genius evil

Chapter 565 A woman with various styles

Chapter 565 A woman with various styles
An outdoor barbecue stand.

It was early in the morning, but the business here was still very hot.

At a table near the corner, a man and a woman sat face to face. On the table, besides the steaming skewers that had just been delivered, was beer.

A box of beer was brought out and neatly stacked on the table. Wu Qingya held a bottle opener in her hand and opened one bottle after another. It was opened.

"Today is a good day, what do you think?" Wu Qingya cast a wink at Jiang Chen, then picked up the bottle and poured wine.

"Are you thirsty?" Jiang Chen ignored the woman's seduction, and he was temporarily immune to Wu Qingya's seduction.

"It's not thirst, it's hunger." Wu Qingya smiled and pointed in one direction.

Following the direction Wu Qingya pointed at, Jiang Chen looked sideways, and there was a dilapidated small hotel over there.

"In a while, if you are drunk, I will carry you in. If I am drunk, you will carry me in." Wu Qingya blinked.

"Your request is really low. It seems that you are really hungry." Jiang Chen was quite speechless.

Jiang Chen swore that the room charge would not exceed 30 yuan for that small hotel on the street. Occasionally, he could see wandering warblers scurrying around under the street lamps. It was clear at a glance what kind of place it was.

The majestic Miss Wu family, not to mention a five-star hotel, at least a star rating, right?

Otherwise, how to ensure environmental sanitation?

Otherwise, how to reflect the forceful style of the eldest lady of the aristocratic family?

If it wasn't for a certain amount of hunger and thirst, how could he be so hungry?

"What do you know, I am playing with Yangchun Baixue, and I am also playing with Xia Liba people." Wu Qingya gave Jiang Chen a white look.

"Disrespect, disrespect." Jiang Chen cupped his fists and said hypocritically.

"Jiang Chen, can you be more fake? Stop the ink, drink, we will not get drunk tonight." Wu Qingya raised her glass.

Jiang Chen smiled, took a sip from his wine glass, and said, "There is one more problem that you haven't considered."

"Are you talking about safety measures?" Wu Qingya blinked, opened the bag she was carrying with her, showed it to Jiang Chen, and said, "See, I have already prepared for it, and I don't expect your pity at all." .”

Jiang Chen was speechless for a moment, this woman was full of obscene thoughts, absolutely unacceptable.

"I mean, if the two of us get drunk together, who will carry us there?" Jiang Chen reminded.

"Jiang Chen, are you stupid? Can't you drink a little less?" Wu Qingya was about to lose her temper. What kind of problem is this?
If it were any other man, who wouldn't be eager to take advantage of her?
Jiang Chen was good, he didn't bring such a disruptive atmosphere.

"I think this is a very serious question. After all, we can't sleep on the street." Shrugging, Jiang Chen said.

"How about I send you two to the room?" Just as Jiang Chen finished speaking, a voice full of jokes and sarcasm rang out.

"Jiang Chen, did you hear that someone helped you?" Wu Qingya said with a smile, thinking that someone would take the initiative to help and see where you are going tonight.

It's just that Wu Qingya's smile just emerged from the corner of her mouth, and it froze on her face like an electric shock, with a look of surprise on her face.

It was a woman who spoke.

If it was just a woman, Wu Qingya wouldn't care. The streets are full of women, so who cares.

The biggest problem is that this woman is full of charms!
There are many adjectives to describe a woman, such as exquisite, such as sexy... How does this woman say?Perhaps the only adjective that suits her is the word style.

Style is not wind and dust, the breath of a woman is exceptionally clean.

But it was also that clean breath, combined with her amorous taste, that could easily arouse a man's desire to the greatest extent.

In short, this is a woman that a man sees and wants to push her on the bed.

Such a beautiful woman came over and offered to help. Even if Wu Qingya was a fool, she could tell that the situation was a bit unusual.

"I heard." Jiang Chen nodded.

"It means, yes?" The woman chuckled, pulled a chair at random, sat down, poured herself a glass of wine, took a sip, and said, "I don't mind if I sit down." ?”

"I said mind is useful?" Wu Qingya said with a bitter face.

Men are afraid of comparison, and women are even more afraid of comparison.

Wu Qingya never thought that she was inferior to others, but no matter how hard she tried to deny it, she had to admit that this woman was a stunning beauty.

Not to mention anything else, at least when it comes to seducing men, she is absolutely inferior in all aspects.

"Little sister, in front of a man, you have to give him enough face to make him happy. Even if you really mind it, don't say it." The woman smiled slightly.

"Who is your little sister?" Wu Qingya stared and quit.

The woman didn't answer, and pointed to her chest with her hand.

Wu Qingya faltered immediately, and said unconvinced: "What's the matter, big breasts are amazing, you can call me little sister because your breasts are bigger than mine?"

