genius evil

Chapter 1517 Only because of being in this mountain

Chapter 1517 Only because of being in this mountain

If you are not crazy, you cannot survive. Jiang Chen's current situation is exactly like this.

In front of the guide, he is as humble as an ant, so he must do his best.

Jiang Chen thought this way, and he did the same, without any scruples, the flying sword slashed down under his control.

The black short sword has been tempered by the innate Yimu Qingqi, it is very extraordinary, unparalleled in sharpness, the sword energy fills the air, and tears the void.

Seeing it in his eyes, the guide stretched out two fingers and squeezed it casually, and the black short sword fell into the guide's hand.

"This sword is not bad!" The guide said, looking down and fiddling with it.

Jiang Chen was about to vomit blood, of course he knew it was good, but the destructive power that the flying sword could cause was not worth mentioning in front of the usher.


Suddenly, Jiang Chen realized that something was wrong.

Because the black dagger has been tempered, no matter how powerful the usher is, it is absolutely impossible to control it so easily.

Just like the Chunyang Cauldron, the Chunyang Cauldron and Jiang Chen are one body, connected by blood, one is prosperous and the other is prosperous, and the other is damaged. However, it is extremely easy for the attractor to cut off the connection between him and the Chunyang Cauldron.

The occurrence of such a situation, unless he fell, or the Chunyang cauldron was completely destroyed... But the above two situations did not happen.

"What do you understand?" As if seeing what Jiang Chen was thinking, the guide asked with a light smile.

"Who are you?" Jiang Chen questioned.

"Who are you?" The guide didn't answer Jiang Chen's question, but asked casually.

"I'm Jiang Chen!" Without even thinking about it, Jiang Chen blurted out.

"Which Jiang Chen?" The guide asked again.

"You!" Jiang Chen's expression changed drastically.

Jiang Chen can be sure that he is Jiang Chen, but which Jiang Chen is he?
Is it Jiang Chen from the True Spirit Continent?Or, Jiang Chen above the earth?
It can be said that this is Jiang Chen's biggest secret, and he has never mentioned it to anyone. Even if he revealed the identity of a cultivator, it is impossible to tell anyone about this matter no matter what.

The guide said that the secret about his identity was fully exposed, which made Jiang Chen feel shocked. Could it be that in front of the guide, he really has no secrets at all.

But this is still wrong!
Everyone has secrets, even the most familiar and close person, it is impossible to know all the secrets of the other party, not to mention, he is just meeting the guide for the first time, even if the guide is the one who has always been, It is also impossible for those eyes staring at him from behind to know his identity as a time traveler.

Unless, the usher had been following him since the moment he was reborn!

It's just such a problem, but there is also a contradiction that is difficult to explain, that is, why does the guide know that he will be reborn?

And if he didn't know that he would be reborn, how could he have been eyeing him since the beginning of his rebirth?
Just as the directors of several martial arts schools believed, no matter what kind of environment he was in, Jiang Chen was absolutely sober and rational.

He didn't lose his sense of proportion because of being suppressed by the guide, and his rationality still remained. Moreover, it was precisely because of being suppressed that Jiang Chen became more sober.

He must clearly understand his own situation, and then deal with it with all his strength. Only in this way may he be able to gain a chance of life!
"Jiang Chen is just Jiang Chen, there is only one in the world, so could there be several more?" Jiang Chen countered bluntly.

Jiang Chen didn't know how much the guide knew about his identity, but if he followed the guide's intentions, his rationality would be shattered and his Dao heart would be destroyed!
Jiang Chen sticks to his heart and will not change because of the interference of the guide.

The guide smiled softly, and said, "The two words Jiang Chen are just a name and a code name, nothing worth mentioning, meaningless..."

"He really knows my identity as a time traveler!" Hearing the sound, Jiang Chen said in his heart.

The name is indeed just a code name, it is difficult to represent anything. Jiang Chen said that there is only one Jiang Chen in the world, not referring to the name, not even referring to the physical body, but directly referring to the soul.

The soul in his body is that Jiang Chen from the True Spirit Continent, that extremely powerful existence who once climbed to the top...

The nature has never changed. Whether it is in the Real Spirit Continent, the Earth, or the Zhenwu Continent, they are all playing in the world of mortals.

"Then, isn't your identity as a guide also meaningless?" Jiang Chen asked after pondering.

As if he didn't hear Jiang Chen's question, the guide refused to answer. He asked, "It's just, do you really understand yourself?"

"What do you mean?" Jiang Chen said, frowning slightly.

As if he still didn't hear Jiang Chen's question, the guide asked self-consciously: "On the earth, there is an old saying, don't be afraid of floating clouds to cover your eyes, only because you are in this mountain!"

"You have indeed been to Earth!" Jiang Chen said in a deep voice, this guess was confirmed.

