genius evil

Chapter 392 Teaching Jiang Chen to Pick Up Girls

Chapter 392 Teaching Jiang Chen to Pick Up Girls

The corners of Jiang Chen's mouth twitched, and his gums ached.

This imagination, no one else.

Jiang Chen finally understood why Jiang Yanyan was so filled with righteous indignation to fight for Xu Anqi's injustice. After all, according to Jiang Yanyan's understanding, Xu Anqi really couldn't laugh, it was a good thing not to cry.

"Student Yanyan, can you still talk properly?" Jiang Chen was speechless.

"I'm just talking to you nicely." Jiang Yanyan had an innocent look on her face.

Jiang Chen just ignored this woman lazily, and said to Xu Anqi: "Squad Leader Xu, give me some advice."

Xu Anqi smiled and said, "You're talking nonsense, how can you come up with an idea?"

"Well, let me just say it briefly, that's right, there is one thing that I don't like to do, but that woman insists on forcing me to do it, so I'm just asking, is there any way to make me do it?" That woman changed her mind." Jiang Chen explained, he was talking about Tangyue.

Regarding the question of study, Tangyue didn't urge him once or twice, but this time, it was definitely the most serious one. Jiang Chen couldn't help it, so he had to ask Xu Anqi and Jiang Yanyan to see if there was any way to make Tangyue change idea.

"Huh, so it wasn't to make a woman change her mind." Jiang Yanyan said after Jiang Chen finished speaking.

Xu Anqi also breathed a sigh of relief.

"Of course not, I'm not that boring yet." Jiang Chen said angrily.

"I don't know if you are boring or not, but, according to your explanation, how did I realize that you are so hypocritical." Jiang Yanyan said.

"Why am I hypocritical?" Jiang Chen almost threw the bowl.

"You said, what you don't like to do, that woman insists on forcing you to do it. What is it if it's not hypocritical? If you ask me, that woman must not be beautiful, right?" Jiang Yanyan curled her lips.

"Beautiful, and has a good figure." Jiang Chen pointed directly, and completed what Jiang Yanyan was going to ask next, so that Jiang Yanyan would not be able to grasp the point of the question after talking about it.

"Look, what is this if it's not hypocrisy? She is a woman with a beautiful body and a good figure, let alone forcing you to do things, just a random wink, you are not doing it? You have such an attitude, Not only hypocritical, but also hypocritical!" Jiang Yanyan laughed.

"Don't be kidding." Jiang Chen grinned and said.

"If you really don't want to do it, I think you can explain it directly." Xu Anqi wholeheartedly advised Jiang Chen.

"Make it clear." Jiang Chen replied.

"Then why does she insist on forcing you to do it?" Xu Anqi asked suspiciously.

"Yeah, why?" Jiang Chen also asked suspiciously.

"That's right, why?" Jiang Yanyan also said.

After saying this, the three of them stared at each other for a while, Jiang Yanyan said: "Jiang Chen, you haven't said yet, what is that woman forcing you to do? If you don't explain this clearly, I will How can you give me an idea with An Qi?"

"Take it as something that is difficult for me to do." Jiang Chen said ambiguously. In short, he couldn't just call it study. In that case, wouldn't he have sold out Tangyue?

It doesn't matter if Tangyue is betrayed, but Jiang Yanyan and Xu Anqi have already misunderstood the previous words, if there is a bigger misunderstanding, it will be bad.

"Could it be that you want to chase that woman, and that woman forced you not to chase her?" Jiang Yanyan's brain opened for a moment.

After saying this, Jiang Yanyan immediately thought that she had grasped the point, and said to Xu Anqi: "Anqi, it must be like this."

"Student Yanyan, I have to say, you really don't know how to chat." Jiang Chen said dumbfounded.

"It has nothing to do with whether you can chat or not. After all, this is the biggest possibility, and it may be the only possibility. Otherwise, I really can't think of anything that would make you so embarrassed. Just admit it. Don't let An Qi and I make wild guesses." Jiang Yanyan urged.

"I really don't like chatting with you at all." Jiang Chen sighed.

"You have a guilty conscience." Jiang Yanyan snorted coldly, and then said, "Didn't you always think that you were handsome? You couldn't even deal with a woman, and you still asked An Qi and me for help. It's too shameful."

"This topic can be ended, let's eat." Jiang Chen really had nothing to say.

"Jiang Chen, I'm not talking about you. Even though you look like a dog now, you have to know that some women don't care about a man's appearance at all. They care more about the man's connotation, and , How much money does he have in his pocket." Jiang Yanyan spoke so vigorously that she couldn't stop talking.

Jiang Chen was silent, silently took out the key of the Range Rover from his pocket and put it on the table.

Jiang Yanyan glanced at the key quickly. She was born as a little rich woman, and she recognized it as the key of the Range Rover at a glance. She smiled and said, "Where is your Elantra, when did you change it again? It's a show off! Hyun is very skillful. That is, too impatient, too superficial, and has no connotation at all."

"What's the connotation?" Jiang Chen asked amusedly.

