genius evil

Chapter 476 You Can't Kill Me Anyway

Chapter 476 You Can't Kill Me Anyway

"Including you, this is the third one." Jiang Chen did not answer the cold-faced woman's question, but said regretfully.

"Could it be that besides killing the third elder, you also killed other people?" asked the woman in green with a cold face.

"You made a mistake. What I mean is that there are indeed a lot of idiots in this clan. Even if you count it, I only saw three of them in such a short time today." Jiang Chen said heartbroken.

"I think you are looking for death." The cold-faced woman in green was angry.

After a pause, the cold-faced woman in green went on to say: "If you kill me, Junior Sister Miaoyun, even if you don't seek death yourself, I, Miao Bing, will not let you go."

"Second aunt, you have misunderstood Jiang Chen. Aunt Miao Yun was not killed by Jiang Chen." The beauty in the green dress was very anxious. Now more and more people misunderstood Jiang Chen. She wanted to explain, but she couldn't. Explain clearly.

"There is no misunderstanding. If there is, it is deception. But this kid can deceive you, but he cannot deceive me." Miao Bing said coldly.

"As far as your IQ is concerned, outsiders like me are a little anxious to see it." Jiang Chen said speechlessly.

"Murder pays for life, tell me, do you want to die now, or do you want to die later?" Miao Bing said.

"How will he die?" Jiang Chen asked with great interest.

"Naturally, I will kill you after you explain the cause and effect of the incident." Miao Bing said noncommittally.

"It seems that there is no difference. Otherwise, you can do it now and kill me." Jiang Chen thought for a while and said.

"Just die in such a hurry? Alright, I'll help you." Miao Bing's voice became colder invisibly, and she walked towards Jiang Chen step by step.

"Miao Bing, stop." Another voice came, majestic and heavy.

"Senior Sister Miaoyu, this son killed Junior Sister Miaoyun, I want to kill him to avenge Junior Sister Miaoyun." Miao Bing said through gritted teeth.

"Miao Yun didn't kill him." The voice said, and another woman in green clothes came over, about fifty years old, with a dignified face, although she was serious, she gave people a kind-hearted feeling.

"Senior Sister Miaoyu, how do you know that this son didn't kill Junior Sister Miaoyun?" Miao Bing was stunned for a moment.

"Before Miao Yun died, she called me and explained some things. She also told me that she would ask a man named Jiang Chen to send the little girl back." Sighing, Na Miaoyu continued: "This Jiang Chen, not only is not the murderer who killed Miaoyun, on the contrary, he sent the little sister back, and he is still kind to my clan."


Miao Bing was in a mess. Earlier, she had firmly concluded that Jiang Chen was the murderer who killed Miao Yun, and kept saying that she wanted to take Jiang Chen's life.

But now, the whole matter is reversed, Jiang Chen is not a murderer, but a benefactor.

This huge gap caused Miao Bing to feel a little bad all over.

"Jiang Chen, I am late, I have wronged you." That Miaoyu said to Jiang Chen.

"Finally, someone who is not such an idiot has emerged." Jiang Chen was filled with emotion.

"Miao Bing, apology." Hearing the string song, Miao Yu knew the meaning, how could Miao Yu not hear it, Jiang Chen had resentment in his heart, so he immediately said to Miao Bing.

"Forget it, how can I be capable, how can I afford such a thing." Jiang Chen waved his hands and said.

"Apologize!" Miaoyu shouted again.

The more Jiang Chen said this, the more Miao Yu knew, the more Miao Bing wanted to apologize, they were all smart people, and they could tell a little bit, there was no need to say something too clearly.

"I'm sorry." Gritting her teeth, Na Miao Bing said.

"It's really unnecessary. Why did you still apologize to me? I've always been a generous person. I didn't take it to heart when you wanted to kill me just now. Anyway, you can't kill me." Jiang Chen smiled. Said.

"You—" Miao Bing almost spat out a mouthful of old blood in anger.

"The only thing that bothers me is that you are obviously an idiot, but you forcefully try to bring my IQ to the same level as yours. This really makes me very uncomfortable." Jiang Chen said.

"Jiang Chen, I have already apologized to you, what else do you want?" Miao Bing said angrily. I have to say that Jiang Chen's mouth is really too poisonous.

"It's nothing. If you're not mentally balanced, I'll slap you, or beat you up, and then apologize to you. What do you think?" Jiang Chen said in a discussing tone.

"You can try it?" Miao Bing said in a deep voice.

"Miao Bing, don't say a few words." Frowning, slightly sullen, Miao Yu interrupted Miao Bing's words, and said to Jiang Chen: "Jiang Shao, I came from Yilan City, thank you for your hard work, why don't you come to my clan's house to rest How about a cup of tea for a while?"

"Forget it." Jiang Chen shook his head.

"Since this is the case, it's not too much to force, but if you encounter any troubles in Hangzhou today, you can let me know." Miaoyu said again.

"I think, apart from your clan's troubles for me, probably no one else troubles me." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Jiang Chen, you are shameless!" Zong Zifeng said with a dark face.

"Zong Zifeng, to be honest, I really enjoy this feeling. You clearly hate me to death, but you can't do anything about me." Jiang Chen said calmly.

