genius evil

Chapter 501

Chapter 501
Jiang Chen did it right away, without any warning, the young man was caught off guard, like a puppet, he was dragged out of the car by Jiang Chen.

The collar was grabbed by Jiang Chen, and his legs flew into the air. The young man's face changed for a moment, and then he calmed down quickly. He raised his hands and said repeatedly: "Jiang Shao, don't get excited."

"Look at me like this, do you seem to be excited?" Jiang Chen smiled, threw the young man on the ground casually, and said with a light smile: "See, I'm serious, I'm not excited at all .”

"Let me introduce myself first, Zhao family, Zhao Zhongxing." Getting up from the ground, the young man patted the dust on his body and said.

"Don't talk so much nonsense." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

Of course he knew that this guy was Zhao Zhongxing. In other words, among the four small families in the capital, there was a name of the Four Young Masters. Home Li Tianxing.

Jiang Chen first met Qian Fugui, then Li Tianxing and Sun Haoyang. As for this Zhao Zhongxing, although he had never met before, he had heard about it.

Of course, the reason why Jiang Chen was able to confirm that this guy was Zhao Zhongxing, and he was not polite to him, was because of the man in suit he had seen before.

"Jiang Shao, maybe you think this is nonsense, but I think it is necessary to introduce my identity to you." Zhao Zhongxing said seriously.

"Oh, really?" Jiang Chen glanced at Zhao Zhongxing.

"That cousin of mine was just admiring Miss Ye Sichen and had no major faults, but he was bullied by Young Master Jiang and sent to the hospital. Should Young Master Jiang give an explanation for this matter?" Zhao Zhongxing Said straightly.

"You think I bullied that guy?" Jiang Chen laughed.

"Jiang Shao, it has become a fact, why deny it?" Zhao Zhongxing said in a deep voice.

"I don't want to deny it, it's just that you said I bullied your cousin, so do you want to know how I bullied him? Or, I'll reproduce the original scene and let you see, am I right? Really bullied him, how?" Jiang Chen said slowly.

Frowning slightly, he obviously didn't expect Jiang Chen to say such rascally words, Zhao Zhongxing's complexion became slightly ugly.


A crisp slap sounded at this moment.

"Clap clap clap!"

Jiang Chen shot continuously, and the slaps fell on Zhao Zhongxing's face like raindrops.

"Excuse me, is this considered bullying?" Jiang Chen asked slowly after a dozen slaps in the face.

Zhao Zhongxing was completely dazzled by Jiang Chen's beating, his face was dark and his voice was gloomy, and he said, "Jiang Chen, you are too deceitful."

"It turns out that this is bullying, so I'm sorry, I bullied you." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"You—" Hearing the sound, Zhao Zhongxing almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

"The feeling of bullying is really cool." Jiang Chen said happily, regardless of Zhao Zhongxing's reaction.

Zhao Zhongxing was even more angry, his face flushed red, and he said: "Jiang Chen, you act like this, do you think my Zhao family is easy to bully?"

"Anyway, you look easy to bully." Jiang Chen said noncommittally.

"This is not over!" Zhao Zhongxing's expression instantly became extremely vicious.

"Welcome to find fault." Jiang Chen looked indifferent.

There are two kinds of things that he is most upset about in his life. One is that others tempt him, and the other is self-righteous idiot. Unfortunately, Zhao Zhongxing has all of these two points.

In this way, Jiang Chen felt that if he didn't bully and bully Zhao Zhongxing, he would feel ashamed himself.

In order to avoid embarrassment, Jiang Chen could only reluctantly bully Zhao Zhongxing.

Naturally, in this situation, to use another more literary way of saying, Zhao Zhongxing is purely showing his face to the door!

"Just be proud, I assure you, you will soon lose your complacency." Zhao Zhongxing said through gritted teeth.

"Okay, let's finish talking nonsense, let's talk about something serious, of course, maybe you were lying at the beginning, in fact, you have nothing to talk to me at all, you are purely here to find smoke, if that's the case , then I am completely convinced." Jiang Chen said unhurriedly.

Slightly startled, Zhao Zhongxing looked at Jiang Chen like that, with a little more surprise for no reason.

"This place is not very convenient." Zhao Zhongxing said.

He really came to Jiang Chen because he had something to do, otherwise, it would have turned into him looking for smoke, how stupid he must be to do that kind of thing.

"What do you think is convenient?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

Zhao Zhongxing pointed and said, "There is a coffee shop over there."

"Your treat." Jiang Chen asked.

"Please." Gritting his teeth, Zhao Zhongxing said.

If there is something to talk about, it is obviously much more convenient to talk in the coffee shop than on the main road. What's more, there are people who treat guests to drink coffee, of course Jiang Chen will not refuse.

Entering the coffee shop, he ordered two cups of coffee. After the coffee was delivered, Zhao Zhongxing took a sip of the coffee and said, "Jiang Chen, I came to see you today because someone wants you to leave the capital."

