genius evil

Chapter 674 The Poor Man Who Drives a Lamborghini

Chapter 674 The Poor Man Who Drives a Lamborghini

"Pretending to be aggressive? What are you pretending to be?" Qiao Dongqing asked without knowing why.

He knew that the him Qiao Yiqing was referring to was Jiang Chen.

But, did Jiang Chen pretend?Why didn't he find out at all?

Furthermore, Jiang Chen said that he was a handyman and had no car or house, so how could he pretend to be forceful?

Don't pretend to be a failure, but become a fool instead, it's not bad.

"That's...that's..." Qiao Yiqing was still in a state of being overly frightened and dazed, unable to utter a complete sentence.

"What's the situation, don't worry, just talk slowly." Seeing this, Qiao Dongqing said gently, also very curious, what happened to make Qiao Yiqing become like this.

"One...ten...hundred...thousand...ten thousand..."

After saying this, Qiao Dongqing saw Qiao Yiqing snapping her fingers one by one and muttering something, but she didn't know what she was talking about.

"Yiqing, what are you doing?" Qiao Dongqing was dumbfounded by Qiao Yiqing's abnormal reaction.

"Brother, don't talk yet, I haven't counted clearly yet." Qiao Yiqing said, continuing to count with her fingers.

After counting for 5 minutes, counting nearly seven times, Qiao Yiqing put down her finger, looked at Qiao Dongqing and asked, "Brother, is the eleven-digit number 100 billion?"

"That's right, it's 100 billion." Qiao Dongqing nodded even though she couldn't understand what Qiao Yiqing was saying.

"Is it really 100 billion? So I didn't count wrongly, so Jiang Chen is so rich." Qiao Yiqing took another breath of air.

She said this over and over again because when she was looking at Jiang Chen's bank text message reminder, she saw a long row of numbers behind the balance in the card.

Qiao Yiqing was a little dazzled by the long numbers. She stared at them for a long time before she could count them clearly. There were eleven digits.

Qiao Yiqing has no concrete concept of how much money is in eleven digits, so she has to count it in the most stupid way taught by her elementary school teacher.

After counting seven times in a row, Qiao Yiqing still thought she had made a mistake. After all, it was a bit too exaggerated, so she asked Qiao Dongqing if the eleven-digit number was 100 billion.

After getting Qiao Dongqing's affirmative answer, Qiao Yiqing realized that she did not make a mistake in counting, and her reaction at this moment tended to be stupid again.

"Yiqing, what does 100 billion have to do with Jiang Chen... No, you don't mean that Jiang Chen has 100 billion, right?" Qiao Dongqing said, and as she spoke, her face suddenly changed.

"It's not 100 billion, but it seems to be tens of billions." Qiao Yiqing corrected, besides the long row of numbers, the more prominent one is the number at the top.

It's just that Qiao Yiqing couldn't remember, but it was definitely not the number one.

"Tens of billions? Is this possible?" Qiao Dongqing shook her head, thinking it was ridiculous.

It is true that there are many rich people in this world, and he has come into contact with many rich people. Looking at the whole of China, it is not impossible that there are people with a net worth of over tens of billions.

However, a net worth of tens of billions does not mean that you have 100 billion in cash, but the valuation of various movable, real estate, securities, stocks, etc. combined.

In other words, a super businessman who claims to be worth tens of billions may not be able to come up with one billion in cash.

And according to Qiao Yiqing, Jiang Chen had tens of billions in his card, so that was tens of billions in cash?
If this happened, either Qiao Yiqing was crazy, or he was crazy.

"Brother, it's true, you have to believe me, I saw it with my own eyes." Qiao Yiqing said hurriedly.

"Maybe you read it wrong." Qiao Dongqing reminded.

"Maybe, but if it's not tens of billions, it's billions." Qiao Yiqing said.

At the end, without waiting for Qiao Dongqing to speak, Qiao Yiqing went on to say: "No wonder Jiang Chen didn't care at all when I satirized Jiang Chen's poverty. How could he care if he is so rich? It's no wonder, Sister Ye It doesn't matter whether Jiang Chen has money or not... That guy Jiang Chen is too bad, and Sister Ye, how can she cooperate with Jiang Chen to deceive people."

"Even if Jiang Chen is really so rich, Si Ran may not be his boyfriend and girlfriend, right?" Qiao Dongqing said coldly.

Compared with Jiang Chen, his advantage, of course, is not the so-called tall, handsome figure, good taste, because there is one thing, even if Qiao Dongqing is unwilling to admit it, he must admit it, that is, Jiang Chen is much more handsome than him , and the figure is much better than him.

All his pride is nothing more than based on strong financial resources.

This is also the reason why he didn't say too much in front of Jiang Chen.

He thinks that he has an innate advantage over Jiang Chen, and he has a natural sense of superiority, so even if Jiang Chen is his rival in love, he doesn't need to show even a little bit of acrimony, he can completely rely on his own strength The advantage is to easily defeat Jiang Chen.

However, reality slapped him hard.

Those advantages he thought were nothing in front of Jiang Chen.

