genius evil

Chapter 319 is too treacherous

Chapter 319 is too treacherous

Sensitive and tender parts were attacked, Sleeping Beauty couldn't help letting out a moan, she stared at Jiang Chen fiercely, and said bitterly: "Is this the treatment of being your woman?"

"Otherwise, what treatment do you want?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

"You are shameless." Sleeping Beauty scolded.

"Actually, I didn't say anything. Of course, what is certain is that you must have thought of some unsuitable plots." Jiang Chen said innocently.

Sleeping Beauty stared blankly, knowing that no matter what, she would be eaten to death by Jiang Chen.

"When will you treat me?" Sleeping Beauty brought up the question again.

"When will you accompany me to open a room?" Jiang Chen said leisurely.

"Then let's wait until you solve the trouble of Baishan Gate." Sleeping Beauty lingered on the other side in the same way, got up, and left with a gust of fragrant wind.

"When I get rid of the trouble at the Baishan Gate, you will definitely love me so much." Jiang Chen murmured, narrowing his eyes, and fell asleep.

Around twelve noon, Jiang Chen's cell phone rang, and a call came in. It was daytime.

"Have you arrived in Yilan City so soon?" Jiang Chen said lightly after picking up the phone.

"At six o'clock, I will arrive in Yilan City on time, where will I meet you." Ignoring Jiang Chen's teasing, he said on the phone during the day.

"I think it's up to you to decide where to meet me. After all, I'm still a kind person, so let's treat it as the last benefit before you die." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"On the top of Pipa Mountain, I will wait for you there. I think that would be a good place to bury people." With a cold snort, Bai Shan hung up the phone.

Yawning, Jiang Chen got up with his mobile phone and went to the cafeteria to eat.

Before killing people after eating and drinking enough, Jiang Chen realized that he couldn't wait!

The time is around seven o'clock in the afternoon, and the sky is low at night.

A black Elantra dangled up to the top of Pipa Mountain.

The car stopped at the top of the mountain, the door was pushed open, and Jiang Chen Shi Shi suddenly got out of the car.

When he got out of the car, Jiang Chen saw three cars parked there randomly. A figure stood beside the car, waiting anxiously. It was daytime.

"Jiang Chen, why are you here now." Seeing Jiang Chen, he asked in displeasure during the day.

"I'm not in a hurry to kill people, so why are you in such a hurry to die." Jiang Chen said slowly, holding the car keys in his hand, and slowly walked over.

"I'm worried that you are afraid of death and dare not come." Bai Tian snorted coldly.

During the day, he was a little out of breath, and the appointment was at six o'clock in the afternoon. How could Jiang Chen have no sense of time, and he didn't arrive until seven o'clock.

Please, it was Jiang Chen who said he wanted him to come and die, okay?

Otherwise, he would wait here eagerly if he was full.

"This person really can't stand setbacks at all. You said that you were such a handsome guy before, but now you are so irritable." Jiang Chen spoke unhurriedly.

"Jiang Chen, don't play dumb here." Bai Tian said angrily.

"Okay, then don't pretend to be stupid, call out all the people you invited." Jiang Chen said with a smile, then looked around again, and asked curiously: "Where is Xiao Li, there is no one today. come?"

Almost as soon as Jiang Chen's voice fell, the door of one of the cars opened, and a figure came out of the car, who else could it be except Uncle Li.

After Uncle Li got out of the car, he looked at Jiang Chen with an extremely worried expression.

Following Uncle Li, the rear door of that car opened, and another figure came out.

He is tall and slender, about 1.8 meters tall, thin, and because he is thin, the lines of his facial features are a bit cold.

Dressed in a white robe, it looks like a piece of white cloth covered on a slender bamboo pole. The mountain wind is blowing, as if it can blow people away at any time.

"Are you the Jiang Chen who killed my two people from the Baishan Gate?" The man looked at Jiang Chen and said with a soft voice.

"After a while, there will be three people." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"The tone is not small." There was a playful sneer on the corner of the man's mouth, and he said, "Let me introduce myself. My name is Bai Chi. I think you will need to remember my name."

"I don't know whether it is necessary to remember your name, but your name is really easy to remember, idiot? How can someone call such a name?" Jiang Chen looked surprised.

"It's incandescent." The voice was slightly raised, and the man's face was slightly dark.

"Remember, remember, you are an idiot." Jiang Chen nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

"You court death." Bai Chi was furious!
He knew his own name, and the homonym was a bit strange when he called it, but it was strange, and Jiang Chen was the first one who dared to tease him by his name so blatantly.

You know, even in Baishan Gate, no one dared to make fun of his name like this, but they all respectfully called him Senior Brother Bai!

"No wonder you are called an idiot. You really live up to your name. You really are an idiot." Jiang Chen curled his lips and said, "Obviously you are looking for death, but how can you say that I am looking for death? Isn't this confusing right and wrong?"

