genius evil

Chapter 274 Jiang Chen's Ambition

Chapter 274 Jiang Chen's Ambition

"Well, it's really lively today." Jiang Chen looked at the two people who came in, and said with a half-smile.

While talking, Jiang Chen waved to the two of them, and said unhurriedly: "Xiao Guanzi, you are not here to fight with me, are you?"

The person who came was Guan He, who had met Jiang Chen once in Yilan City. There was also a kid in his teens, but Jiang Chen didn't know who it was.

Guan He had a zombie face as usual, cold and cold, as if someone owed him 800 yuan, but that little guy formed an extreme and sharp contrast with Guan He. He is meticulous, while the little guy has a frivolous face, giving people a very arrogant taste.

"Jiang Chen, you are so violent, can you still fight in this fight?" Before Guan He could speak, the little guy rushed to talk.

The little guy answered Jiang Chen's question, but Guan He remained silent.

Guan He came here specifically to find Jiang Chen, in order to complete the previous agreement with Jiang Chen in Yilan City.

After losing to Jiang Chen last time, when he returned to Tiannan City, Guan He took Jiang Chen as his challenge target and trained hard.

He felt that he had made a lot of progress, so he had the confidence to challenge Jiang Chen. Who knew, he just came here and saw Jiang Chen fanning Uncle Li.

Who is Uncle Li is naturally no stranger to Guan He.

This person is mysterious, mysterious and powerful. He seems to be just a housekeeper during the day, but he is actually a bodyguard during the day.

Although few people have seen Uncle Li fight, but no one has ever doubted Uncle Li's strength, but after being slapped by Jiang Chen, Uncle Li has no strength to fight back. How can he challenge Jiang Chen?
That's not a challenge, it's just looking for abuse.

Although he, Guan He, has the title of Wu Chi, but he is a Wu Chi, not an idiot, he will definitely not do things looking for abuse, otherwise he probably will have another title of idiot from now on .


At this time, Uncle Li also saw Guan He, and his eyes flickered.

Guan He is no stranger to him, and he is even more familiar with Guan He.

Uncle Li was very surprised that Guan He would come to find Jiang Chen, and hearing Jiang Chen speak so casually, it seemed that he and Guan He were old acquaintances.

Even if it is not clear what kind of friendship between Jiang Chen and Guan He, it still made Uncle Li have some associations.

"Could it be that Jiang Chen didn't take my Bai family seriously because of the Guan family?" After thinking about it for a while, Uncle Li's expression became uneasy.

"Why can't we fight? As long as there are two people fighting, one is in charge of beating and the other is in charge of being beaten." Jiang Chen said leisurely.

"Tch, if you want to bully someone, just say so." The little guy rolled his eyes.

"If I don't bully others, is there anyone else who can bully me?" Jiang Chen also rolled his eyes.

"In such a loud tone, you sound like you are invincible." The little guy continued to roll his eyes.

"It's not like, it's because I'm invincible." Jiang Chen said confidently.

"You are so shameless that you are invincible in the world." Although the little guy is young, he is obviously not that easy to deceive.

"Little guy, you talk too much, don't think I won't do anything to you when I'm young." Jiang Chen threatened.

"I'm warning you, don't do anything to me. Do you know who I am? My name is Guan Shan, and I'm the young master of the Guan family. If you dare to do anything to me, you will die." The little guy said loudly .

Jiang Chen walked over, kicked the little guy's ass, and said with a smile: "It's fine if you don't move your hands, but it's okay to move your feet, right?"

Guan Shan got up from the ground and said angrily: "Jiang Chen, you don't play cards according to common sense. Also, is it interesting for you to bully me, a little guy? I warn you again, if you dare to kick my ass again , I'm not done with you."


Jiang Chen kicked again, kicking the little guy's ass.

"Ahhh..." Guan Shan screamed, extremely frantic.

"Stop making trouble." Guan He said.

"Brother, it's not that I want to make a fuss, it's that the whole thing is completely different from what I thought, okay? I originally expected you to ravage Jiang Chen, but in the end it was the two of us who were ravaged." Guan Shan said with a mournful face. .

"I've said it all, I am invincible in the world, if you want to ravage me, you will have no chance in this life." Jiang Chen said calmly.

"No, there is still a chance." Guan Shan rolled his eyes in a circle, and suddenly he knelt down in front of Jiang Chen, and said, "Jiang Chen, accept me as your apprentice."

"What the hell are you doing?" Jiang Chen wanted to kick this guy again.

"Jiang Chen, haven't you heard a sentence, the disciples of the church will starve to death of the master, and accept me as a disciple. In the future, I will be better than the blue, and I will be able to ravage you, right?" Guan Shan said seriously.

"You think beautifully." Jiang Chen was quite speechless.

How did this little guy's brain grow so that he could have such a wonderful idea? It's really thanks to him for thinking it out.

