genius evil

Chapter 152 Something Worse Than Death

Chapter 152 Something Worse Than Death
"Why, do you have a way to keep that woman from jumping off the building?" Gu Xiang sneered when he heard the words, ignoring Jiang Chen's cynicism.

"That depends on your sincerity." Jiang Chen said noncommittally.

"As long as you can stop that woman from jumping off the building, I can take back what I said before, and I can give you a discount in terms of rent." Gu Xiang said immediately.

"Not enough." Jiang Chen shook his head.

"It's free." Gritting his teeth, Gu Xiang said.

"That's about the same." Jiang Chen nodded in satisfaction, squinted his eyes and glanced towards the tenth floor, but it was only a glance, and Jiang Chen withdrew his gaze.

"Little Gu, do you know what is more painful than death?" Jiang Chen said seriously.

"For that woman, the more painful thing than death is obviously being abandoned by her boyfriend, otherwise, how could she have the courage to jump off the building." Even though he didn't understand that Jiang Chen would ask us this way, Gu Xiang still replied.

"You're wrong. I never thought she had the courage to jump off a building. She was just looking for a sense of presence... She couldn't find a sense of presence from her boyfriend, so she could only seek a sense of presence in this way. Facts have proved that She succeeded." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"So, what should I do to stop her from jumping off the building?" Gu Xiang thought that what Jiang Chen said was quite reasonable, and asked again.

"It's very simple. Since she needs a sense of presence so much, then give her more sense of presence... I remember, you broke up with your woman, right?" Jiang Chen laughed.

Gu Xiang glanced at Liu Yufei quickly, and said angrily, "So what?"

"It means that you are single now, and it just so happens that that woman was abandoned by her boyfriend and is also single. Don't you think the two of you are a good match?" Jiang Chen said solemnly.

Gu Xiang suddenly had the disgusting feeling of eating a fly, and said unhappily: "Jiang Chen, if you are here to make trouble, please go away, I am not in the mood to talk nonsense with you right now."

"This is not nonsense. In fact, this is the most effective solution so far. Have you ever thought about a scene where the first eldest child in Yilan City publicly confesses his love to an ugly girl? How romantic would that be? What about the matter." Jiang Chen said slowly.

"Jiang Chen, are you disgusting me on purpose, right?" Gu Xiang said through gritted teeth.

"This matter is really disgusting, but it seems that you have no other choice. I have already given you a solution to the problem. As for whether to do it or not, it is up to you." Jiang Chen said calmly.

Gu Xiang hesitated, he really hesitated.

Even if it is not very clear whether Jiang Chen's so-called method is really effective, but Gu Xiang understands that it is definitely a method worth trying.

Because Gu Xiang is very clear about how tempting his identity is to some women. It can't be said that there are hundreds of trials, but at least half of them cannot refuse him at all.

This also means that once he adopts Jiang Chen's method, there will be at least half the success rate.

"Mr. Gu, it's not good, that woman is going to dance." The person in charge said in a panic.

With a glance, Gu Xiang saw that the woman had stepped a leg in midair, and it was obvious that she was really going to jump down.

"Damn it." Gu Xiang cursed, took a deep breath, and Gu Xiang asked, "What's that woman's name?"

"Huang Ting." The person in charge replied.

"It's Huang Ting, right? Okay, very good..." Gu Xiang took another deep breath, stepped forward suddenly, and shouted at the top of his voice, "Huang Ting, can you hear me?"

The woman upstairs named Huang Ting glanced down and was startled when she saw Gu Xiang who was speaking.

"Huang Ting, I know you can hear me. I have one thing to tell you. I've kept it in my heart for a long, long time. I originally planned not to tell you for the rest of my life, but now, I have to tell you I told you, otherwise, I will regret it for the rest of my life."

"Boss Gu, what are you doing here?"

"Sounds like a confession?"

"Confession, can't you? I've seen that Huang Ting before. She's ugly and fat. She's not Mr. Gu's type."

"Perhaps Mr. Gu has changed his taste, and that's not necessarily the case."

"That's not so heavy taste."


Behind Gu Xiang, many people who knew Gu Xiang were discussing and looking around curiously.

"Huang Ting, I like you, can you be my girlfriend?" Gu Xiang's throat seemed to be torn apart, and he shouted loudly with all his strength.


As soon as Gu Xiang said this, the audience was in an uproar, and everyone was dumbfounded.

Huang Ting upstairs was also dumbfounded, looking at Gu Xiang downstairs in disbelief.

Although Gu Xiang doesn't come to Hongji Building very often, almost every female employee in Hongji Building knows Gu Xiang. He is young and wealthy, and has a prominent family background. With these auras added to him, Gu Xiang has become the object of many women's crushes.

