genius evil

Chapter 1506 The Fourth Kind of People

Chapter 1506 The Second Type of Person
"You are Jiang Chen?" Shen Qing said in a deep voice.

He stared at Jiang Chen. In the depths of his eyes, there was a surge of divine light and invisible coercion. Accompanied by such a sentence, it was everywhere, like that cage, trying to trap Jiang Chen in it.

However, Jiang Chen was unmoved.

If it was before entering the domain battlefield, Jiang Chen would avoid him if he faced an imperial emperor who claimed to be the most powerful person.

But now that he is swaggering back to Tianhai City, it naturally means that he has something to rely on. Jiang Chen never thinks that Shen Qing is not clear about this.

And knowing this, Shen Qing still did the same, such behavior was destined to make people laugh.

"You invited me to the palace for a big meal, but you don't even know who I am?" Jiang Chen said angrily.

"How courageous, you still don't kneel down for me." A low shout came from the depths of his throat, resonating with the coercion, Shen Qing said in a cold voice.

"So, is there a big meal or no big meal?" Jiang Chen calmly said lazily.

"Huh?" His brows were slightly frowned, Shen Qing's eyes looking at Jiang Chen like that, finally became strange.

As the lord of an empire, his power is astonishing. In front of him, no matter how arrogant an ordinary strong man is, he will inevitably become obsequious, and he will not dare to take a breath.

But right now, Jiang Chen is not affected at all.

It wasn't a disguise, nor was it a strong support, but Jiang Chen didn't put him in his eyes from the beginning to the end. In this way, Jiang Chen's courage is not insignificant.

Shen Qing finally understood why Jiang Chen was so presumptuous, he had no scruples at all about killing Shen Anhe, and even more so, he dared to appear in Tianhai City openly when he saw that the Tianfeng Empire's royal family had been offended.

Not to mention other things, just such a heart, it is already, it is extremely amazing, and it makes him look at it with admiration.

"This kid's cultivation level?" Shen Qing whispered in his heart after concentrating on it.

He is the emperor of the Tianfeng Empire, looking at the entire Zhenwu Continent, he is also one of the countless strong men, the supreme existence on the entire continent.

In front of him, no matter who the opponent is, they are like ants, without exception.

However, Shen Qing unexpectedly discovered that he couldn't see through the depth of Jiang Chen's cultivation.

Shen Qing didn't think that his judgment would be wrong. He looked at it again and again, but he still found that he couldn't accurately judge Jiang Chen's cultivation level.

This kind of situation is not unusual. From Shen Qing's point of view, the reason why such a situation occurs is nothing more than two situations.

The first situation is that Jiang Chen's cultivation base is higher than his, so he can't pry into the truth.

And the second situation is because Jiang Chen has practiced a certain supernatural power and secret technique.That supernatural power concealed Jiang Chen's aura, making it impossible for him to see through it.

Naturally, Shen Qing would not think that Jiang Chen's situation belonged to the first situation. When Jiang Chen escaped from Tianhai City in embarrassment, such a scene can be described as vivid in his memory.

If Feng Xingyu hadn't stepped in, intervened, and forcibly sent Jiang Chen and the big tortoise to the domain battlefield, then Jiang Chen's bones would have been gone long ago.

Since it is not the first case, then it can only be the second case...

Thinking of this, Shen Qing's heart couldn't help but suddenly, within his eyes, divine light bloomed, as if it were a bright sun, making it impossible to hide.

"No, it's not the second situation." Shen Qing said in his heart, at this moment, he was really surprised beyond measure.

No matter what kind of supernatural power or secret technique, once it is cultivated, the breath will inevitably change under the premise of changing the air mechanism, but Jiang Chen's breath is so weird, it is completely different from other people, and it is rare in his life.

"Could it be that he belongs to the second type of person?" A thought emerged from the depths of Shen Qing's mind.

"Who are you?"

When such a thought flashed in his mind, even Shen Qing couldn't sit still, his complexion changed, and the depths of his eyes were filled with unbelievable light.

"Aren't I Jiang Chen?" Jiang Chen said, he was confused.

He, Jiang Chen, did not change his name or surname when he was walking or sitting, so it can be said that he was upright and upright. Shen Qing's question made Jiang Chen a little puzzled.

"Could it be that I didn't ask directly enough?" Shen Qing sneered, and asked again, "Tell me, what is your relationship with the guide?"

"What is a guide?" Jiang Chen was even more confused.

But as soon as such words were said, Jiang Chen's heart was shocked.

Although he never understood what these three words meant, when Shen Qing mentioned these three words, his tone of voice changed obviously, and he was extremely afraid.

In this way, there is no doubt that the guide is extremely difficult.

After all, in terms of Shen Qing's cultivation and identity, looking at the entire continent, how many people can make him afraid?

"Pretend to be crazy?"

Shen Qing was furious, the eyes he looked at Jiang Chen changed continuously, and he said sinisterly, "If you didn't have such a background, why would you be presumptuous in front of me?"

"No wonder, Feng Xingyu sent you away at the risk of offending me. How dare you, you have such a background!"

Immediately afterwards, Shen Qing said again.

