genius evil

Chapter 277 Not even a dog

Chapter 277

Song Yang wasn't pretending not to understand, he couldn't pretend to be confused when things got to this point.

Song Yang really didn't understand, even if his head was broken, he couldn't figure out what was going on.

Why did Ji Feng point the gun in his hand at Chi Kaize?
Why would Chen Sen betray him?

Whether it's Ji Feng's attitude or Chen Sen's attitude, from Song Yang's point of view, it's like a ridiculous farce, so unimaginable.

The conflict between Ji Feng and Jiang Chen can be said to be clear to Song Yang. In Yilan City, Ji Feng was slapped in the face by Jiang Chen, and his face was swept away. After Jiang Chen came to Tiannan City, Ji Feng immediately Even if they challenged Jiang Chen, they still got slapped in the face by Jiang Chen, and even knelt down to Jiang Chen in public.

For this hatred and humiliation, in Song Yang's opinion, Ji Feng must be with Jiang Chen forever.

As for the deep hatred between Chen Sen and Jiang Chen, it can be described as unequal. After all, it was Jiang Chen who disrupted the situation, which made their father and son have nothing and bear the reputation of being a slave of two surnames.

Besides, not counting the old accounts from the past, just today, Jiang Chen called Chen Sen a dog and let Chen Sen learn how to bark like a dog. How could this humiliation stop?

Such two people, even if they shot Jiang Chen directly and beat Jiang Chen into a sieve, Song Yang would not be surprised at all, but how would he understand the current situation?

"This idiot doesn't understand, do you understand?" Jiang Chen said to Chi Kaize with a smile.

Chi Kaize's face was ugly, purple in the blue, black in the purple, even Song Yang didn't understand what was going on, how could he understand?
Chi Kaize did not answer Jiang Chen's question, but turned to Ji Feng and said, "Ji Feng, what do you mean?"

"It's nothing interesting. If you want to kill Young Master Jiang, I'll kill you. It's that simple." Ji Feng said indifferently.

"I don't even know when you became Jiang Chen's running dog." Chi Kaize said coldly.

"Just like what Chen Sen said to Song Yang, there are some things you don't understand." Ji Feng said expressionlessly.

"Damn it, I need an explanation just because I don't understand." Chi Kaize growled.

You know, according to Song Yang's plan, the person who originally shot and killed Jiang Chen should be Ji Feng.

Chi Kaize knows Ji Feng's temper very well. He is arrogant, arrogant, and has a bad temper... Song Yang set up such a game, invite Jiang Chen into the urn, Jiang Chen enters the game, Ji Feng kills Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen dies, everyone What a wonderful thing it is to settle the grievances and grievances once and for all?
But why, in the end, everything was reversed.

It's fine if Ji Feng didn't kill Jiang Chen, but actually helped Jiang Chen kill him instead, which made Chi Kaize feel that his outlook on life would be subverted.

"Chen Sen, I think you are impatient. I order you to shoot and kill Jiang Chen." But at this time, Song Yang shouted and said ferociously.

"Song Shao, neither you nor I can do anything to Jiang Shao today." Chen Sen shook his head and said with a wry smile.

"Chen Sen!"

Shouting Chen Sen's name in a low voice, Song Yang's breathing became panting, "You can't do anything to Jiang Chen, what do you mean by that, could it be that you want to do something to me?"

"Song Shao, if I tell you that I am doing it for your own good, do you believe it or not?" Chen Sen said seriously.

"Fart!" Song Yang cursed.

Even if he was out of his mind, it was impossible for him to believe Chen Sen's nonsense. Chen Sen pointed a gun at him and said that it was for his own good?

Is Chen Sen crazy?
Or, did Chen Senjue regard him as a lunatic?

Otherwise, how could Chen Sen say such nonsense?

"Song Shao, I know you don't believe me, but I am doing it for your own good." Chen Sen said helplessly.

Are guns useful to Jiang Chen?
Song Yang didn't understand this, but Chen Sen understood it too well, regardless of how many guns they had, but Chen Sen was almost sure that no one would have the chance to shoot at all.

Song Yang kept saying that he wanted to kill Jiang Chen, but he didn't know that at this moment his own life was in Jiang Chen's hands.

"Chen Sen, if I tell you that I immediately ordered Chen Fu and Chen Mu to be killed for your own good, do you believe it?" Song Yang laughed back angrily.

"Uh, he's threatening you." Jiang Chen kindly reminded.

Chen Sen's face turned black, and Song Yang said again: "Chen Sen, Jiang Chen is right, I am threatening you, you have no choice, kill Jiang Chen immediately."

"If it were me, I would definitely not be able to bear being threatened like this. Chen Sen, can you bear it?" Jiang Chen said for Chen Sen.

Chen Sen's face became even darker. He opened his mouth and wanted to speak, but in the end, the words got stuck in his throat and he couldn't utter a word.

Whether it was Jiang Chen's words or Song Yang's words, they were like a thorn in his heart, making him feel that he was not even as good as a dog.

