genius evil

Chapter 177 Murder is against the law

Chapter 177 Murder is against the law

The swearing-in meeting was over by now. After Lan Xiu came down from the rooftop, some teachers happened to walk in from the outside.

Lan Xiu saw a person, and that person happened to be looking at Lan Xiu. Their gazes slightly met in mid-air, and they heard that person say, "How are you, Mayor Lan?"

"Hello, are you Jiang Chen's homeroom teacher?" Lan Xiu nodded and said.

"Mayor Lan knows Jiang Chen?" Tangyue was taken aback quietly, her face was a little surprised, but she quickly said, "My name is Tangyue."

"Teacher Tang." Lan Xiu's expression was a bit unnatural, and she said dryly, "I met Jiang Chen before, but I don't know, he is a student of Yilan Middle School."

What Lan Xiu said was the truth.

Lan Xiu said: "Mayor Lan is too polite, just call me Tang Yue."

"Then you don't need to call me Mayor Lan, I think we are about the same age, you can call me Lan Xiu, so as not to be too born." Lan Xiu then said.

The two of them just said a few words, and then separated, Lan Xiu walked outside, Tangyue walked inside.

"Mayor Lan actually knows Jiang Chen?" Tangyue was thinking as she walked, although Lan Xiu briefly explained the matter, but out of a woman's intuition, Tangyue thought that it was obvious that Lan Xiu and Jiang Chen's relationship is not simple, at least not as simple as Lan Xiu said.

Because, in Tangyue's view, Lan Xiu's explanation was too deliberate, if you know it, you will know it, so why explain it?Even if she is Jiang Chen's class teacher, it is impossible for him to restrain Jiang Chen from making friends. If Lan Xiu doesn't explain, the only thing she will wonder is when did Jiang Chen know Lan Xiu.

But now, she has some more doubts about the relationship between Lan Xiu and Jiang Chen.

After a few short conversations, Tang Yue had some thoughts in her heart, and Lan Xiu also had some thoughts.

One of the most direct reasons why Lan Xiu had an idea was that Tangyue was so beautiful. If she hadn't seen Tangyue maintain order at the swearing-in meeting, then even if she met Tangyue in the teacher's building It may be difficult for Lan Xiu and Yue to connect Tang Yue with her identity as a teacher.

A beautiful woman is a kind of capital in itself, which means that she can have more choices than ordinary women, and being a teacher is undoubtedly the hardest job to choose, at least, Lan Xiu thinks so.

"Tangyue is so beautiful, considering Jiang Chen's shamelessness, she must have harassed her a lot." Lan Xiu thought silently.

What I have to say is that a woman's intuition, sometimes, is really accurate, just like Tangyue's guess about the relationship between Lan Xiu and Jiang Chen, and Lan Xiu's guess about the relationship between Jiang Chen and Tangyue. The relationship between them is also a good guess.

But I don't know why, thinking about it this way, Lan Xiu suddenly became in a bad mood, especially, just now on the rooftop, Jiang Chen had taken it for granted to explain his flirtatious ideas.

And not long after, Lan Xiu's mood became even worse, because she met two more people, two girls in school uniforms.

"That's Mayor Lan, An Qi, how about the two of us going over to say hello?" Jiang Yanyan said excitedly, holding Xu Anqi's arm.

"You go, I won't go." Xu Anqi was not interested.

"Oh, although beautiful women are natural enemies, An Qi, don't make it so obvious." Jiang Yanyan curled her lips, but didn't go over.

"What a mess." Xu Anqi was speechless.

"It's not what I said, it's from a book." Jiang Yanyan defended herself.

Jiang Yanyan and Xu Anqi didn't come over, neither did Lan Xiu, but after seeing Xu Anqi clearly, Lan Xiu immediately thought of something.

Chi Kaize showed her three photos, and one of them was Xu Anqi. The photo was taken secretly, and there was a certain gap between it and the real person, but Lan Xiu still recognized it at first sight.

"Jiang Chen's girlfriend?" Lan Xiu said softly.

If you count Shuang'er and Tangyue, plus Xu Anqi, in Yilan Middle School today, she has already met three women who may be related to Jiang Chen.

Lan Xiu didn't know what words to use to describe her mood, she walked faster and faster towards the parking lot.

Lan Xiu came to Yilan Middle School this time without a secretary. The driver waited in the car. When he saw Lan Xiu approaching, he got out of the car and opened the door.

"Mayor Lan, are you going back to the office?" the driver asked.

"Take me home." Lan Xiu said casually, and only then did she see that there was a large bouquet of flowers on the back seat.

"What's the matter with this flower?" Lan Xiu asked sensitively.

"It was delivered just now, and it was said to be from the school." The driver replied.

Lan Xiu frowned, saw a card in the flower, picked it up and opened it to read.There was a line written on the card without a signature, but judging from the tone of voice, Lan Xiu knew it was sent by Jiang Chen at a glance.

