genius evil

Chapter 1521 Where did the chapter come from, where did the chapter go?

Chapter 1521 Where did you come from, where do you go back?

Earth, Zhenwu Continent, True Spirit Continent!
These three places are three different time-spaces. However, the old man can freely come and go in the three different time-spaces. This kind of existence, even if the main body recovers and recovers to the peak, Jiang Chen is a little hard to imagine.

This is no longer a mundane method, with aura penetrating the universe and unrivaled in the world!

On the True Spirit Continent, Jiang Chen knew all about the bullish existences, but he never knew that there were existences that surpassed those powerhouses.

So, if Jiang Chen was not careful, he became the most powerful rich second generation in the cultivation world?
Jiang Chen had long been used to being a loner, and this kind of sudden favor really made him flattered. That's right, it was a shock of shock, and it had nothing to do with surprise.

Even if it is for him to practice alone, is it really good to go to death like this?Wouldn't it be good for him to be a second generation in the cultivation world, picking up girls and stepping on people every day?
This feeling is like a rich family crying poor in front of their children all day long, and then slapping out [-] million, saying that it is just a small meaning, and then taking out [-] billion, which means it is medium.

Who can stand this?
No matter how strong the heart is, there is a possibility of a heart attack every minute!

Jiang Chen also understood why he had never entered the Siji Palace before, but he felt familiar. Such familiarity was deeply implanted in his bones and blood, and it was difficult to erase!
That was the old man's palace. He had lived there for a while, and then he was thrown out before his memory was complete.

That's right, just throw it out.

God knows what Jiang Chen went through when he was in the True Spirit Continent. Speaking of it now, it was all snot and tears!

"What a trap!" Jiang Chen sighed, expressing that he was about to be played to pieces.

There are some fragments about the old man in my memory. The old man has always been unrestrained, and he has long since returned to the Continent of True Spirits. As for Wen Qingxin, Shen Shijing and the woman in the portrait of the goddess, the reason why the old man threw them away was because he regarded them as For the daughter-in-law's sake.

So the old man cut it first and played it later, regardless of whether Jiang Chen would agree or not, before he was still in a daze, he just settled the matter in advance, leaving him no room to object.

Well, actually, Jiang Chen wasn't that opposed. After all, the old man's arrangement was very reasonable, and it was indeed for the sake of the three daughters.

"One more question!" Jiang Chen said.

This question is why he appeared in front of the guide so early. All of this was arranged by the old man, but Jiang Chen believed that the timing was not ripe.

His current cultivation level is only in the early stage of transforming gods. Compared with his cultivation level at the peak of his body integration period, it seems to be the gap between the firefly and the bright sun.

That is to say, the old man can let him grow up freely, and then let him meet the guide. In that way, it will not be too late for the main body to fully recover.

"Could it be that something happened to the True Spirit Continent that caused the old man's plan to be advanced?" Jiang Chen thought while rubbing his chin.

It was only after this thought came up that Jiang Chen's expression became extremely strange, because there was another fragment of memory in his mind.

"Damn it!" Jiang Chen yelled.

There was no change, it was simply that the old man felt that he was delayed for hundreds of years and was unwilling to play with him anymore, so he was allowed to contact the guide in advance.

The corners of Jiang Chen's mouth frantically twitched, he was extremely sure that the old man was a swindler.

But cheating on your son is fine, but don't cheat on your daughter-in-law. After all, he is thick-skinned and can withstand tossing, but the women around him can't bear it.

When Jiang Chen walked out of the Siji Palace, Qianxue was waiting for him there, and did not leave.

"You know everything?" Looking at Jiang Chen, Qian Xue asked.

Jiang Chen nodded, and he said, "Will you follow me, or stay here?"

"I have no reason to stay here." Qian Renxue shook her head and said.

Jiang Chen nodded again. The reason why Qianxue is here is because the old man arranged to guide him. Now that Qianxue's mission has been completed, the Siji Palace has also been turned into half ruins. It would be meaningless to stay any longer.

"Then let's go." Beckoning, Jiang Chen signaled, Qianxue didn't speak, she just followed silently, looking at Jiang Chen quietly, became a little complicated and a little confused.


A catastrophe capable of overturning the Zhenwu Continent was resolved without bloodshed. Jiang Chen established a miraculous feat, and was worshiped as a god for a while.

For this reason, Feng Xingyu approached Jiang Chen many times to ask for specific details, but Jiang Chen always dealt with it perfunctorily, and there were some things he couldn't say.

Once something that cannot be said is said, it will definitely kill someone, but not his life, but someone else's life.

Feng Xingyu felt helpless, there was nothing he could do about Jiang Chen, he felt that Jiang Chen had become different, extremely mysterious, powerful and unpredictable.

Jiang Chen, on the other hand, started preparing to return to the True Spirit Continent.

It is already meaningless for him to return to the peak and stay in the Zhenwu Continent, but there are too many cumbersome things to deal with, and there are many people who must meet one by one.

Of course, it is still in the preparation stage, Jiang Chen is not in a hurry, some people will definitely follow him, such as Song Weiyang.