"Temperament, cultivation." Jiang Yanyan said without thinking.

"Temperament is something I was born with. As for self-cultivation, I'm sorry, how many catties do you want?" Jiang Chen asked sideways.

"Look, look, you, it's okay if you don't talk, but when you talk, it's extremely exaggerated. How can other girls like you like this? No wonder you are forced not to chase her." Jiang Yanyan shook her head, The posture of a little witch.

"I'm all ears now, what do you have to say." Jiang Chen wasn't interested at first, but after hearing Jiang Yanyan's rambling, he just felt that this topic could actually be discussed.

After all, maybe it will be useful in picking up girls in the future?
This thing, there is a very literary, very small and fresh saying, called planning for a rainy day.

"Okay, let me tell you now, listen carefully." Jiang Yanyan is a good teacher and said solemnly, "First of all, let's talk about temperament. Temperament is something that can't be seen or touched, but it can be changed from a man's hair style. And some clues can be seen in the shoes, such as you, this hairstyle does not match the shape of the face at all, and the shape of the face does not match the clothes at all, oh my god, you are actually wearing a pair of canvas shoes."

Lowering her head, Jiang Yanyan saw the pair of canvas shoes on Jiang Chen's feet, and immediately yelled.

"Student Yanyan, if I heard correctly, you insulted me from head to toe, right?" Jiang Chen was unhappy.

"It's not an insult, it's a suggestion. Picking up girls seems absurd, but as long as you catch every little detail, I guarantee that no woman in this world can escape from your palm. Listen to me." , must be right." Jiang Yanyan said, patting her chest.

"Okay, you continue." Jiang Chen was very humble.

"You have to cut your hair, spray some hairspray, change into a black suit, and change into a pair of leather shoes." Jiang Yanyan gave a transformation plan.

"Then, shall I bring a black briefcase?" Jiang Chen asked.

"It looks like they can match up." Jiang Yanyan rubbed her chin and pondered.

"And then, should I sell insurance, or do pyramid schemes?" Jiang Chen asked curiously.

"Um, let's talk about self-cultivation..." Jiang Yanyan quickly changed the subject, she hooked her finger at Jiang Chen, and said, "Show me a smile."

"Student Yanyan, I'm selling myself instead of laughing." Jiang Chen said seriously, then grinned.

"You can't smile like that, you want to give people a mysterious feeling, do you understand the evil smile?" Jiang Yanyan pointed out.

"I don't does Xiemei smile?" Jiang Chen asked humbly.

"I don't understand either. Anyway, it's written like this in novels. The male protagonist smiles evilly, and the female protagonist and supporting actress are all in trouble." Jiang Yanyan said.

"Which novel are you reading, I'll find it out and have a look." Jiang Chen looked yearning, since Xie Mei's smile has such great power, it's like feeding women aphrodisiacs. Okay, it's all so stupid to give away a car, a house, or a ticket.

"I forgot which book it was. In short, you're not wrong to listen to me. In a word, this man is picking up girls. He's not picking up girls, he's picking up..."

"Is it loneliness?" Jiang Chen asked in surprise.

"No, I said something wrong just now, you just pretend I didn't say anything." Jiang Yanyan corrected.

"You have been talking a lot of nonsense, the food is cold, eat quickly." Jiang Chen urged.

"Jiang Chen, do you not believe my words or what's the matter? If you really don't believe me, you can find a woman to give her a wicked smile and see if she immediately becomes an idiot?" Jiang Yanyan said angrily.

Jiang Chen didn't speak, he looked at Jiang Yanyan quietly, raised his brows lightly, and suddenly there was an evil breath, the corners of his lips were slightly raised, and a smile appeared, which seemed to be a smile but not a smile.


Jiang Yanyan made a big face, lowered her head, and looked coy, not daring to look into Jiang Chen's eyes.

"Well, I didn't expect it to be really effective." Jiang Chen was overjoyed.

"Jiang Chen, you actually raped me in front of An Qi." Jiang Yanyan yelled.

It's true that she taught Jiang Chen how to pick up girls, but how could Jiang Chen use her as a test object, especially in front of Xu Anqi, what if Xu Anqi misunderstood?
It's not right... It's so good, why did she teach Jiang Chen how to pick up girls?This doesn't seem to be the topic we want to talk about today. What is the problem?

"Sorry, I picked the wrong person." Jiang Chen blinked, and said with a playful smile: "Squad leader Xu, look at the weather is so good today, and the moon must be beautiful at night, otherwise, we will go out and open a room to enjoy the moon later ?”

In the end, Jiang Chen failed to drag Xu Anqi to open a room. Jiang Yanyan, who only had a big light bulb of at least [-] watts, dragged Xu Anqi away irresponsibly, making Jiang Chen's newly learned method of picking up girls completely useless. land.

After eating, Jiang Chen walked out of the cafeteria slowly. Just as he was thinking about going to Sister Lan to drink the medicine, he heard a charming voice next to his ear.

"Student, may I ask you, can you lend me five yuan to buy buns?"

(End of this chapter)

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