genius evil

Chapter 667

Chapter 667
"Mengshan, I'm just telling the truth, you don't have to be ashamed to vomit blood. You look like this, it makes me very embarrassed." Jiang Chen said in a very innocent tone.

"Jiang Chen, the sect master was just accidentally caught in your trick, what can you be proud of?"

"That's right, in a frontal fight, you can't even survive the sect master's three moves."

"Jiang Chen, you shameless villain, actually sneak attack."


"If you are inferior in strength, you are inferior to others. What's the use of talking nonsense? If you are not convinced, just shoot casually and watch me shoot you to death one by one." Jiang Chen said carelessly.

"Jiang Chen, I want to fight with you." One person stood up with a high fighting spirit, pointed a finger at Jiang Chen, and challenged Jiang Chen.

"Come on, let my family be careful and teach you how to behave." Jiang Chen hooked his fingers.

"Go to hell." The man didn't even listen to what Jiang Chen said, jumped up and launched a fierce attack on Jiang Chen.

Naturally, Wen Qingxin wouldn't disappoint Jiang Chen, so she acted as she wished, and taught that guy how to behave by the way.

"Is there anyone else who wants to fight my family carefully?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Jiang Chen, what is your ability to hide behind women?" Another person couldn't stand it anymore, and loudly criticized.

"Even your sect masters are not my one-shot enemy. Isn't that my ability? As for my ability to hide behind a woman, I can understand that you are envious and jealous?" Jiang Chen said calmly. .

"Jiang Chen, why do you have to be so stubborn, you can fight me if you have the ability." The man ran out.

"Be careful, this guy says I'm stubborn, what do you think?" Jiang Chen said with a sad face.

Almost as soon as Jiang Chen's words fell, Wen Qingxin made another move, so this person also learned deeply how to behave from now on.

Two in a row, none of them are Wen Qingxin's all-in-one enemy.

The rest of the people, although they were upset, no one dared to provoke them anymore.

Jiang Chen stopped provoking them, and instead asked Wen Qingxin, "Is it almost there?"

Wen Qingxin nodded slightly, and said, "It's almost there."

From the moment he appeared in front of the Ma family gate, from beginning to end, Jiang Chen was singing a one-man show, and Wen Qingxin was one of the important supporting roles.

But of course it is not as simple as singing. To be precise, Jiang Chen is constantly probing the effect of the people in Zixiaomen after taking medicine.

As a result, it has to be said that Jiang Chen was quite disappointed.

Meng Shan, as the master of the Zixiao Sect, seems to have the cultivation base of the ninth level of Guwu Houtian, but his real combat power is at most the peak of the eighth level of Guwu Houtian. Otherwise, even if it is a sneak attack, Jiang Chen will not be able to The attack may be successful.Even if the sneak attack was successful by luck, Meng Shan couldn't be injured in one blow.

"Then, you can do it." Jiang Chen said again.

"Okay." Wen Qingxin nodded slightly again.

Meng Shan and the others, listening to the conversation between Jiang Chen and Wen Qingxin, were in a cloud of fog, completely unable to understand what the two were talking about.

However, it doesn't matter if you don't understand, because Jiang Chen and Wen Qingxin quickly told them with practical actions what will happen next.


Suddenly, Jiang Chen punched, and the person who was closer to Jiang Chen was thrown backwards by Jiang Chen's punch, like a broken sack.

Wen Qingxin then made a move, and Wen Qingxin's move at this time was different from before, incomparably crisp and neat.

"Jiang Chen, are you going to completely break the face with my Zixiaomen?" In an instant, the two died, and Mengshan was furious, unacceptable.

"Congratulations, you got the answer right." Jiang Chen was grinning, with a gentle and harmless look on his face, but his strike was like a thunderbolt strike. The moment he spoke, he broke a person's neck.

"Kill, kill me!"

Meng Shan's face was so gloomy that almost dripping water, he ordered loudly.

All the people mobilized and rushed towards Jiang Chen and Wen Qingxin.

However, in the face of absolute power, no matter how many people are left alone, it is useless.

It's enough if Wen Qingxin doesn't make a move, but at this time, the move contains killing intent, and no one can stop it!

In less than 10 minutes, there were only five people standing in the living room of this huge villa.

Among the five, apart from Jiang Chen and Wen Qingxin, only Meng Shan, Miao Jingjing and Ma Yang remained.

too fast!
The speed of killing is too fast!
The cooperation between Jiang Chen and Wen Qingxin was incomparably tacit. To the two of them, killing people was like a beautiful art, without any fireworks.

Meng Shan's face was livid and his breathing was rapid, not to mention Miao Jingjing and Ma Yang's faces were pale and bloodless.

"Mengshan, I'll give you a chance to survive, it depends on whether you can catch it or not." Jiang Chen stopped and said to Mengshan.

"Jiang Chen, you speak too much, even if the two of you join forces and want to kill me, it will not be easy." Meng Shan said gloomyly.

"Oh, then try." Jiang Chen smiled, and said indifferently, and then made a move, and when Jiang Chen moved, Wen Qing's heart also moved.