Jiang Chen couldn't understand what Shen Qing was saying at all. Although he always had the habit of playing stupid, at this moment, he was definitely not pretending to be stupid, but really stupid and ignorant.

Jiang Chen was originally a person from the world of cultivation, and by chance, he was reborn on Earth, and then came to Zhenwu Continent... He is a foreigner, and his understanding of Zhenwu Continent is naturally inferior to that of Shen Qing.

What's more, with Shen Qing's status, it would not be an exaggeration to say that the entire continent has few secrets in front of him.

"Dean Feng?"

But when Shen Qing mentioned Feng Xingyu, Jiang Chen thought about it.

That day, he and the big tortoise were frantically chased and killed by the old eunuch, and after fighting to the detriment of both, Feng Xingyu single-handedly sent him to the domain battlefield.

Feng Xingyu said that under the prosperous age, there are always hidden crises that are not known to the public.

Such a sentence, Jiang Chen had a half-knowledge at that time, and he is still in a state of half-knowledge now, but judging from Shen Qing's reaction, it is obvious that this sentence has a deep meaning.

Such a profound meaning involves the most powerful existences on the entire continent!

"The so-called, what exactly is a guide?" Jiang Chen asked.

If you don't understand, you have to ask. This is Jiang Chen's consistent style. Moreover, Jiang Chen has a premonition that perhaps a secret sweeping the entire continent will be revealed through this.

"The guide is also known as the messenger of all things." Shen Qing said slowly.

"So, is it related to the Garden of All Things?" Jiang Chen thought in his heart, his brows frowning inadvertently.

"That is, the Supreme Ruler of Zhenwu Continent." Shen Qing said with a stern expression.

The lord of the empire, under his dominion, has hundreds of millions of people. However, sometimes, even his own life is beyond his control. This is undoubtedly a great tragedy.

"The supreme ruler, to rule the Zhenwu Continent?" Jiang Chen said.

"Sound so loud? Aren't you afraid of dying?" Jiang Chen sneered.

"You really don't understand?" Hearing the words, Shen Qing's eyes became a little dazed, and his intuition told him that Jiang Chen really didn't understand, but why, Jiang Chen's breath was so similar to that of the messenger of all things, so why? It is basically the same source.

After all, if Jiang Chen was pretending to be stupid, how could Jiang Chen say such words as death?
"I am very interested in this matter." Jiang Chen said.

"How much do you know about Siji Palace?" Shen Qing asked.

Asking a question, he stared at Jiang Chen, his eyes were as bright as a sword.

Jiang Chen really didn't know, or pretended not to know, under the probing of this one question, it became clear. Shen Qing looked at Jiang Chen, and there was no room for omissions, because this would determine how he would deal with Jiang Chen.

"Which Four Pole Palace?" Jiang Chen seemed very puzzled.

"It's actually true?"

Hearing what Jiang Chen said, Shen Qing was finally able to confirm that Jiang Chen knew nothing, and all the troubles in his heart were explained.

"The four regions of east, west, north, south are the four poles, and the Four Pole Palace governs these four poles." Shen Qing whispered.

"And then?" Jiang Chen asked.

"The guide is the lord of the Siji Palace, who governs the four directions, and there is no one who dares not to obey." Shen Qing said coldly.

"I understand, this is why you are so jealous." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

The guide who controls the four major domains is the No. 1 of this continent. An ordinary warrior may not feel much about such an existence, but for a powerful existence like Shen Qing who commands one party, it is like a dark cloud Cover the top.

"You can understand it like this, but..." At this point, Shen Qing sneered, and the way he looked at Jiang Chen was as if he was looking at a dead person.

"But now, even if I really want to spare your life, you are doomed to die." Shen Qing added.

"You and I are chatting and laughing, so it's right to have a little understanding, isn't it ugly to fight and kill, isn't it, why bother?" Jiang Chen sighed, looking extremely helpless.

"By the way, you said that I belong to the second type of person. This undoubtedly means that the so-called guide has a deep relationship with me. Are you sure they want to offend me? Are you not afraid of death without a place to die?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"That was my mistake in judgment." Shen Qing said with flickering eyes.

"Is it really okay for you to deceive yourself like this?" Jiang Chen said, even if he was an idiot, he would never believe Shen Qing's words.

"The second type of people?" Jiang Chen was thoughtful.

As a person who cultivates truth, he is completely different from martial arts cultivation. If calculated in this way, he is indeed the second type of person. This is his biggest secret. No one knew it before, but it was seen through by Shen Qing.

The reason why Shen Qing was able to see through was because of the guide.This means that Shen Qing has had contact with the guide, otherwise, Shen Qing would not be able to see through his secret so easily.

If so, it would naturally make Jiang Chen daydream.

"A cultivator?" Jiang Chen pondered, knowing that if there were no major accidents, then the owner of the Siji Palace should be a powerful cultivator.

"There is actually a second cultivator in the Zhenwu Continent. Where does he come from? Is he from the True Spirit Continent like me?" Jiang Chen said silently in his heart.

Perhaps, this is an opportunity to return to the True Spirit Continent. Thinking of this, Jiang Chen's mood became uncontrollably agitated...

(End of this chapter)

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