This matter was Zhao Zhongxing's real purpose for coming to see Jiang Chen.

"So you really came here looking for smoke." Jiang Chen said slowly while playing with the coffee cup in his hand.

Zhao Zhongxing looked at Jiang Chen's action of playing with the coffee cup, and felt inexplicably apprehensive. He didn't know what was going on, but he was a little worried that Jiang Chen would splash that cup of boiling coffee on his face.

"Jiang Chen, why get angry about this kind of thing, many things seem to be unreasonable, but there is still a reason, isn't it?" Zhao Zhongxing said, and while speaking, he took out a check from his pocket, Pushing it in front of Jiang Chen, he took a signature pen and pushed it over, raised his hand and said, "As compensation for you leaving the capital, you can fill in any number you think you are satisfied with here."

"What if I don't fill it out?" Jiang Chen glanced at the check.

"Whether you fill it in or not, you will eventually have to leave the capital. It's just the difference between leaving voluntarily or passively. I think you are a smart person. It's not difficult to make a suitable choice, isn't it?" Zhao Zhongxing said.

"It seems that I really have to fill it out." Jiang Chen looked embarrassed, reluctantly, picked up the signature pen, and then, very reluctantly, wrote a few words on the check. numbers.

"One hundred thousand?"

Seeing the number Jiang Chen filled in, Zhao Zhongxing couldn't help feeling a little contemptuous from the bottom of his heart.

I told Jiang Chen to fill in the numbers casually, but Jiang Chen actually filled in a hundred thousand. This simply made Zhao Zhongxing doubt Jiang Chen's IQ. In the morning, Jiang Chen was ready to open his mouth like a lion.

If he knew early in the morning that Jiang Chen was so easily satisfied, why bother to expend so much effort?
"Don't worry, you haven't finished filling it yet." Jiang Chen waved his hand, signaling Zhao Zhongxing to stop talking, and then continued to fill in the numbers on the check.

"Seven digits...eight digits...nine digits..."

Zhao Zhongxing watched helplessly as Jiang Chen filled in the numbers one by one, breathing involuntarily, and then became hot.

Until the end, with a wave of Jiang Chen's hand, on the tenth digit, a number nine was dropped. Zhao Zhongxing's face suddenly changed drastically, and his eyeballs were about to bulge out of their sockets.

"Jiang Chen, I want you to fill in a satisfactory number." Zhao Zhongxing reminded angrily.

"That's right, I'm quite satisfied with this number." Jiang Chen said noncommittally.

"No, I can't accept it." Zhao Zhongxing was furious.

"You didn't say what your bottom line is, you just said let me fill in the numbers, okay? How can you lie to people." Jiang Chen's face darkened, very dissatisfied.

"You—" Zhao Zhongxing didn't know what to say for a while.

Jiang Chen wasn't in a hurry at all, he drank the coffee calmly, not to mention, the coffee here tasted pretty good, so Jiang Chen finished another cup, and then had another cup.

After the second cup of coffee was finished and Jiang Chen was about to refill the third cup, Zhao Zhongxing finally spoke. He said, "Jiang Chen, you also understand that this number is simply unrealistic. It is just to let you leave the capital." That’s all, it’s not a very excessive condition, is it?”

"If you don't have money, why are you pretending to be garlic? Just order it, how much can you pay?" Jiang Chen became a little impatient.

"One million, no more." Zhao Zhongxing said.

"Send off beggars, at least [-] million, less talk." Jiang Chen yelled.

"200 million." Zhao Zhongxing bargained.

"I said, can you be a little more sincere, 8000 million." Jiang Chen blew his beard and stared.

"500 million." Zhao Zhongxing said cruelly.

"Deal!" Jiang Chen nodded.

Hearing Jiang Chen's words, Zhao Zhongxing heaved a sigh of relief, took out the check book, signed a few numbers on it, and said, "Jiang Chen, here is 500 million."

Jiang Chen took the check, stuffed it into his pocket, and said, "No need to say anything else, I understand what you mean, I will leave the capital in a few days."

"It's not in a few days, it's that you leave the capital within today. It's best to leave now. You don't have to worry about the air ticket. I will take care of it here. You just need to go back to the hotel to pack your luggage. Just go to the airport." Zhao Zhongxing reminded.

"That's fine." Jiang Chen didn't refuse, and said, "Anyway, if you're idle, you're idle. I'll leave in a while."

As if he didn't expect Jiang Chen to become so talkative all of a sudden, Zhao Zhongxing almost didn't realize it, and immediately said: "I'll take you back to the hotel to pick up your luggage now."

"Don't take your luggage or anything else. I'm going back tonight anyway. By the way, when you buy my ticket for me later, buy me a return ticket by the way. I want first class, otherwise I will Sitting is uncomfortable." Jiang Chen said.


Zhao Zhongxing's face turned dark, his eyes almost burst into flames, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Jiang Chen, are you kidding me?"

(End of this chapter)

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