genius evil

Chapter 422 The Real Crow's Mouth

Chapter 422 The Real Crow's Mouth
The time was around 02:30 in the afternoon. Jiang Chen and Liu Yufei had eaten at an outside restaurant. Not long after returning to the company, Qin Shaoyan and Zhen Ni appeared again.

Unlike in the morning when he was high-spirited and high-spirited, Qin Shaoyan's red suit was full of wrinkles, as if he had been ravaged viciously.

As for Zhen Ni, her delicately groomed hairstyle was also a little disheveled, her eyes were slack, and her face was pale. It was obvious that she had been frightened a lot in the past few hours.

"You two, what's the situation?" Seeing Qin Shaoyan and Zhen Ni appear, Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

"It's your fault, right?" Qin Shaoyan asked viciously, staring at Jiang Chen.

"I asked you what the situation is, which means that I don't know what happened at all... It seems that you have really suffered a big blow, and you can't even understand human words." Jiang Chen was quite said regretfully.

"Sister Zhenni and I, shortly after leaving your company in the morning, the car was blocked on the road and then kidnapped. How dare you say that this has nothing to do with you?" Qin Shaoyan gritted his teeth and asked sharply.

"Of course it has nothing to do with me." Jiang Chen said unhurriedly.

"Impossible!" Qin Shaoyan couldn't believe it.

After all, the timing of the kidnapping was too coincidental.

Moreover, after kidnapping him and Zhen Ni, the kidnappers did nothing, but simply locked them in a room where there was no one there, neither asking for a ransom nor doing other small tricks, as if they were giving him tied up.

But despite this, Qin Shaoyan was very frightened when this happened. Finally, he thought that it might be Feifei Pharmaceutical Cosmetology Company behind the scenes. After the order, he was finally released.

If so, it has nothing to do with Jiang Chen, Qin Shaoyan felt that he was really an idiot, the biggest idiot in the world.

"Mr. Qin, don't you want to renege on your debt? If you don't want to give me a billion, you can just say it...Although, I will definitely not agree. You know, it's a billion, not ten. I No matter how generous it is, it is impossible to give up." Jiang Chen said dissatisfied.

"I, Qin Shaoyan, have no other advantages. The only advantage is that I am willing to admit defeat." Qin Shaoyan said coldly.

"In this way, there is no doubt that many people like to bet with you." Jiang Chen said slowly.

"Why?" Qin Shaoyan didn't understand.

"Firstly, you have a good trait of being willing to bet and admit defeat, and secondly, you are bound to lose every bet. In this way, many people will naturally like to bet with you... It just so happens that I am in a good mood today , otherwise, let's make another bet, the bet doesn't need to be too big, it's still one billion." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Mr. Jiang, I have to remind you that your method of changing the subject is not clever at all." Zhen Ni snorted softly and said, "Young Master Qin was frightened in Yilan City, and you are the murderer behind the scenes. You must give us an explanation for the matter, otherwise the matter will never end."

"This is your fault. Didn't I just say that it has nothing to do with me?" Jiang Chen said unwillingly.

"You don't admit it?" Qin Shaoyan's expression was cold.

"For things that have nothing to do with me, it is naturally impossible for me to take the blame for others, but you said that the two of you were kidnapped, right... This incident reminded me." Jiang Chen suddenly realized.

"What reminded you?" Qin Shaoyan couldn't help asking.

"It's like this. The local security environment in Yilan City has always been bad, and the investment environment is not very good. You foreign businessmen, if you want to invest in Yilan City, you must be cautious, otherwise, the investment money will be wasted. Not to mention, maybe even personal safety is hard to guarantee." Jiang Chen said kindly.

Liu Yufei thought it was funny, it was clearly Jiang Chen's hands and feet, but she said it in such a high-sounding manner.

But looking at Qin Shaoyan and Zhen Ni, they were just a little frightened and nothing happened. Naturally, Liu Yufei would not tear Jiang Chen down.

Simply watching, how Jiang Chen will act out this scene.

Another point is that Qin Shaoyan's strong buying and selling in advance, as if he had won them, made Liu Yufei very unhappy.

With Jiang Chen's actions like this, it is considered to be controlling evil with evil!
Hearing the sound, Qin Shaoyan and Zhen Ni were so angry that they were dying. What is it if they open their eyes and talk nonsense?It's just too stupid and not a thing!
"Jiang Chen, whether you admit it or deny it, I will blame you for it." Qin Shaoyan said viciously.

"We'll settle the other accounts later. Let's figure out the money first. What about your billion, should you give me cash or transfer?" Jiang Chen asked pretendingly.

"I will definitely not refuse the money, but I can guarantee that after you take the money, it will not take long before you will return it to me several times." Qin Shaoyan said coldly.

"It's fine if you don't renege on your debts, just give it." Jiang Chen stretched out his hand.

"Sister Zhen Ni, call the company to transfer the money." Frowning, Qin Shaoyan said.

