genius evil

Chapter 470 Do You Still Need an Apprentice?

Chapter 470 Do You Still Need an Apprentice?
Early in the morning, breakfast is in progress in the villa restaurant.

"Shuang'er, I told you early on that Jiang Chen had no good intentions in accepting you as his apprentice. You didn't believe my words before, but now you should believe my words." Baobao Lin's eyes were on Jiang Chen and the three of them. Turning around, stuffing toasted bread into his mouth, he said vaguely.

"I..." Shuang'er just wanted to explain.

"Aiya, Shuang'er, don't tell me that you and Jiang Chen are yours, even if you say so, I definitely won't believe it, you must have been forced by Jiang Chen." Forcibly interrupting Shuang'er, Lin Baobao said to himself.

Afterwards, Lin Baobao said to Tang Tian: "Tiantian, have you noticed that you are really too kind."

"Where did I go too far?" Tang Tian said inexplicably.

"Hmph, you still have the nerve to say that you are going too far. If you hadn't lured wolves into the house, would Shuang'er have been harmed by Jiang Chen?" Lin Baobao said angrily.

"So, what do you want to say?" Tang Tian said.

"I just want to say, Jiang Chen has already harmed Shuang'er anyway, so it's not too much for me to have a girlfriend, right?" Lin Baobao said seriously.

"You think beautifully." Tang Tian rolled her eyes.

Lin Baobao just looked at Jiang Chen, and asked seriously, "Jiang Chen, do you still need an apprentice? The one who can act like a baby, be cute and warm the bed?"

"Pfft!" Jiang Chen sprayed all the juice he had just drank into his mouth.


At around ten o'clock in the morning, Jiang Chen drove away from the villa. Not long after the car left the villa, his mobile phone rang.

The phone was connected, and Jiang Yanyan's voice came from the other end: "Jiang Chen, have you gone out yet, do you want me to pick you up?"

"No, you just wait at the place mentioned in the text message." Jiang Chen said.

Lin Baobao kept making noises, and his ears were not clean for even a second. After Jiang Chen received Jiang Yanyan's text message, he took the opportunity to slip out.

Otherwise, listening to Lin Baobao's nonsense, Jiang Chen was very worried that he would not be able to resist beating Lin Baobao.

Of course, it wasn't this that made Jiang Chen most depressed, but that woman, Baobao Lin, who was obviously full of lies, yet she said everything that sounded like the truth. This was what made Jiang Chen most melancholy.

Nearly four or ten minutes later, Jiang Chen arrived at the place he had made an appointment with Jiang Yanyan.Before the car stopped, he saw Jiang Yanyan standing there waving at his car from a distance.

Jiang Chen drove the car over, jumped out of the car, and asked casually, "What's going on?"

"Could it be that I can't ask you out because of circumstances?" Jiang Yanyan gave Jiang Chen a white look.

"Student Yanyan, the more you say this, the more it means that you have something wrong, right?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"No, that's right. Today is my elementary school reunion. They all said they would bring their families. Think about it. If they find out that I don't have a boyfriend, I will definitely be laughed to death." Jiang Yanyan was worried. .

"But does this have anything to do with me?" Jiang Chen asked puzzled.

"You're stupid, I asked you to play a guest role as my boyfriend." Jiang Yanyan gave Jiang Chen a blank look again. This guy clearly knew her intentions, and even asked the question knowingly.

"Well, did you ask Squad Leader Xu's opinion for doing this?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

"I'll tell An Qi, anyway, don't worry about it, it's just going through the motions, and I won't really treat you as a boyfriend." Jiang Yanyan pouted.

"Actually, why go through this cutscene, I think it's quite normal that you don't have a boyfriend." Jiang Chen said.

"You're dying, is this lady cute? From elementary school to junior high school, I don't know how many boys are chasing me. How can I be normal if I don't have a boyfriend?" Jiang Yanyan Said angrily.

"Don't worry about your laziness, this kind of thing is really boring, and I'm very worried that in the future you will invite me to be your boyfriend for the same reason at your junior high school reunion." Jiang Chen said.

"I went to Yilan Middle School in junior high school. Even if you want to be a guest star, that's okay." Jiang Yanyan said with a smile.

"It's best like this." Jiang Chen nodded in satisfaction.

"Who is it?" Jiang Yanyan slandered endlessly, and couldn't help but slander herself for boasting that she had a handsome boyfriend.

This is great, everyone is eagerly waiting for her boyfriend to appear, if Jiang Chen's people come but refuse to go in with her, she will be ashamed, okay?

"It's nothing, I'm leaving first." After waving his hand, Jiang Chen was about to say goodbye.

"Jiang Chen, you are not allowed to leave. Everyone is waiting for us inside. What should I do if you leave?" Jiang Yanyan pulled Jiang Chen back, feeling extremely wronged.

"You can tell them that you lied to them and that you don't have a boyfriend at all, or you can say that you just broke up with your boyfriend. There are many reasons." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"No, that would be too embarrassing." Jiang Yanyan categorically denied Jiang Chen's proposal.

