genius evil

Chapter 516

Chapter 516
"Some people you mentioned, who are you referring to?" Li Tianxing put down the water glass in his hand and stopped drinking, otherwise he suspected that he would spray Zhao Zhongxing in the face sooner or later.

Although he felt that Zhao Zhongxing's behavior today was extremely idiotic, but seeing Zhao Zhongxing's flamboyant face, Li Tianxing wanted to hear if Zhao Zhongxing really played some fresh and refined tricks.

"Sun Haoyang, Qian Fugui." Zhao Zhongxing said with a smile, and said these two names.

"Wait, I can't understand." Li Tianxing said.

"Young Master Li, why are you pretending to be so stupid? It's not like you didn't see how I worked so hard to drag Sun Haoyang and Qian Fugui into the water just now." Zhao Zhongxing was immediately dissatisfied.

Was he not acting hard enough?
Isn't this good show not good enough?

There should be applause here, right?

Li Tianxing's reaction is really a bit off-putting.

"I saw it, but did you succeed?" Li Tianxing asked wonderingly.

He wasn't stupid, so he could naturally hear what Zhao Zhongxing said. It can be said that he spared no effort to drag Sun Haoyang and Qian Fugui into the water, and bound Sun Haoyang and Qian Fugui with Jiang Chen.

However, it is one thing to hear it, but another to succeed.

"Didn't I succeed?" Zhao Zhongxing pointed to his slightly bruised cheek, smiled slightly, and said, "That idiot Sun Haoyang punched me, isn't that enough to prove that he and Jiang Chen are on the same page?" on the ship?"

"Maybe they just don't like you." Li Tianxing said lightly.

Zhao Zhongxing was taken aback for a moment, although he felt that what Li Tianxing said seemed unreasonable, but for a while, he couldn't refute it.

After all, looking at a person is not pleasing to the eye, it can explain too many problems.

Not to mention a mere punch, even beating him until his parents didn't know him, that could be used as a perfect reason.

"Then what about money and wealth? That guy kept saying that I was vying to be a dog for the Wu family. From my point of view, he was clearly the one who wholeheartedly wanted to be a dog for Jiang Chen. Otherwise, why would he jump out to speak to Jiang Chen in such a hurry? What a dog!" !” Zhao Zhongxing said unconvinced.

"Maybe it's just that Qian Fugui has a good relationship with Jiang Chen, and he stands up for Jiang Chen." Li Tianxing said leisurely.

"Young Master Li, if I heard correctly, are you speaking nicely of Jiang Chen?" Zhao Zhongxing looked at Li Tianxing suspiciously with displeasure on his face.

He kept sharing the fruits of his victory with Li Tianxing here. Li Tianxing was good, and he kept hitting him to death. Is there a mistake?
He's here to show off, not to seek blows, okay?

"Why should Young Master Zhao get angry? I'm just telling the truth. If I'm wrong, don't take it to heart." Li Tianxing said with a smile.

Hearing Li Tianxing's words, Zhao Zhongxing's complexion became a little better, and he said, "Young Master Li, you are an outsider, and you will inevitably be biased when looking at problems. Fortunately, I know the grievances between you and Jiang Chen. Otherwise, this carelessness may cause some unnecessary misunderstandings."

The corner of Li Tianxing's mouth twitched, he lowered his head, looked at the water glass at hand, and suddenly regretted why he put down the water glass, otherwise at this moment, his hand just shook, so he could spray... No, it was Zhao Zhongxing's face up.

"That's that." Li Tianxing said with a twitching face.

Only then was Zhao Zhongxing satisfied. He put down the chopsticks in his hand, wiped his mouth with a wet towel, and said, "Actually, I never thought of targeting Sun Haoyang and Qian Fugui at all. I came to find Jiang Chen. But who made the two of them collide with my gun, if you want to blame, you can only blame them for their bad luck, so they deserve to be unlucky."

"I think I still have something to do." Li Tianxing couldn't stand Zhao Zhongxing's boasting.

"Don't worry, the two of us have a rare chance to sit together, and, don't we have a common opponent? Li Shao, don't you want to hear why I came to find Jiang Chen?" Zhao Zhongxing Shi Shiran said.

You are here to get a smoke.

Li Tianxing complained silently in his heart, but on the surface, he pretended to be very interested and said, "Let's listen."

"Jiang Chen, that guy had such a fuss last night. If he is alive, he is no different from a dead person." Zhao Zhongxing said in a deep tone, "But he is still alive after all, I came here specially to see him off. Cheng."

"How to say?" Now, Li Tianxing is really interested.

Because Li Tianxing had watched such a good show for so long just now, but he didn't realize at all that Zhao Zhongxing came to see Jiang Chen off.

On the contrary, if Zhao Zhongxing hadn't become cowardly in a second and spent [-] million yuan to calm Jiang Chen's anger, Zhao Zhongxing would definitely be sent off by Jiang Chen.

"It's very simple, I'm here to bring hatred to Jiang Chen." Zhao Zhongxing said triumphantly.

Li Tianxing looked at this guy like an idiot.

The hatred value between Jiang Chen and the Wu family can be said to be full value, do you still need to draw hatred?

