genius evil

Chapter 322 You Will Fall In Love With Me Soon

Chapter 322 You Will Fall In Love With Me Soon

Is Jiang Chen a narcissistic man?

Of course he is, always has been!
In the previous life or in this life, the identity changes, the world we live in changes, and the people around us change, but this remains the same.

At the beginning of Jiang Chen's rebirth, he had a horrible face and boasted about how handsome he was, which was called shameless.

Now, Jiang Chen also thinks that he is earth-shatteringly handsome, and it is estimated that no one will ever refute him.

A breakthrough in cultivation, double changes in strength and body, and even changes in the body are just appendages brought about by the change in strength, but this is enough to make Jiang Chen feel very, very good.

Look, Jiang Chen is such a man without connotation!

Jiang Chen's narcissism didn't last long, and soon, Jiang Chen discovered one thing, that is, he had such a good-looking face for nothing.

His face was pretty, but the clothes on his body didn't match his face at all. Looking at his wet and short underwear that exposed his wrists and ankles, Jiang Chen had the urge to scold God.

Desperately getting into the car, Jiang Chen started the engine, turned on the lights, and was about to drive back to school, but saw a car light not far away, suddenly flickering.

After the lights flashed a few times, a black Bentley slowly drove over like a ghost in the night.

Bentley stopped about two meters away from Jiang Chen's Elantra, the car door opened, and a figure got out of the car.

"Jiang Shao." After the man got out of the car, he greeted him.

It was an old man with thinning hair. After saying hello, he looked at Jiang Chen with strange eyes.

"Are you waiting for me here? Or have you followed me all the way?" Putting down the car window, Jiang Chen looked at the old man and asked with a frown.

"Miss and I were waiting at the foot of Pipa Mountain before, but when we saw Young Master Jiang driving down the mountain, we followed him by car." The old man said truthfully.

"Sleeping Beauty really cares about me, I'm so touched." Jiang Chen said emotionally.

This old man is none other than Uncle Zhong.

"Miss really cares about you, Young Master Jiang." The corner of Uncle Zhong's mouth twitched.

The words are true, but why, when these words come out of Jiang Chen's mouth, are they so awkward?The awkwardness made him have the urge to beat Jiang Chen up.

Fortunately, Uncle Zhong knew that he probably wouldn't be able to smoke Jiang Chen. If he really wanted to smoke Jiang Chen, he might be whipped by Jiang Chen. It's too deep.

"Uncle Zhong, I think the reason why Sleeping Beauty cares about me so much is because I'm so handsome, what do you think?" Jiang Chen said smugly.

The corners of Uncle Zhong's mouth twitched even more, and he almost didn't twitch.

"If I wasn't so handsome, how could Sleeping Beauty be so impatient to be my woman." Jiang Chen sighed.

As a result, Uncle Zhong's face twitched.

He really wanted to scold Jiang Chenchou for being shameless. Others don't know why Sleeping Beauty is his woman. Could it be that he himself doesn't know?
Obviously it was him who repeatedly forced Sleeping Beauty to bow her head and compromise.

It's good now, it's said that Sleeping Beauty has taken a fancy to him... No, it's his face, it's not a thing.

"Uncle Zhong, although I'm telling the truth, you don't need to be so excited, right? Don't think that Sleeping Beauty is a superficial woman. Really, she actually has a lot of connotations. You can only blame me for being too handsome. Now, I have such a good-looking face, for a woman, it is a crime..." Jiang Chen rambled.

"Jiang Shao, Miss said earlier that I invited you to spend the night at the nursing home tonight..." Uncle Zhong interrupted Jiang Chen.

"Okay, okay." Jiang Chen nodded quickly.

"Miss means, this way, it will be convenient for tomorrow's treatment, and the lady has specially prepared a room for you to rest." Seeing this, Uncle Zhong had to remind him, lest this guy think wrongly.

"Needless to say, I know everything, let's drive and lead the way." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

Uncle Zhong got into the Bentley and led the way in the front, Jiang Chen drove the Elantra and followed behind, the two cars headed for Yilan City one after the other.

When the two cars arrived at the nursing home, Uncle Zhong got out of the car first, and was going to call Sleeping Beauty's two nurses to come over and carry Sleeping Beauty out of the car.

How could he know that Jiang Chen rushed over with one stride and carried the Sleeping Beauty out.

"Which room does Sleeping Beauty sleep in?" Jiang Chen asked in a familiar tone while hugging the soft, boneless Sleeping Beauty who was sleeping unconscious.

"Jiang Shao, if you do this, Miss will be very upset if she finds out." Uncle Zhong said displeased.

Jiang Chen took advantage of the words, Uncle Zhong could pretend that he didn't hear anything, but Uncle Zhong couldn't bear Jiang Chen to touch Sleeping Beauty.

"Uncle Zhong, I'm also very unhappy with your attitude." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"I—" Uncle Zhong was about to speak, but was stunned.

Although strictly speaking, Sleeping Beauty is not Jiang Chen's woman, but from another perspective, Sleeping Beauty is already Jiang Chen's woman.

Jiang Chen hugged his own woman, no matter how the relationship between him and Sleeping Beauty was, it would probably be difficult to dictate.

