genius evil

Chapter 336

Chapter 336
Night, around eight o'clock.

Deep walls and high courtyards, red bricks and black tiles.

This is a courtyard house located in the center of the capital, near Houhai.

"What about the car? Did Tangyue accept it?"

"No, it was smashed."

"Who smashed it?"

"A guy named Jiang Chen."

"What's his relationship with Tangyue?"

"He is Tangyue's student."


"Yes, I checked his information, and he is indeed a student from Yilan Middle School, in the class where Tangyue is the class teacher."

"Besides students, does he have any other relationship with Tangyue?"

"I do not know."

"Oh, I do not know?"

The questioner was a young man in casual attire.

The clothes were full of flowers, which was extremely festive, but compared to the festiveness in the clothes, this young man had a festive face by nature.

The one who answered was Tang Yu who had rushed back from Yilan City.

After Tangyu returned to Yanjing from Yilan City, she couldn't wait to take care of the wound on her face, so she ran to this courtyard to see this young man.

This young man is none other than Qian Fugui.

Among the four small families in the capital, the Zhao family's focus is on politics, the Sun family's focus is on the military, and the Li family's focus is on the police. Only the Qian family is the most special, in the business world!

"Yes, I don't know." Tang Yu said.

Then Qian Fugui just smiled, he patted Tangyu on the shoulder, and said: "Your trip to Yilan City is hard work, go back early and rest."

"I don't have enough money, how should I deal with this matter?" Tang Yu asked in a low voice.

"What else can I do? Do you want that Jiang Chen to pay me a car?" Qian Fugui smiled, beaming with joy, and said, "The money is the most important thing between the Qian family and me, and it's just a car." , just smash it down."

"The problem is that car was given to Tangyue by you with less money. Why did that bastard smash it?" Tangyu said angrily.

"Maybe you did something that made him unhappy." Qian Fugui said lightly.

"I didn't." Tang Yu said angrily.

He was about to grab Tangyue who was about to leave at the time, but Jiang Chen appeared out of nowhere, instantly removed one of his hands, and kicked him flying away.

When Tangyu thinks about this now, she always feels that she has been wronged.

"Maybe you know something you shouldn't know." Qian Fugui's tone was still calm.

"I—" Tangyu deliberately pretended to be hesitant, as if she had something to say that was hard to say, let alone to Qian Fugui.

Qian Fugui didn't seem to care, touched the cigarette case on the table, took out a cigarette and threw it to Tangyu, and took out another one and lit it in his mouth.

Taking a puff of cigarette, Qian Fugui exhaled the smoke and said, "What's wrong with you?"

"It's nothing, nothing." Tang Yu hurriedly shook her head and said.

"Tangyu, could it be that you have forgotten, who gave everything you have now, everything that the Tang family has?" With a cold snort, Qian Fugui said slowly, "I can give it to you, to give it to you." I can easily take back all of the Tang family's wealth for a lifetime, leaving you with nothing, and even making you more embarrassed than having nothing, you may understand what I mean."

"Understood." Tangyu smiled wryly, sighed, and said, "Qian Shao, there are some things that I don't want to say, but I'm not sure, so it's inevitable that if you say it, it will make Qian Shao angry."

"Say." Qian Fugui didn't have the patience to talk nonsense with Tangyu.

Only then did Tang Yu say: "Qian Shao, from my observations, even though that Jiang Chen is Tang Yue's student, it is very possible that there is an ambiguous relationship between the two."

"How old is Tangyue? That Jiang Chen is a student, so what age? Can you believe that?" Qian Fugui smiled.

"Age, sometimes, is probably not a hindrance. Besides, you have never met Jiang Chen, and you don't know what kind of person he is." Tang Yu said.

"Then tell me what kind of person he is." Hearing what Tangyu said, Qian Fugui was a little more interested in Jiang Chen.

"To put it simply, I can't see the slightest trace of a student in him. Whether it's the way he speaks or the way he does things, he is extremely sophisticated. More importantly, he is very handsome." Tang Tang Yu said.

"Handsome?" Qian Fugui was stunned for a moment.

What is the concept of being handsome?

Qian Fugui knew that he didn't look very good, and even his temperament was not that special. Of course, he was not the kind of man who followed the temperament route.

The genes of the Tang family are pretty good, Tangyue is beautiful, and Tangyu is also considered handsome.

But Tangyu said that Jiang Chen was handsome, so Jiang Chen could only be more handsome than Tangyu, otherwise he would not be worthy of such a description.

Suddenly, Qian Fugui believed Tang Yu's words a little bit.

It seems that this is a very common routine for a handsome student without a student atmosphere to have an affair with a beautiful teacher.

"Yes, he is very handsome. To be exact, that guy has a naturally handsome face." Tang Yu said sourly.

Qian Fugui's face instantly became extremely ugly.

It would be fine if he was just handsome, but he was born with a pretty face, which made him think that he would have no sense of crisis.