Song Weiyang was also very curious about Jiang Chen's experience in Siji Palace. Of course, Jiang Chen didn't intend to say more. When he went to the True Spirit Continent, everything would be self-evident.

In addition, there are other people who have to clean up their debts after all. It's just that everyone has their own ambitions and they can't be forced. For example, Shang Heng, Jiang Chen will not forcefully make demands.

Of course, in terms of Jiang Chen's current strength, it is no longer a problem to travel freely between the two worlds of the True Spirit Continent and the True Martial Continent. When he has time, it is an extremely simple and convenient thing to come and see old friends .

After the affairs of Zhenwu Continent were almost handled, Jiang Chen returned to Earth.

It took several years for Jiang Chen to go to Zhenwu Continent, that is, he disappeared out of thin air for several years. Whether it is long or short, it is enough to brew too many changes.

Back on Earth, people are different.

It is different from the True Spirit Continent, and it is also different from the Zhenwu Continent.

In the final analysis, the earth is a society that relies on high-tech civilization and steel structures. This is doomed. Such a society is in a state of high-level operation and change all the time. It cannot stop for a moment. Once it does not happen again Change, this society is completely collapsed.

The Zhenwu Continent or the True Spirit Continent belong to a society dominated and promoted by powerful beings. To some extent, such a social order is simpler than that of Earth, and of course, it is also purer.

Between the two, it is difficult to say which is better.

Naturally, it is quite a good choice to think of the earth as a vacation place in another way. After all, beer and drinks are definitely not available in the cultivation world.Such things as high-heeled shoes and bikinis certainly do not exist in the cultivation world.

Maybe in the future, it just depends on Jiang Chen's mood.

Because even if the two things of beer and beverages are invented, it doesn't make much sense. The requirements for monks to practice are almost negligible compared with the people on the earth.Of course, it is still possible to satisfy your own hobbies.

As for the high-heeled bikini, Jiang Chen thinks that it can be carefully considered, and it is still very feasible. As long as it is a woman, there is no one who does not love beauty. Who dares to say that women in the cultivation world are not women?
After returning to the earth, Jiang Chen met the women around him one after another. He was stronger than before. Although the territory of China is huge, it is enough to travel all over the country in one breath.

"It turns out that with great strength, it is also very convenient to pick up girls." Jiang Chen was very emotional.

In the past, it was necessary to take a vehicle, but now, with the void shuttle technique, it is possible to travel around the earth [-] times in an instant.

So Jiang Chen was still in the capital one moment, then appeared in Yilan City the next second, was eating hot pot one minute, and was eating steak with another woman the next moment.

After several years of missing companionship, although he could truly feel that none of the women around him complained, Jiang Chen would not be so foolish as to think that this matter should be left alone, as a man who is considerate , the most important quality is to be considerate, isn't it?

If you can't even be considerate, how can you be considerate?
From now on, Jiang Chen stayed on Earth for several years, concentrating on being with the women around him, and using it to make up for his lack of being away in the past few years.

"Jiang Chen, tell me, what kind of place is the cultivation world?" Tang Tian asked.

"Tch, you don't even understand such basic common sense. Others say you have big breasts and no brains. You don't even have breasts, so how come you have no brains?" Lin Baobao rolled his eyes and said with contempt.

"You can say what you want." Tang Tian stared, and almost couldn't hold back to beat the woman violently.

In other words, Lin Baobao's breasts tend to grow bigger and bigger in the past few years, why hasn't she changed much? Is it because Jiang Chen treats one person more favorably than another?

But it shouldn't be, obviously she spends more time occupying Jiang Chen.

"The world of self-cultivation is the world of self-cultivators. Don't you understand such a simple thing?" Baobao Lin said as a matter of course.

Ever since, Tang Tian didn't hold back, and pushed Lin Baobao down on the sofa, just beating Lin Baobao indiscriminately, until Lin Baobao howled like ghosts and wolves before giving up.

"Xiao Tiantian, you are really going too far. Don't think I will let you go because you have small breasts. Otherwise, you can ask Jiang Chen what's going on in the cultivation world!" Baobao Lin was very angry and said loudly.

Jiang Chen chuckled, and said, "What kind of world is that? How can you explain it clearly in a few words... Well, do you want to go and see it?"

Tang Tian and Lin Baobao looked at each other, why did they feel that Jiang Chen's tone of voice was a bit like that of abducting a three-year-old girl with a lollipop?But what happened to the inexplicable heartbeat?

Tang Tian and Lin Baobao looked at each other, and soon smiled sweetly, and said in unison: "Okay, let's go and have a look!"

Regarding the world of comprehension, regarding Jiang Chen's talk about those tall people who are taller than dozens of floors, the second daughter has long been fascinated, or should have gone to see it long ago.

"Then let's go, let's go take a look." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"It is indeed time to set off!" Jiang Chen said slowly in his heart again.

Wherever he came from, Jinxi will go back.

This is like fate, a reincarnation.

"Old friends, I, Jiang Chen, am coming back, are you... are you all ready?" Jiang Chen said to himself, his eyes opened and closed, his eyes glowing brightly...

(End of this chapter)

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