Zhen Ni was a bit reluctant, but still obeyed Qin Shaoyan's words, made a phone call, and then asked Jiang Chen for an account number, and the money was transferred to Jiang Chen's card within a few minutes.

"Da Feifei, we can go to eat French food tonight, you can drink Lafite from 82." Jiang Chen looked at the transfer message and said with a smile.

"Sister Zhen Ni, let's go." Qin Shaoyan didn't want to stay any longer, and said with a wave of his hand.

"Don't worry, have you eaten lunch yet? Shall I order you two a box lunch?" Jiang Chen said kindly.

"Jiang Chen, you dare to humiliate me?" Qin Shaoyan was furious.

"Business cannot be done with righteousness. Our company has always been people-oriented. How could it be called humiliating you?" Jiang Chen felt innocent.

"Sister Zhen Ni, let's go." Gritting his teeth, Qin Shaoyan said again.

"Since I don't want to eat, I just saved 20 yuan, walk slowly, don't give it away." Jiang Chen raised his hand and said with a smile.

"Jiang Chen, I forgot to tell you, if you go to Tianhang City in the future, I will definitely welcome you very much." After leaving these words, Qin Shaoyan took Zhen Ni away.

"Tianhang City?" Hearing Qin Shaoyan's last words, Liu Yufei was slightly moved.

"What's wrong?" Jiang Chen asked curiously.

"Then Qin Shaoyan is from Tianhang Division. If I guess correctly, he should be from the Qin family in Tianhang. The Qin family is one of the top cosmetics giants in China. Many well-known domestic brands of cosmetics are owned by the Qin family. Yes, no wonder, he wants to buy our company." Liu Yufei said thoughtfully.

At the beginning, Liu Yufei was a little surprised that Qin Shaoyan was so generous because of that.

After knowing Qin Shaoyan's identity, he finally understood Qin Shaoyan's intentions.

"This means that our company's products are in direct competition with them?" Jiang Chen said.

Liu Yufei smiled wryly: "Our company has just started. Although it has a huge momentum, it has not yet been tested by the market. The future is still unknown. How can we be considered a competitor?"

"Da Feifei, as for you, you are good everywhere, but you are too unconfident. You have to understand that our company's products are always the best... By the way, the name Tianhang Qinjia sounds quite imposing. How about we call it the Jiang family in Yilan City from now on?" Jiang Chen's eyes suddenly lit up.


He casually solved a small problem for Liu Yufei, Jiang Chen didn't stay long, and drove away soon.

The reason why he showed up at the company this time was because he parked his car at Guilan Garden yesterday. When he went to pick up the car in the morning, he passed by the company and came up to sit.

The company's products were launched, and all aspects of business exploded. Liu Yufei was extremely busy, and everyone else in the company was also extremely busy.Jiang Chen has always been the most idle person.

Jiang Chen drove back to school and was planning to find a place to sleep when Tangyue's phone call came in.

"Jiang Chen, where are you now?" Tangyue asked on the other end of the phone.

"Teacher Tang, if you miss me, just tell me." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"I'm telling you that the teacher's new dormitory has been arranged. From tomorrow onwards, you will come to study as usual at noon and afternoon every day." Tangyue said.

"Teacher Tang... Hey... Hey... Did you hear me... The signal is not good... I'll call you next time..." Jiang Chen moved the phone, pretended to be talking, and quickly hung up phone.

"Damn it." On the other end of the phone, Tangyue held the phone, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

If she didn't know that the last explosion had nothing to do with Jiang Chen, Tangyue would have doubted whether Jiang Chen deliberately found someone to plant the bomb in order to avoid tutoring.

"Mr. Tang, Mr. Tang, you said you are so gentle and virtuous, why do you always make it difficult for me." Jiang Chen muttered to himself, feeling a little upset for no reason.

And soon, when the phone's text message rang, Jiang Chen's mood became even more unhappy.

"Tianhang City, Qin Shaoyan, you are such a crow's mouth." Jiang Chen looked at the text message on his phone and murmured to himself. Soon after, a Range Rover left Yilan Middle School in a rampage. Go straight in the direction of the highway.

At about eight o'clock in the evening, the last flight from Tiannan City to Tianhang City landed. Jiang Chen put his hands in his pockets, followed the crowd, unsteadily got off the plane, followed the flow of people, and went to Walk outside the airport.

At the gate of the airport, a red Mercedes-Benz sports car was parked there. A woman wearing a pair of large toad glasses was holding a mobile phone and was talking on the phone anxiously.

Many people would subconsciously glance at the sports car when passing by, but most of them were attracted by women.It's just that women are generally unaware of these things!
"Stop hitting, I'm here." Jiang Chen walked over and said lazily.

"Jiang Chen, why are you so slow, hurry up and get in the car." Seeing Jiang Chen appearing, the woman breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately urged.

After getting in the car, the car quickly left the airport and headed towards the airport at high speed. Jiang Chen looked sideways at the scenery outside the window for a while, and asked, "Tell me, what's going on with Ziyu?"

(End of this chapter)

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