Between the Earth and Zhenwu Continent, there are connection points of space coordinates, and one of the coordinate points is Lieyang City, but, for some reason, Lieyang City has become an empty dead city.

The existence of coordinate points means that two completely different spaces can travel freely. Therefore, it is not difficult for the guide to have been to the earth.

Moreover, with such a powerful existence, it is no longer a matter of tearing the void with the physical body, and traveling through the stars and the universe.

But even though there were speculations about this point, Jiang Chen was still greatly surprised by what the guide said so grandly.

Because, after this point is confirmed, it can be concluded that all the conjectures he made before are all established!

"Who the hell are you!" Jiang Chen questioned loudly in a sharp voice.

At the time of the True Spirit Continent, Jiang Chen climbed to the top and was watched by thousands of people, but after he fell in that battle, his existence, to the guide, was just like an insignificant speck of dust among the stars in the universe .

Therefore, Jiang Chen didn't think that after his rebirth, there was anything in his reborn self that needed to be deliberately paid attention to. He was a partial birth, and from the beginning to the end, he was always paid attention to by the guide.

In this way, even if Jiang Chen wanted not to doubt the identity of the guide, it would be very difficult.

But racking his brains, Jiang Chen found it hard to figure out what kind of relationship he had with his guide.

The guide smiled slightly and said, "I won't give you the answers to some questions, and you need to explore them yourself."

"Then, where are Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing, I want to see them!" Jiang Chen said.

The guide is unwilling to say, and it is useless to ask more.

The strong are respected!
Although Jiang Chen didn't feel the slightest bit of fear in front of the guide, he also knew that he didn't have much say in the other party's wanton manipulation of his life and death.

"Wherever you come from, that's where they went." The guide said casually.

"True Spirit Continent... Cultivation World... How is that possible!" Jiang Chen's expression changed.

According to the guide's intentions, Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing's two daughters clearly went to the world of comprehension... And this is the reason why Qian Xue didn't know the whereabouts of the two daughters?
"You brought the two of them to the cultivation world?" Jiang Chen said sharply, secretly cursing damn it.

No wonder, all this time, there has been no word about the second daughter, and I dared to go to the Zhenling Continent. In this way, even if I searched every inch of the Zhenwu Continent, it would be impossible to find the second daughter.

"They just went to the place where they should go. Don't you think it's more suitable for them?" The guide said with a noncommittal tone.

Jiang Chen fell silent.

He has taught the two daughters the practice of self-cultivation, which is different from martial arts training. It is a waste of roots and potential for the two daughters to stay in the Zhenwu Continent.

In this aspect, Jiang Chen agrees with what the guide said.

However, without his consent, why would the guide just take the person away casually?

After all, Jiang Chen would not think that the two daughters went to the cultivation world willingly, but they just couldn't resist.

"You must be thinking that I forced them...that's not the case..." The voice of the guide resounded in Jiang Chen's ears, "This is their own decision."

"Why?" Jiang Chen asked coldly.

"Because they know that sooner or later, you will also go back. Is this reason enough?" The guide said lightly.

Jiang Chen fell silent again.

In the True Spirit Continent, Jiang Chen would definitely go back sooner or later, and that account should be calculated clearly and carefully. From the bottom of his heart, Jiang Chen is not the kind of person who repays grievances with virtue.

What others owed him, no matter who the other party was, had to be taken back!
"So, you really won't kill me!" Grinning, Jiang Chen smiled.

"You understand again?" said the guide.

"If I die, how will I return to the cultivation world, won't I?" Jiang Chen asked bluntly.

This time, the silent person became the guide.

Then, with a random wave of his hand, the pressure on Jiang Chen's body suddenly disappeared. Jiang Chen moved his muscles and bones, and the joints all over his body exploded.

"Finally alive, it's not easy!" Jiang Chen smiled wryly.

The behavior of the guide clearly intended to punish him. In the eyes of the guide, he was as humble as an ant, and it was unbearable to punish him casually.

"You have done so many things to guide me to the Siji Palace. Now, you should tell me what your intentions are?" Jiang Chen asked, twisting his neck.

"What do you think about Zhenwu Continent?" The guide didn't answer Jiang Chen's question, but asked.

"Opinion?" Frowning slightly, Jiang Chen found that the question asked by the guide was very strange.

If what the guide asked was his opinion on a certain person, even if he didn't understand that person, Jiang Chen could still make wild nonsense, but what about a continent?

"Could it be that there is something mysterious about Zhenwu Continent?" Jiang Chen thought.

As soon as this idea popped up, it was denied by Jiang Chen. Although his understanding of Zhenwu Continent was not very thorough, it was just a cultivation continent where martial arts practice was prevalent, and it was actually not the same as True Spirit Continent. There is no essential difference.

In this way, if the guide asks this question, he must be trying to test him on purpose!

(End of this chapter)

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