genius evil

Chapter 1502 The Terrible Will

Chapter 1502 The Terrible Will
Teng Shan and Lei Mang were injured one after another. There was unavoidable fear between the two sides. Jiang Chen knew that in the situation where the two sides were evenly matched, he would soon be impacted and become the target of public criticism. He would be targeted by both sides.

This is the invincible and powerful person in the Void Return Realm. If the four join forces, Jiang Chen will not be arrogant enough to think that he can deal with it. If he is a little careless, he will hate it.

As a result, Jiang Chen could only find ways to divert their attention.And opening the coffin is undoubtedly the best way to divert attention.

Therefore, apart from opening the coffin, Jiang Chen actually had no other choice.

Since there is no choice, Jiang Chen will open the coffin without hesitation!
The Chunyang cauldron was sacrificed by Jiang Chen, and in an instant, it smashed towards the ancient bronze coffin.

The Chunyang cauldron was completely restored. At this time, Jiang Chen raised the cauldron and smashed it with all his strength. It was like a big mountain colliding with the ancient bronze coffin.


The void is always annihilated under such a smash, the ancient bronze coffin resonates, and the buzzing sound resounds endlessly.

But what made Jiang Chen dumbfounded was that under such circumstances, the ancient bronze coffin did not move at all. This made Jiang Chen astonished, and it was far beyond his expectations.

"What's going on?" Jiang Chen was puzzled.

He is very clear about the strength of this kind of smashing, even if it is the returning Void Warrior, if he allows the smashing, his body will be exploded, there is no luck.

Unexpectedly, not to mention opening the coffin, even shaking the ancient bronze coffin is impossible.

"Why did this happen?" Jiang Chen murmured after looking closely, this was not within Jiang Chen's expectations.

"Jiang Chen, it's up to you if you want to reap the benefits of being a fisherman? It's too far away, and you are simply looking for death!" The gloomy voice came to Jiang Chen's ears at this moment.

It was Teng Shan who was talking, and Teng Shan stared at Jiang Chen firmly, no different from looking at a dead person.

"The situation is not right." Jiang Chen said so.

"According to what you said earlier, brother Teng, I'll wait for the five of us to try together." Immediately afterwards, Jiang Chen said again.

"After we kill you, it won't be too late for us to open the coffin." Lei Mang said, with that kind of tone, there are as many ghosts as there are.

He was seriously injured, and all of this was thanks to Jiang Chen, and his resentment towards Jiang Chen was so strong that it could not be added.

After waving his hand, Jiang Chen said, "It's too simple for you to think, but have you ever thought that we can't open this ancient bronze coffin at all?"

"What do you want to say?" Lei Mang asked, frowning tightly.

"This is just to explore a possibility." Jiang Chen pondered and said, "If the ancient bronze coffin can't be opened, wouldn't it be pointless for me to work desperately?"

"So, if you want to kill me, wait until the ancient coffin is opened. It won't be too late then." Jiang Chen said seriously.

Hearing the sound, the four of Lei Mang looked at each other, their eyes flickering.

The scene of Jiang Chen raising the cauldron and smashing the coffin was not insignificant, it made their blood boil, but let alone opening the coffin, it was hard to shake.

"Alright." Teng Shan said after a little thought.

He thought Jiang Chen was right, if the ancient bronze coffin could not be opened, then no matter what he did, it would be meaningless.If there is any account, it will not be too late to settle it after the ancient bronze coffin is opened.

"Yes." Lei Mang quickly responded.

He didn't think Jiang Chen could play tricks under his nose, otherwise, he would be accelerating his own demise.

Jiang Chen then discussed with him, and then, the five of them divided into five directions, following Jiang Chen's slogan, they all shot without reservation.


The sound of the explosion resounded through the sky, but even with the joint efforts of the five people, there was still no way to shake the ancient bronze coffin.

"Wait, have you kept your energy?" Teng Shan said displeased, his expression extremely gloomy.

"Sure enough, it can't be opened." Jiang Chen said, he let out a long sigh, his face was even uglier than Teng Shan's.

After finding this ancient bronze coffin with great difficulty, if it cannot be opened, it means that nothing will be found, which makes Jiang Chen very dissatisfied.

The faces of Lei Mang and the other three were also extremely ugly. The three of them didn't put any effort into it, and they knew that whether it was Teng Shan or Jiang Chen, they were all moving with all their might.

However, the ancient coffin cannot be shaken.

"Come again!" Jiang Chen said.

He doesn't give up, he can't do it twice, he can't do it twice, he can't do it ten times a hundred times.

"it is good!"

This time, the four of Teng Shan responded very straightforwardly.

They have the same thoughts as Jiang Chen, they are not reconciled, and they want to make more attempts.

Afterwards, big explosions occurred continuously here, causing the void to explode, forming a terrifying vacuum zone and spatial turbulence. With such spatial turbulence, Void Warriors would get lost if they were trapped in it.

Big collisions happened one after another, Jiang Chen sacrificed the Chunyang Cauldron violently, and the four of Tengshan also sacrificed powerful magic weapons without reservation.

In this way, after an unknown number of times, only a slight sound of "click" was heard, and it was transmitted to the ears of Jiang Chen and the other five.