"If I had known this before, why bother? You should have found a boyfriend earlier, so you don't have to cheat now. Although, with your conditions, it is really difficult to find a boyfriend." Jiang Chen sighed. .

"You—" Jiang Yanyan was so angry that she wanted to strangle Jiang Chen to death. This guy's mouth is too poisonous. If he doesn't hit her, will he die?

"Jiang Chen, I beg you, just this time, I promise it's just this time, do you think it's okay?" Jiang Yanyan said pitifully.

"Jiang Yanyan, what are you doing?" Just then, a voice sounded.

Immediately, I saw a man and a woman walking out from inside.

The girl who spoke was quite tall, estimated to be about 1.7 meters, and her legs were quite long. The only shortcoming was that she seemed uncoordinated.

In the end, the girl seemed to have just discovered Jiang Chen's existence, and said, "Jiang Yanyan, is this your boyfriend? He's so handsome, I thought you were lying to us."

"Why should I lie." Jiang Yanyan said, and introduced: "This is my boyfriend, Jiang Chen."

He introduced the girl's name again. It was Jiao Yan, one of Jiang Yanyan's elementary school classmates. At the same time, Jiao Yan initiated this elementary school reunion.

As for the name of this party, it is also very simple, that is, all the students will soon go to college and go their separate ways. It is rare that they are still in the same city and get together when they have time.

Of course, this is said on the surface, whether there are other reasons, but it is unknown.

As for the boyfriend of this classmate Jiao Yan, he is from the same school as Jiao Yan, but he is not a high school student, but has graduated, and is now a sophomore in a university in Tiannan City, named Guo Lin.

"Student Jiang Chen, did you drive this car? It looks pretty good, how much did you pay for it?" After making an introduction, Guo Lin was obviously not interested in Jiang Chen, but drove Jiang Chen instead. The car that came, is very interesting.

"500 yuan a day, if you want to rent it, I can introduce it to you at that time, maybe there will be a discount." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"No, I have my own car." Guo Lin pointed to a parking space next to him, where a Honda Accord was parked.

"So you have your own car, sorry for your disrespect." Jiang Chen clasped his fists and said.

"It's nothing, it's not worth much money, but Jiang Chen, you don't have a car yourself, you can definitely take a taxi or take a bus, why spend money to rent a car? This car is not yours, in case it gets scratched If you hit it, you won't even be able to pay for it." Guo Lin educated.

"You're right. I'm just a bit vain. No, even if I'm looking for a girlfriend, I'm looking for a beautiful one with big breasts. This is very different from you." Jiang Chen hugged Jiang Yanyan, smiling.

"Jiang Chen, I'm telling you about the car for your own good. It's fine if you don't listen to me. Don't criticize Sang Huai." Guo Lin said displeased.

Jiao Yan only has the advantage of having long legs. Whether it is her face or other parts, although she is not useless, she still has a big gap with Jiang Yanyan.

When Jiang Chen said this, even if Guo Lin was a fool, he would understand that Jiang Chen was dissatisfied with his meddling.

"Let's go in first, don't make the students wait too long." At this time, Jiang Yanyan said, a little worried that Jiang Chen would quarrel with Guo Lin.

Of course, what she was most worried about was that Jiang Chen would beat Guo Lin. Even though Guo Lin was quite strong, if Jiang Chen really wanted to do something, Guo Lin probably wouldn't even have the chance to resist.

"Okay, let's go in." Jiao Yan smiled, a little embarrassed, and gave Jiang Chen a dissatisfied look, dragging Guo Lin in first.

Jiang Yanyan was afraid that Jiang Chen would run away, so she hugged Jiang Chen's arm with all her strength, almost dragging Jiang Chen inside, complaining as she walked, "Jiang Chen, why are you saying that your car is rented?"

"Will they believe me if I say I bought it?" Jiang Chen said lazily.

"It seems to be right." Jiang Yanyan was thoughtful, and then said: "But in this way, they will look at you with colored eyes."

"Do whatever you want, look at it however you like." Jiang Chen said nonchalantly.

This primary school reunion took place at this farmhouse, and there were not too many or too few people, including family members, there were a total of twelve people.

It's no wonder that Jiang Yanyan refuses to let Jiang Chen slip away, because here, there are only six real classmates, either male students bring female family members, or female students bring male family members. If you bring your family, you will have no face to enter this door.

"They're all a group of guys who don't study hard and engage in puppy love." Jiang Chen said with emotion.

Hearing the sound, Jiang Yanyan wanted to laugh but felt embarrassed, pinched Jiang Chen lightly, and said speechlessly: "With your appearance, you still have the nerve to talk about others."

"It's very important to study hard and improve every day." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"Jiang Yanyan, you are finally here."

"Jiang Yanyan, is this your boyfriend?"

"Your boyfriend is so handsome, even more handsome than the photos you posted in the group."


As soon as Jiang Chen and Jiang Yanyan appeared, a group of people immediately surrounded them, chattering.

"It's so-so, so it's just casually long. It's not intentional to be so handsome." Jiang Chen smiled as if a flower had bloomed, and said embarrassedly.


A group of people were all stunned by Jiang Chen's words, who is this...

(End of this chapter)

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