genius evil

Chapter 447

Chapter 447
Mei Hongyi's residence in Tiannan City is in a garden area.

The house is not big, with two bedrooms and one living room. The layout is simple and the color is single, which is quite in line with Mei Hongyi's personality.

It's just that the use of cool colors in such a large area made it impossible to feel any warmth in the room in broad daylight, but Jiang Chen didn't like it a little.

"Are you hungry? I'll feed you." Mei Hongyi asked after entering the room and pouring Jiang Chen a glass of water.

"Girl in red, I came all the way from Yilan City, is this how you treat guests?" Jiang Chen said angrily.

"I've been staying in Yilan City for a while. There's no one here for a while, and there's nothing else to eat at home." Mei Hongyi was also a little embarrassed.

"Are you sure it's gone, not because you don't know how to do it?" Jiang Chen asked curiously.

"Of course I will do it." Mei Hongyi said unconvinced, the competitive character in her bones was undoubtedly revealed.

"When I entered the gate of the community just now, I seemed to see a supermarket there." Jiang Chen said.

"You mean, to buy rice and vegetables?" Mei Hongyi asked suspiciously.

"You have the strength to work after eating and drinking enough, don't you?" Jiang Chen said noncommittally.

Twenty minutes later, Jiang Chen and Mei Hongyi appeared in the supermarket.

Jiang Chen pushed the shopping cart, and casually followed Mei Hongyi, wandering around the vegetable and meat section, watching Mei Hongyi quickly pick out the ingredients, Jiang Chen just discovered that Mei Hongyi really knows how to cook.

It depends on whether a woman can cook. In fact, she doesn’t need to cook at all. You can often get a general idea by taking a stroll to the vegetable market or supermarket.

There is a saying, a woman who knows how to buy vegetables will never make dishes that are too unpalatable.

"Red clothes, I'm shopping for vegetables." While walking around, a rather friendly voice sounded.

"Aunt Huang, you also buy vegetables." Hearing that voice, Mei Hongyi replied sweetly.

It was a middle-aged woman, about fifty years old, talking to Mei Hongyi, while looking at Jiang Chen curiously.

"Yeah, I'm here to buy vegetables. This is your boyfriend in Hongyi?" Aunt Huang asked.

"Aunt Huang, no, don't talk nonsense, you're just an ordinary friend." Mei Hongyi hurriedly corrected her, not daring to let Aunt Huang misunderstand.

Aunt Huang lives in the same building as her. If the news that she has a boyfriend spreads, she will be gossip.

"Young man, are you Hong Yi's boyfriend?" Aunt Huang just asked Jiang Chen.

Smiling slightly, Jiang Chen said, "Hongyi says I'm not, what do you think, Aunt Huang?"

"The young man looks very talented. I think Hongyi and Hongyi are a natural match...Earlier, I was thinking of introducing a boyfriend to Hongyi Zhang Luo, but Hongyi kept refusing, so it turned out that he already had a boyfriend." Aunt Huang said .

"Aunt Huang, I'm really not." Jiang Chen said innocently.

"Auntie, I understand, you young people just like to play hidden marriage and hidden love... This is to buy vegetables and cook at home, right?" Aunt Huang said very understandingly.

Shrugging his shoulders, Jiang Chen glanced at Mei Hongyi, expressing that he had tried very hard to clarify, and said with a smile: "The refrigerator at home is empty, so come over and buy some, Aunt Huang, you go ahead."

"I'm not busy, but I don't want to bother you young lovers. Come to my house when you have time." Aunt Huang said enthusiastically.

"Definitely." Jiang Chen responded more enthusiastically.

Aunt Huang quickly walked away with curiosity. Mei Hongyi grabbed a handful of vegetables, threw them into the shopping cart forcefully, and said angrily, "Jiang Chen, you deliberately misunderstood Aunt Huang, right?"

"Girl in red, it's your fault. I denied it twice. It's clear that Auntie Huang is concerned about your life affairs. She is worried that you will become an old girl who can't get married. She just wants to make me your boyfriend. "Jiang Chen said innocently.

"You're so good at talking, why can't you explain such a simple thing clearly?" Mei Hongyi naturally wouldn't believe Jiang Chen's nonsense.

When this guy opens his mouth, even a living person can talk about death. If he wants to convince a middle-aged woman, isn't it a matter of minutes?

"Uh, I'm actually very dumb, and I'm not good at talking." Jiang Chen was very shy.

Grabbing another handful of vegetables and throwing them into the shopping cart again, Mei Hongyi didn't want to talk to Jiang Chen anymore.

Ten minutes later, after buying the vegetables, Jiang Chen and Mei Hongyi went to check out together, but they saw Aunt Huang again.

"Aunt Huang, you'll pay the bill too." Jiang Chen greeted cheerfully, and then discovered that beside Aunt Huang, there were two other women of the aunt's generation standing.

"Young man, this is Aunt Lu, and this is Aunt Yuan." Aunt Huang obviously had a good impression of Jiang Chen and introduced him.

"Hello, Aunt Lu, and Aunt Yuan." Jiang Chen said immediately.

"Young man's mouth is so sweet, hey, he bought a lot of vegetables, it will take several days." Aunt Lu glanced into the shopping cart and said.

"Look at what you said. These young men and women live together passionately. How can they have so much time to go out to buy groceries? It's not like us who are older and have nothing to do. We have plenty of time." Aunt Yuan said.

So Aunt Lu asked, "Hongyi, when do you plan to get married and have a baby?"

