genius evil

Chapter 617

Chapter 617
After a laugh, the young man stroked his shiny hair with his hands, and walked towards the gate of Tong's house with big strides.

Seeing this young man approaching, the four guards became even more vigilant, but it was obvious that they were on guard. Deep in their eyes, there was a strong sense of fear flowing towards this fat young man.

"Open the door!" Walking to the door, the young man ordered in a domineering tone.

"Mr. Shi, the old man has an explanation. You must...not open the door." A doorman said stammeringly.


The young man raised his wrist and slapped the guard on the head. The guard immediately collapsed to the ground and died.

"I don't care what anyone has to say, what I want you to do now is to open the door for me... Of course, you can also choose, I will slap you one by one, and slap the three of you to death here like a fly. "The young man said slowly, quite domineering.

The other three guards glanced at the guard who fell to the ground and died, and the fear in their eyes deepened even more.

They knew very well that what the young man said was not just a simple threat. He did what he said, and he killed as soon as he said. The dead guard was a lesson from the past.

After hesitating, the remaining three guards finally opened the door.

Although they had received an order from Mr. Tong not to open the door when this person came, Mr. Tong also said that if this person was cruel and merciless, they would open the door to avoid sacrificing their lives in vain.


The young man slapped another guard on the head, and said leisurely: "A good dog doesn't block the way, you are destined to be a bad dog."

Leaving these words behind, the young man swaggered into Tong's house as if he had entered nowhere.

"Quickly, notify the old man." The two remaining guards, seeing the innocent death of the two guards, felt sad for the death of a rabbit and fox, quickly took out the communicator, and reported to the inside.


Today's Tong's house is quite deserted outside, but inside it is quite lively.

At this moment, a family meeting was held, presided over by Mr. Tong himself. All the high-level figures and direct descendants of the Tong family were present, including Tong Hua and Tong Zhen.

Everyone, including Mr. Tong, had stern faces and heavy expressions. It was obvious that the topic of discussion in this seemingly bustling family meeting was not easy.

"Hey, it's so lively, are you waiting for me?" Suddenly, a joking voice came into the living room.

The sound didn't sound loud, but everyone could hear it.

"Shi Feng, you are shameless." Seeing this young man appear, Tong Guang cursed loudly.

"Face? These days, how much is face worth?" The young man named Shi Feng teased endlessly.

Hearing what Shi Feng said, Tong Guang choked for a moment.

Yes, how much is a face worth?

If being shameless can get a greater reward than being shameless, how many people in this world would still care about their own face?

Obviously, Shi Feng is in such a situation now, so how can Shi Feng lose face?

"Tong Guang, according to what you said, you really care about your face, right?" Shi Feng said with a smile.

"What are you going to do?" Tong Guang suddenly became nervous.

"It's nothing, I just want to try it. Your face is worth money or not." Shi Feng said.

While speaking, Shi Feng appeared in front of Tong Guang with a stride, stretched out five fingers, and slapped Tong Guang's face with a big ear scraper.

With this slap in the face, half of Tong Guang's cheeks immediately became red and swollen.

However, this was not enough for Shi Feng. The backhand slapped Tong Guang on the other side of the face. Tong Guang then stopped and said with a smile, "Now, do you still want face?"

"Shi Feng, you are too presumptuous."

"Shi Feng, you are so unscrupulous, do you really think my Tong family is easy to bully?"

"Shi Feng, you'd better get out, otherwise don't blame us for being rude to you."


The two slaps that Shi Feng slapped Tong Guang instantly aroused public outrage, and everyone in Tong's family was filled with righteous indignation and blamed him for his anger.

"That's right, I'm just so presumptuous and unscrupulous, and your Tong family is just so easy to bully." Shi Feng smiled all over his face, and didn't take those accusations to heart at all.

But with a smile, his face suddenly darkened, and he said in a deep voice: "Who told me to get out just now, stand up and speak."

"I said it, so what about you?" Tong Zhen said loudly.

"Tong Zhen, don't make a sound." Tong Zhi stood beside Tong Zhen, and hurriedly tugged at the corner of Tong Zhen's clothes, signaling him not to provoke Shi Feng, otherwise there would be no good fruit.

"Tong Zhi, don't pull me, I said it, I said it, can I still deny it?" Tong Zhen was young and energetic, after being pulled by Tong Zhi, his voice became a little louder.

"I admire your courage, but I'm really sorry, I can't appreciate your stupidity." Shi Feng said looking at Tong Zhen.

"Shi Feng, why are you so crazy? You have to know that you people from the Five Elements Sect are just a dog raised by my Tong family. You are a mere dog, and you dare to be presumptuous in front of your master." Tong Zhen said angrily.

A big family is backed by a big sect, and a small family is backed by a small sect.

This is not a written rule, but just a tacit understanding among many families and many ancient martial arts sects.

The Five Elements Gate is a sect that the Tong family is backed by.

This sect is very small, far inferior to the Baishan sect that the Bai family relies on, but it is just a second-rate sect that is not popular.

But a sect is a sect, even a small sect is not a family and can easily resist.

