genius evil

Chapter 1519

Chapter 1519

In the Garden of All Things, after Jiang Chen met the old tortoise, apart from the two teaming up to cheat and deceive, Jiang Chen also had an astonishing harvest.

Jiang Chen learned two magical techniques from the big tortoise.

One is the void shuttle technique, and the other is the innate good fortune technique.

When the Congenital Creation Technique was cast, Jiang Chen's aura surged instantly, from the cultivation level of the early stage of the transformation of the gods, all the way to the cultivation base of the great perfection in the late stage of the transformation of the gods, and until the end, he entered the stage of refinement and crossed a big realm.

Moreover, such a skyrocketing cultivation base will not cause Jiang Chen's qi and blood to be vain, but will allow Jiang Chen to possess the combat power of a true early-stage cultivator!
It can be said that besides the Chunyang Cauldron, this is Jiang Chen's strongest trump card.

Good steel should be used on the blade. Jiang Chen has always thought this way, and Jiang Chen has always done the same. Can be forced to take out his hole cards and use them up again and again.

The cultivation level skyrocketed, and Jiang Chen's energy and spirit instantly changed, and the imprisoned void was forcibly torn apart by him, and Jiang Chen even started to fight back.

Here the void exploded, the ground cracked, and half of the Quadrupole Palace exploded, leaving ruins and walls, looking as if someone had driven a bulldozer and crushed it.

The dust billowed and splashed away, Jiang Chen seemed to be shot out by a bazooka. After breaking free from the confinement, he did not hesitate to use various techniques. Just say hello to the person.

In the end, it proved to be useful.

Such fighting skills are a bit similar to beating a master to death with random punches. It is estimated that the guides did not expect that Jiang Chen was such a rascal during the battle. He did not have the demeanor of a master at all, so he had to stop. It means that Jiang Chen successfully took the second move.

"Concession, concession!" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Don't be too happy, there is a third trick!" The guide coldly reminded.

"Am I happy? How did you see that I was happy?" Jiang Chen pretended to be stupid and said in a daze. He pointed to his face and said, "Don't you see that I am handsome and handsome? His face is full of sadness?"


Jiang Chen was very happy and proud of his smile, but only he knew how hard it was. He had already played all his cards, how should he deal with the third move?

In fact, Jiang Chen was very clear that the reason why he was able to accept the first two moves of the guide was because the guide was merciful.

The guide did not use the power of the combined state, but suppressed his own power in the stage of transformation. From this point of view, it is not difficult to see how proud the guide is. His cheapness is dismissive.

But if it wasn't like this, let alone three moves, even with half moves, Jiang Chen's bones would have been gone long ago.

The guide suppressed his whole body in the stage of transforming gods, forcing Jiang Chen into such a state of embarrassment that he even used the innate fortune-telling technique. In this way, the third move, Jiang Chen was completely useless. No.

"It doesn't matter, the big deal is death!" Jiang Chen grinned and said to himself.

"I'm really sad. Let's talk about why I'm such a scumbag. I came all the way to come to you. It's a good time outside, with beautiful women like clouds. Wouldn't it be nice to have a good time?" Jiang Chen said helplessly.

"Have you finished talking?" Unable to pay attention to Jiang Chen's words, the guide was very indifferent.

"When a person is about to die, his words are also sad. How about you hold your hand high and let me say enough at once?" Jiang Chen said.

Then, without waiting for the guide to reply, Jiang Chen just said: "There is a beautiful woman, her body has not been completely recast, but she has been to the Siji Palace."

"But you are very affectionate!" The guide sneered.

At the end, the guide said, "She has gone to the world of comprehension."

"What are you doing?" Jiang Chen howled.

No wonder, after he appeared in Xilan City, he didn't know anything about the woman in the portrait of the Goddess. Could it be that he was sent to the world of comprehension by the guide?
Having said that, what the hell is going on with this guy, is he out of his mind?

The women around him were all sent to the cultivation world one by one. Could it be too cruel to turn him into a lonely family?

Jiang Chen was glad that he had asked too much, otherwise wouldn't he be very confused by then?Of course, Jiang Chen is already very confused now.

"Why don't you just tell the truth, who else was sent away by you?" Jiang Chen said angrily.

"Not everyone is suitable there, and not everyone has that qualification!" The guide said lightly.

"So, as long as it fits there, you will send it there... Wait, how many people have you sent there!" Jiang Chen asked.

"Only three!" The guide said casually.

"Wait a little longer, I'll stroke it first!" Jiang Chen waved his hand, signaling the guide to stop talking.

According to the guide, he first sent away Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing, and then the big beauty in the portrait of the goddess was also sent away.

This is a sub-question, isn't it?