"Lao Li, shoot." Bai Chi couldn't stand Jiang Chen anymore, and ordered in a low growl.

A pistol appeared in Uncle Li's hand, and the muzzle was aimed at Jiang Chen.

"What does this mean? You don't play cards according to common sense." Jiang Chen was a little unhappy.

"Anyway, you are going to die. It doesn't make any difference if I shoot you to death or I slap you to death?" Bai Chi sneered.

"Then why don't you hurry up and slap me to death?" Jiang Chen said unhappily.

"Do you think I'm an idiot?" Bai Chi said displeased.

"But you are an idiot." Jiang Chen said firmly.

"Shoot!" Bai Chi gritted his teeth, and suddenly had the urge to change his name when he went back, being called out one by one by idiots, this feeling is too bad.

Hearing the sound, Uncle Li quickly pulled the trigger, and the gunshot rang out casually.


Between the eyebrows, a little blood exploded brightly like fireworks, and then, Uncle Li fell to the ground with a plop.

After shaking the gun in his hand, Jiang Chen chuckled, pretending to be ashamed and said: "Sorry, I forgot to tell you, I also have a gun."

Bai Chi was dumbfounded, and the daytime next to him was also dumbfounded.

What are you doing?
According to the plan during the day, it would be best if Uncle Li could shoot and kill Jiang Chen, so that Bai Chi wouldn't have to bother him.

But what is the situation? How could Jiang Chen bring a gun?

Moreover, Jiang Chen shot faster than Uncle Li, and Uncle Li had just pulled the trigger when Jiang Chen had already given Uncle Li a bullet, reaping Uncle Li's old life.

"What do you mean by looking at me like this? Why, you are only allowed to carry guns, but I am not allowed to carry guns?" Jiang Chen was very angry.

"No wonder you dare to utter wild words and let Bai Tian roll to Yilan City to die. I dare say you have prepared for it." Bai Chi said with a worried face.

"It's just a casual preparation." Jiang Chen said shyly, as if he was very embarrassed.

"But you forgot, you are only one person after all, and we have three people, three people, there are three guns." Then Bai Chi said.

He came out with a gun, and also took out a gun during the day, and then, the door of another car opened, and a figure in a black suit got out of the car, holding a gun in his hand, pointing at Jiang Chen.

"I have a suggestion, how about we lose all our guns, what do you three think?" Blinking, Jiang Chen said in a discussing tone.

"Brother Meng Xiong, what do you think of this suggestion?" With a chuckle, Bai Chi said to the man in the black suit.

Wu Mengxiong smiled, and said: "Everyone is an ancient martial arts practitioner. Killing people with a gun is nothing. I think this suggestion is quite good."

"Since Brother Meng Xiong thinks it's good, let's all throw away the guns in your hands." Bai Chi nodded.

"Okay, I'll count to one, two, and three, and everyone throws the guns together." Jiang Chen said immediately, and then began to count. When he counted to three, Jiang Chen threw his big hand away, throwing the gun in his hand far away. up.


At this moment, the gunfire rang out again.

Accompanied by the sound, there was a grunting sound in Tiantian's throat, his eyes widened suddenly, and he looked at Jiang Chen like a ghost, wondering if he was hallucinating, he clearly found that Jiang Chen was holding a gun in his hand.

But, Jiang Chen obviously threw away the gun, what happened?

During the day, he stretched out his hand, trying to cover his throat to prevent the blood from escaping, but how could he hold it, after a burst of neighing, he fell to the ground.

"Why don't you throw away the guns in your hands? Can you still be a little honest?" Jiang Chen said angrily without even looking at Bai Tian's corpse.

Bai Chi and Wu Mengxiong looked at Jiang Chen with dumbfounded eyes.

That's right, they didn't throw away the guns in their hands, and they didn't plan to throw them away. After all, they were not fools. Why would they give up this advantage when they clearly had an advantage?
But Jiang Chen did indeed throw away the gun in his hand, but this damn guy, he brought two pistols, how treacherous!

"First kill Lao Li, then kill Bai Tian, ​​Jiang Chen, you are really arrogant, next, I am a little curious, what kind of tricks are you going to play?" Bai Chi said coldly.

Right under his nose, Jiang Chen killed two people one after another, two times, it was so unpredictable that he didn't even have a chance to save them, Bai Chi's mood was very depressed.

"My tricks are all done, and now it's time for a real battle." Jiang Chen said silently.

"We have two guns, but you only have one gun. Why should I give you a fair shot?" Bai Chi said disdainfully.

"Opportunities are never given by others, but won by oneself." Jiang Chen smiled, and when he finished speaking, he saw that the huge top of Pipa Mountain was suddenly illuminated by car lights, and several cars roared and galloped away. Come!

(End of this chapter)

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