"Oh, what I said was too simple. Looking at you, Li Shao, it seems very difficult to understand. How about it, let me explain in detail." Zhao Zhongxing laughed and said, "Li Shao, in your opinion , why has it been a whole night, and the Wu family hasn't done anything to Jiang Chen yet?"

"Naturally, there is something wrong with Mr. Wu's health." Li Tianxing said casually.

"That's right, Mr. Wu's health problem caused the Wu family to have no time to take care of him. That's why Jiang Chen has survived until now." Zhao Zhongxing nodded.

Then, Zhao Zhongxing said: "Jiang Chen was sentenced to death at the Wu family's side. It doesn't matter when he strikes, but I can't wait any longer. I wish Jiang Chen would die soon, so I'm here. , I want the Wu family to see clearly that even letting Jiang Chen live for a second longer would be a huge disaster."

"You mean, you are forcing the Wu family to take action against Jiang Chen?" Li Tianxing said.

"Haha, Young Master Li, you finally understand. My hard work was not in vain." Zhao Zhongxing laughed loudly.

"Not bad method." Li Tianxing chuckled, and silently scolded an idiot in his heart.

To be a dog to others, one must have the awareness to be a dog.

It is a pity that Zhao Zhongxing has no such awareness at all.

This guy is obviously an idiot, but he still feels good about himself, as if he is the smartest person in the world.

Li Tianxing didn't understand. Didn't Zhao Zhongxing think about why the Wu family didn't do anything to Jiang Chen? It was really because of Mr. Wu's health?
With so many people in the Wu family, is it possible that Mr. Wu is still needed to deal with Jiang Chen in person?
After thinking about it for a while, anyone with a discerning eye can see that there is something tricky here. The Wu family didn't do anything, not because they didn't want to do it, but because they had certain difficulties.

Zhao Zhongxing kept saying that he was here to attract hatred, and he did attract a lot of hatred, but it was destined to be useless, which also meant that Zhao Zhongxing's five hundred million yuan was completely in vain.

Thinking of Zhao Zhongxing giving Jiang Chen [-] million, although Li Tianxing felt a little sympathetic to Zhao Zhongxing, he was inexplicably happy. Who told him to give several hundred million to Jiang Chen?

Because of that, he couldn't even raise his head for a while.

Now, Zhao Zhongxing also did a stupid thing that couldn't be more stupid, which made Li Tianxing feel a lot more balanced.

"Hey, Young Master Li, just wait and see the next good show. Come on, I will replace wine with water, and toast Li Shao." Zhao Zhongxing said in a high-spirited manner,
"I will definitely wait." Li Tianxing said interestingly.


Appearing in about half an hour, Sun Haoyang drove into the nursing home, and soon, Jiang Chen saw Tan Lu again.

The weather was fine today. A nurse pushed Tan Lu to bask in the sun on the lawn outside. Seeing Jiang Chen and Sun Haoyang appear, Tan Lu had a slight smile in the corner of her eyes.

Last time, Tan Lu was also smiling, but the smile was full of gloomy death and sadness, but now the smile is much brighter.

"Jiang Shao." Tan Lu greeted Jiang Chen, looked at Sun Haoyang again, and said, "Haoyang, you are here."

"How do you feel today?" Sun Haoyang walked over, held Tan Lu's hand in his palm, and asked softly.

"It feels good." Tan Lu also said softly.

"It's fine." Sun Haoyang nodded repeatedly.

"Jiang Shao, thank you." Tan Lu said gratefully.

The last time Jiang Chen came over, although Tan Lu was forcibly turned around in the end, she still had the mentality of treating a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

She didn't want Sun Haoyang to regret, let alone herself.

No one wants to die if they can live.

And after being healed by Jiang Chen once, she was very clear about the changes in her body. Tan Lu couldn't be more clear about what kind of miracle Jiang Chen brought to her life.

At this time, Tan Lu's thank you was extremely sincere, she really thanked Jiang Chen, thanked Jiang Chen for letting her life, from the gray state, see the dawn of hope!

"Thank you, I don't need it. Anyway, I don't charge money. So, if you really want to thank you, you should thank Young Master Sun. After all, these days, there are not too many men who have money and are willing to spend money." .” Jiang Chen laughed.

Tan Lu smiled and said, "I want to thank Haoyang, if it wasn't for him, I would have died two years ago."

"Xiao Lu, if you want to say thank you, I am also thanking you. All the difficulties you have suffered in the past two years have been borne on my behalf, and I will remember them in my heart for the rest of my life." Sun Haoyang said softly.

Twenty minutes or so, Jiang Chen left the nursing home after giving Tan Lu the needles, and Sun Haoyang still sent Jiang Chen back.

The two of them had just walked out of the nursing home, and they saw three people walking towards them quickly. One of them was wearing sunglasses and his head was raised slightly. It was Wu Jingrong.

"Jiang Chen, come with us." Seeing Jiang Chen coming out from inside, Wu Jingrong said directly.

"What if I say no?" Jiang Chen said with a half-smile.

"You have no chance to refuse." Wu Jingrong snorted coldly, raised his hand, and saw that the two people who appeared with him each had an extra gun in their hands, and the muzzles of the guns were aimed at Jiang Chen's head. .

(End of this chapter)

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