What's more, in the final analysis, he is just a servant.

"Which room does Sleeping Beauty sleep in?" Jiang Chen didn't make things difficult for Uncle Zhong, and asked again.

"Come with me." Uncle Zhong smiled wryly, and he realized that he might have to adapt to Jiang Chen's existence in the future, just like changing his name to Jiang Chen, Young Master Jiang, instead of Jiang Miracle Doctor.

Entering the small villa and going up to the second floor, Jiang Chen pushed open a door and put the Sleeping Beauty on the bed.

Some people describe a woman's sleeping appearance as a lazy kitten.

However, Sleeping Beauty clearly does not fit this adjective.

It's not that Sleeping Beauty's sleeping appearance is not beautiful. In fact, even if Sleeping Beauty is asleep, the corners of her eyes and brows are no longer so vivid, and her soft face still contains all kinds of amorous feelings.

It's a pity that such a style is cold and dead.

To describe it more specifically, the Sleeping Beauty who is awake is a tree full of vitality, while the Sleeping Beauty who is asleep is a tree that has lost all its leaves.

Even if it is perfectly clear that Sleeping Beauty will wake up tomorrow.

It's as if it is clear that a tree whose leaves have been swept away by the autumn wind will sprout again next spring.

But when a tree loses its leaves and is no longer alive, it easily gives people a sense of desolation, and even worries about whether the tree is really dead.

After taking a few glances at Sleeping Beauty, Jiang Chen sighed softly. He really didn't know whether to say that Sleeping Beauty's life was bad or good.

Or it can be said that before meeting him, Sleeping Beauty's life was bad, but after meeting him, Sleeping Beauty's life was very good.

Jiang Chen went to the bathroom and took a casual shower. He didn't have a change of clothes, so he ran out wrapped in a bath towel, lay down on the bed, pulled the quilt over himself and Sleeping Beauty, and fell asleep.

Sleeping Beauty didn't wake up until the evening of the next day. After Sleeping Beauty woke up, Jiang Chen was still lying on the bed, sound asleep.

Sleeping Beauty is not a very secure woman, so her bedroom is very monotonous in color, and because she spends most of her day sleeping, the curtains in the bedroom are tightly drawn. Yes, I can't tell the difference between day and night.

The bed was also small, not too soft. Because the bed was small, Sleeping Beauty could easily feel Jiang Chen's body temperature.

Parts of the two's bodies were tightly attached to each other, and the warm touch gave Sleeping Beauty a weird feeling.

Looking at the watch in her hand, and turning her head, Sleeping Beauty looked at Jiang Chen again.

She slept for a long, long time, so long that her thoughts were in chaos, but when she saw Jiang Chen sleeping on the bed, Sleeping Beauty suddenly felt that she hadn't slept for long .

Just like a pair of newlyweds, even though they are not very used to sharing the same bed, every morning, no matter who wakes up first, they will see a familiar but a little strange woman lying beside them. people.

The feeling Jiang Chen gave Sleeping Beauty was undoubtedly more unfamiliar than familiar. It could even be said that she was not familiar with Jiang Chen at all, but this did not prevent Sleeping Beauty from having such a feeling.

"Perhaps, it's not bad to be Jiang Chen's woman." Sleeping Beauty said in her heart.

After the voice came out of her heart, Sleeping Beauty just frightened herself.

How could she have such an idea?
Could it be that she really liked Jiang Chen a little bit.

No, it can't be called liking, that's too extravagant, I can only say that she resigned to her fate.

That's right, it's fate!

She has always been a woman who does not accept her fate, and she has always been fighting against her own destiny, but the resistance is ineffective, the footsteps of the god of death are approaching, and she is about to fall into the dark abyss, even if she does not want to accept her fate, it is impossible.

She can only accept her fate!

Fortunately, accepting fate does not mean accepting the tricks of fate. It was a man who played tricks on her.

After thinking wildly for a while, Sleeping Beauty shook her head funny, a little shy, a little annoyed, and also a little unexplainable melancholy.

She didn't disturb Jiang Chen's sleep, got out of bed lightly, went to the bathroom to wash up, and then signaled the servant to bring over a meal.

Sleeping Beauty didn't let the servants into her bedroom, she stood at the door, took the plate, and carried it into the house herself.

Turning around, Sleeping Beauty saw that there was another person behind her. She was startled, caught off guard, and fell into the embrace of that person.

Jiang Chen embraced Sleeping Beauty with one hand, and caught the dinner plate with the other. He smiled softly and said, "Sleeping Beauty, have you noticed that you are in love with me?"

"No." Sleeping Beauty shook her head in a panic, and left Jiang Chen's embrace.

"That is, you are trying to fall in love with me. So, I want to say congratulations to you first, you will fall in love with me soon." Jiang Chen chuckled and didn't mind, holding Sleeping Beauty's little hand , Said: "Come on, eat something first, you will be very tired from being tossed by me in a while."

"What are you going to do?" Sleeping Beauty's heart almost jumped out of her throat.

"Oh, I'm talking about treating your illness." Jiang Chen said innocently.


Sleeping Beauty almost couldn't resist grabbing the dinner plate and slapping it on Jiang Chen's face!

(End of this chapter)

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