genius evil

Chapter 338 Be Careful

Chapter 338 Be Careful

Chunxiao tea room.

In the elegant room on the third floor, Tang Xin sat drinking tea there.

Even in Tiannan City, Tang Xiaoxin is well-known for the proprietress of Chunxiao Teahouse.

After he came out of Guilan Garden, he came here. Of course, what Tang Xiaoxin came here to meet was not Chun Xiao, but someone else.

Tang Xin didn't wait long. He took a sip of the first cup of hot tea when the door of the elegant room was opened. A skinny, bald old man in his fifties walked in. It was Chen Fu, who hadn't shown up for a long time. .

"Young Master Tang, I've been waiting for a long time." Chen Fu entered the tea room and said with a loud smile.

"It's nothing, just sit down." Tang Xin said lightly.

According to Chen Fu, he sat down opposite Tang Xin, picked up the teapot on the stove, filled Tang Xin's cup with tea, and then carefully poured tea for himself.

When the score was seven points full, Chen Fu stopped.

Tang carefully watched Chen Fu's every move, and saw that there was only [-]% full tea in front of Chen Fu.

"Tea, rice, and wine are very good. Old Chen, you really have a heart, but why, you fill my cup of tea so full?" Tang Xiaoxin said leisurely.

Chen Fu smiled and said: "Yilan City is a shallow beach, but Tang Shao, you are a dragon swimming, swimming in the water, the water should naturally be as deep as possible."

"The water is deep, and I'm a little worried that I'll drown if I'm not careful." Tang Xin said expressionlessly.

Chen Fu laughed, and said, "Young Master Tang is being modest. Who doesn't know that you are in the happiest time of spring? I heard that Young Master Tang, you came to Yilan City this time because of the Bauhinia Fair."

"You are quite well informed." Tang Xin said noncommittally.

"Excuse me, old man, for speaking bluntly, old man, I think that your trip, Mr. Tang, is destined not to go too smoothly." Chen Fu ignored Tang Xinxin's ridicule, but said.

"Tell me, why do you think this way?" Tang Xin said casually.

"Because of the existence of a person, young master Tang, you are no stranger to this person." Chen Fu's voice sank unknowingly.

"Jiang Chen!"

Even though Chen Fu didn't say the name, Tang Xiaoxin understood that what Chen Fu was talking about was Jiang Chen, only Jiang Chen!
"So Tang Shao, you understand everything." Chen Fu nodded.

"It's one thing for me to understand, but another thing for you to see me. Tell me, what are you going to do?" Tang Xiaoxin was not so easily put off.

"Of course it's a big gift for you, Young Master Tang." Chen Fu smiled, stretched out his hand, and took out a document from his body. He put the document on the table and pushed it in front of Tang Xiaoxin.

After a little hesitation, Tang Xinxin reached out and picked up the document.

Opening the file, Tang Xin took a casual glance, frowned, and then stared at the file, reading it carefully.

"I believe Young Master Tang, you can also see that this information is the information of some important members of the Bauhinia Society." Chen Fu said.

"Very detailed." After reading it, Tang carefully put down the information, glanced at Chen Fu, and said, "What do you want?"

"I don't want anything." Chen Fu shook his head.

"I can't trust you." Tang Xiaoxin said directly.

"Tang Shaoxin, but I am also normal, but I really don't want anything. Of course, it takes time and effort to collect such information. If I have no purpose, it is impossible. I only have one condition, and that is, I want Jiang Chen's life. .” Chen Fu said.

"His fate is very hard." Tang Xinxin sneered.

Chen Fu wanted Jiang Chen's life, so Tang Xinxin naturally knew what was going on.

If he could, he would also want Jiang Chen's life. Jiang Chen's humiliation to him was deeply engraved in his heart.

However, if you want it, it doesn't mean you can have it!

Moreover, Tang Xiaoxin heard rumors that he disappeared during the day, and it was most likely Jiang Chen who did it.

The Bai family is domineering, not to mention that there is a great possibility, even if it is not possible, they will not hesitate to go to war. Now, the Bai family has not moved. It is not difficult to see that the Bai family is jealous of Jiang Chen. extremely.

Chen Fu, who even the Bai family fears, wants Jiang Chen's life, is it possible?

"I admit that Jiang Chen's fate is very hard, but now, the situation is different. If Mr. Tang is willing to help, there is at least a 90.00% certainty that this matter will happen." Chen Fu said firmly.

Tang Xin felt a little moved, and asked, "Tell me more in detail."

"Assassination." Chen Fu said.

"Huh?" Tang Xin snorted.

"To be specific, it is to buy people around Jiang Chen and assassinate Jiang Chen. It is quite difficult for me to do this, and it is easy to show my feet, but it is easy for you to do it, Mr. Tang. It's a simple matter. After all, Young Master Tang, you are here on behalf of Lord Tang, so it's justifiable." Chen Fu explained.

"Jiang Chen is not easy to deal with, but he can't even be on guard against the people around him. That's why I said, once Mr. Tang helps you, you are at least 90.00% sure." Chen Fu said again.