"For my sister's sake, I won't argue with you for the time being." Zong Zifeng said angrily.

He is not a fool, if Qing Zhi fights against Jiang Chen, he will be the one who will be ashamed in the end, after all, Miao Yu has such an attitude, Miao Bing can't do anything, if he confronts Jiang Chen, he will only suffer.

One is not good, if something like that happened in a hotel in Yilan City, he will not even think about going out to meet people in the future.

"Don't, don't give your sister any face, just care about me. Otherwise, even if I want to care about you, there's no reason, right? I'm just waiting for you to give me face." Jiang Chen was dissatisfied Said.


Jiang Chen left very quickly, walking in an incomparably chic way, probably never had such a situation happened before, he offended the clan family all over the place, but left unscathed.

Leaving aside the issue of face, it was just Jiang Chen's provocative style that he would die if he didn't die. In addition to making Zong Zifeng very worried, Miao Bing was also like a stick in his throat.

"Senior Sister, you said that Junior Sister Miao Yun was not what Jiang Chen said, who killed it?" Miao Bing asked after returning to the room.

"A member of the Goddess Sect." Miao Yu said coldly.

"Hmph, what kind of Goddess sect is it? It's the witch sect, all of them are looking at Meixing... They are so brave, they dare to kill Junior Sister Miaoyun, could it be that they want to provoke a war with my Qianxiu sect?" Miao Bing Said angrily.

"This matter, according to Junior Sister Miaoyun, is an old grievance between her and that person, and does not involve the two sects, but from my point of view, it will never be so simple. The Alliance General Assembly will be held in a while, and it is clear that the Goddess Sect took the lead in provoking a dispute to suppress my Qianxiu Clan." Miao Yu sighed.

"Senior Sister, even if that's the case, could it be that this is the end of the matter?" Miao Bing said coldly.

"They have a perfect excuse, but we don't... The more this is the case, the more we must be cautious. When the ancient martial arts alliance meeting is held, they will be liquidated together." Miaoyu said.

"What about Jiang Chen, this son is rude and lawless, even if he is not killed, he should be taught a lesson." After Miao Bing understood Miao Yu's intentions, she changed the subject.

"Jiang Chen doesn't look very simple." Miao Yu said after pondering.

"It's just a sharp-tongued hooligan." Miao Bing's impression of Jiang Chen was as bad as he wanted.

"Miao Yun mentioned Jiang Chen to me on the phone. She said that Jiang Chen has the strength to fight her... But Jiang Chen is too young." Miao Yu said thoughtfully.

"What does this mean?" Miao Bing asked with a frown. She never expected that Miao Yun's evaluation of Jiang Chen would be so high.

Moreover, if Miao Yun really said such a thing, she would not doubt anything, Miao Yun still has such a little vision.

"Miao Yun suspects that Jiang Chen is a disciple trained by a certain super sect. In fact, if Jiang Chen is really that powerful, this suspicion is undoubtedly established." Miao Yu said.

"I've never heard of any sect that cultivated such a freak." Miao Bing said with a snort.

"The land of China, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, there are so many things that we have never heard of... and the Goddess Sect, although they had disagreements with my Qianxiu Clan before, they have coexisted peacefully for many years on the surface. When it really broke the skin? For some reason, I suddenly had a bad feeling." Miao Yu said with emotion.


After Jiang Chen left the Zong family, he randomly found a hotel and stayed in it.

After entering the room, Jiang Chen first called Tang Tian and told Tang Tian that he would stay in Tianhang City for a few days.

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Chen started thinking.

After he came to Tianhang City today, two things happened in total. The first thing was the car accident on the airport expressway, and the second thing was the confrontation with the Zong family.

Although the car accident reminded Jiang Chen of some associations, but there were too many uncertain factors, Jiang Chen didn't think too much for the time being, but it was the situation of the Zong family that made Jiang Chen deeply moved.

The second-rate family is backed by the second-rate sect, the first-rate family is backed by the first-rate sect, and the top family is backed by the top sect.

The Zong family is undoubtedly a top-level family, and Miao Bing and Miao Yu are undoubtedly the top types of ancient martial arts practitioners... Especially Miao Yu, who gave Jiang Chen a faint sense of impenetrability. Jiang Chen reckoned that his cultivation would be almost at the level of the eighth floor of Houtian.

Calculating in this way, it is very likely that behind the clan is a strong man with the ninth level of the ancient martial arts, and that kind of strong man, looking at the ancient martial arts cultivation world, is also a peak-like existence.

And this is the true background of the top family.

The hedgehog from the Black Water Sect once told Jiang Chen that there might not be any innate masters in the entire ancient martial arts cultivation world, but judging by the current situation, Jiang Chen felt that it might not be so.

After all, the Black Water Sect is just an insignificant second-rate sect, and their vision and background are too shallow, so they may not know too much.

"I hope there are innate masters. Then, life on this earth will be more interesting." Jiang Chen thought in his heart.

Just when Jiang Chen was thinking this way, the phone ringing on the side suddenly rang. Jiang Chen took a look and saw that it was an unfamiliar number, and the address displayed was still Tianhang City, so he couldn't help but feel a little strange.

"Who?" Jiang Chen asked calmly after picking up the phone.

(End of this chapter)

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