Five minutes later, with a cracking sound, there was the sound of bones breaking, Meng Shan's chest sank deeply into a large area, and he staggered back, deep in Meng Shan's eyes, there was crazy despair.

The gap is too big.

Such a gap is almost irreparable.

When Wen Qingxin made a move, it seemed harmless, but every move made him feel a sense of powerlessness, an existence that was simply invincible.

"What is your cultivation level? Could it be that you are a congenital strong?" Meng Shan stared at Wen Qingxin, panting and asked.

"Same as you." Wen Qingxin said briefly.

"No, it's impossible." Meng Shan growled.

Wen Qingxin said that he was the same as him, meaning that Wen Qingxin was only at the ninth level of acquired cultivation, but he was also at the ninth level of acquired heaven. How could the gap between them be like a gap?
Such a gap, Mengshan can accept, but he can't accept it, Wen Qingxin and his cultivation base are at the same level.

"Nothing is impossible. You are a drug-addicted counterfeit, so naturally you can't compare with my family's carefulness." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Not to mention, this Mengshan is a counterfeit who takes drugs, even if he is a genuine ancient martial artist with nine levels of cultivation, it is impossible for him to be Wen Qingxin's opponent.

After all, Wen Qingxin is an existence that has attacked Xiantian several times, and the depth of his foundation is beyond the reach of ordinary ancient martial arts masters with nine levels of cultivation.

"You—" Meng Shan looked at Jiang Chen in astonishment.

Doing drugs?

How did Jiang Chen know that he had taken medicine?
"Don't be too surprised, otherwise why do you think we came to Ma's house?" Jiang Chen said noncommittally.

"So that's the case." Meng Shan was relieved.

Immediately, Meng Shan said: "Jiang Chen, even if you came here for this matter, there is one thing I can't understand."

What Meng Shan couldn't understand was that, in his opinion, no matter whether it was Wen Qingxin or Jiang Chen, there was no need to rely on drugs to forcibly increase strength.

Wen Qingxin's cultivation is extremely high, and he is also the ninth level of the ancient martial arts. In front of Wen Qingxin, he can only hang and beat him. How can such a strong man need to take such medicine?
As for Jiang Chen.

Although, up to now, Meng Shan has still not taken Jiang Chen seriously, thinking that Jiang Chen is just a fox pretending to be a tiger, but there is one thing Meng Shan has to admit, that is, at Jiang Chen's age, he has the same age as Gu Wu Hou Tian. It is no exaggeration to say that the strength of the first-tier powerhouse is an extreme genius.

With Jiang Chen's talent, if he took that kind of medicine, it would actually harm him.

Therefore, on this issue, Mengshan is very confused.

"You don't need to understand. What you need is to give me a copy of the medicine you took." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Unless you tell me what you are going to do, otherwise..." Meng Shan snorted coldly.


Before Meng Shan could finish speaking, Jiang Chen just lazily listened to his nonsense, casually slapped him on the top of his head, and Meng Shan suddenly fell to the ground with fatigue.

Even lazy to look at Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen's gaze swept away and landed on Miao Jingjing.

"Old woman, I was the first to kill you, but I didn't expect you to live to the end. Congratulations." Jiang Chen smiled.

"Jiang Chen, I can give you the medicine you want, but I only have one request, that is, you let me go." Miao Jingjing said hastily.

"Just now this guy negotiated terms with me, but you also saw it." Jiang Chen pointed to Meng Shan and said lightly.

"I only have one request." Miao Jingjing said with twinkling eyes.

Since Jiang Chen killed all the people in Zixiaomen, how could Miao Jingjing fail to see how cruel and ruthless this seemingly gentle and harmless young man in front of her was.

She knew that negotiating conditions would not do her any good, but she had to.Even if there is only one ten-thousandth chance of survival, she must fight for herself.

"Then you can die." Jiang Chen's eyes gradually turned cold.

"Ma Yang, you..."

Almost as soon as Jiang Chen's words fell, Miao Jingjing's eyes gradually became lax, and she suddenly saw that there was an extra dagger on her chest.

The other end of the dagger was held in Ma Yang's hand. Ma Yang looked crazy, and the dagger sank into Miao Jingjing's heart.

"Smelly woman, die to me." Panting heavily, Ma Yang screamed loudly.

"Ma Yang, I'm going to kill you." Miao Jingjing was so unbelievable that Ma Yang would attack her, let alone that this man, who was usually submissive and humble in front of her, would actually have such a personality. courage.

She was not reconciled, she wanted to kill Ma Yang very much, she felt that it was so ridiculous to die in Ma Yang's hands, but she didn't even have the strength to raise her hand, she fell to the ground thumpingly, dying with regret.

"Jiang Chen, I can give you that medicine. I can also give you the 100 billion you want. No matter what kind of request you have, I can satisfy you." Ma Yang grinned and smiled. tragic and heroic.

"You really surprised me. I didn't expect that among the idiots in this room, there is a guy who doesn't look too stupid!" Looking at Ma Yang, a smile gradually appeared on the corner of Jiang Chen's mouth. , revealed...

(End of this chapter)

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