"Who do you want to buy?" Tang Xiaoxiao asked instead of answering Chen Fu's words.

"There are two people, one is Xiao Dao and the other is Gong Xi...I am more inclined to the latter of these two." Chen Fu said the candidate he chose.

Hearing this, Tang Xiaoxin just laughed. He looked at Chen Fu with a half-smile, and said, "Are you sure you didn't say the wrong name? According to my information, that Gong Xi is Jiang Chen's most fanatical follower." .”

Chen Fu said solemnly; "Young Master Tang, I don't agree with this statement. It is true that Gong Xi is a fanatical follower of Jiang Chen, but that does not mean that he is loyal to Jiang Chen. He only follows the strong. And Young Master Tang, you are also strong."

"Thanks for the compliment." Tang Xin said casually.

"Why, Young Master Tang thinks this is not feasible?" Chen Fu frowned.

"It's not that it's not feasible, it's that it's not feasible at all. If you say to buy that knife, it would be interesting." Tang Xin said.

"Small knife?" Chen Fu was taken aback for a moment.

"There were rumors in Yilan City that he was vicious and murdered the whole family, and it was about that small knife." Tang Xiaoxin said leisurely, "Don't you think that a person who can ruthlessly kill the whole family at any time is easier to buy? "

"Young Master Tang, there is some truth to what you said." Chen Fu said thoughtfully.

He half-understood things on the road. Tang Xinxin had followed Tang Tianxiong for so many years, and that was his understanding. Chen Fu felt that since Tang Xinxin said that it was easier to buy Xiaodao, then he would follow suit and buy Xiaodao.

Of course, the most important point is that no matter whether it is buying Gong Xi or Xiaodao, Tang should do it carefully. Whether he succeeds or fails, he, Chen Fu, does not need to bear the slightest risk, that is, it does not hurt or itch It's all about talking.

"Actually, in my heart, there is another candidate. Once I can be bought, then the certainty of killing Jiang Chen is not 90.00%, but [-]%." ​​Tang Xin said lightly.


Hearing Tang Xinxin's words, Chen Fu's breathing became hot in an instant.

With 90.00% certainty, it can only mean that the possibility of Jiang Chen's death is very high, but there is still a [-]% chance that he will not die, right?

But one hundred percent, that's different, it means that Jiang Chen will definitely die.

Tang Xiaoxin said that he had such a candidate, so Chen Fu could not be tempted.

"Tang Tian." Tang carefully spat out these two words.

Chen Fu's eyes widened, he looked at Tang Xinxin as if he had seen a ghost, and said, "Young Master Tang, are you sure you're not joking?"

"Of course I was joking, just like you, today I made a joke that wasn't funny at all." Tang Xin said jokingly.

"Young Master Tang, I don't understand what you mean." Chen Fu was annoyed.

He came here with sincerity, and Tang Xin took his words as a joke. Isn't this an insult to him.

"You don't understand?" Tang Xiaoxin sneered, and as he spoke, he had an extra gun in his hand, pointed it at Chen Fu, and said with a chuckle, "You said you wanted Jiang Chen's life, so what if you wanted Jiang Chen's life?" What difference does it make if I die?"

"I'm Tang Tian's older brother, and this Jiang Chen is my brother-in-law, a member of my Tang family. You're talking about killing a Tang family in front of me. Could it be that you're joking?" Tang Xinxin said.

"This..." On Chen Funa's forehead, cold sweat broke out.

"Or, you insist on telling me that you are not joking, and that what you said is true?" Tang carefully mocked.

Wiping the cold sweat off his forehead, Chen Fu said, "Young Master Tang, as far as I know, there is some conflict between you and that Jiang Chen."

"That's an internal matter of our Tang family, so don't bother you, an outsider, to worry about it. It's better to put your mind away and care about your own situation." Tang Xiaoxin said.

"Young Master Tang, I don't understand." Chen Fu shook his head.

He really couldn't understand how the situation would turn out like this. According to his idea, didn't he join forces with Tang Xin to deal with Jiang Chen?
Why now, Tang Xinxin and Jiang Chen became a family, and he himself fell into an extremely passive situation in an instant.

"My name is Xiaoxin." Tang Xinxin said as if talking to himself, "When Master Quan adopted me, he gave me such a name in order to always warn me and be careful. "

"Be careful in life." Chen Fu suddenly realized that he understood everything, but it was too late, and he could only blame himself for being too careless.

"Now, you can die. I think Jiang Chen will be very happy if he sees your corpse. In addition, it is necessary to remind you that after you die, your last son, Chen Mu I will give Jiang Chen the corpse together." Tang Xinxin said.

While speaking, Tang carefully pulled the trigger.

With the sound of the gunshot, there was a blood hole on Chen Fu's forehead, and the blood overflowed. Chen Fu's neck tilted and he fell to the side.

Tang carefully put away the pistol, then put away the information that Chen Fu gave him, got up, sorted his clothes, and slowly left the elegant room.

Outside the elegant room, a figure stood there, his body was slightly stiff, Tang Xin took a look, and there was a lustful ~ evil light in his eyes.

"Death, or follow me." Tang said carefully, coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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