"No, I have already knelt down to you, you must accept me as a disciple, otherwise I will lose face." Guan Shan said stubbornly.

"It's none of my business. Kneel as much as you like." Jiang Chen wondered, how could a guy as meticulous as Guan He have such an incomprehensible younger brother? Was he born by the same mother?
"I won't keep kneeling, anyway, I've already kneeled." Guan Shan got up, as if he had completed the apprenticeship ceremony, and he was depending on Jiang Chen for life and death.

Hearing this, Jiang Chen couldn't hold back after all, and kicked the little guy again.

It's so annoying, isn't it?
Is there such a teacher?
Then, Jiang Chen glanced at Uncle Li and said, "Are you still leaving?"

"Jiang Chen, remember what you did to me today!" Uncle Li gave Jiang Chen a resentful look, and strode out the door.

"Master, he dares to talk to you like this, kick him." Guan Shan shouted.

"Can't I be tired?" Jiang Chen said speechlessly.

"Okay, I'll bring you some tea." Guan Shan said quickly, picked up a cup of tea on the table and handed it to Jiang Chen.

"Don't be courteous. It's not that I don't accept apprentices. It's just that you have thin bones. You look like the type who can't become a master. I'm not interested in you." Jiang Chen said with incomparable disgust.

"Master, do you know that there is a saying that hard work can make up for one's weakness? Besides, Master, how can you talk nonsense, I am obviously a bone marvel, and I am a prodigy in martial arts." Guan Shan argued.

Then his eyeballs rolled around again, Guan Shan said: "Also, Master, even if you don't want to accept me as an apprentice, you can't do it. Don't forget, you have offended the Bai family. If you don't If you accept me as your apprentice, you will die."

"My life is so long that even Lord Yan can't take it away." Jiang Chen said while drinking tea comfortably.

"Master, don't be so stubborn. Could it be that you can't see that I kowtowed to you just now to show the old man on purpose. I'm trying to make you look good?" Guan Shan said with a curled lip.


Jiang Chen smacked his mouth, glanced at Guan Shan, then turned his gaze and landed on Guan He, grinning.

"Master, why are you smiling so weirdly?" Guan Shan asked.

"Tell me, who taught you what you said and what you did today?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Who taught me what, I'm a genius, okay?" Guan Shan said with a guilty conscience.

"I was a little weird at first, it's fine that the old guy Xiao Li came, why did you come here, and it's such a coincidence." Jiang Chen just ignored the little guy, and turned to Guan He.

"You can see it all." Silently, Guan He said.

"Do I look like the kind of person who is easy to deceive?" Jiang Chen pointed to his face.

"No one lied to you at all." Guan Shan was still stubborn, intending to hold on to the end, muttering: "It's not bad to worship you as a teacher, I really have such thoughts, I would kneel down, if you don't Accept me as an apprentice, I will never end with you."

"Worry." Jiang Chen pricked the little guy's mouth with a silver needle, making the little guy shut up completely.

"Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..." The little guy patted his mouth with his hand, trying to make a sound, his little face was flushed red.

"Jiang Chen, are you interested in cooperating with my Guan family?" After hesitating for a while, Guan He said.

"Cooperation?" Jiang Chen smiled.

"Jiang Chen, if you want to come to Tiannan City to develop, you have to choose one of the three major families of Bai Guantong sooner or later." Guan He said seriously.

"There is no second choice?" Jiang Chen asked indifferently.

"Yes, that is, you build a wealthy family of your own, a wealthy family that can be compared with the three major families of Bai Guantong, so that you can have an equal right to speak." Guan He looked at Jiang Chen and said.

"This is not an easy task, it sounds a bit like a fairy tale." Jiang Chen said.

"It is indeed not an easy task. Moreover, there are only three major families in Tiannan City, and there is no fourth family. Even if the Song family tries hard, they are not qualified. Even if it is not because of you, the Song family appears. Turmoil, what the Song family did is still just a joke, but the members of the Song family never knew this." Guan He said sarcastically.

"Speak clearly." Jiang Chen said with great interest.

"Intelligence." Guan He said slowly, "The strength of a family does not mean that it is strong on the surface, but more importantly, it is the foundation."

"It's the background, let alone the trump card." Jiang Chen said lazily.

Guan He was startled for a moment, then his expression changed slightly. He looked at Jiang Chen in surprise, and said, "It hits the nail on the head."

"What do you think of me?" Jiang Chen pointed at himself.

"What are you referring to?" Guan He said thoughtfully.

"If one day I am interested in building a wealthy family of my own, I should be the sharpest trump card." Jiang Chen smiled.

Guan He's eyes flickered and his heart shook. He finally understood where Jiang Chen's confidence came from when he slapped Uncle Li just now.

That wasn't Jiang Chen's stupidity, and it wasn't just as simple as pride, but ambition!

(End of this chapter)

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