"It's open." Teng Shan said in a low voice.

Because of being too pleasantly surprised, in terms of emotions, he lost control for a while.

"Not good!" Suddenly, Teng Shan's face changed drastically.

Just saw that there was an imperceptible crack in the ancient bronze coffin, and wisps of purple light escaped from that crack.

The purple light floated in the air, appearing in the sight of several people, an indescribable destructive force descended immediately, which clearly meant death, even in terms of Teng Shan's cultivation, he was shocked.

After blurting out such a sentence, Teng Shan pushed forward at full speed and retreated backward.

Then, it was still too late, how amazing the speed of light was, and without a sound, a purple light tore Tengshan apart.

Teng Shan was very miserable. His body was severed from the waist and turned into two pieces.

He did not die, but suffered unspeakable pain, howling and roaring.

At the same time, the three of Lei Mang also suffered a blow.

The purple light overflowed very suddenly, and it was impossible to guard against it. At the moment Tengshan was torn apart, Lei Mang lost an arm.

But the road was even worse, his head disappeared out of thin air. As for Xu Zhongling, a defensive magic weapon in front of him shattered, barely escaped, and then he was still very uncomfortable, vomiting blood, and his breath was weak.

The pure yang cauldron was on Jiang Chen's head, and the pure yang cauldron sprinkled golden light, forming a self-contained domain, forming a protection, but such protection was not enough to resist the purple light.

It was easily torn apart, and the purple light was miraculous, unspeakable, as if it had the terrifying power to destroy everything.

Jiang Chen just placed the Chunyang cauldron in front of him, and in this way, he avoided the fatal blow.

In a blink of an eye, looking at the four of Tengshan, Jiang Chen's eyes suddenly changed. It was clear that an inconceivably tyrannical existence was buried inside the ancient bronze coffin.

That purple light is actually the breath of that existence.

After many years of death, endless years, the breath will last forever. Because of their continuous bombardment, purple light overflows, killing people invisible.

"The previous guess was wrong." Jiang Chen said to himself.

He thought that there was a small world with him, but it was not, it was just an ancient bronze coffin buried in the void.

On the other hand, such a powerful existence is probably enough to suppress the entire Zhenwu Continent. Therefore, even if he died for countless years, how could he be offended?
In the end, the purple light dissipated into the invisible, and beside Jiang Chen's ears, the wailing sounds of the four people in Tengshan came and went.

Jiang Chen ignored it, he looked towards the ancient bronze coffin, there was a crack there, it was inconspicuous, but it strongly attracted his mind.

"not good!"

After a few glances, Jiang Chen only felt that his own soul was about to be wiped out.

"What a terrifying will!" Jiang Chen was taken aback.

That is a manifestation of will, even if the will of the most powerful person is turned into ashes, it is still indestructible and will last forever.

If it wasn't for his mental fortitude, perhaps it was his spiritual consciousness that would have been wiped out at that instant, and his body would have disappeared.

"Is it true that the most powerful people who have proved the Dao are buried here?" Jiang Chen said to himself. At this moment, he completely understood what it means to exist at that level.

Cultivation is different from martial arts cultivation, but they lead to the same goal by different routes. Jiang Chen faintly felt it. He thought about it, and then, gradually, entered a state of confusion.

Eyes and ears became clear, and mind was clear. In this way, I don't know how long it has passed. When Jiang Chen's eyes that were closed slightly at an unknown time slowly opened, Jiang Chen clearly sensed that there was a shackle in his body. Torn apart without a sound.

"Will!" Jiang Chen said silently.

The will is everywhere, forming an astonishing coercion, but it makes Jiang Chen transform here, and the life level, further leaps, tearing a shackle.

But even so, when Jiang Chen looked at the ancient bronze coffin, in the depths of his eyes, there was clearly a little more awe.

He knew that it was an existence that could not be offended, even if he died, even if there might not even be bones left.

Jiang Chen retreated, and Teng Shan and the others followed closely behind him, fleeing quickly, and no one dared to stay any longer.

"Damn it!" Teng Shan yelled, his subordinates were clutching half of his body, in a panic.

As far as his cultivation is concerned, such an injury is not irreversible, but it will take a lot of time, and his cultivation will be greatly reduced.

"Then you just go and die." Jiang Chen said expressionlessly, raising the Chunyang Cauldron was reaping Teng Shan's life.

Taking advantage of someone's illness to kill someone, this is the best chance to kill someone, Jiang Chen will not show mercy in the slightest.


Seeing this, Lei Mang screamed.

However, Jiang Chen's killing intent had already been activated, so how could he give them a chance to survive, and under the pursuit, he crushed all three of them to death.

Another shackle was torn apart. Jiang Chen was unprecedentedly powerful, and his whole body was full of blood. Even in the heyday of Teng Shan and others, he was not afraid at all, let alone if they were seriously injured. In this way, killing people is like killing chickens. simple.

The four died, Jiang Chen didn't stay for long, and left immediately.

But Jiang Chen knew that the matter here was not over yet, there must be more eyes staring at this place, the reason why he left quickly was that he didn't want to become the object of those eyes staring...

(End of this chapter)

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