"Don't all men like big breasts?" The woman asked back, with an understatement.

"Cows are bigger and men like them too?" Wu Qingya retorted.

"Jiang Chen definitely likes mine better." The woman said casually.

"Jiang Chen, what's your relationship with her?" Wu Qingya asked. She had long felt that the appearance of a woman was a bit unusual, but now she said it herself, and finally admitted it.

"I want to say, it doesn't matter, do you believe it?" Jiang Chen said helplessly, still a little puzzled, how did this woman appear?
Disappearing for such a long time, without even saying hello, showing up as soon as he said it, it would make his little heart unbearable.

And this woman is none other than Luzhi.

Jiang Chen knew a lot of women, each with their own flavors, but the only one who could interpret the aura to such an extent was Lu Zhi.

"I believe it." Wu Qingya nodded like a chicken pecking rice, raised her chin, and said to Lu Zhi: "Did you hear what Jiang Chen said, he said it has nothing to do with you?"

"I don't seem to have said, what does it have to do with her?" Luzhi said indifferently.

Wu Qingya was dumbfounded.

She said she believed it, but she didn't really believe it, she just took this opportunity to find an excuse to attack Luzhi, otherwise wouldn't she be crushed by Luzhi?
Wu Qingya never expected that Luzhi would say such a thing.

But after being dazed for a while, Wu Qingya giggled coquettishly again, she picked up the wine bottle and poured wine for Lu Zhi, and said, "Beauty, drink a few more glasses."

"You don't mind now?" Lu Zhi asked with a smile that was not a smile, although she was asking Wu Qingya, when she said this, she was facing Jiang Chen.

"You have nothing to do with each other, what do I care about?" Wu Qingya said with a smile.

It's true that Lu Zhi is charming, but since she has nothing to do with Jiang Chen, of course Wu Qingya won't mind too much, otherwise, if because of her mind, there will be some kind of conflict between Jiang Chen and Lu Zhi. relationship, then she must die of depression?

"Jiang Chen, the little sister you found is quite interesting." Luzhi said.

"Thank you for the compliment." Before Jiang Chen could speak, Wu Qingya rushed to speak, not knowing what humility was.

"It's just that there is a question that I don't quite understand. When did you change the taste? Besides, the taste became so strange?" Lu Zhi asked in bewilderment.

"What do you mean?" Wu Qingya slapped the table and stood up, shouting loudly.

What makes Jiang Chen's taste so peculiar?Doesn't she look weird?

Don't think that big breasts can bully people!
"It's not interesting." Luzhi shook her head and said, "Little sister, if you want to play around, Jiang Chen is a good match. If you want to be his girlfriend, I'm afraid, it's still not close."

"It's almost not up to you. You have big breasts. The question is, has Jiang Chen taken a fancy to you? What are you so proud of?" Wu Qingya was furious.

"Am I proud?" Luzhi chuckled.

"You're proud of yourself, but you still don't admit it." Wu Qingya became even more angry.

"Little sister, it's not me who hit you. Some men, you treat him with all your heart and soul, but in the end he is also a wolf. Remember, never worry about gains and losses and lose yourself because of a man." Luzhi said solemnly. Said.

"You still give me lessons." Wu Qingya was amused.

Lu Zhi said she was interesting, she thought Lu Zhi was the most interesting.

"It's not class, you just need to memorize it." Lu Zhi said, got up, and left gracefully, her back was also full of charm.

"Leave now? You don't drink anymore? You agreed to help me." Wu Qingya yelled.

"If you two are both drunk, I will appear naturally." Luzhi said, already walking far away.

"There must be something wrong with this woman." Wu Qingya said unhappily.

"It's not that there's something wrong, she's just envious of you." Jiang Chen said.

"She has nothing to do with you, why are you envious of me?" Wu Qingya asked puzzled.

"Because she always wanted to have a relationship with me, but was always rejected by me, so she became angry from embarrassment." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Jiang Chen, do you think I'm a three-year-old child? Just you rejecting her? I promise, if she really wants to be nice to you, you will definitely post it regardless." Wu Qingya snorted. Chirp said.

Even if she is also a woman, the moment she sees Luzhi, she will inevitably feel amazed, let alone a super pervert like Jiang Chen.

"Then why didn't I post it now?" Jiang Chen said with a half-smile.

"It's just you pretending to be a wolf with a big tail. In fact, your heart is no longer with me, right?" Wu Qingya said.

"I pretended so well, but you saw through it at a glance. In this case, there is no need for me to pretend." Jiang Chen said.

"What are you going to do?" Wu Qingya's expression turned a little ugly.

"I want to stick it over there." Jiang Chen said, got up, and walked quickly.

"Jiang Chen, you bastard!" Wu Qingya turned into a shrew in a second, her brows and eyes were raised upside down, and she almost overturned the table...

(End of this chapter)

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