It's just that, under normal circumstances, the family and the sect it relies on have a relationship in which all are prosperous and all are harmed. This is also the reason why the Bai family has an accident, and the Baishan sect will spare no effort to maintain it.

Prior to this, the Five Elements Gate and the Tong Family had a happy cooperation, each took what they needed, and jointly maintained their respective interests.

But I don't know what happened, Wuxingmen suddenly bit Tongjia hard like going crazy.

If it's just a bite, it's nothing. The Five Elements Sect is getting more and more rampant, and it's becoming more and more unscrupulous. Depending on the situation, it's clear that it wants to bite the Tong family to death.

This situation is not normal. The Tong family faced the Five Sects, and was severely bullied at one end. Everyone was holding back a breath of anger. In the past, the families that were a little bit scattered were rarely united together. However, this still could not stop the Five Elements Sect. crazy behavior.

It is precisely because of this that Tong Zhen is so furious!
"Tong Zhen, are you looking for death?" Hearing Tong Zhen say that Wuxingmen is a dog raised by Tong's family, Shi Feng's expression became very ugly.

"Just kill me if you have the ability. Do you think I am afraid of death? But I warn you, if you kill me, you will die too. My brother-in-law will avenge me." Tong Zhen said tit for tat.

"Little Fairy Tale, why don't I know, when did you have a man?" Shi Feng's eyes shifted to Fairy Tale, and he glanced up and down a few times, in those eyes, there was a lustful light shining.

"Does my sister have a man? Does it matter to you? Toad wants to eat swan meat, but he doesn't take a mirror to look at himself, what kind of virtue is it, like a stupid pig." Tong Zhen said mockingly.

"It seems that you are really impatient to live, but don't worry, I will help you and let you die." Shi Feng's face darkened, and he walked towards Tong Zhen step by step.

Seeing this, Tong Zhi thought something was wrong, moved his foot, and blocked Tong Zhen's body, and at the same time pushed back, pushing Tong Zhen back a few steps.

"Get out." Seeing Tong Zhi's behavior, Shi Feng was quite upset, kicked Tong Zhi out, and kicked Tong Zhi out.

Then, without stopping, he approached Tong Zhen step by step.

"Don't do it." Yet another person stepped forward and stood in front of Tong Zhen. It was a fairy tale.

Fairy tales puffed up her eyes and stared at Shi Feng firmly, her face flushed red with incomparable anger.

"Fairy Tale, you want to stop me?" Shi Feng had a look of disdain on his face.

"Tong Zhen is just a child." Fairy Tale argued.

Shi Feng laughed loudly, and said: "Then you, you are not a child, why don't you come with me, maybe I can give your Tong family a few days, and let you live a good life for a few more days... ..."

"To shut up!"

A dull voice came out, but it was Mr. Tong, who had been silent all this time, who spoke.

"Old man, what are you talking about, I didn't hear it, why don't you say it again?" Shi Feng pretended to pick his ears.

"Shi Feng, what Tong Zhen said just now is correct. Your Five Elements Sect is a dog raised by our Tong family, and it is still an unfamiliar dog." Old Master Tong said sharply.

The relationship between the Tong family and the Five Elements Sect is itself an unequal relationship. The Five Elements Sect takes more and returns less. This is also the reason why the Tong family ranked last in the era of the three Baiguantong families.

The Five Elements Gate can be said to be a burden that the Tong family cannot shake off. The Tong family continues to provide various resources and enshrine it.

But his face was already torn, so Mr. Tong naturally wouldn't be the slightest bit polite, and spoke directly from the bottom of his heart.

"Fairy's saying, Tongzhen is still a child, well, I will treat it as a child's nonsense, don't care about it, but old man, are you going to tell me that you are actually a child too?" Shi Feng said viciously. Said.

"Don't talk nonsense, you Five Elements Sect, don't you just want money? I can give you all the resources of our Tong family. I only have one request. I want to ensure that everyone in our Tong family is alive. You No one can move." Old Master Tong said.

"Old man, don't!"

"Old man, the Five Elements Sect is a wolf-hearted dog, so I can't agree."

"Swear to live and die with the Tong family!"


The members of the Tong family were extremely sad and indignant, heartbroken.

"Don't talk too much, I have my own plan." Mr. Tong waved his hand to signal everyone not to talk too much.

"Old man, you said, if you agreed earlier, it would be great, and it wouldn't be so troublesome, right? But, you only agreed now, but it's a bit late. It's true that the Five Elements Sect asks for money. , but life is also important." Hearing that Mr. Tong had finally relented, Shi Feng was very proud.

"You want money, you want life, are you forcing us to die with you?" Old Master Tong said sternly.
"Immortal, you think highly of yourself too much. At best, you are hitting a rock with an egg." Shi Feng said teasingly.

"Even so, our Tong family is not something you can bully casually." Mr. Tong said forcefully.

"Then, I'll bully you first." Shi Feng laughed, turned around, and walked towards Mr. Tong.

"Fat pig, didn't your parents teach you that respecting the old and loving the young is a traditional Chinese virtue?" At this moment, a lazy voice sounded rather abruptly...

(End of this chapter)

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