Song Yang's self-righteousness turned him and Song Yang into fish on Jiang Chen's chopping board, but Song Yang was complacent about it and had no self-knowledge, and he was the one who was dragged into the water in the end.

He couldn't deal with Jiang Chen, and he didn't dare to deal with Song Yang, so he could only suffer from both sides, and he was not human inside and out.

"If you can't bear it, then come on, shoot, shoot at me." Song Yang patted himself on the forehead, laughing loudly, like crazy.


Almost as soon as Song Yang's voice fell, the gunshot rang out, and a bullet hit Song Yang's forehead.

Song Yang's eyes widened in an instant. He stared at Chen Sen so hard that his eyeballs were about to pop out of their sockets.

"I'm going to die." Song Yang said to himself.

He planned all over, waiting for the best time to kill Jiang Chen, he finally waited for this day, Jiang Chen took the initiative to send him to his door, Ji Feng and Chi Kaize also fully cooperated with his action from the beginning.

Originally, to kill Jiang Chen, for Song Yang, he and Chen Sen had two guns enough, but he still called Ji Feng and Chi Kaize because he wanted to use this to pull Ji Feng and Chi Kaize together. to his own boat.

The enemy of the enemy is the friend.

This statement has always been true, and Song Yang also thinks so. As long as he can win over Ji Feng and Chi Kaize, then even if the Song family loses the help of the land group, it is still possible to change the current situation in Tiannan City and bring the future to a new place. The Song family single-handedly promoted him to be one of the four major families in Tiannan City. In that case, he will be a great hero of the Song family, and he will be the head of the family, just around the corner.

However, what I have to say is that the ideal is very full, but the reality is too skeletal. Not to mention Chen Sen and Ji Feng's betrayal, Chen Sen actually shot him.

"What's going on here." Song Yang didn't understand what happened until his death, and he fell to the ground with his life cut off.

"Courageous, courageous enough, Chen Sen, you actually killed Song Yang, which really surprised me." Jiang Chen didn't even look at Song Yang, with a look of regret.

Jiang Chen naturally pretended to be an accident, while Ji Feng and Chi Kaize were real accidents.

Pupils contracted for a while, and Chi Kaize felt his scalp numb. Song Yang died, and died under Chen Sen's gun. Is he the one who will die next?

"Jiang Chen!" Chen Sen roared, clenched his teeth, and turned the muzzle of the gun in his hand to Jiang Chen.

"Killing Song Yang is not enough, you still want to kill me?" Shrugging, Jiang Chen said innocently.

"Jiang Chen, you clearly know that I didn't kill Song Yang." Chen Sen was hysterical with hatred.

Even if he was persecuted by Song Yang like that, it is impossible for Chen Sen to kill Song Yang. It's not that he can bear it, but that once he offends Song Yang, the Chen family and his son will definitely give Song Yang Funeral.

Chen Sen was afraid of death, so he didn't dare to do anything to Jiang Chen, but if all three of his father and son died or he died alone, Chen Sen could only choose the latter.

So, when Song Yang patted his head and said to shoot me, he shot, but not Song Yang, but Jiang Chen.

From Chen Sen's point of view, if there is really a chance to kill Jiang Chen today, then at that time, it will be the best chance. After all, Jiang Chen is waiting to see his jokes.

However, when Chen Sen pulled the trigger, his wrist went numb, and he shot Song Yang uncontrollably.

When he saw Song Yang's heart thumping, Chen Sen was completely dumbfounded. He knew that he was finished, and Chen Fu and Chen Mu were also finished, but Jiang Chen had obviously moved his hands and feet, and he still looked innocent. Sen wished he could blow Jiang Chen's head off.

"Hey, I'm warning you, medicine can be taken indiscriminately, words must not be said indiscriminately, don't think I'm honest and want to frame me, there's no way." Jiang Chen was very angry.

"Jiang Chen, don't pretend to be crazy and stupid. It's useless. Do you think I, Chen Sen, will be afraid of you anymore?" Chen Sen shook his head, his face full of sadness.

"You are insane, why am I pretending to be crazy? Is it really okay for you to pour dirty water on me so blatantly? Besides, I have witnesses. You must apologize to me, otherwise I will get angry and even I am afraid myself." Jiang Chen shouted.

"Stop talking nonsense, go to hell." Chen Sen said viciously, and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

"You idiot, it's fine if you don't want to apologize properly, but you still want to kill me." Jiang Chen appeared in front of Chen Sen at some point, raised his hand and slapped Chen Sen on the face. Jiehen kicked Chen Sen again, knocking Chen Sen to the ground.

Although he had guessed early on that he would not be able to pull the trigger in front of Jiang Chen, but when this happened, Chen Sen was extremely unwilling.

"Jiang Chen, I know that you want to drag my Chen family into trouble, but I will not let you do so." Chen Sen looked at Jiang Chen and said slowly.

He was not reconciled because he was lucky, but after the last bit of luck was broken, Chen Sen felt relieved.

While talking, Chen Sen suddenly smiled strangely, and then, the gun in Chen Sen's hand was pressed against his forehead, and he pulled the trigger again.

(End of this chapter)

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