Naturally, Huang Ting also knew of Gu Xiang's existence, but she had no illusions about Gu Xiang, because she knew very well that Gu Xiang could not fall in love with her, Cinderella is Cinderella, it is impossible to become a princess.

What Huang Ting never expected was that Gu Xiang would confess his love to her, or in front of so many people... If it is said that being abandoned by her boyfriend means falling into hell and making her lose all hope, then now, for For Huang Ting, it feels like going to heaven.

"Gu Xiang, is what you said true?" Huang Ting said tremblingly.

"I'm serious, just be my girlfriend, and I will make you happy." Gu Xiang said with great effort, controlling his voice.

"Okay, I promise you." Huang Ting withdrew her legs and climbed up the window. The movement was so quick, but within a minute, Huang Ting appeared in front of Gu Xiang.

"Little Gu, congratulations." Jiang Chen applauded.

"Clap clap... clap clap..."

Following Jiang Chen's applause, warm applause rang out, giving blessings to the couple, Gu Xiang's expression was cloudy and unlucky, while Huang Ting was extremely shy, as if this was her wedding scene.

"You did it on purpose, right?" Gu Xiang stared at Jiang Chen and asked.

"I'm sincerely wishing you two good looks, tsk tsk, a match made in heaven." Jiang Chen said seriously.

"Shit!" Gu Xiang cursed, waved his hand, and said angrily, "What are you doing in a daze, why don't you get this damned woman away."

"Gu Xiang," Huang Ting looked at Gu Xiang in surprise, not understanding how Gu Xiang's attitude changed so much before and after.

"Huang Ting, it's fake, it's all fake, do you understand, you really think I'll fall in love with you, I warn you, you die if you love it, just remember not to die in Hongji Building, get out!" Gu Xiang said extremely badly.

"You lied to me, you big liar, men are not good people." Huang Ting began to cry.Amidst the crying, she was carried away by the staff.

"Jiang Chen, is this okay?" Liu Yufei said worriedly. She is a woman, and she knows very well what a blow a woman will be after being given unrealistic fantasies, and finally the fantasies are shattered.

"It's not more serious than death." How could Jiang Chen fail to see Liu Yufei's worry, and said softly.

"But..." Biting her lip, Liu Yufei was still worried.

"Are you worried that she will still seek death, right?" Jiang Chen smiled, and continued: "Actually, if I wasn't here today, she would be dead by now, and if she didn't die now, it would be equivalent to living one more time. She didn't suffer."

"It's cruel." Liu Yufei smiled wryly.

"A woman who doesn't even know how to cherish herself, a woman who doesn't know how to consider the feelings of her parents and relatives other than self-righteous love, everyone in this world can be cruel to her as they like." Jiang Chen said noncommittally.

"I understand the truth, but..." Liu Yufei felt helpless.

"No but." Jiang Chen shook his head and said, "Don't worry, that Huang Ting won't seek death again, she will live a good life in the future, and she will throw away unnecessary fantasies. This is actually a happy ending for all."

"Useless fantasy, you mean Gu Xiang?" Liu Yufei said thoughtfully.

"For Huang Ting, what is a bigger fantasy than this?" Jiang Chen smiled.

"I understand." Liu Yufei felt somewhat relieved.

At first Liu Yufei thought that Jiang Chen was deliberately disgusting Gu Xiang. Although Jiang Chen's intention was good, but in this way, it might bring Huang Ting a second injury.

Liu Yufei didn't expect that Jiang Chen's use of Gu Xiang had such deep intentions, which made Liu Yufei's eyes look a little different when she looked at Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Chen, I didn't expect you to have such a side." Liu Yufei said with emotion.

"Da Feifei, you are a man and I have too many good things. You will gradually find out how lucky you are to be my woman." Jiang Chenchou boasted shamelessly to himself.

"Smelly." Liu Yufei rolled her eyes and laughed happily.

Gu Xiang felt very uncomfortable. The reason for his unpleasantness was not because he was deliberately disgusted by Jiang Chen, but because he heard the conversation between Jiang Chen and Liu Yufei.

"I don't know if what this guy said is true or not, but it sounds like it's true." Gu Xiang sighed.

"Jiang Chen, no matter what, I have to thank you for today's matter." Gu Xiang said reluctantly.

"Just remember what you promised me." Jiang Chen said casually.

"I, Gu Xiang, wouldn't go back on my word for such a trivial matter. I will naturally do what I said." Gu Xiang said displeasedly. It's only two or three million rent, which is not enough for him to take it to heart.

"Actually, you can go back on your word, but you will definitely regret it soon, so you have made an extremely wise decision now." Jiang Chen said slowly.

Changing the topic, Jiang Chen said again: "Do you know what is more painful than death?"

Gu Xiang looked at Jiang Chen in confusion, he had answered this question once, why did Jiang Chen ask this question again?
(End of this chapter)

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