Not to mention tens of billions, even if it is several billions, it is equivalent to Jiang Chen carrying several Qiao families.

So hateful!

Too coercive!

Qiao Dongqing felt that what Qiao Yiqing said was correct, that Jiang Chen was just pretending to be aggressive.

"Brother, you are right. From what I know about Sister Ye, Sister Ye is not the kind of person who dislikes the poor and loves the rich. You still have a chance. No matter how rich Jiang Chen is, he can't throw money at others, right?" Qiao Yiqing said.

"Love the poor and love the rich? Throw money at people?" Qiao Dongqing smiled wryly.

When did people who drive a Lamborghini become poor?This feeling, I have to say, is too uncomfortable.

"Brother, don't give up. I have always thought that Jiang Chen is sneaky and not a good person at first glance. You have to believe in yourself, and you will definitely be able to embrace a beautiful woman." Qiao Yiqing continued to cheer for her. Qiao Dongqing cheers up.

"We will also stay here today." Qiao Dongqing changed the topic without saying anything.

"Brother, aren't we going back? Are you..." Qiao Yiqing was not an idiot, and soon understood why Qiao Dongqing said she wanted to live here.


At this time, Jiang Chen and Ye Siran had already entered the hotel room.

"Jiang Chen, why did you say that just now?" Ye Siran complained as soon as the door was closed.

"What did I say?" Jiang Chen asked confusedly.

"Working as a handyman, without a car or a house, as far as I know, isn't that the case?" Ye Siran said with a cold face.

Of course, because they were not in a relationship, she forcibly pulled Jiang Chen in because she wanted to act in front of Qiao Yiqing and Qiao Dongqing, and she couldn't have too many demands on Jiang Chen.

But, Jiang Chen can't talk nonsense like that, can't he talk properly?
"The problem is, I don't have a job." Jiang Chen smiled, and said casually: "As for the car and house? I really didn't buy a house, and I didn't buy a car either. They were all given to me by others. Isn't that a lie?"

What Jiang Chen said was not lying, but just another way of saying it. Qiao Yiqing wanted to understand it in that way. Jiang Chen couldn't use a needle to sew Qiao Yiqing's mouth shut, could he?
And although he and Liu Yufei started a company, in essence, that company was given to Liu Yufei by him. Jiang Chen really didn't have a formal job.

Let’s take another example of making money. I made 100 billion from the Ma family a few days ago. However, there are not always such opportunities. In Jiang Chen’s view, this kind of way of making money has nothing to do with working as a handyman. the difference.

Perhaps the only difference is that the handyman he works for is more profitable than 90.00% of the people in this world.

"But, don't you care if Yiqing misunderstood you like that?" Ye Siran sighed again.

"So, you want to tell me that you care?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

"I..." Ye Siran wanted to say that she cared a lot, but she couldn't say it out. After all, she just didn't want Jiang Chen to be wronged for helping her.

After all, if Jiang Chen hadn't said it so bluntly, or a little more tactfully, he wouldn't have had so much friction with Qiao Yiqing.

When Qiao Yiqing said those words, Ye Siran didn't know what Jiang Chen was thinking, but she felt extremely uncomfortable, it made her extremely regret dragging Jiang Chen to pretend to be her boyfriend.

"Do you care? Or don't you care?" Jiang Chen asked.

"You don't even care, I have nothing to care about." Ye Siran said with eyes flickering.

"This means, if I care, you care... Then, I'd better care." Jiang Chen said calmly.

"What's the relationship between you and me? Why should I care. If you really care that much, you should care about it yourself." Ye Siran said angrily.

But hearing Jiang Chen's words, he really didn't mean to care, and Ye Siran was relieved a little.

"Hey, aren't we boyfriend and girlfriend?" Jiang Chen pretended to be stupid and said in a daze.

"Temporary." Ye Siran said with a straight face.

"Temporary boyfriend and girlfriend." Jiang Chen joked.

"Jiang Chen, what are you talking about?" Ye Siran looked at Jiang Chen vigilantly, thinking that this guy might take advantage of her while they were in the same room, right?
"What are you so nervous about, don't worry, if you don't take advantage of me, I will definitely not take advantage of you." Jiang Chen said leisurely.

"I won't take advantage of you even if I die." Ye Siran gritted his teeth, he had never seen such a shameless guy.

"Well, I'm going to take a shower now, so don't peek." Jiang Chen said with a smile, swaggeringly, walked to the bathroom.

"Taking a bath?" Ye Siran's heart suddenly became uneasy, he was fine, why did Jiang Chen take a bath?
"Jiang Chen, who told you to take a bath, come out for me." Ye Siran walked to the door of the bathroom and called out.

"I've taken off all my clothes. If you ask me to go out now, even if you want to take advantage of me, you don't have to be so direct, right?" Jiang Chen's voice came from the bathroom.

Ye Siran was so angry, she didn't want to be taken advantage of by Jiang Chen, so she asked Jiang Chen to come out, okay, how did it turn out that she wanted to take advantage of Jiang Chen?

He was about to call again, but before he could say anything, Ye Siran heard a knock on the door, and it rang...

(End of this chapter)

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