genius evil

Chapter 518 If You Kill Him, I Will Kill You

Chapter 518 If You Kill Him, I Will Kill You

Sun Haoyang, who was watching this scene from the side, couldn't help but gasped slightly when he saw such a scene.

He has the title of silly and bold, which means that sometimes he does something without thinking about the consequences, and just goes straight to it if he wants to do it.

But compared to Jiang Chen, he was undoubtedly incomparable.

Not to mention the scene where Jiang Chen made a big fuss about Mr. Wu's birthday banquet, just at the moment, what Jiang Chen casually described was disabling Wu Jingrong's two legs one after another. It's better to sigh.

You know, Jiang Chen made trouble at the scene of Mr. Wu's birthday banquet, but it was far from the viciousness he showed now, and what he did was shocking.

Such a shock directly completely shocked Sun Haoyang.

"Wu Jingrong, I asked you a question, why don't you speak?" Jiang Chen didn't know what Wu Jingrong and Sun Haoyang were thinking, and asked dissatisfied.

"I...I..." Wu Jingrong stumbled, completely speechless.

"I understand. You're saying that life is better than death, right?" Jiang Chen said.

Hearing what Jiang Chen said, Wu Jingrong's face turned blue.

If this is not life is better than death, then what is life is better than death?
You know, Jiang Chen didn't just break his legs by kicking him. If he just broke his legs, with the current level of medical treatment, he can completely recover.

The place where Jiang Chen kicked was the knees of his two legs. The kneecaps were shattered and fractured. No matter how he treated them, he couldn't fully recover. This meant that he could only spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair.

It also means that he has become a useless person, and the Wu family will abandon him like a shoe. After all, no matter how the Wu family is, it is impossible for a useless person to be important.

"Jiang Chen, you can just kill me." Wu Jingrong was completely disheartened, shouted hysterically at the top of his voice.

"Sure, such a simple request, if I don't satisfy you, I will be embarrassed." Jiang Chen nodded and said solemnly.

"Jiang Shao..." Sun Haoyang couldn't help shouting again.

Jiang Chen had already abolished Wu Jingrong, and it didn't make much difference whether he killed him or not. On the contrary, if he really killed Wu Jingrong, it might hurt the sensitive nerves of the Wu family, and the gain outweighed the loss.

"You want to make a move?" Jiang Chen asked suspiciously.

Sun Haoyang smiled wryly, and said, "Young Master Jiang, I didn't mean that, listen to me..."

"Then it's better for me to do it myself." Before Sun Haoyang could finish speaking, Jiang Chen interrupted him.

Sun Haoyang choked up his words and shook his head helplessly.

Seeing it, Jiang Chen raised his foot again and stepped on Wu Jingrong's neck.

"Jiang Chen, isn't that enough?" At this moment, a voice full of anger came over.

At the same time as the voice came, a figure floated out. The man's aura was sharp, the figure was like a sword, and the aura was deep, easily giving people a sense of oppression.

Following the appearance of that person, Sun Haoyang somewhat felt uncomfortable, and he didn't dare to look at that person more.

"I thought you were going to keep hiding. It looks like your patience isn't very good." Jiang Chen was smiling, his foot still stepped on Wu Jingrong's neck, and said, "Brother , although you have been hiding in the dark, as if you are not visible to others, but you should have heard Wu Jingrong's words, it's not that I want to kill him, it's that he begged me to kill him, I've always been the most happy adult beauty. "

"If you kill him, I'll kill you." The man said, with his backhand, he pulled out the long sword on his back, pointing at Jiang Chen.

"You're embarrassing me." Jiang Chen said angrily, "I've told you that he begged me to kill you. You're willing to kill someone for me. I've grown so big that even an ant can kill me." I haven't been trampled to death, you don't even know, let me kill someone, how scared I am, I probably won't be able to eat or sleep for several days, is it easy for me?"

"You talk too much." The man's eyes twitched.

"It's not that I talk too much, it's that I think that there are some things, it's better for everyone to explain clearly, so as not to cause misunderstandings." Jiang Chen said in a rambling manner.

"Uncle Hua, kill him." Wu Jingrong gritted his teeth and said vaguely.

"Hey, let me tell you, do you still have any humanity and no morals? You asked me to kill you just now, right?" Jiang Chen yelled.

"Uncle Hua, kill him and leave me alone." Wu Jingrong ignored Jiang Chen's words and said to that man.

"Are you sick in your head? You obviously asked to die. Why did you kill me? Do you think that I am the same as you? There is no difference between being alive and dead. You have lived enough and I am not alive yet." That's enough, at worst I won't kill you." Jiang Chen said angrily.

"Uncle Hua, you make a move." Wu Jingrong only felt that his heart was about to go into cardiac arrest because he was about to be squeezed by Jiang Chen.

There is no way, Jiang Chen's mouth is really too powerful, he has to be killed alive as a living person.

As for whether the dead can be finished by Jiang Chen, Wu Jingrong absolutely does not want to try it at all. Hua Yunfei's appearance is like a life-saving straw to him.

