disembowelled in an instant, cutting the essence of flesh and blood.


Such a scene fell into Shi Yun's eyes, and Shi Yun was inevitably dumbfounded.

He suddenly understood that what Jiang Chen did in attacking the flying beast was not to keep him, but that Jiang Chen had his eyes on his flying beast in order to roast and eat it.

Reminiscent of the scene where Jiang Chen swallowed his saliva and his eyes glistened, Shi Yun was inexplicably ashamed.

Because, although Jiang Chen's goal was the flying beast, it was essentially a manifestation of being arrogant, and he was not taken seriously at all.

Otherwise, how dare Jiang Chen be so presumptuous!

"Boy, I, Shi Yun, will definitely crush you today!" Shi Yun said viciously. He was completely enraged. He originally thought about taking Jiang Chen to Sanfeng Mountain, but now, Shi Yun changed his mind. idea.

He decided to kill Jiang Chen on the spot!

"Stop talking nonsense, wait until I'm full." Jiang Chen waved his hand and said.

Jiang Chen concentrated on cutting the flesh and blood essence of the flying beast. In a short period of time, he cut off tens of catties. Afterwards, Jiang Chen fired a ball of real fire, which ignited some dead branches and fallen leaves on the ground. Grill.

Shi Yun stared at Jiang Chen steadfastly. He could see Jiang Chen's every move clearly. His eyes spewed fire, and his breathing became heavy.

"Smell, it's so fragrant, what a big bird." Jiang Chen said with a smile, stuck out his tongue, and licked his lips.

"Seek your own death, let me do you!" Shi Yun said coldly.

Jiang Chen's behavior was not arrogant, Shi Yun couldn't stand it anymore, he rushed over and launched an attack, trying to obliterate Jiang Chen and crush him to death.

"I just want to have a good meal of barbecue. Is it necessary to make things difficult for me?" Jiang Chen said, sighing, throwing out the Chunyang cauldron was like smashing it out.

This person's strength is not bad, even stronger than the black-robed man who died in Jiang Chen's hands before.

But in front of Jiang Chen, if you don't enter the void, you will end up as an ant.

For Jiang Chen, this kind of existence is at best a matter of spending more or less time, and the final result is doomed from the moment it appears.

Such a result naturally did not exceed Jiang Chen's surprise.

Under Jiang Chen's fierce attack, Shi Yun could only retreat steadily. In the end, Jiang Chen held the Pure Yang Cauldron and dunked it firmly on Shi Yun's head with a dunk.

Such an attack is similar to a slam dunk. The Pure Yang Cauldron forms its own domain, and within the domain, Jiang Chen is the master.

Shi Yun became more passive, his body was shattered, bleeding all over his body.

Jiang Chen dealt with it lazily, he was anxious to eat the barbecue, and he killed it neatly.


On top of the raging fire, the fragrance of the flesh and blood essence of the flying beast overflowed, making Jiang Chen's mouth water. He kicked Shi Yun's body off the cliff at will. Jiang Chen walked over and ate it.

But at this moment, Jiang Chen's expression suddenly changed. He saw a ball flying out of his sight, following the trajectory of Shi Yun's corpse, and then disappeared from Jiang Chen's sight.

"What's the situation?" Jiang Chen was taken aback for a moment, then strode out, followed closely behind.

This round ball hadn't moved for a long time, and it was almost forgotten by Jiang Chen, but it moved today, and it was such a big movement.

However, Jiang Chen was quite curious. One thing in particular was that Jiang Chen knew very well that the sphere might evolve at any time when it reached a point of evolution. He naturally wanted to know what would happen once the evolution was successful. a form of.

The ball is devouring, extremely crazy.

As far as Jiang Chen could see, he saw that the Yin Qi on Shi Yun's body was swallowed up by the ball, but this was not enough. When he heard a "pop", the storage bag on Shi Yun's body shattered, and a piece of Another magic weapon spilled out.

Those Magical Artifacts were also lingering with Yin Qi, and the ball was swallowed further. After the last Magical Artifact was devoured, the ball was finally complete, wobbly, and flew towards Jiang Chen.

"Evolve." Jiang Chen urged.

This guy was like the starved ghost reincarnated, he ate and drank wildly, but the evolution Jiang Chen expected didn't happen.Jiang Chen was greatly disappointed by such situations.

While speaking, Jiang Chen casually grabbed the ball in his palm.

"No, it has already evolved." Jiang Chen said softly as he took the ball.

It is seen that the ball has become extremely crystal clear, and within that, colorful light flows, which is a sign of evolution, but it seems that the ball has no intention of changing its current form.

"Is this hatching chicks? When will it break out?" Jiang Chen asked, shaking it vigorously a few times.

A thought came into Jiang Chen's mind at this moment, it was clearly dissatisfaction, it was very loud, and there were syllables that Jiang Chen couldn't hear.

"How about roasting it and eating it?" Jiang Chen said thoughtfully.


A ray of white light cut straight out like a sword, but retracted the moment it touched Jiang Chen.

The ball was tumbling in Jiang Chen's palm, it was obviously showing off its cuteness.

Jiang Chen almost vomited blood. Looking left and right, he couldn't see any cuteness in this thing. Don't you know it's shameful to be cute?

After observing for a while, Jiang Chen conveniently put the ball away.

It is estimated that this product still needs a certain amount of opportunity before it will reveal its final form, but for some reason, Jiang Chen doesn't expect it at all.

Jiang Chen continued to eat the barbecue, but after taking a few mouthfuls, someone came again.

The white clothes are better than snow, and the white hair is like snow, it is Song Weiyang.

"Big beauty, you came just in time, come and eat meat." Jiang Chen said happily.

Song Weiyang's complexion was abnormally white, she said softly, "I'm hurt."

"I've seen it a long time ago." Jiang Chen grinned.

"Huh?" Frowning slightly, Song Weiyang was surprised by Jiang Chen's reaction, because after Jiang Chen learned that she was injured, he remained indifferent and had no intention of doing anything.

"I understand, I should take pity on the fragrance and cherish the jade." Suddenly, Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Hearing the sound, Song Weiyang's complexion changed slightly, she noticed that Jiang Chen's attitude towards her had changed, as if seemingly seamless, during this meeting.

Perhaps it was because of being habitually supported by Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen's attitude changed, but this gap was beyond Song Weiyang's psychological expectations, making it difficult for her to adapt for a while.

"Big beauty, what are you doing?" Jiang Chen said pretendingly, as if he didn't understand anything.

"It's nothing." Song Weiyang said, unavoidably saddened, and suddenly doubted that his behavior, appearing in front of Jiang Chen at this moment, was right or wrong.

"Oh, I forgot to ask, which bastard actually hurt you, do you still know how to feel pity and cherish jade?" Jiang Chen said angrily.

Song Weiyang smiled wryly, she didn't say anything, turned around and left.

"Big beauty, don't you eat barbecue?" Holding up a skewer of roasted flesh, Jiang Chen asked in bewilderment.

"No." Song Weiyang shook her head.

Since staying here is asking for no fun, then why stay?
Simply leave as soon as possible, that way, maybe it's okay, let's save some face.

Song Weiyang thought this way, she did the same, her feet got faster and faster, in the blink of an eye, she was walking far.

Jiang Chen didn't hold back, he looked at Song Weiyang's back, with a half-smile, and suddenly realized that this matter was very interesting...

(End of this chapter)

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