"It seems that the time for Tangyue to return to Beijing has to be brought forward." Qian Fugui said displeased.

"Qian Shao, I also think so about this matter. After all, there are some things that you don't have to be afraid of if you don't have [-] yuan, just in case... If one is not good, you will lose your face if you have less money." Tang Yu said flatteringly.

"That Jiang Chen, if he really loses my face, I will let him lose his life." Qian Fugui said coldly.

Tang Yu responded nonchalantly, full of flattery.In the twinkling eyes, a sharp cold light flashed.

"Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen, how dare you treat me like that, Tangyu, how can I let you have a good life." Tangyu said coldly in her heart.

Tangyu didn't say anything about the relationship between Jiang Chen and Tangyue in front of Qian Fugui, but simply mentioned that it was ambiguous.

Because Tangyu knew very well that Tangyue alone was related to the entire Tang family and his own interests. If something happened to Tangyue, he might not be alone.

What Tangyu wanted was to cause Jiang Chen to have problems, so he cleverly, bit by bit, brought the conflict to Jiang Chen.

Naturally, Tangyu still left a small foreshadowing for this matter, that is, in case Qian Fugui is indifferent, then, if the last words he said before being thrown out of the car by Jiang Chen, if it works, even he If one's own interests would be damaged, then Jiang Chen would have to die.

After all, it would be a big joke for the dignified Qian family to be cuckolded. In order to avoid the joke, Qian Fugui could only do his best to curb all the unfavorable factors. Jiang Chen was the first to bear the brunt.

"Go down." Waving his hand, Qian Fugui drove away.

Tangyu's goal had been achieved, so she left without saying much.

"Tangyue, Tangyue, what exactly do you want me to do in order for you to accept me?" Taking a deep puff of cigarette, Qian Fugui murmured.

Back then, he invested in Tang's family with the aim of Tangyue, but after all, he failed to win the beauty's heart in the first place, so he had to promise another two-year contract, in order to let Tangyue fall into his arms willingly.

It's only two years, not long or short, Qian Fugui still has confidence in himself, and he also knows that although Tang Yue was given two years, in fact, no matter how long it was given to Tang Yue, Tang Yue That also has no choice but to return to him obediently.

But with these two years, Qian Fugui has gained an advantage psychologically. When facing Tangyue in the future, he will always be on the active side.

But now, seeing that the two-year period is approaching, and the fruits of victory are about to be harvested, a variable suddenly appeared——Jiang Chen!

In other words, it was Jiang Chen who disrupted his layout, and it was even possible that because of this Jiang Chen, he would not be able to get a complete Tangyue.

"Tangyue, it seems that I'm still too kind to you." Qian Fugui said as he pressed the cigarette butt into the ashtray forcefully.

Then, Qian Fugui took out his mobile phone and made a call.

"I want to meet someone, you send someone to bring him from Yilan City to the capital." Qian Fugui said.

He wanted Jiang Chen, but Jiang Chen didn't have the face to let him drive from the capital to Yilan City himself, so Qian Fugui had someone bring Jiang Chen over from Yilan City.

When the time comes to ask clearly, if Jiang Chen and Tangyue have nothing to do, everything is easy to talk about, if there is really something unclear, then I'm sorry, he can only send Jiang Chen to die.


"Ji Feng is currently in a hospital in Yilan City." The Song family, Song Yuan is reporting the relevant news to Mr. Song.

"Go ahead." Mr. Song picked up the cup at hand and took a sip of strong tea to refresh himself.

"Our people deliberately threw Ji Feng on the side of the highway not far from Yilan City. As expected, father, Ji Feng managed to take a car to Yilan City, and then went to Yilan Middle School. It was discovered by Jiang Chen and sent to the hospital for treatment." Song Yuan said in detail.

"The relationship between Ji Feng and Jiang Chen is really not simple." Mr. Song said thoughtfully.

"Dad, this can only show that we were deceived by Jiang Chen. The conflict between him and Ji Feng was nothing more than a smoke bomb. No wonder Ji Feng didn't say a word after we arrested him. , So Jiang Chen backed him up." Song Yuan said coldly.

Old Man Song faintly felt that Song Yuan's words were not completely correct, but he did not refute anything, but said: "In this way, some things can be confirmed."

"Yes, it's confirmed, the one who killed Song Yang, Jiang Chen!" Song Yuan said firmly.

"But in fact, this question does not require evidence, although some evidence has long been erased." Mr. Song said slowly.

Song Yuan's face froze slightly. He knew that what Mr. Song said was true, and he really didn't need evidence. The reason why he was struggling to find evidence was that the Song family was delaying time.

"Chen Fu and his son, what's the situation now?" Mr. Song suddenly changed the subject.

"Dad, what do you mean?" Song Yuan was taken aback.

"Our Song family is jade, and Jiang Chen is a smelly and hard stone. It is not wise to burn jade and stone together." Old Master Song did not explain, but said.

Song Yuan's eyes lit up, he nodded heavily, and said, "I understand!"

(End of this chapter)

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