Lan Xiu suddenly felt it was funny, and felt that Jiang Chen was a little too naive, which annoyed her unceasingly. She wanted to open the door and throw the flowers out, but she hesitated for a while, but she still didn't do that.

"Nine hundred and ninety-nine roses, they should be very expensive." Lan Xiu whispered to herself, with complicated and inexplicable emotions.


Shi Qingping and his wife Yao Xiaoqian are coming out of a high-end restaurant in the downtown area of ​​Yilan just after eating.

"Has the car come over?" Yao Xiaoqian asked.

"It's coming, don't be so nervous." Shi Qingping said.

"How can you not be nervous? A good life has become like this. Even going out for a meal, you are sneaky, as if you are shameless." Yao Xiaoqian complained.

"Now is an extraordinary period, it's better to pay attention." Shi Qingping reminded.

"No matter what you say, I've had enough of these days. Immigrants, we have to immigrate out quickly." Yao Xiaoqian hugged her husband's arm with a very dissatisfied expression.

Shi Qingping said: "Immigration is not that simple. There are still many things that have not been dealt with, especially Jiang Chen's side. I will not leave until I see him die with my own eyes."

"Because of that Jiang Chen, our current life has been disrupted. If we knew earlier, we shouldn't be looking for the killer. Fortunately, the killer can't be contacted. Jiang Chen has nothing to do, and the one who has something has turned into the two of us. "Yao Xiaoqian rambled.

"Can't you say a few less words?" Shi Qingping gave Yao Xiaoqian a glare.

"What's wrong, I can't even speak anymore?" Yao Xiaoqian yelled.

Shi Qingping was a little helpless, and knew that Yao Xiaoqian had always had such a personality, so he could only lower his voice and say, "Then you speak in a lower voice, what should you do if you are accidentally overheard by others?"

The driver drove the car over at this moment, and Shi Qingping pulled Yao Xiaoqian into the car, and Yao Xiaoqian said: "Do you think we should hire another killer? I think the killer you hired last time is not at all. Reliable."

"This question, I have to think about it first." Shi Qingping also felt that it was not reliable, but the problem was that he was already on the verge of riding a tiger.

"Think, you know you want to. Every time I talk about this, you say you have to think about it. When you think about it, you will be tall. If you think about it, the two of us will die of neurasthenia." Yao Xiaoqian said loudly.

The driver is a cousin of the two of them, so there is no need to hide anything, so Yao Xiaoqian has no taboos when speaking.

"I'm worried about being targeted by the killer. Do you think the killer is so easy to deal with? What if the killer knows that we have found other killers and makes trouble for us instead?" Shi Qingping said.

Yao Xiaoqian was speechless all of a sudden, she felt that what Shi Qingping said was very reasonable, killers always kill without blinking an eye, if they are really targeted by accident, they don't even know how they died.

"You two, murder is against the law. You two keep saying that you want to kill this one and that one, is that really okay?" Suddenly, the driver who had been driving quietly said a word.

"Xiao Gang, what do you know, Jiang Chen killed Xiao Lei, of course we have to kill him to avenge Xiao Lei." Yao Xiaoqian said dissatisfied.

"Shi Lei was not killed by Jiang Chen." The driver said again.

"Xiao Gang, what medicine did you take wrongly, how could you speak well of Jiang Chen? You must be mentally ill." Yao Xiaoqian was very angry.

"I'm sorry, I'm Jiang Chen, of course I want to speak well of myself." Jiang Chen turned his head and said with a half-smile.



Shi Qingping and Yao Xiaoqian both screamed.

"Jiang did you get in the car?" Shi Qingping panicked.

"Don't be so nervous, killing people is against the law, so I won't kill people." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Then what do you want to do?" Yao Xiaoqian stammered.

"Oh, I'm just here to remind you two that in just a few days, there will be a good show to watch. The level of excitement is absolutely beyond imagination. You two must be mentally prepared first." Jiang Chen is not worried. Said not slowly.

"What good show?" Shi Qingping was confused.

"The two of you will know when the time comes. I think you two will definitely not be disappointed. Of course, you don't need to thank me. Who told me that I have a bad habit of not leaving names when I do good deeds?" Jiang Chen sighed. tone.

Shi Qingping and Yao Xiaoqian looked at each other, feeling a little calmer at this moment, and heard Jiang Chen report another mobile phone number, and said: "This is my mobile phone number. If you need anything, call me anytime."

Shi Qingping took out his mobile phone and wrote down Jiang Chen's number, but he didn't realize when the car stopped and Jiang Chen disappeared.

"Old Shi, what's going on here, Jiang Chen knows everything, what should we do?" Yao Xiaoqian sobbed, how could a pampered woman have been frightened like this.

Shi Qingping's face was pale, as if he had aged ten years all of a sudden, he didn't know what to do, who knew that Jiang Chen would be so monstrous, secretly changed the driver, and listened to everything.

"Let's take one step at a time." Shi Qingping was so bitter that he could only comfort his wife like this, even though he couldn't even comfort himself...

(End of this chapter)

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