The three women add up to three, that is to say, only these three are the ones who are being seduced and sent to the world of comprehension?
Accident?Or is it a coincidence?
Jiang Chen would not think it was an accident, let alone a simple coincidence. He clearly knew that it was done on purpose. The three women were all inseparable with him. Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing needless to say, and the portrait of the goddess The woman in the middle of the story, at any rate, has had the experience of living and dying with him. Is the relationship between the two parties unusual?

So here comes the problem, as he thought before, what the guide sent away was only the woman by his side.

But why?

"Receiver, you really care about me." Jiang Chen said with a sneer.

"You can think so!" Regarding Jiang Chen's remarks, the guide was noncommittal.

"How about forgetting the third move, you send me to the cultivation world together, and let me reunite with them." Jiang Chen said almost angrily.

"Only you? The current you?" Leaning at Jiang Chen, the guide said mockingly.

Jiang Chen suddenly looked like a defeated rooster. He once climbed to the top, but now he has fallen from the altar. If this appeared in the True Spirit Continent, it is estimated that many people would fall into the pit and trample him to death.

In other words, once he appeared in the True Spirit Continent, he would definitely die.

"What's more, how to deal with the affairs of the earth? How to deal with the affairs here?" said the guide Youyou.

Jiang Chen smiled wryly, and finally realized that it might not be a good thing to cause so many romantic debts. If he just disappeared, how would the relationship be good?
It is impossible to ignore it irresponsibly, even if he thinks he has a hard heart, but Jiang Chen is absolutely unable to do such a thing.

"You really have degenerated, why do you still want to ask me such a simple question?" The guide scolded.

"Only if you are strong, can you run amok in any world. If you are not strong enough, you will only drag everyone down!" The usher said coldly.

"Shut up, who told you to reason with me?" Jiang Chen scolded impatiently.

How could Jiang Chen not understand such a simple truth, why would it not be the turn of the guide to teach him? What Jiang Chen has always believed in is only his own fist!
"You understand? It's the best!" Surprisingly, the guide didn't show any signs of anger.

Jiang Chen looked at the guide, his eyes became a little strange, he actually intended to provoke the guide deliberately, but the guide was not angry.

Jiang Chen didn't think that it was because the guide was able to cultivate Qi so well, that the Xeon existed, who wasn't unpredictable?Even weird to the point of incomprehensibility?
"Since I entered the Four Pole Palace, every word you have said is full of strong hints, are you teaching me?" Jiang Chen said slowly.

Things have evolved to this point, no matter how slow Jiang Chen's reaction is, how late he is, he has realized that the situation is very wrong.

Ever since he saw the guide, the guide's every word and every word, the meaning of teaching is almost beyond words, that kind of feeling, like an elder teaching the younger generation.

This taste is very strange, and it is difficult to understand, after all, what is the relationship between him and the guide?Is it necessary to teach him so hard?Are you not afraid of ending up in a thankless end?
The guide was slightly silent, and immediately said: "There is a third trick!"

"Don't try to have any chances, the slightest chance may eventually lead to your death, just like in the past!" The usher said in a deep voice.

"In the past, are you referring to that battle?" Jiang Chen whispered.

Back then, when the protracted pursuit in the True Spirit Continent started, why didn't Jiang Chen take chances?Believe that you are invincible.

In the end, the body dies and the road disappears!

This is Jiang Chen's heart knot, which cannot be resolved, so returning to the True Spirit Continent is only a matter of time, and the blood debts should be repaid with blood, right?

"A good man, realize your shame and be brave!" said the guide. Regarding Jiang Chen's question, he neither admitted nor denied it.

"What a good man, he knows his shame and is brave!" Jiang Chen laughed loudly.

For the third move, he didn't wait for the receiver to make a move, but he took the initiative to attack. Although he played all his cards, even if he lost, he had to lose beautifully.

If Jiang Chen bowed his head, no matter what, it was impossible, otherwise, he would not have ended up in the end, he could have bowed his head to that woman, right?
Jiang Chen didn't bow his head that time, this time, Jiang Chen still won't bow his head!

The path he chooses, the way he chooses, even if there is already a desperate situation ahead, he must stand firm and walk all the way to the end!


The astonishing sound of the explosion was like a thunderclap. When Jiang Chen attacked, the host made a move. This time, he was not suppressing his strength, but made a move with his cultivation at the fusion stage.

Jiang Chen was at a disadvantage in an instant, and then a supreme traction force enveloped Jiang Chen's whole body, and cracks appeared in Jiang Chen's body instantly.

Cracks appeared, and the flesh and blood exploded immediately, and the blood filled the air, like fireworks blooming, cruel and cold, but so beautiful...

(End of this chapter)

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