"Aunt Yuan, I don't want to get married." Mei Hongyi said without tears.

Meeting Aunt Huang gave me a headache. I never thought that I would meet the other two here, and the matter of living together, getting married and having children was put on her agenda. This made Mei Hongyi feel that, Even if he jumped into the Yellow River, he would not be able to clean himself up.

"That's not okay, you young people, just play around and get married as soon as possible. The main reason is for the children. Don't think that the children are a burden. When you have children, you will understand." Aunt Yuan persuaded.

"That's right. No matter how sweet this love is, if you don't get married or have children, it will be a lifetime regret." Aunt Huang and Aunt Lu agreed.

"Auntie, I really didn't have that plan." Mei Hongyi was about to cry.

"It's fine if you don't get married, but, if you accidentally have a child, don't be foolish to destroy it, and give birth to it if you have it... Hongyi, you are still young, and this youth is capital, but capital can't Splurge casually, right? Besides, Auntie, I think this young man is pretty good, handsome, reliable at first glance, and the family conditions are also very good, what else are you dissatisfied with?" Aunt Yuan said ramblingly.

Mei Hongyi didn't dare to speak anymore, she nodded repeatedly in response, and didn't dare to look at Jiang Chen, for fear of being hit by Jiang Chen's eyes.

Fortunately, after a while, the three aunts checked out and left first, which made Mei Hongyi heaved a sigh of relief. Naturally, the way she looked at Jiang Chen was as sad as she wanted.

Jiang Chen pretended nothing happened, bought the bill, and walked out with two big shopping bags.

"Don't lower your head, or others will see me and think I'm bullying you." After walking for a while, seeing Mei Hongyi walking with her head lowered, Jiang Chen said amusedly.

"You're just bullying me." Mei Hongyi said aggrieved.

If I had known it earlier, I shouldn't have gone to the supermarket with Jiang Chen to buy vegetables, and just cook noodles. Jiang Chen likes to eat or not. In that case, how could he be misunderstood like this?

No, no, you shouldn't have brought Jiang Chen to her place. This Jiang Chen appeared in her place and was seen by others. Got a boyfriend.

Thinking about it this way, Mei Hongyi was so annoyed, she didn't know if she had lost her mind, Tiannan City is so big, if she doesn't go to other places, how could she bring Jiang Chen to her house?
"The three aunts are all for your own good." Jiang Chen laughed.

"You want me to be your girlfriend that much?" Mei Hongyi said speechlessly.

She understood that the three aunts were indeed doing it for her own good. Every word they said was from the bottom of their hearts, caring for young people, but the premise was that Jiang Chen was really her boyfriend.

Such a counterfeit, those words of concern, besides embarrassing her, are still embarrassing.

"Probably, the three aunts are very eager for you to find a boyfriend." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"I'm looking for no one and I'm not looking for you." Mei Hongyi said indiscriminately.

"Just like what Aunt Yuan said, I am handsome, reliable, and seem rich. If you don't look for someone like me, what else can you look for?" Jiang Chen took it easy. said slowly.

After Mei Hongyi said those words, she actually regretted it a bit. Jiang Chen was so serious and smug, and her regret disappeared in an instant, and she said loudly: "Anyway, I won't look for someone like you, okay?"

"It's getting late, let's go back and cook, we're almost starving to death." Jiang Chen suddenly changed the subject.

"Okay." Mei Hongyi said helplessly, this person brought them all, and bought the vegetables, so what more can I say?

"You do it or I do it? Or, I'll help you." Jiang Chen said again.

"It's fine for me to come by myself. You can watch TV by yourself later, it won't take long." Mei Hongyi said.

The two walked into the community seemingly happily.

Aunt Huang and the three of them appeared behind them at some unknown time.

"The young man is really nice. He is not angry when he is accused by Hongyi like that." Aunt Huang said.

"Young people, beating is kissing and scolding is love, Hongyi is also a woman who knows how to live, and she is reluctant to let the young man cook." Aunt Lu said.

"After a while, I have to talk to other people, let their relatives, friends, old neighbors, etc., stop thinking about the red dress, I just like this young man." Aunt Yuan immediately added an explanation.

The three of them thought that Jiang Chen and Mei Hongyi couldn't hear their conversation at all because they were separated by a little distance. In fact, every word and every word was clearly heard by the two of them.

Jiang Chen had a half-smile, because he thought it was funny, Mei Hongyi staggered, almost fell to the ground, her footsteps were hasty, almost as if she was running away, and ran towards the building where she lived.

Mei Hongyi not only looks like she knows how to cook, but the actual effect of the dishes she cooks is quite good.

After buying the vegetables and returning to the room, in just half an hour, four dishes and one soup were served on the table.

"Girl in red, I suddenly felt that, in fact, finding you as my girlfriend is quite a good thing." Jiang Chen said as he picked up some food and stuffed it into his mouth, chewing.

"Jiang Chen, you still say it." Mei Hongyi gritted her teeth.

After being busy in the kitchen for half an hour, she managed to calm down a little bit. Jiang Chen's words made Mei Hongyi go berserk again.

"Perhaps, you can let me pretend to be your boyfriend first... Although I have never done this kind of thing, but for you, I can seriously consider it." Immediately afterwards, Jiang Chen said slowly .

"Pretending to be a boyfriend?" Mei Hongyi was stunned, wondering what this meant, and immediately looked at Jiang Chen extremely vigilantly, a little worried, whether Jiang Chen was setting her up!

(End of this chapter)

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