He must hold on to this life-saving straw tightly.

"Wu Jingrong, I have to tell you that you are not mentally ill, but have no brains. Didn't you see that he didn't want to kill me at all?" Jiang Chen curled his lips.

"Uncle Hua—" Wu Jingrong almost cried.

"Jiang Chen, what you did today was wrong. I won't kill you, but I must make you suffer." Hua Yunfei said indifferently.

"I don't like to hear your words. What do you mean I did too much? It's obvious that they did too much, okay?" Jiang Chen was quite upset.

"If it were you, you would be pointed at with a gun and yelled at, wouldn't you be angry?" Jiang Chen said again.

"Sharp teeth." Hua Yunfei snorted coldly.

"This is called presenting the facts and reasoning, not to mention, what I like most is reasoning with people. If you think you are angry and not afraid, then I will point a gun at you now, okay?" Jiang Chen asked in a good voice.

"Enough." Hua Yunfei was furious.

"Where will it be enough? This is just the beginning." Jiang Chen smiled, stretched out his foot and hooked a gun in his hand, and the muzzle of the gun was aimed at Hua Yunfei instantly.

Seeing this, Hua Yunfei's eyes flickered for a while, and his face became cloudy and uncertain.

"I really thought you weren't angry." Jiang Chen chuckled.

"Jiang Chen, are you forcing me to kill you?" Hua Yunfei's expression was extremely gloomy.

"I'm sorry, it's not you who want to kill me now, but I who want to kill you." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Damn it." Hua Yunfei was so angry that he stared at Jiang Chen so much that he almost spewed out two balls of flames.

If an ordinary person pointed a gun at him, it would be the same as courting death, because even if there was a gun, it was almost the same grade as a toy gun.

But Jiang Chen is not an ordinary person, Jiang Chen himself is not weak, and adding a gun is tantamount to adding wings to a tiger.

Unless he was absolutely sure that Jiang Chen could be beheaded with a single strike, otherwise, nine lives would not be enough to kill Jiang Chen's spear with the sword in his hand.

The reasons for Hua Yunfei's anger were firstly that Jiang Chen was so insidious and played cards so unreasonably, and secondly because he found that he was not sure about killing Jiang Chen with a single strike.

"Hua Yunfei, are you forcing me to kill you?" Jiang Chen said imitating Hua Yunfei's tone.

Hua Yunfei didn't speak, he couldn't understand more than that, in this case, no matter whether he said yes or no, it was wrong.

If it was not the case, Jiang Chen would definitely shoot. Hua Yunfei would not naively think that Jiang Chen is a soft-hearted person.

If it is not, it means to compromise with Jiang Chen.

Thinking about how respectable he is as the master of the Changjian Sect, and Jiang Chen, in his eyes, is just a mere nobody, how could he be willing to bow his head in front of Jiang Chen.

After being silent for a while, Hua Yunfei said: "I came here today to ask you to come with me."

"No." Without thinking, Jiang Chen just said.

"Mr. Wu and Wu Menghua, no matter who has a problem with the two, the consequences are absolutely beyond your tolerance." Hua Yunfei said.

"So, I just need to kill you, and it's over." Jiang Chen looked like a dead pig not afraid of boiling water.

"You're not sure about killing me, are you?" Hua Yunfei said.

Grinning, Jiang Chen smiled, and said, "Actually, I'm quite willing to try it, because I'm really curious about what it's like to kill an acquired eighth-floor master. Maybe, that taste , must be quite cool."

"After you try it, you will definitely regret it." Hua Yunfei warned.

"But I still want to try. What do you think should be done?" Jiang Chen shrugged and said casually.

"--" Hua Yunfei frowned, but did not answer Jiang Chen's question.

"Are you scared?" Jiang Chen asked.

Hua Yunfei's eyebrows couldn't help but tightened, and the tip of the sword trembled, as if he couldn't control the sword at any time.

"I'm joking with you, don't be so serious, just smile." Jiang Chen said with a playful smile.

Hua Yunfei's face was tense, and he couldn't help laughing. Jiang Chen was in such a state that he seemed to be playing with him like a monkey. If he hadn't taken care of the gun in Jiang Chen's hand, he swore that Jiang Chen would have died a long time ago. More than a hundred times.

"I'm really joking, you may not know, I've always been a joker." Jiang Chen laughed out loud, as if it was very funny.

"See you next time, and I will kill you." Hua Yunfei said in a deep voice, and while speaking, he turned and left slowly.

"I said it as a joke. What are you still so nervous about? I will never put a sniper behind your back." Jiang Chen said to Hua Yunfei's back.

No matter how amazing Hua Yunfei's concentration was, being teased by Jiang Chen over and over again, he felt like he was going to collapse. He took a deep breath, forcibly held back the anger in his heart, and accelerated his speed. In an instant, it disappeared from Jiang Chen's eyes.

"Wu Jingrong, do you still want to die now?" Jiang Chen asked leisurely, looking down at Wu Jingrong's distorted face.

(End of this chapter)

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